Java tutorial
/* * **************************************************- * InGrid UDK-IGC Importer (IGC Updater) * ================================================== * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 wemove digital solutions GmbH * ================================================== * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or as soon they will be * approved by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the * EUPL (the "Licence"); * * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the Licence. * **************************************************# */ /** * */ package de.ingrid.importer.udk.strategy.v32; import; import; import; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import de.ingrid.importer.udk.strategy.IDCStrategyDefault; /** * Changes InGrid 3.2.0: migrate user addresses to separated "hidden" addresses !<br> * <p><b>ALSO WRITES .sql FILE for import in mdek database changin the USER ADDRESS UUIDS !!!</b> * <p>IGC: User Addresses will be copied to * <ul> * <li>new address_node:<br> * - no working version (= published version)<br> * - fk_addr_uuid = "IGE_USER" * <li>new t02_address:<br> * - containing main data, adr_type = 100 (-> IGE_USER) * <li>new t021_communications:<br> * - containing phone and email as normal email and email as free entry emailPointOfContact * <li>new address_metadata (empty, but needed for inner joins) * </ul> * Then the following tables ARE UPDATED FROM OLD TO NEW ADDR UUID OF USER ! * <ul> * <li>idc_user.addr_uuid and mod_uuid * <li>idc_group.mod_uuid * <li>t01_object.mod_uuid and responsible_uuid * <li>t02_address.mod_uuid and responsible_uuid * <li>object_metadata.assigner_uuid and reassigner_uuid * <li>address_metadata.assigner_uuid and reassigner_uuid * <li>object_comment.create_uuid * <li>address_comment.create_uuid * <li>sys_job_info.user_uuid * <li>t03_catalogue.mod_uuid * </ul> * see */ public class IDCStrategy3_2_0_migrateUsers extends IDCStrategyDefault { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(IDCStrategy3_2_0_migrateUsers.class); private static final String MY_VERSION = VALUE_IDC_VERSION_3_2_0_MIGRATE_USERS; // NOTICE: WE DO NOT IMPORT THIS STUFF FROM MdekUtils (mdek_api.jar) to avoid circular dependency for release. // (importer is now included in IGE installer !). Also this is the "frozen" state at 3.2.0 private static final Integer ADDRESS_TYPE_INSTITUTION = 0; private static final Integer HIDDEN_ADDRESS_TYPE_IGE_USER = 100; private static final String IGE_USER_PARENT_UUID = "IGE_USER"; private static final String WORK_STATE_IN_BEARBEITUNG = "B"; /** Entry ID of PHONE in syslist COMM_TYPE (4430) */ public final static Integer COMM_TYPE_PHONE = 1; /** Entry ID of EMAIL in syslist COMM_TYPE (4430) */ public final static Integer COMM_TYPE_EMAIL = 3; /** Free Entry VALUE of EMAIL for point of contact. Stored with key -1 in communication table ! */ public final static String COMM_VALUE_EMAIL_POINT_OF_CONTACT = "emailPointOfContact"; /** timestamp, partner and catalog uuid will be added to file name */ String outputFilename = "igc3.2.0_UpdateMdek"; String outputEncoding = "UTF-8"; Writer outputWriter = null; public String getIDCVersion() { return MY_VERSION; } public void execute() throws Exception { jdbc.setAutoCommit(false); // write version of IGC structure ! setGenericKey(KEY_IDC_VERSION, MY_VERSION); // THEN PERFORM DATA MANIPULATIONS ! // --------------------------------- System.out.print(" Migrate User Addresses..."); migrateUserAddresses(); System.out.println("done."); jdbc.commit(); System.out.println("Migrate User Addresses finished successfully."); } private void migrateUserAddresses() throws Exception {"\nMigrating User Addresses..."); // Update/Insert Data -> use PreparedStatements to avoid problems when value String contains "'" !!! PreparedStatement psInsertAddressMetadata = jdbc .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO address_metadata (id) VALUES (?)"); PreparedStatement psInsertAddress = jdbc.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO t02_address " + "(id, adr_uuid, adr_type, institution, lastname, firstname, street, postcode, city, work_state, addr_metadata_id) VALUES " + "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); PreparedStatement psInsertCommunication = jdbc.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO t021_communication " + "(id, adr_id, line, commtype_key, commtype_value, comm_value) VALUES " + "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); PreparedStatement psInsertAddressNode = jdbc.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO address_node " + "(id, addr_uuid, addr_id, fk_addr_uuid, tree_path) VALUES " + "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); PreparedStatement psUpdateCurrentUserAddrUuid = jdbc .prepareStatement("UPDATE idc_user SET " + "addr_uuid = ? " + "WHERE id = ?"); PreparedStatement psUpdateAllUserModUuid = jdbc .prepareStatement("UPDATE idc_user SET " + "mod_uuid = ? " + "WHERE mod_uuid = ?"); PreparedStatement psUpdateAllGroupModUuid = jdbc .prepareStatement("UPDATE idc_group SET " + "mod_uuid = ? " + "WHERE mod_uuid = ?"); PreparedStatement psUpdateAllObjectModUuid = jdbc .prepareStatement("UPDATE t01_object SET " + "mod_uuid = ? " + "WHERE mod_uuid = ?"); PreparedStatement psUpdateAllObjectResponsibleUuid = jdbc.prepareStatement( "UPDATE t01_object SET " + "responsible_uuid = ? " + "WHERE responsible_uuid = ?"); PreparedStatement psUpdateAllAddressModUuid = jdbc .prepareStatement("UPDATE t02_address SET " + "mod_uuid = ? " + "WHERE mod_uuid = ?"); PreparedStatement psUpdateAllAddressResponsibleUuid = jdbc.prepareStatement( "UPDATE t02_address SET " + "responsible_uuid = ? " + "WHERE responsible_uuid = ?"); PreparedStatement psUpdateAllObjectMetadataAssignerUuid = jdbc .prepareStatement("UPDATE object_metadata SET " + "assigner_uuid = ? " + "WHERE assigner_uuid = ?"); PreparedStatement psUpdateAllObjectMetadataReassignerUuid = jdbc.prepareStatement( "UPDATE object_metadata SET " + "reassigner_uuid = ? " + "WHERE reassigner_uuid = ?"); PreparedStatement psUpdateAllAddressMetadataAssignerUuid = jdbc.prepareStatement( "UPDATE address_metadata SET " + "assigner_uuid = ? " + "WHERE assigner_uuid = ?"); PreparedStatement psUpdateAllAddressMetadataReassignerUuid = jdbc.prepareStatement( "UPDATE address_metadata SET " + "reassigner_uuid = ? " + "WHERE reassigner_uuid = ?"); PreparedStatement psUpdateAllObjectCommentCreateUuid = jdbc .prepareStatement("UPDATE object_comment SET " + "create_uuid = ? " + "WHERE create_uuid = ?"); PreparedStatement psUpdateAllAddressCommentCreateUuid = jdbc .prepareStatement("UPDATE address_comment SET " + "create_uuid = ? " + "WHERE create_uuid = ?"); PreparedStatement psUpdateAllJobInfoUserUuid = jdbc .prepareStatement("UPDATE sys_job_info SET " + "user_uuid = ? " + "WHERE user_uuid = ?"); PreparedStatement psUpdateAllCatalogModUuid = jdbc .prepareStatement("UPDATE t03_catalogue SET " + "mod_uuid = ? " + "WHERE mod_uuid = ?"); int numUserProcessed = 0; Statement stUser = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rsUser = jdbc.executeQuery("select id, addr_uuid from idc_user", stUser); while ( { // User long userId = rsUser.getLong("id"); String addrUuid = rsUser.getString("addr_uuid"); AddrHelper addrHelper = readAddress(addrUuid, true, null); if (addrHelper == null) { log.error("PROBLEMS READING USER ADDRESS, we continue !!!" + addrUuid); continue; } // post process address, add USER tag, see INGRID32-36 String userTag = " [Nutzer]"; if (addrHelper.firstname != null && addrHelper.firstname.length() > 0) { addrHelper.firstname += userTag; } else if (addrHelper.lastname != null && addrHelper.lastname.length() > 0) { addrHelper.lastname += userTag; } else if (addrHelper.institution != null && addrHelper.institution.length() > 0) { addrHelper.institution += userTag; } // first insert new address_metadata (empty, but needed for inner joins) //------------------------- long newAddrMetadataId = getNextId(); psInsertAddressMetadata.setLong(1, newAddrMetadataId); // id int numInserted = psInsertAddressMetadata.executeUpdate(); if (numInserted > 0) {"ADDED " + numInserted + " NEW USER address_metadata (empty)"); } else { log.error("PROBLEMS ADDING NEW USER address_metadata (empty)"); } // then insert new address of user (always IN_BEARBEITUNG) //------------------------- long newAddrId = getNextId(); String newAddrUuid = generateUuid(); String oldAddrUuid = addrHelper.uuid; psInsertAddress.setLong(1, newAddrId); // id psInsertAddress.setString(2, newAddrUuid); // uuid psInsertAddress.setInt(3, HIDDEN_ADDRESS_TYPE_IGE_USER); // adr_type psInsertAddress.setString(4, addrHelper.institution); psInsertAddress.setString(5, addrHelper.lastname); psInsertAddress.setString(6, addrHelper.firstname); psInsertAddress.setString(7, addrHelper.street); psInsertAddress.setString(8, addrHelper.postcode); psInsertAddress.setString(9,; psInsertAddress.setString(10, WORK_STATE_IN_BEARBEITUNG); // work_state psInsertAddress.setLong(11, newAddrMetadataId); // addr_metadata_id numInserted = psInsertAddress.executeUpdate(); if (numInserted > 0) {"ADDED " + numInserted + " NEW USER t02_address migrated from " + oldAddrUuid + " (" + newAddrUuid + ", " + addrHelper + ")"); } else { log.error("PROBLEMS ADDING NEW USER t02_address migrated from " + oldAddrUuid + " (" + newAddrUuid + ", " + addrHelper + ")"); } // then insert new communication //-------------------------------- int line = 1; if ( != null) { // first add as normal communication email psInsertCommunication.setLong(1, getNextId()); // id psInsertCommunication.setLong(2, newAddrId); // adr_id psInsertCommunication.setInt(3, line++); // line psInsertCommunication.setInt(4, COMM_TYPE_EMAIL); // commtype_key psInsertCommunication.setString(5, "E-Mail"); // commtype_value psInsertCommunication.setString(6,; // comm_value numInserted = psInsertCommunication.executeUpdate(); if (numInserted > 0) {"ADDED " + numInserted + " NEW USER t021_communication email " + + " migrated from " + oldAddrUuid); } else { log.error("PROBLEMS ADDING NEW USER t021_communication email " + + " migrated from " + oldAddrUuid); } // then as Metadatenauskunft free email entry psInsertCommunication.setLong(1, getNextId()); // id psInsertCommunication.setLong(2, newAddrId); // adr_id psInsertCommunication.setInt(3, line++); // line psInsertCommunication.setInt(4, -1); // commtype_key psInsertCommunication.setString(5, COMM_VALUE_EMAIL_POINT_OF_CONTACT); // commtype_value psInsertCommunication.setString(6,; // comm_value numInserted = psInsertCommunication.executeUpdate(); if (numInserted > 0) {"ADDED " + numInserted + " NEW USER t021_communication emailPointOfContact " + + " migrated from " + oldAddrUuid); } else { log.error("PROBLEMS ADDING NEW USER t021_communication emailPointOfContact " + + " migrated from " + oldAddrUuid); } } if ( != null) { // first add as normal communication email psInsertCommunication.setLong(1, getNextId()); // id psInsertCommunication.setLong(2, newAddrId); // adr_id psInsertCommunication.setInt(3, line++); // line psInsertCommunication.setInt(4, COMM_TYPE_PHONE); // commtype_key psInsertCommunication.setString(5, "Telefon"); // commtype_value psInsertCommunication.setString(6,; // comm_value numInserted = psInsertCommunication.executeUpdate(); if (numInserted > 0) {"ADDED " + numInserted + " NEW USER t021_communication phone " + + " migrated from " + oldAddrUuid); } else { log.error("PROBLEMS ADDING NEW USER t021_communication phone " + + " migrated from " + oldAddrUuid); } } // then insert new address node (addr_id_published ALWAYS NULL) //-------------------------------- psInsertAddressNode.setLong(1, getNextId()); // id psInsertAddressNode.setString(2, newAddrUuid); // adr_uuid psInsertAddressNode.setLong(3, newAddrId); // addr_id psInsertAddressNode.setString(4, IGE_USER_PARENT_UUID); // fk_addr_uuid psInsertAddressNode.setString(5, ""); // tree_path numInserted = psInsertAddressNode.executeUpdate(); if (numInserted > 0) {"ADDED " + numInserted + " NEW USER address_node " + newAddrUuid + " with addrId " + newAddrId + " as work / publish"); } else { log.error("PROBLEMS ADDING NEW USER address_node " + newAddrUuid + " with addrId " + newAddrId + " as work / publish"); } // then update idc_user with new address (addr_uuid , mod_uuid) //-------------------------------- // WE UPDATE ONLY CURRENT USER WITH NEW ADDRESS ! // if the old address uuid is multiple times used for a user (should not happen!) it is copied to a new uuid multiple times ! psUpdateCurrentUserAddrUuid.setString(1, newAddrUuid); // addr_uuid psUpdateCurrentUserAddrUuid.setLong(2, userId); // id numInserted = psUpdateCurrentUserAddrUuid.executeUpdate(); if (numInserted > 0) {"UPDATED " + numInserted + " idc_user (id:" + userId + ") -> addr_uuid from " + oldAddrUuid + " to " + newAddrUuid); } else { log.error("PROBLEMS UPDATING idc_user (id:" + userId + ") -> addr_uuid from " + oldAddrUuid + " to " + newAddrUuid); } // but for last modification we update ALL users ! psUpdateAllUserModUuid.setString(1, newAddrUuid); // new mod_uuid psUpdateAllUserModUuid.setString(2, oldAddrUuid); // old mod_uuid numInserted = psUpdateAllUserModUuid.executeUpdate();"UPDATED " + numInserted + " idc_user -> mod_uuid from " + oldAddrUuid + " to " + newAddrUuid); // then update all idc_group with new address (mod_uuid) //-------------------------------- psUpdateAllGroupModUuid.setString(1, newAddrUuid); // new mod_uuid psUpdateAllGroupModUuid.setString(2, oldAddrUuid); // old mod_uuid numInserted = psUpdateAllGroupModUuid.executeUpdate(); "UPDATED " + numInserted + " idc_group -> mod_uuid from " + oldAddrUuid + " to " + newAddrUuid); // then update all objects (mod_uuid, responsible_uuid) //-------------------------------- psUpdateAllObjectModUuid.setString(1, newAddrUuid); // new mod_uuid psUpdateAllObjectModUuid.setString(2, oldAddrUuid); // old mod_uuid numInserted = psUpdateAllObjectModUuid.executeUpdate();"UPDATED " + numInserted + " t01_object -> mod_uuid from " + oldAddrUuid + " to " + newAddrUuid); psUpdateAllObjectResponsibleUuid.setString(1, newAddrUuid); // new responsible_uuid psUpdateAllObjectResponsibleUuid.setString(2, oldAddrUuid); // old responsible_uuid numInserted = psUpdateAllObjectResponsibleUuid.executeUpdate();"UPDATED " + numInserted + " t01_object -> responsible_uuid from " + oldAddrUuid + " to " + newAddrUuid); // then update all addresses (mod_uuid, responsible_uuid) //-------------------------------- psUpdateAllAddressModUuid.setString(1, newAddrUuid); // new mod_uuid psUpdateAllAddressModUuid.setString(2, oldAddrUuid); // old mod_uuid numInserted = psUpdateAllAddressModUuid.executeUpdate();"UPDATED " + numInserted + " t02_address -> mod_uuid from " + oldAddrUuid + " to " + newAddrUuid); psUpdateAllAddressResponsibleUuid.setString(1, newAddrUuid); // new responsible_uuid psUpdateAllAddressResponsibleUuid.setString(2, oldAddrUuid); // old responsible_uuid numInserted = psUpdateAllAddressResponsibleUuid.executeUpdate();"UPDATED " + numInserted + " t02_address -> responsible_uuid from " + oldAddrUuid + " to " + newAddrUuid); // then update all object_metadata (assigner_uuid, reassigner_uuid) //-------------------------------- psUpdateAllObjectMetadataAssignerUuid.setString(1, newAddrUuid); // new assigner_uuid psUpdateAllObjectMetadataAssignerUuid.setString(2, oldAddrUuid); // old assigner_uuid numInserted = psUpdateAllObjectMetadataAssignerUuid.executeUpdate();"UPDATED " + numInserted + " object_metadata -> assigner_uuid from " + oldAddrUuid + " to " + newAddrUuid); psUpdateAllObjectMetadataReassignerUuid.setString(1, newAddrUuid); // new reassigner_uuid psUpdateAllObjectMetadataReassignerUuid.setString(2, oldAddrUuid); // old reassigner_uuid numInserted = psUpdateAllObjectMetadataReassignerUuid.executeUpdate();"UPDATED " + numInserted + " object_metadata -> reassigner_uuid from " + oldAddrUuid + " to " + newAddrUuid); // then update all address_metadata (assigner_uuid, reassigner_uuid) //-------------------------------- psUpdateAllAddressMetadataAssignerUuid.setString(1, newAddrUuid); // new assigner_uuid psUpdateAllAddressMetadataAssignerUuid.setString(2, oldAddrUuid); // old assigner_uuid numInserted = psUpdateAllAddressMetadataAssignerUuid.executeUpdate();"UPDATED " + numInserted + " address_metadata -> assigner_uuid from " + oldAddrUuid + " to " + newAddrUuid); psUpdateAllAddressMetadataReassignerUuid.setString(1, newAddrUuid); // new reassigner_uuid psUpdateAllAddressMetadataReassignerUuid.setString(2, oldAddrUuid); // old reassigner_uuid numInserted = psUpdateAllAddressMetadataReassignerUuid.executeUpdate();"UPDATED " + numInserted + " address_metadata -> reassigner_uuid from " + oldAddrUuid + " to " + newAddrUuid); // then update all object_comment with new address (create_uuid) //-------------------------------- psUpdateAllObjectCommentCreateUuid.setString(1, newAddrUuid); // new create_uuid psUpdateAllObjectCommentCreateUuid.setString(2, oldAddrUuid); // old create_uuid numInserted = psUpdateAllObjectCommentCreateUuid.executeUpdate();"UPDATED " + numInserted + " object_comment -> create_uuid from " + oldAddrUuid + " to " + newAddrUuid); // then update all address_comment with new address (create_uuid) //-------------------------------- psUpdateAllAddressCommentCreateUuid.setString(1, newAddrUuid); // new create_uuid psUpdateAllAddressCommentCreateUuid.setString(2, oldAddrUuid); // old create_uuid numInserted = psUpdateAllAddressCommentCreateUuid.executeUpdate();"UPDATED " + numInserted + " address_comment -> create_uuid from " + oldAddrUuid + " to " + newAddrUuid); // then update all sys_job_info with new address (user_uuid) //-------------------------------- psUpdateAllJobInfoUserUuid.setString(1, newAddrUuid); // new user_uuid psUpdateAllJobInfoUserUuid.setString(2, oldAddrUuid); // old user_uuid numInserted = psUpdateAllJobInfoUserUuid.executeUpdate();"UPDATED " + numInserted + " sys_job_info -> user_uuid from " + oldAddrUuid + " to " + newAddrUuid); // then update all t03_catalogue with new address (mod_uuid) //-------------------------------- psUpdateAllCatalogModUuid.setString(1, newAddrUuid); // new mod_uuid psUpdateAllCatalogModUuid.setString(2, oldAddrUuid); // old mod_uuid numInserted = psUpdateAllCatalogModUuid.executeUpdate();"UPDATED " + numInserted + " t03_catalogue -> mod_uuid from " + oldAddrUuid + " to " + newAddrUuid); // finally write our sql statement to file for updating mdek ! if (outputWriter == null) { // add timestamp outputFilename = outputFilename + "_" + (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); // add partner String catPartner = getCatalogPartner(); if (catPartner != null) { outputFilename = outputFilename + "_" + catPartner.trim().replaceAll(" ", ""); } // add catalog uuid String catUuid = getCatalogUuid(); if (catUuid != null) { outputFilename = outputFilename + "_" + catUuid.trim(); } outputFilename = outputFilename + ".sql";"Writing to file: " + outputFilename); outputWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outputFilename), outputEncoding); } outputWriter.write("UPDATE user_data " + "SET addr_uuid = '" + newAddrUuid + "' " + "WHERE addr_uuid = '" + oldAddrUuid + "';\n"); numUserProcessed++; } rsUser.close(); stUser.close(); // close Writer if something written ! if (outputWriter != null) { outputWriter.close(); String msgAlarm = "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"; String msg = "USERDATA IN IGC CHANGED ! IMPORT the written file '" + outputFilename + "' into your 'mdek' database !!!"; System.out.println("\n\n" + msgAlarm); System.out.println(msg); System.out.println(msgAlarm + "\n"); log.warn(msgAlarm); log.warn(msg); log.warn(msgAlarm + "\n"); }"Migrated " + numUserProcessed + " User Addresses");"Migrating User Addresses... done\n"); } /** Called recursively to extract full institution path ! */ private AddrHelper readAddress(String addrUuid, boolean alsoReadCommunication, AddrHelper myAddressToExtend) throws Exception { Integer addrType = null; String addrParentUuid = null; Statement stNode = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rsNode = jdbc.executeQuery("select * from address_node where addr_uuid = '" + addrUuid + "'", stNode); while ( { long addrNodeId = rsNode.getLong("id"); long addrIdWork = rsNode.getLong("addr_id"); long addrIdPubl = rsNode.getLong("addr_id_published"); addrParentUuid = rsNode.getString("fk_addr_uuid"); // we migrate published version ! long addrId = addrIdPubl; if (addrId == 0) { log.error("User Address (or Parent) NOT PUBLISHED, we migrate working version !!! " + addrUuid); addrId = addrIdWork; } else { if (addrIdWork != addrIdPubl) { log.warn("User Address (or Parent) HAS WORKING VERSION, we migrate published version !!! " + addrUuid); } } // Read Address Statement stAddress = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rsAddress = jdbc.executeQuery("select * from t02_address where id = " + addrId, stAddress); while ( { addrType = rsAddress.getInt("adr_type"); String addrInstitution = rsAddress.getString("institution"); // read / extend data if (myAddressToExtend == null) { // initial call, this is the user address myAddressToExtend = new AddrHelper(addrUuid, addrId, addrNodeId); myAddressToExtend.addrType = addrType; myAddressToExtend.firstname = rsAddress.getString("firstname"); myAddressToExtend.lastname = rsAddress.getString("lastname"); myAddressToExtend.street = rsAddress.getString("street"); myAddressToExtend.postcode = rsAddress.getString("postcode"); = rsAddress.getString("city"); myAddressToExtend.institution = addrInstitution; } else { // just extend institution if (addrInstitution != null && addrInstitution.trim().length() > 0) { if (myAddressToExtend.institution == null) { myAddressToExtend.institution = addrInstitution.trim(); } else { myAddressToExtend.institution = addrInstitution.trim() + " / " + myAddressToExtend.institution; } } } // Read Email if (alsoReadCommunication) { Statement stComm = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rsComm = jdbc .executeQuery("select * from t021_communication where adr_id = " + addrId, stComm); String freeEmail = null; while ( { Integer commtypeKey = rsComm.getInt("commtype_key"); String commtypeValue = rsComm.getString("commtype_value"); String commValue = rsComm.getString("comm_value"); if (commValue == null) { continue; } if (commtypeKey.equals(COMM_TYPE_EMAIL)) { = commValue; } else if (commtypeKey.equals(COMM_TYPE_PHONE)) { = commValue; } else if (commtypeKey.equals(-1)) { // just for sure, remember email entered as free entry ! if (commtypeValue != null && commtypeValue.toLowerCase().contains("mail") && commValue.contains("@")) { freeEmail = commValue; } } } rsComm.close(); stComm.close(); // add free email entry if no regular email ! if ( == null) { = freeEmail; } } } rsAddress.close(); stAddress.close(); } rsNode.close(); stNode.close(); // read parent if not institution yet to extract full institution ! if (addrParentUuid != null && !ADDRESS_TYPE_INSTITUTION.equals(addrType)) { readAddress(addrParentUuid, false, myAddressToExtend); } return myAddressToExtend; } private String generateUuid() { UUID uuid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID(); StringBuffer idcUuid = new StringBuffer(uuid.toString().toUpperCase()); while (idcUuid.length() < 36) { idcUuid.append("0"); } return idcUuid.toString(); } /** Helper class encapsulating all needed data of an address ! */ class AddrHelper { String uuid; long nodeId; long addrId; Integer addrType = null; String institution = null; String lastname = null; String firstname = null; String street = null; String postcode = null; String city = null; String work_state = null; String email = null; String phone = null; AddrHelper(String uuid, long addrId, long nodeId) { this.uuid = uuid; this.addrId = addrId; this.nodeId = nodeId; } public String toString() { return "" + firstname + ", " + lastname + ", " + email + ", " + institution; } } private String getCatalogUuid() throws Exception { String retValue = null; String sql = "SELECT cat_uuid FROM t03_catalogue"; try { Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery(sql, st); // has to be there !!!; retValue = rs.getString(1); rs.close(); st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error executing SQL: " + sql, e); throw e; } return retValue; } private String getCatalogPartner() throws Exception { String retValue = null; String sql = "SELECT partner_name FROM t03_catalogue"; try { Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery(sql, st); // has to be there !!!; retValue = rs.getString(1); rs.close(); st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error executing SQL: " + sql, e); throw e; } return retValue; } }