Java tutorial
/* * **************************************************- * InGrid UDK-IGC Importer (IGC Updater) * ================================================== * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 wemove digital solutions GmbH * ================================================== * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or as soon they will be * approved by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the * EUPL (the "Licence"); * * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the Licence. * **************************************************# */ /** * */ package de.ingrid.importer.udk.strategy.v2; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import de.ingrid.importer.udk.jdbc.JDBCHelper; import de.ingrid.importer.udk.strategy.IDCStrategyDefault; /** * 2.3.0 = SWITCH OF STRATEGY VERSION ! First two digits correlate now with InGrid project version ! * <p> * Changes InGrid 2.3:<p> * - Extend Schema for new DQ Elements, see Fachkonzept: * "Steuerung der Klasse Geoinformation/Karte anhand des INSPIRE-Themas"<ul> * <li> new table for data quality elements * <li> new syslists for "name of measure" * <li> new table for INSPIRE encoding (dataformat) * <li> new syslist for INSPIRE encoding (dataformat) * </ul> */ public class IDCStrategy2_3_0 extends IDCStrategyDefault { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(IDCStrategy2_3_0.class); private static final String MY_VERSION = VALUE_IDC_VERSION_2_3_0; int SYSLIST_ENTRY_ID_NO_INSPIRE_THEME = 99999; int INSPIRE_ENCODING_DEFAULT_KEY; String INSPIRE_ENCODING_DEFAULT_VALUE; public String getIDCVersion() { return MY_VERSION; } public void execute() throws Exception { jdbc.setAutoCommit(false); // write version of IGC structure ! setGenericKey(KEY_IDC_VERSION, MY_VERSION); // THEN EXECUTE ALL "CREATING" DDL OPERATIONS ! NOTICE: causes commit (e.g. on MySQL) // --------------------------------- System.out.print(" Extend datastructure..."); extendDataStructure(); System.out.println("done."); // THEN PERFORM DATA MANIPULATIONS ! // --------------------------------- System.out.print(" Updating sys_list (existing ones)..."); updateSysList(); System.out.println("done."); System.out.print(" Extending sys_list (new ones)..."); extendSysList(); System.out.println("done."); System.out.print(" Updating object_format_inspire..."); updateObjectFormatInspire(); System.out.println("done."); System.out.print(" Updating sys_gui..."); updateSysGui(); System.out.println("done."); // FINALLY EXECUTE ALL "DROPPING" DDL OPERATIONS ! These ones may cause commit (e.g. on MySQL) // --------------------------------- /* System.out.print(" Clean up datastructure..."); cleanUpDataStructure(); System.out.println("done."); */ jdbc.commit(); System.out.println("Update finished successfully."); } private void extendDataStructure() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Manipulate datastructure -> CAUSES COMMIT ! ..."); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Create table 'object_data_quality'..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().createTableObjectDataQuality(jdbc); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Create table 'object_format_inspire'..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().createTableObjectFormatInspire(jdbc); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Manipulate datastructure... done"); } } protected void updateSysList() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating sys_list..."); } // --------------------------- int lstId = 6100; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Changing syslist " + lstId + "(INSPIRE themes): change order of items..."); } String sql = "SELECT id, entry_id, name " + "FROM sys_list " + "WHERE lst_id = " + lstId + " ORDER BY name"; Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery(sql, st); int lineValue = 10; while ( { long id = rs.getLong("id"); int entryId = rs.getInt("entry_id"); int newLineValue = lineValue; if (entryId == SYSLIST_ENTRY_ID_NO_INSPIRE_THEME) { // lowest line value to be first entry newLineValue = 0; } jdbc.executeUpdate("UPDATE sys_list " + "SET line = " + newLineValue + " WHERE id = " + id); lineValue += 10; } rs.close(); st.close(); // --------------------------- lstId = 510; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Changing syslist " + lstId + "(datasetCharacterSet): make UTF8 the default..."); } int numUpdated = jdbc.executeUpdate( "UPDATE sys_list" + " SET is_default = 'Y'" + " WHERE lst_id = " + lstId + " AND name = 'utf8'"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Updated " + numUpdated + " entries in syslist " + lstId + " (de + en)..."); } // --------------------------- lstId = 525; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Changing syslist " + lstId + "(Datensatz/Datenserie): make Datensatz the default..."); } numUpdated = jdbc.executeUpdate( "UPDATE sys_list" + " SET is_default = 'Y'" + " WHERE lst_id = " + lstId + " AND entry_id = 5"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Updated " + numUpdated + " entries in syslist " + lstId + " (de + en)..."); } // --------------------------- if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating sys_list... done"); } } protected void extendSysList() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Extending sys_list..."); } // --------------------------- int lstId = 6300; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Inserting new syslist " + lstId + " = \"INSPIRE Dataformat (Encoding)\"..."); } // german syslist LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> newSyslistMap_de = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); INSPIRE_ENCODING_DEFAULT_KEY = 1; INSPIRE_ENCODING_DEFAULT_VALUE = "Geographic Markup Language (GML)"; newSyslistMap_de.put(INSPIRE_ENCODING_DEFAULT_KEY, INSPIRE_ENCODING_DEFAULT_VALUE); newSyslistMap_de.put(2, "Hydrography GML application schema"); newSyslistMap_de.put(3, "\"Hydro base\" GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_de.put(4, "\"Hydro Physical Waters\" GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_de.put(5, "\"Hydro Network\" GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_de.put(6, "\"Hydro Reporting\" GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_de.put(7, "Common Transport Elements GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_de.put(8, "Road Transport Networks GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_de.put(9, "Rail Transport Networks GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_de.put(10, "Cable Transport Networks GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_de.put(11, "Water Transport Networks GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_de.put(12, "Air Transport Networks GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_de.put(13, "Protected Sites - Simple GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_de.put(14, "Protected Sites - Full GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_de.put(15, "Addresses GML application schema"); newSyslistMap_de.put(16, "Administrative units GML application schema"); newSyslistMap_de.put(17, "Cadastral Parcels GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_de.put(18, "Geographical names GML Application Schema"); // english syslist LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> newSyslistMap_en = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_en.put(INSPIRE_ENCODING_DEFAULT_KEY, "Geographic Markup Language (GML)"); newSyslistMap_en.put(2, "Hydrography GML application schema"); newSyslistMap_en.put(3, "\"Hydro base\" GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_en.put(4, "\"Hydro Physical Waters\" GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_en.put(5, "\"Hydro Network\" GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_en.put(6, "\"Hydro Reporting\" GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_en.put(7, "Common Transport Elements GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_en.put(8, "Road Transport Networks GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_en.put(9, "Rail Transport Networks GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_en.put(10, "Cable Transport Networks GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_en.put(11, "Water Transport Networks GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_en.put(12, "Air Transport Networks GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_en.put(13, "Protected Sites - Simple GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_en.put(14, "Protected Sites - Full GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_en.put(15, "Addresses GML application schema"); newSyslistMap_en.put(16, "Administrative units GML application schema"); newSyslistMap_en.put(17, "Cadastral Parcels GML Application Schema"); newSyslistMap_en.put(18, "Geographical names GML Application Schema"); writeNewSyslist(lstId, newSyslistMap_de, newSyslistMap_en, INSPIRE_ENCODING_DEFAULT_KEY); // --------------------------- lstId = 7109; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Inserting new syslist " + lstId + " (\"Name of measure\" for 109. DQ_CompletenessComission)..."); } // german syslist newSyslistMap_de = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_de.put(1, "Rate of excess items"); newSyslistMap_de.put(2, "Number of duplicate feature instances"); // english syslist newSyslistMap_en = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_en.put(1, "Rate of excess items"); newSyslistMap_en.put(2, "Number of duplicate feature instances"); writeNewSyslist(lstId, newSyslistMap_de, newSyslistMap_en, -1); // --------------------------- lstId = 7110; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Inserting new syslist " + lstId + " (\"Name of measure\" for 110. DQ_CompletenessOmission)..."); } // german syslist newSyslistMap_de = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_de.put(1, "Rate of missing items "); // english syslist newSyslistMap_en = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_en.put(1, "Rate of missing items "); writeNewSyslist(lstId, newSyslistMap_de, newSyslistMap_en, 1); // --------------------------- lstId = 7112; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Inserting new syslist " + lstId + " (\"Name of measure\" for 112. DQ_ConceptualConsistency)..."); } // german syslist newSyslistMap_de = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_de.put(1, "Number of invalid overlaps of surfaces"); newSyslistMap_de.put(2, "Conceptual Schema compliance"); newSyslistMap_de.put(3, "Compliance rate with the rules of the conceptual schema"); // english syslist newSyslistMap_en = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_en.put(1, "Number of invalid overlaps of surfaces"); newSyslistMap_en.put(2, "Conceptual Schema compliance"); newSyslistMap_en.put(3, "Compliance rate with the rules of the conceptual schema"); writeNewSyslist(lstId, newSyslistMap_de, newSyslistMap_en, -1); // --------------------------- lstId = 7113; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Inserting new syslist " + lstId + " (\"Name of measure\" for 113. DQ_DomainConsistency)..."); } // german syslist newSyslistMap_de = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_de.put(1, "Value domain non conformance rate"); // english syslist newSyslistMap_en = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_en.put(1, "Value domain non conformance rate"); writeNewSyslist(lstId, newSyslistMap_de, newSyslistMap_en, 1); // --------------------------- lstId = 7114; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Inserting new syslist " + lstId + " (\"Name of measure\" for 114. DQ_FormatConsistency)..."); } // german syslist newSyslistMap_de = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_de.put(1, "Physical structure conflict rate"); // english syslist newSyslistMap_en = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_en.put(1, "Physical structure conflict rate"); writeNewSyslist(lstId, newSyslistMap_de, newSyslistMap_en, 1); // --------------------------- lstId = 7115; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Inserting new syslist " + lstId + " (\"Name of measure\" for 115. DQ_TopologicalConsistency)..."); } // german syslist newSyslistMap_de = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_de.put(1, "Number of invalid overlaps of surfaces"); newSyslistMap_de.put(2, "Number of missing connections due to undershoots"); newSyslistMap_de.put(3, "Number of missing connections due to overshoots"); newSyslistMap_de.put(4, "Number of invalid slivers"); newSyslistMap_de.put(5, "Number of invalid self-intersect errors"); newSyslistMap_de.put(6, "Number of invalid self-overlap errors"); newSyslistMap_de.put(7, "Number of faulty point-curve connections"); newSyslistMap_de.put(8, "Number of missing connections due to crossing of bridge/road"); newSyslistMap_de.put(9, "Number of watercourse links below threshold length"); newSyslistMap_de.put(10, "Number of closed watercourse links"); newSyslistMap_de.put(11, "Number of multi-part watercourse links"); // english syslist newSyslistMap_en = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_en.put(1, "Number of invalid overlaps of surfaces"); newSyslistMap_en.put(2, "Number of missing connections due to undershoots"); newSyslistMap_en.put(3, "Number of missing connections due to overshoots"); newSyslistMap_en.put(4, "Number of invalid slivers"); newSyslistMap_en.put(5, "Number of invalid self-intersect errors"); newSyslistMap_en.put(6, "Number of invalid self-overlap errors"); newSyslistMap_en.put(7, "Number of faulty point-curve connections"); newSyslistMap_en.put(8, "Number of missing connections due to crossing of bridge/road"); newSyslistMap_en.put(9, "Number of watercourse links below threshold length"); newSyslistMap_en.put(10, "Number of closed watercourse links"); newSyslistMap_en.put(11, "Number of multi-part watercourse links"); writeNewSyslist(lstId, newSyslistMap_de, newSyslistMap_en, -1); // --------------------------- lstId = 7117; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Inserting new syslist " + lstId + " (\"Name of measure\" for 117. DQ_AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracy)..."); } // german syslist newSyslistMap_de = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_de.put(1, "Mean value of positional uncertainties (1D)"); newSyslistMap_de.put(2, "Mean value of positional uncertainties (2D)"); newSyslistMap_de.put(3, "mean value of positional uncertainties (3D)"); // english syslist newSyslistMap_en = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_en.put(1, "Mean value of positional uncertainties (1D)"); newSyslistMap_en.put(2, "Mean value of positional uncertainties (2D)"); newSyslistMap_en.put(3, "mean value of positional uncertainties (3D)"); writeNewSyslist(lstId, newSyslistMap_de, newSyslistMap_en, -1); // --------------------------- lstId = 7120; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { "Inserting new syslist " + lstId + " (\"Name of measure\" for 120. DQ_TemporalConsistency)..."); } // german syslist newSyslistMap_de = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_de.put(1, "Percentage of items that are correctly events ordered"); // english syslist newSyslistMap_en = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_en.put(1, "Percentage of items that are correctly events ordered"); writeNewSyslist(lstId, newSyslistMap_de, newSyslistMap_en, 1); // --------------------------- lstId = 7125; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Inserting new syslist " + lstId + " (\"Name of measure\" for 125. DQ_ThematicClassificationCorrectness)..."); } // german syslist newSyslistMap_de = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_de.put(1, "Misclassification rate"); // english syslist newSyslistMap_en = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_en.put(1, "Misclassification rate"); writeNewSyslist(lstId, newSyslistMap_de, newSyslistMap_en, 1); // --------------------------- lstId = 7126; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Inserting new syslist " + lstId + " (\"Name of measure\" for 126. DQ_NonQuantitativeAttributeAccuracy)..."); } // german syslist newSyslistMap_de = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_de.put(1, "Number of incorrect attribute values"); newSyslistMap_de.put(2, "Rate of incorrect classification for national identifier"); // english syslist newSyslistMap_en = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_en.put(1, "Number of incorrect attribute values"); newSyslistMap_en.put(2, "Rate of incorrect classification for national identifier"); writeNewSyslist(lstId, newSyslistMap_de, newSyslistMap_en, 1); // --------------------------- lstId = 7127; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Inserting new syslist " + lstId + " (\"Name of measure\" for 127. DQ_QuantitativeAttributeAccuracy)..."); } // german syslist newSyslistMap_de = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_de.put(1, "Attribute value uncertainty at 95 % significance level"); // english syslist newSyslistMap_en = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslistMap_en.put(1, "Attribute value uncertainty at 95 % significance level"); writeNewSyslist(lstId, newSyslistMap_de, newSyslistMap_en, 1); // --------------------------- if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Extending sys_list... done"); } } /** Add gui ids of all NEW OPTIONAL fields to sys_gui table ! (mandatory fields not added, behavior not changeable) */ protected void updateSysGui() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating sys_gui..."); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Add ids of new DataQuality Tables (OPTIONAL by default) !..."); } LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> newSysGuis = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); Integer initialBehaviour = -1; // default behaviour, optional field only shown if section expanded ! // Integer remove = 0; // do NOT show if section reduced (use case for optional fields ? never used) ! // Integer mandatory = 1; // do also show if section reduced (even if field optional) ! // add new sysgui Ids (dq tables) newSysGuis.put("7509", initialBehaviour); newSysGuis.put("7510", initialBehaviour); newSysGuis.put("7512", initialBehaviour); newSysGuis.put("7513", initialBehaviour); newSysGuis.put("7514", initialBehaviour); newSysGuis.put("7515", initialBehaviour); newSysGuis.put("7517", initialBehaviour); newSysGuis.put("7520", initialBehaviour); newSysGuis.put("7525", initialBehaviour); newSysGuis.put("7526", initialBehaviour); newSysGuis.put("7527", initialBehaviour); Iterator<String> itr = newSysGuis.keySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String key =; jdbc.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO sys_gui (id, gui_id, behaviour) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", '" + key + "', " + newSysGuis.get(key) + ")"); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating sys_gui... done"); } } /** * @param defaultEntry pass key of default entry or < 0 if no default entry ! * @throws Exception */ private void writeNewSyslist(int listId, LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> syslistMap_de, LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> syslistMap_en, int defaultEntry) throws Exception { // clean up, to guarantee no old values ! sqlStr = "DELETE FROM sys_list where lst_id = " + listId; jdbc.executeUpdate(sqlStr); Iterator<Integer> itr = syslistMap_de.keySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { int key =; String isDefault = "N"; if (key == defaultEntry) { isDefault = "Y"; } // german version jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + listId + ", " + key + ", 'de', '" + syslistMap_de.get(key) + "', 0, '" + isDefault + "')"); // english version jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + listId + ", " + key + ", 'en', '" + syslistMap_en.get(key) + "', 0, '" + isDefault + "')"); } } protected void updateObjectFormatInspire() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating object_format_inspire..."); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Set default INSPIRE encoding for Objects with INSPIRE Theme..."); } // add entries for ALL t01_objects (no matter whether working or published version) String sql = "select distinct as oNodeId, as oId " + "from " + "object_node oNode, t01_object obj, searchterm_obj stO, searchterm_value stV " + "where " + "oNode.obj_uuid = obj.obj_uuid " + "AND = stO.obj_id " + "AND stO.searchterm_id = " + "AND stV.type = 'I' " + "AND stV.entry_id != " + SYSLIST_ENTRY_ID_NO_INSPIRE_THEME; Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery(sql, st); int numMigrated = 0; HashMap<Long, Boolean> processedNodeIds = new HashMap<Long, Boolean>(); while ( { long objNodeId = rs.getLong("oNodeId"); long objId = rs.getLong("oId"); jdbc.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO object_format_inspire (id, obj_id, line, format_key, format_value) " + "VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + objId + ", " + 1 + ", " + INSPIRE_ENCODING_DEFAULT_KEY + ", '" + INSPIRE_ENCODING_DEFAULT_VALUE + "')"); numMigrated++; // extend object index // Node may contain different object versions, then we receive nodeId multiple times. // Write Index only once (index contains data of working version!) ! if (!processedNodeIds.containsKey(objNodeId)) { JDBCHelper.updateObjectIndex(objNodeId, INSPIRE_ENCODING_DEFAULT_VALUE, jdbc); processedNodeIds.put(objNodeId, true); } } rs.close(); st.close(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updated " + numMigrated + " objects with default INSPIRE encoding"); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating object_format_inspire... done"); } } }