Java tutorial
/* * **************************************************- * InGrid UDK-IGC Importer (IGC Updater) * ================================================== * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 wemove digital solutions GmbH * ================================================== * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or as soon they will be * approved by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the * EUPL (the "Licence"); * * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the Licence. * **************************************************# */ /** * */ package de.ingrid.importer.udk.strategy.v1; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import de.ingrid.importer.udk.jdbc.DBLogic.ColumnType; import de.ingrid.importer.udk.strategy.IDCStrategyDefault; /** * InGrid 2.3, statische nderungen: * - Erstellung einer eigenen Klasse fr geographische Services (extend t011_obj_serv, add t011_obj_serv_url, manipulate syslists ...) */ public class IDCStrategy1_0_9 extends IDCStrategyDefault { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(IDCStrategy1_0_9.class); private static final String MY_VERSION = VALUE_IDC_VERSION_109; final public static int TYPE_KEY_OTHER_SERVICE = 6; final public static int CLASSIFIC_KEY_NON_GEO_SERVICE = 901; final public static String WORK_STATE_IN_BEARBEITUNG = "B"; final public static int NEW_OBJ_CLASS_INFORMATIONSSYSTEM = 6; public String getIDCVersion() { return MY_VERSION; } public void execute() throws Exception { jdbc.setAutoCommit(false); // write version of IGC structure ! setGenericKey(KEY_IDC_VERSION, MY_VERSION); // THEN EXECUTE ALL "CREATING" DDL OPERATIONS ! NOTICE: causes commit (e.g. on MySQL) // --------------------------------- System.out.print(" Extend datastructure..."); extendDataStructure(); System.out.println("done."); // THEN PERFORM DATA MANIPULATIONS ! // --------------------------------- // InGrid 2.3: "Erstellung einer eigenen Klasse fr geographische Services" System.out.print(" Extending sys_list..."); extendSysList(); System.out.println("done."); System.out.println( " Migrate services to new classes 'Geodatendienst' / 'Informationssystem/Dienst/Anwendung'..."); migrateServices(); System.out.println("done."); System.out.print(" Clean up sys_list..."); cleanUpSysList(); System.out.println("done."); System.out.print(" Updating sys_gui..."); updateSysGui(); System.out.println("done."); // FINALLY EXECUTE ALL "DROPPING" DDL OPERATIONS ! These ones may cause commit (e.g. on MySQL) // --------------------------------- /* System.out.print(" Clean up datastructure..."); cleanUpDataStructure(); System.out.println("done."); */ jdbc.commit(); System.out.println("Update finished successfully."); } private void extendDataStructure() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Manipulate datastructure -> CAUSES COMMIT ! ..."); } // InGrid 2.3: "Erstellung einer eigenen Klasse fr geographische Services" if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Add columns 'has_access_constraint' to table 't011_obj_serv' ..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().addColumn("has_access_constraint", ColumnType.VARCHAR1, "t011_obj_serv", false, "'N'", jdbc); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Create table 't011_obj_serv_url'..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().createTableT011ObjServUrl(jdbc); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Manipulate datastructure... done"); } } protected void extendSysList() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Extending sys_list..."); } int lstId = 5300; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Inserting new syslist " + lstId + " (Klassifikation fr neue Klasse \"Informationssystem/Dienst/Anwendung\")..."); } // clean up, to guarantee no old values ! sqlStr = "DELETE FROM sys_list where lst_id = " + lstId; int numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate(sqlStr); if (numDeleted > 0) { String msg = "New Syslist " + lstId + " EXISTED ! We deleted old values !"; System.out.println("\n" + msg + " See also log file (WARN)."); log.warn(msg); } // insert new syslist jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 1, 'de', 'Informationssystem', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 1, 'en', 'Information System', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 2, 'de', 'nicht geographischer Dienst', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 2, 'en', 'Non Geographic Service', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 3, 'de', 'Anwendung', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 3, 'en', 'Application', 0, 'N')"); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Extending sys_list... done"); } } protected void cleanUpSysList() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Clean up sys_list..."); } int numDeleted; /* if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Remove entry " + TYPE_KEY_OTHER_SERVICE + " ('Other Service') from syslist 5100 (Typ des Dienstes)..."); } // clean up, to guarantee no old values ! sqlStr = "DELETE FROM sys_list where lst_id = 5100 and entry_id = " + TYPE_KEY_OTHER_SERVICE; numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate(sqlStr); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Removed " + numDeleted + " entries (all languages)."); } */ // -------------------- if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Remove entry 901 ('Non Geographic Service') from syslist 5200 (Service-Klassifikation)..."); } // clean up, to guarantee no old values ! sqlStr = "DELETE FROM sys_list where lst_id = 5200 and entry_id = 901"; numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate(sqlStr); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Removed " + numDeleted + " entries (all languages)."); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Clean up sys_list... done"); } } /** Add gui ids of all NEW OPTIONAL fields to sys_gui table ! (mandatory fields not added, behavior not changeable) */ protected void updateSysGui() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating sys_gui..."); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Add ids of new OPTIONAL fields !..."); } LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> newSysGuis = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); Integer initialBehaviour = -1; // default behaviour, optional field only shown if section expanded ! // Integer remove = 0; // do NOT show if section reduced (use case for optional fields ? never used) ! // Integer mandatory = 1; // do also show if section reduced (even if field optional) ! newSysGuis.put("3260", initialBehaviour); newSysGuis.put("3630", initialBehaviour); newSysGuis.put("3600", initialBehaviour); newSysGuis.put("3640", initialBehaviour); newSysGuis.put("3645", initialBehaviour); newSysGuis.put("3650", initialBehaviour); newSysGuis.put("3670", initialBehaviour); Iterator<String> itr = newSysGuis.keySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String key =; jdbc.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO sys_gui (id, gui_id, behaviour) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", '" + key + "', " + newSysGuis.get(key) + ")"); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating sys_gui... done"); } } protected void migrateServices() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { "Migrate 'Dienst/Anwendung/Informationssystem' to new classes 'Geodatendienst' / 'Informationssystem/Dienst/Anwendung'..."); } String sql = "select " + " as oNodeId, oNode.obj_uuid, oNode.obj_id, oNode.obj_id_published, " + // object node "obj.obj_name, " + // object " as objServId, objServ.type_key as typeKey, objServ.type_value as typeValue, " + // type "objServType.serv_type_key as classificKey, " + // classification " as opId, objServOp.name_value as opName, objServOp.descr as opDescr, " + // operation "objServOpConn.connect_point as opUrl " + // operation url "from " + "object_node oNode " + // always join "working version" ! equals published version, if no working version "left join t01_object obj on (oNode.obj_id = " + "left outer join t011_obj_serv objServ on ( = objServ.obj_id) " + "left outer join t011_obj_serv_type objServType on ( = objServType.obj_serv_id) " + "left outer join t011_obj_serv_operation objServOp on ( = objServOp.obj_serv_id) " + "left outer join t011_obj_serv_op_connpoint objServOpConn on ( = objServOpConn.obj_serv_op_id) " + "where " + "obj.obj_class = 3 " + "order by obj_id, objServId, objServType.line, objServOp.line, objServOpConn.line"; MigrationStatistics stats = new MigrationStatistics(); ServiceObject currentObj = null; Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery(sql, st); while ( { long nextObjId = rs.getLong("obj_id"); // check whether all data of an object is read, then do migration ! boolean objChange = false; if (currentObj != null && currentObj.objId != nextObjId) { // object changed, process finished object objChange = true; migrateObject(currentObj, stats); } if (currentObj == null || objChange) { // set up next object currentObj = new ServiceObject(rs.getLong("oNodeId"), rs.getString("obj_uuid"), nextObjId, rs.getLong("obj_id_published"), rs.getString("obj_name"), rs.getLong("objServId"), rs.getInt("typeKey"), rs.getString("typeValue")); } // pass new stuff currentObj.addClassificKey(rs.getInt("classificKey")); currentObj.addOperation(rs.getLong("opId"), rs.getString("opName"), rs.getString("opDescr"), rs.getString("opUrl")); } // also migrate last object ! not done in loop due to end of loop ! if (currentObj != null) { migrateObject(currentObj, stats); } rs.close(); st.close(); // Protocol also to System.out ! String msg = "Migrated " + stats.numGeo + " objects to class 'Geodatendienst'."; System.out.println("\n" + msg + " See also log file (INFO).");; msg = "Migrated " + stats.numNonGeo + " objects to class 'Informationssystem/Dienst/Anwendung'."; System.out.println("\n" + msg + " See also log file (INFO).");; if (stats.objNamesUnpublishedGeo.size() > 0) { msg = "The following " + stats.objNamesUnpublishedGeo.size() + " objects have been migrated to 'Geodatendienst' and put to WORKING STATE due to missing classification ! Please edit manually and publish again !\n\n" + stats.getObjNamesUnpublishedAsString(true); System.out.println("\n" + msg + "See also log file (WARN)."); log.warn(msg); } if (stats.objNamesUnpublishedNonGeo.size() > 0) { msg = "The following " + stats.objNamesUnpublishedNonGeo.size() + " objects have been migrated to 'Informationssystem/Dienst/Anwendung' and put to WORKING STATE ! Please choose NEW type of service manually and publish again !\n\n" + stats.getObjNamesUnpublishedAsString(false); System.out.println("\n" + msg + "See also log file (WARN)."); log.warn(msg); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { "Migrate 'Dienst/Anwendung/Informationssystem' to new classes 'Geodatendienst' / 'Informationssystem/Dienst/Anwendung'... done"); } } /** Migrate the given object. Pass stats for counting. * @param currentObj obj to migrate * @param stats statistics object, will be updated * @throws Exception */ protected void migrateObject(ServiceObject currentObj, MigrationStatistics stats) throws Exception { if (currentObj.isGeoService()) { // migrate to 'Geodatendienst' migrateToGeoService(currentObj, stats); } else { // migrate to 'Informationssystem/Dienst/Anwendung' migrateToNonGeoService(currentObj, stats); } } /** Migrate the given object to 'Geodatendienst' * @param currentObj obj to migrate * @param stats statistics object, will be updated * @throws Exception */ protected void migrateToGeoService(ServiceObject currentObj, MigrationStatistics stats) throws Exception { // migrate to 'Geodatendienst' stats.numGeo++; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Start Migration: object '" + + "' of service type '" + currentObj.typeValue + "' and classification keys '" + currentObj.getClassificationKeysAsString() + "' to new class 'Geodatendienst'"); } // check whether classification contains 'Non Geographic Service' ! // may occur if type IS GEO-type and classification is NON-GEO, then we log WARNING ! if (currentObj.classificKeys.contains(CLASSIFIC_KEY_NON_GEO_SERVICE)) { log.warn("!!! object '" + currentObj.uuid + ":" + + "' of service type '" + currentObj.typeValue + "' and classification keys '" + currentObj.getClassificationKeysAsString() + "' is classified as 'Non Geographic Service' (901)! We delete this classification and migrate to new class 'Geodatendienst' !"); int numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t011_obj_serv_type where obj_serv_id = " + currentObj.objServId + " AND serv_type_key = " + CLASSIFIC_KEY_NON_GEO_SERVICE); currentObj.classificKeys.remove((Integer) CLASSIFIC_KEY_NON_GEO_SERVICE); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Removed " + numDeleted + " entries from t011_obj_serv_type."); } } // check whether classification was removed, then we have to put object in working state ! if (currentObj.classificKeys.size() == 0) { // if only published version we have to put object in working state ! // if published version different from working version we have to delete published version ! if (currentObj.isPublished()) { String msg = "!!! object '" + currentObj.uuid + ":" + + "' of service type '" + currentObj.typeValue + "' has NO classification and IS PUBLISHED ! WE PUT OBJECT INTO WORKING STATE AND REMOVE PUBLISHED VERSION !"; // System.out.println("\n" + msg + " See also log file (WARN)."); log.warn(msg); if (currentObj.hasWorkingVersion()) { msg = "!!! object '" + currentObj.uuid + ":" + + "' has to be unpublished and has separate WORKING VERSION, WE DELETE PUBLISHED VERSION !"; System.out.println("\n" + msg + " See also log file (WARN)."); log.warn(msg); // delete published version deleteObject(currentObj.objIdPublished); } else { log.warn("!!! object '" + currentObj.uuid + ":" + + "' has NO WORKING VERSION, WE MOVE PUBLISHED TO WORKING VERSION !"); // put published version in working state setObjectWorkingState(currentObj.objIdPublished); } // UNPUBLISH ! update object node (reset published id) setObjectNodeUnpublished(currentObj.objNodeId); stats.addObjNameUnpublished(currentObj.uuid + ":" +, true); } } // NOTHING TO CHANGE, class number and data stays the same ! } /** Migrate the given object to 'Informationssystem/Dienst/Anwendung'. * @param currentObj obj to migrate * @param stats statistics object, will be updated * @throws Exception */ protected void migrateToNonGeoService(ServiceObject currentObj, MigrationStatistics stats) throws Exception { // migrate to 'Informationssystem/Dienst/Anwendung' stats.numNonGeo++; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Start Migration: object '" + + "' of service type '" + currentObj.typeValue + "' and classification keys '" + currentObj.getClassificationKeysAsString() + "' to new class 'Informationssystem/Dienst/Anwendung'"); } // reset service type int numProcessed = jdbc.executeUpdate("UPDATE t011_obj_serv SET " + "type_key = NULL, type_value = NULL where id = " + currentObj.objServId); if (numProcessed != 1) { log.warn("Multiple resetting of former service type, NO single record (found " + numProcessed + " records in 't011_obj_serv') !"); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Reset former service type '" + currentObj.typeValue + "', set t011_obj_serv.type to NULL."); } } // remove classification (= "Service-Klassifikation") ! numProcessed = jdbc .executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t011_obj_serv_type where obj_serv_id = " + currentObj.objServId); if (numProcessed > 0 && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Removed former classification entries -> " + numProcessed + " entries from t011_obj_serv_type."); } // remove scale (= "Erstellungsmassstab") ! numProcessed = jdbc .executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t011_obj_serv_scale where obj_serv_id = " + currentObj.objServId); if (numProcessed > 0 && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Removed former scale entries -> " + numProcessed + " entries from t011_obj_serv_scale."); } // migrate URLs from operations if present int line = 1; for (ServiceOperation op : currentObj.operations.values()) { String name =; String description = op.description; for (String url : op.urls) { String sql = "INSERT INTO t011_obj_serv_url (id, obj_serv_id, line, name, url, description) " + "VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + currentObj.objServId + ", " + line + ", '" + name + "', '" + url + "', '" + description + "')"; jdbc.executeUpdate(sql); line++; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Migrated former operation to URL '" + url + "' with description '" + description + "'"); } } } // remove operations for (ServiceOperation op : currentObj.getOperations()) { numProcessed = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t011_obj_serv_operation where id = " + op.objServOpId); if (numProcessed > 0 && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Removed former operation '" + + "' -> " + numProcessed + " entries from t011_obj_serv_operation."); } numProcessed = jdbc.executeUpdate( "DELETE FROM t011_obj_serv_op_connpoint where obj_serv_op_id = " + op.objServOpId); if (numProcessed > 0 && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Removed operation connections -> " + numProcessed + " entries from t011_obj_serv_op_connpoint."); } numProcessed = jdbc .executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t011_obj_serv_op_depends where obj_serv_op_id = " + op.objServOpId); if (numProcessed > 0 && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "Removed operation depends -> " + numProcessed + " entries from t011_obj_serv_op_depends."); } numProcessed = jdbc .executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t011_obj_serv_op_para where obj_serv_op_id = " + op.objServOpId); if (numProcessed > 0 && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Removed operation params -> " + numProcessed + " entries from t011_obj_serv_op_para."); } numProcessed = jdbc.executeUpdate( "DELETE FROM t011_obj_serv_op_platform where obj_serv_op_id = " + op.objServOpId); if (numProcessed > 0 && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Removed operation platforms -> " + numProcessed + " entries from t011_obj_serv_op_platform."); } } // change class type jdbc.executeUpdate("UPDATE t01_object SET obj_class = " + NEW_OBJ_CLASS_INFORMATIONSSYSTEM + " where id = " + currentObj.objId); // No service type set ! Move object into working state, NO published object !!! // if published version different from working version we have to delete published version ! if (currentObj.isPublished()) { log.warn("!!! Migrated object '" + currentObj.uuid + ":" + + "' SET TO WORKING STATE ! PLEASE EDIT service type and publish again !"); if (currentObj.hasWorkingVersion()) { String msg = "!!! object '" + currentObj.uuid + ":" + + "' has to be unpublished and has separate WORKING VERSION, WE DELETE PUBLISHED VERSION !"; System.out.println("\n" + msg + " See also log file (WARN)."); log.warn(msg); // delete published version deleteObject(currentObj.objIdPublished); } else { // put published version in working state setObjectWorkingState(currentObj.objIdPublished); } // UNPUBLISH ! update object node (reset published id) setObjectNodeUnpublished(currentObj.objNodeId); stats.addObjNameUnpublished(currentObj.uuid + ":" +, false); } } protected int setObjectWorkingState(long objId) throws Exception { int numUpdated = jdbc.executeUpdate( "UPDATE t01_object " + "SET work_state = '" + WORK_STATE_IN_BEARBEITUNG + "' where id = " + objId); return numUpdated; } protected int setObjectNodeUnpublished(long objNodeId) throws Exception { int numUpdated = jdbc .executeUpdate("UPDATE object_node " + "SET obj_id_published = NULL where id = " + objNodeId); return numUpdated; } protected void deleteObject(long objId) throws Exception { // for tracking in debugger ! int numDeleted; numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM object_access where obj_id = " + objId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM object_comment where obj_id = " + objId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM object_conformity where obj_id = " + objId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM object_reference where obj_from_id = " + objId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM object_use where obj_id = " + objId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM searchterm_obj where obj_id = " + objId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM spatial_reference where obj_id = " + objId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t011_obj_topic_cat where obj_id = " + objId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t0110_avail_format where obj_id = " + objId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t0112_media_option where obj_id = " + objId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t0113_dataset_reference where obj_id = " + objId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t0114_env_category where obj_id = " + objId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t0114_env_topic where obj_id = " + objId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t012_obj_adr where obj_id = " + objId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t014_info_impart where obj_id = " + objId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t015_legist where obj_id = " + objId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t017_url_ref where obj_id = " + objId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t08_attr where obj_id = " + objId); // ignore Objektklasse 1 t011_obj_geo... // ignore Objektklasse 2 t011_obj_literature // ignore Objektklasse 4 t011_obj_project // ignore Objektklasse 5 t011_obj_data... // delete Objektklasse 3 data ! Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery("select id from t011_obj_serv where obj_id = " + objId, st); while ( { long servId = rs.getLong("id"); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t011_obj_serv_scale where obj_serv_id = " + servId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t011_obj_serv_type where obj_serv_id = " + servId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t011_obj_serv_url where obj_serv_id = " + servId); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t011_obj_serv_version where obj_serv_id = " + servId); Statement st2 = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs2 = jdbc .executeQuery("select id from t011_obj_serv_operation where obj_serv_id = " + servId, st2); while ( { long servOpId = rs2.getLong("id"); numDeleted = jdbc .executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t011_obj_serv_op_connpoint where obj_serv_op_id = " + servOpId); numDeleted = jdbc .executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t011_obj_serv_op_depends where obj_serv_op_id = " + servOpId); numDeleted = jdbc .executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t011_obj_serv_op_para where obj_serv_op_id = " + servOpId); numDeleted = jdbc .executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t011_obj_serv_op_platform where obj_serv_op_id = " + servOpId); } rs2.close(); st2.close(); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t011_obj_serv_operation where obj_serv_id = " + servId); } rs.close(); st.close(); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t011_obj_serv where obj_id = " + objId); // delete 1:1 associations (id in t01_object) ! st = jdbc.createStatement(); rs = jdbc.executeQuery("select obj_metadata_id from t01_object where id = " + objId, st); while ( { long objMetadataId = rs.getLong("obj_metadata_id"); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM object_metadata where id = " + objMetadataId); } rs.close(); st.close(); numDeleted = jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM t01_object where id = " + objId); } /* protected void cleanUpDataStructure() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Cleaning up datastructure -> CAUSES COMMIT ! ..."); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Cleaning up datastructure... done"); } } */ /** Helper class encapsulating statistics */ class MigrationStatistics { int numGeo = 0; ArrayList<String> objNamesUnpublishedGeo = new ArrayList<String>(); int numNonGeo = 0; ArrayList<String> objNamesUnpublishedNonGeo = new ArrayList<String>(); void addObjNameUnpublished(String objNameUnpublished, boolean isGeoService) { List<String> myList = objNamesUnpublishedGeo; if (!isGeoService) { myList = objNamesUnpublishedNonGeo; } if (!myList.contains(objNameUnpublished)) { myList.add(objNameUnpublished); } } String getObjNamesUnpublishedAsString(boolean geoServiceList) { List<String> myList = objNamesUnpublishedGeo; if (!geoServiceList) { myList = objNamesUnpublishedNonGeo; } String names = ""; for (String name : myList) { names = names + name + ",\n"; } return names; } } /** Helper class encapsulating all needed data of an object of former class 3 ("Dienst/Anwendung/Informationssystem") */ class ServiceObject { long objNodeId; String uuid; long objId; long objIdPublished; String name; long objServId; int typeKey; String typeValue; ArrayList<Integer> classificKeys; /** key = operation ID */ HashMap<Long, ServiceOperation> operations; ServiceObject(long objNodeId, String objUuid, long objId, long objIdPublished, String name, long objServId, int typeKey, String typeValue) { this.objNodeId = objNodeId; this.uuid = objUuid; this.objId = objId; this.objIdPublished = objIdPublished; = name; this.objServId = objServId; this.typeKey = typeKey; this.typeValue = typeValue; this.classificKeys = new ArrayList<Integer>(); this.operations = new HashMap<Long, ServiceOperation>(); } void addClassificKey(int classificKey) { if (!classificKeys.contains(classificKey)) { classificKeys.add(classificKey); } } void addOperation(long operationId, String name, String description, String url) { // id may be 0 due to outer join fetching (when null in select) if (operationId > 0 && url != null && url.trim().length() > 0) { ServiceOperation op = operations.get(operationId); if (op == null) { operations.put(operationId, new ServiceOperation(operationId, name, description, url)); } else { op.addUrl(url); } } } Collection<ServiceOperation> getOperations() { return operations.values(); } String getClassificationKeysAsString() { String classKeys = ""; for (Integer key : classificKeys) { classKeys = classKeys + key + ","; } return classKeys; } boolean isGeoService() { if (typeKey == TYPE_KEY_OTHER_SERVICE) { return false; /* if (classificKeys.contains(CLASSIFIC_KEY_NON_GEO_SERVICE)) { return false; } else { // ??? type is "other service" and classification does not contain NON_GEO_SERVICE // -> we return false -> is NOT a geo service !!!??? return false; } */ } else { // typeKey may be 0 if database value is null if (typeKey > 0) { // type set and is NOT "other service" -> is a geo service ! Ignore classification ! return true; } else { // type NOT set return false; /* // no type set, we check classification if (classificKeys.contains(CLASSIFIC_KEY_NON_GEO_SERVICE)) { return false; } else { // ??? no type set and classification does not contain NON_GEO_SERVICE // -> we return false -> is NOT a geo service !!!??? return false; } */ } } } boolean isPublished() { // if obj_id_published = null then jdbc returns 0 ! if (objIdPublished == 0) { return false; } return true; } boolean hasWorkingVersion() { // NOTICE: objId always set, never 0 (null) ! if (objId == objIdPublished) { return false; } return true; } } /** Helper class encapsulating all needed data of a former service operation (url and description) */ class ServiceOperation { long objServOpId; String name; String description; ArrayList<String> urls; ServiceOperation(long id, String name, String description, String url) { this.objServOpId = id; = (name == null) ? "" : name.trim(); this.description = (description == null) ? "" : description.trim(); this.urls = new ArrayList<String>(); addUrl(url); } void addUrl(String url) { if (url != null && url.trim().length() > 0 && !urls.contains(url)) { urls.add(url); } } } }