Java tutorial
/* * **************************************************- * InGrid UDK-IGC Importer (IGC Updater) * ================================================== * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 wemove digital solutions GmbH * ================================================== * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or as soon they will be * approved by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the * EUPL (the "Licence"); * * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the Licence. * **************************************************# */ package de.ingrid.importer.udk.strategy.v1; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import de.ingrid.importer.udk.strategy.IDCStrategy; import de.ingrid.importer.udk.strategy.IDCStrategyDefault; import de.ingrid.importer.udk.util.UtilsInspireThemes; /** * Assign INSPIRE themes to objects/addresses according to assigned searchterms. */ public class IDCStrategy1_0_4_fixInspireThemes extends IDCStrategyDefault { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(IDCStrategy1_0_4_fixInspireThemes.class); private int numObjThemesAdded = 0; /** * Deliver NO Version, this strategy should NOT trigger a strategy workflow and * can be executed on its own ! NOTICE: BUT is executed in workflow (part of workflow array) ! * @see de.ingrid.importer.udk.strategy.IDCStrategy#getIDCVersion() */ public String getIDCVersion() { return null; } public void execute() throws Exception { jdbc.setAutoCommit(false); System.out.print(" Updating INSPIRE Themes in entities..."); updateInspireThemes(); System.out.println("done."); System.out.println(" Added " + numObjThemesAdded + " INSPIRE Themes to objects"); jdbc.commit(); System.out.println("Update finished successfully."); } private void updateInspireThemes() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating INSPIRE Themes in entities..."); } // here we store the mapping of INSPIRE ids to the according searchterm id ("searchterm_value"). // NOTICE: only one entry in searchterm_value per theme. Will be assigned to multiple entities // via searchterm_obj HashMap<Integer, Long> themeIdToSearchtermId = getThemeIdToSearchtermIdMap(); // update objects numObjThemesAdded = 0; updateInspireThemesOfObjects(themeIdToSearchtermId);"Added " + numObjThemesAdded + " INSPIRE Themes to objects"); // NO INSPIRE Themes in addresses ! if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating INSPIRE Themes... done"); } } /** analyze all object searchterms and assign fitting INSPIRE themes */ private void updateInspireThemesOfObjects(HashMap<Integer, Long> themeIdToSearchtermId) throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating INSPIRE Themes of objects..."); } // all INSPIRE themes of object ordered by LINE asc String psSql = "SELECT termObj.line, val.entry_id " + "FROM searchterm_obj termObj, searchterm_value val " + "WHERE termObj.searchterm_id = " + "and val.type = 'I' " + "and termObj.obj_id = ? " + "order by termObj.line"; PreparedStatement psReadObjInspireTerms = jdbc.prepareStatement(psSql); // insert INSPIRE theme into searchterm_value psSql = "INSERT INTO searchterm_value " + "(id, type, term, entry_id) " + "VALUES " + "(?, 'I', ?, ?)"; PreparedStatement psInsertTerm = jdbc.prepareStatement(psSql); // connect INSPIRE theme with object (insert searchterm_obj) psSql = "INSERT INTO searchterm_obj " + "(id, obj_id, line, searchterm_id) " + "VALUES " + "(?, ?, ?, ?)"; PreparedStatement psInsertTermObj = jdbc.prepareStatement(psSql); // remove INSPIRE theme from object psSql = "DELETE FROM searchterm_obj " + "WHERE obj_id=? " + "and searchterm_id=?"; PreparedStatement psRemoveTermObj = jdbc.prepareStatement(psSql); // here we track ids of assigned INSPIRE themes of current object Set<Integer> currThemeIds = new HashSet<Integer>(); int currLine = 0; long currObjId = -1; String currObjUuid = null; String currObjWorkState = null; // iterate over all searchterms applied to objects ordered by object String sqlAllObjTerms = "SELECT termObj.obj_id, val.term, obj.obj_uuid, obj.work_state " + "FROM t01_object obj, searchterm_obj termObj, searchterm_value val " + "WHERE = termObj.obj_id " + "and termObj.searchterm_id = " + "order by termObj.obj_id"; Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery(sqlAllObjTerms, st); while ( { long readObjId = rs.getLong("obj_id"); // check whether object changed if (readObjId != currObjId) { // object changed ! // "finish" former object if (currObjId != -1) { // remove former "NO INSPIRE THEME" if new theme was added ! if (currThemeIds.size() > 1 && currThemeIds.contains(UtilsInspireThemes.noInspireThemeId)) { removeInspireThemeFromObject(UtilsInspireThemes.noInspireThemeId, currObjId, themeIdToSearchtermId, psRemoveTermObj, currThemeIds, currObjUuid, currObjWorkState); } // check whether former object has INSPIRE Theme, else add "NO INSPIRE THEME" if (currThemeIds.isEmpty()) { addInspireThemeToObject(UtilsInspireThemes.noInspireThemeId, currObjId, 1, themeIdToSearchtermId, psInsertTerm, psInsertTermObj, currThemeIds, null, currObjUuid, currObjWorkState); } } // process "new" object currObjId = readObjId; // needed for logging currObjUuid = rs.getString("obj_uuid"); currObjWorkState = rs.getString("work_state"); currLine = 0; currThemeIds.clear(); // fetch all assigned INSPIRE themes and max line psReadObjInspireTerms.setLong(1, currObjId); ResultSet rsObjInspireTerms = psReadObjInspireTerms.executeQuery(); while ( { currLine = rsObjInspireTerms.getInt("line"); Integer entryId = rsObjInspireTerms.getInt("entry_id"); currThemeIds.add(entryId); } rsObjInspireTerms.close(); } // analyze read searchterm. Check whether contains inspire term ! // add according INSPIRE themes if not added yet ! // read searchterm, lower case for comparison String searchTerm = rs.getString("term"); Set<Integer> newThemeIds = UtilsInspireThemes.getThemeIdsOfTerm(searchTerm, null); for (Integer newThemeId : newThemeIds) { if (!currThemeIds.contains(newThemeId)) { addInspireThemeToObject(newThemeId, currObjId, ++currLine, themeIdToSearchtermId, psInsertTerm, psInsertTermObj, currThemeIds, searchTerm, currObjUuid, currObjWorkState); } } } rs.close(); st.close(); psReadObjInspireTerms.close(); psInsertTerm.close(); psInsertTermObj.close(); psRemoveTermObj.close(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating INSPIRE Themes of objects... done"); } } /** Get mapping of INSPIRE theme ids to according searchtermValues. */ private HashMap<Integer, Long> getThemeIdToSearchtermIdMap() throws Exception { HashMap<Integer, Long> map = new HashMap<Integer, Long>(); String sql = "SELECT id, entry_id " + "FROM searchterm_value " + "WHERE type = 'I' "; Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery(sql, st); while ( { int themeId = rs.getInt("entry_id"); long searchtermId = rs.getLong("id"); map.put(themeId, searchtermId); } rs.close(); st.close(); return map; } /** Create "searchterm_value" of INSPIRE theme if not present and assign to object via "searchterm_obj". */ private void addInspireThemeToObject(int themeIdToAdd, long objectId, int line, HashMap<Integer, Long> themeIdToSearchtermId, PreparedStatement psInsertTerm, PreparedStatement psInsertTermObj, Set<Integer> currThemeIds, String searchtermForLog, String objUuidForLog, String workStateForLog) throws Exception { String themeName = UtilsInspireThemes.inspireThemes_de.get(themeIdToAdd); // first add inspire term to searchterms if not present yet ! Long searchtermId = themeIdToSearchtermId.get(themeIdToAdd); if (searchtermId == null) { int cnt = 1; searchtermId = getNextId(); psInsertTerm.setLong(cnt++, searchtermId); // psInsertTerm.setString(cnt++, themeName); // searchterm_value.term psInsertTerm.setInt(cnt++, themeIdToAdd); // searchterm_value.entry_id psInsertTerm.executeUpdate(); themeIdToSearchtermId.put(themeIdToAdd, searchtermId); } // assign searchterm to object int cnt = 1; psInsertTermObj.setLong(cnt++, getNextId()); // psInsertTermObj.setLong(cnt++, objectId); // searchterm_obj.obj_id psInsertTermObj.setInt(cnt++, line); // searchterm_obj.line psInsertTermObj.setLong(cnt++, searchtermId); // searchterm_obj.searchterm_id psInsertTermObj.executeUpdate(); // also update our set ! currThemeIds.add(themeIdToAdd); numObjThemesAdded++; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String msg = "Added INSPIRE Theme: '" + themeName + "'"; if (searchtermForLog != null) { msg = msg + ", Searchterm: '" + searchtermForLog + "'"; } msg = msg + ", Obj-UUUID: " + objUuidForLog + ", workState: '" + workStateForLog + "'"; log.debug(msg); } } /** Remove INSPIRE theme from object via "searchterm_obj". */ private void removeInspireThemeFromObject(int themeIdToRemove, long objectId, HashMap<Integer, Long> themeIdToSearchtermId, PreparedStatement psRemoveTermObj, Set<Integer> currThemeIds, String objUuidForLog, String workStateForLog) throws Exception { Long searchtermId = themeIdToSearchtermId.get(themeIdToRemove); // remove only, if term exists if (searchtermId != null) { int cnt = 1; psRemoveTermObj.setLong(cnt++, objectId); // searchterm_obj.obj_id psRemoveTermObj.setLong(cnt++, searchtermId); // searchterm_obj.searchterm_id psRemoveTermObj.executeUpdate(); // also update our set ! currThemeIds.remove(themeIdToRemove); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String inspireTheme = UtilsInspireThemes.inspireThemes_de.get(themeIdToRemove); String msg = "Removed INSPIRE Theme: '" + inspireTheme + "'"; msg = msg + ", Obj-UUUID: " + objUuidForLog + ", workState: '" + workStateForLog + "'"; log.debug(msg); } } } }