Java tutorial
/* * **************************************************- * InGrid UDK-IGC Importer (IGC Updater) * ================================================== * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 wemove digital solutions GmbH * ================================================== * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or as soon they will be * approved by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the * EUPL (the "Licence"); * * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the Licence. * **************************************************# */ /** * */ package de.ingrid.importer.udk.strategy.v1; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import de.ingrid.importer.udk.jdbc.JDBCHelper; import de.ingrid.importer.udk.jdbc.DBLogic.ColumnType; import de.ingrid.importer.udk.strategy.IDCStrategyDefault; /** * IGC Update: INSPIRE + sortKey in syslist + tree path etc. etc. * * @author martin */ public class IDCStrategy1_0_3 extends IDCStrategyDefault { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(IDCStrategy1_0_3.class); private static final String MY_VERSION = VALUE_IDC_VERSION_103; private int defaultSyslist6000EntryId = 3; private String defaultSyslist6000EntryValue = "nicht evaluiert"; private int noData_Syslist6010EntryId = 1; private String noData_Syslist6010EntryValue = "keine"; private int existingData_Syslist6010EntryId = 6; private String existingData_Syslist6010EntryValue = "aufgrund der Rechte des geistigen Eigentums"; private Integer wmsSyslist5100EntryId = 2; private String wmsSyslist5100EntryValue = "Visualisierungsdienste (WMS)"; private Integer wfsSyslist5100EntryId = 3; private String wfsSyslist5100EntryValue = "Zugriffsdienste (WFS)"; private int defaultSyslist5100EntryId = 6; private String defaultSyslist5100EntryValue = "Andere Dienste"; private LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> newSyslist5120 = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); private HashMap<Integer, Integer> oldToNewKeySyslist5120 = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); private LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> newSyslist5200_de = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); private HashMap<Integer, Integer> oldToNewKeySyslist5200 = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); private final static Integer COMMUNICATION_TYPE_EMAIL_KEY = 3; private final static String COMMUNICATION_TYPE_EMAIL_VALUE = "Email"; public String getIDCVersion() { return MY_VERSION; } /** REDEFINE ! OLDER VERSION, no ID column yet ! */ protected void setGenericKey(String key, String value) throws SQLException { jdbc.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM sys_generic_key WHERE key_name='" + key + "'"); sqlStr = "INSERT INTO sys_generic_key (key_name, value_string) " + "VALUES ('" + key + "', '" + value + "')"; jdbc.executeUpdate(sqlStr); } public void execute() throws Exception { jdbc.setAutoCommit(false); // write IDC structure version ! setGenericKey(KEY_IDC_VERSION, MY_VERSION); // FIRST EXECUTE ALL "CREATING" DDL OPERATIONS ! NOTICE: causes commit (e.g. on MySQL) System.out.print(" Extend datastructure..."); extendDataStructure(); System.out.println("done."); // THEN PERFORM DATA MANIPULATIONS ! System.out.print(" Updating sys_list..."); updateSysList(); System.out.println("done."); System.out.print(" Updating object_conformity..."); updateObjectConformity(); System.out.println("done."); System.out.print(" Updating t011_obj_geo..."); updateT011ObjGeo(); System.out.println("done."); System.out.print(" Updating object_access..."); updateObjectAccess(); System.out.println("done."); System.out.print(" Updating t011_obj_serv..."); updateT011ObjServ(); System.out.println("done."); System.out.print(" Updating t011_obj_serv_operation..."); updateT011ObjServOperation(); System.out.println("done."); System.out.print(" Updating t011_obj_serv_type..."); updateT011ObjServType(); System.out.println("done."); System.out.print(" Updating t021_communication..."); updateT021Communication(); System.out.println("done."); System.out.print(" Updating sys_gui..."); updateSysGui(); System.out.println("done."); System.out.print(" Updating new object/address metadata tables ..."); updateTablesMetadata(); System.out.println("done."); System.out.print(" Updating object_comment/address_comment new line attribute ..."); updateComments(); System.out.println("done."); System.out.print(" Updating object_node/address_node new tree_path attribute ..."); updateTreePath(); System.out.println("done."); // Updating of HI/LO table not necessary anymore ! is checked and updated when fetching next id // via getNextId() ... // FINALLY EXECUTE ALL "DROPPING" DDL OPERATIONS ! These ones may cause commit (e.g. on MySQL) System.out.print(" Clean up datastructure..."); cleanUpDataStructure(); System.out.println("done."); jdbc.commit(); System.out.println("Update finished successfully."); } protected void extendDataStructure() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Extending datastructure -> CAUSES COMMIT ! ..."); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Create table 'object_conformity'..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().createTableObjectConformity(jdbc); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Add column 'datasource_uuid' to table 't011_obj_geo'..."); } // don't add "not null", can be empty in working version ! jdbc.getDBLogic().addColumn("datasource_uuid", ColumnType.TEXT, "t011_obj_geo", false, null, jdbc); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Create table 'object_access'..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().createTableObjectAccess(jdbc); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Create table 't011_obj_serv_type'..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().createTableT011ObjServType(jdbc); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Create table 't011_obj_serv_scale'..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().createTableT011ObjServScale(jdbc); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Create table 'sys_gui'..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().createTableSysGui(jdbc); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Add column 'line' to table 'sys_list'..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().addColumn("line", ColumnType.INTEGER, "sys_list", false, 0, jdbc); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Create tables 'object_metadata', 'address_metadata'..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().createTablesMetadata(jdbc); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Add metadata association to object/address tables (FKey and index)..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().addColumn("obj_metadata_id", ColumnType.BIGINT, "t01_object", false, null, jdbc); jdbc.getDBLogic().addIndex("obj_metadata_id", "t01_object", "idx_ObjMeta", jdbc); jdbc.getDBLogic().addColumn("addr_metadata_id", ColumnType.BIGINT, "t02_address", false, null, jdbc); jdbc.getDBLogic().addIndex("addr_metadata_id", "t02_address", "idx_AddrMeta", jdbc); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Add column 'line' to tables 'object_comment', 'address_comment'..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().addColumn("line", ColumnType.INTEGER, "object_comment", false, 0, jdbc); jdbc.getDBLogic().addColumn("line", ColumnType.INTEGER, "address_comment", false, 0, jdbc); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Add column 'tree_path' to tables 'object_node', 'address_node'..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().addColumn("tree_path", ColumnType.MEDIUMTEXT, "object_node", false, null, jdbc); jdbc.getDBLogic().addColumn("tree_path", ColumnType.MEDIUMTEXT, "address_node", false, null, jdbc); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Extending datastructure... done"); } } protected void updateSysList() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating sys_list..."); } int lstId = 6000; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Inserting new syslist " + lstId + " (Grad der Konformitt)..."); } // clean up, to guarantee no old values ! sqlStr = "DELETE FROM sys_list where lst_id = " + lstId; jdbc.executeUpdate(sqlStr); // insert new syslist (de) jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 1, 'de', 'konform', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 2, 'de', 'nicht konform', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", " + defaultSyslist6000EntryId + ", 'de', '" + defaultSyslist6000EntryValue + "', 0, 'Y')"); // insert new syslist (en) jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 1, 'en', 'conformant', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 2, 'en', 'not conformant', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", " + defaultSyslist6000EntryId + ", 'en', 'not evaluated', 0, 'Y')"); // -------------------- lstId = 6010; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Inserting new syslist " + lstId + " (Zugangsbeschrnkungen)..."); } // clean up, to guarantee no old values ! sqlStr = "DELETE FROM sys_list where lst_id = " + lstId; jdbc.executeUpdate(sqlStr); // insert new syslist (de) jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", " + noData_Syslist6010EntryId + ", 'de', '" + noData_Syslist6010EntryValue + "', 0, 'Y')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 2, 'de', 'aufgrund der Vertraulichkeit der Verfahren von Behrden', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 3, 'de', 'aufgrund internationaler Beziehungen, der ffentliche Sicherheit oder der Landesverteidigung', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 4, 'de', 'aufgrund laufender Gerichtsverfahren', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 5, 'de', 'aufgrund der Vertraulichkeit von Geschfts- oder Betriebsinformationen', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", " + existingData_Syslist6010EntryId + ", 'de', '" + existingData_Syslist6010EntryValue + "', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 7, 'de', 'aufgrund der Vertraulichkeit personenbezogener Daten', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 8, 'de', 'aufgrund des Schutzes einer Person', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 9, 'de', 'aufgrund des Schutzes von Umweltbereichen', 0, 'N')"); // insert new syslist (en) jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", " + noData_Syslist6010EntryId + ", 'en', 'no conditions apply', 0, 'Y')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 2, 'en', 'the confidentiality of the proceedings of public authorities', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 3, 'en', 'international relations, public security or national defence', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 4, 'en', 'the course of justice', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 5, 'en', 'the confidentiality of commercial or industrial information', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", " + existingData_Syslist6010EntryId + ", 'en', 'intellectual property rights', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 7, 'en', 'the confidentiality of personal data and/or files', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 8, 'en', 'the interests or protection of any person', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 9, 'en', 'the protection of the environment', 0, 'N')"); // -------------------- lstId = 5100; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating syslist " + lstId + " (Service-Klassifikation)..."); } // clean up, to guarantee no old values ! sqlStr = "DELETE FROM sys_list where lst_id = " + lstId; jdbc.executeUpdate(sqlStr); // insert new syslist jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 1, 'de', 'Suchdienste (CSW)', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 1, 'en', 'Discovery Service', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", " + wmsSyslist5100EntryId + ", 'de', '" + wmsSyslist5100EntryValue + "', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", " + wmsSyslist5100EntryId + ", 'en', 'View Service', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", " + wfsSyslist5100EntryId + ", 'de', '" + wfsSyslist5100EntryValue + "', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", " + wfsSyslist5100EntryId + ", 'en', 'Download Service', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 4, 'de', 'Transformationsdienste (WCTS)', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 4, 'en', 'Transformation Service', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 5, 'de', 'Verkettete Geodatendienste', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 5, 'en', 'Invoke Spatial Data Service', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", " + defaultSyslist5100EntryId + ", 'de', '" + defaultSyslist5100EntryValue + "', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", " + defaultSyslist5100EntryId + ", 'en', 'Other Service', 0, 'N')"); // -------------------- lstId = 5105; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Inserting new syslist " + lstId + " (Operations for CSW Service)..."); } // clean up, to guarantee no old values ! sqlStr = "DELETE FROM sys_list where lst_id = " + lstId; jdbc.executeUpdate(sqlStr); // insert new syslist jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 1, 'de', 'GetCapabilities', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 2, 'de', 'GetRecords', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 3, 'de', 'GetRecordById', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 4, 'de', 'DescribeRecord', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 5, 'de', 'GetDomain', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 6, 'de', 'Transaction', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 7, 'de', 'Harvest', 0, 'N')"); // -------------------- lstId = 5130; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Inserting new syslist " + lstId + " (Operations for WCTS Service)..."); } // clean up, to guarantee no old values ! sqlStr = "DELETE FROM sys_list where lst_id = " + lstId; jdbc.executeUpdate(sqlStr); // insert new syslist jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 1, 'de', 'GetCapabilities', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 2, 'de', 'Transform', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 3, 'de', 'IsTransformable', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 4, 'de', 'GetTransformation', 0, 'N')"); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", 5, 'de', 'GetResourceById', 0, 'N')"); // -------------------- lstId = 5120; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating syslist " + lstId + " (Operations for WFS Service)..."); } // clean up, to guarantee no old values ! sqlStr = "DELETE FROM sys_list where lst_id = " + lstId; jdbc.executeUpdate(sqlStr); newSyslist5120.put(1, "GetCapabilities"); newSyslist5120.put(2, "DescribeFeatureType"); newSyslist5120.put(3, "GetFeature"); newSyslist5120.put(4, "LockFeature"); newSyslist5120.put(5, "Transaction"); oldToNewKeySyslist5120.put(1, 2); // both old "GetFeature" mapped to new "GetFeature" (error in old syslist) oldToNewKeySyslist5120.put(2, 3); oldToNewKeySyslist5120.put(3, 3); oldToNewKeySyslist5120.put(4, 4); oldToNewKeySyslist5120.put(5, 5); Iterator<Integer> itr = newSyslist5120.keySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { int key =; jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", " + key + ", 'de', '" + newSyslist5120.get(key) + "', 0, 'N')"); } // -------------------- lstId = 5200; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating syslist " + lstId + " (INSPIRE: Classification of spatial data services)..."); } // clean up, to guarantee no old values ! sqlStr = "DELETE FROM sys_list where lst_id = " + lstId; jdbc.executeUpdate(sqlStr); // german syslist newSyslist5200_de.put(101, "Katalogdienst (humanCatalogueViewer)"); newSyslist5200_de.put(102, "Dienst fr geografische Visualisierung"); newSyslist5200_de.put(103, "Dienst fr geografische Tabellenkalkulation"); newSyslist5200_de.put(104, "Editor fr Verarbeitungsdienste"); newSyslist5200_de.put(105, "Editor fr die Definition von Bearbeitungsketten"); newSyslist5200_de.put(106, "Aufrufprogramm fr Bearbeitungsketten"); newSyslist5200_de.put(107, "Editor fr geografische Objekte"); newSyslist5200_de.put(108, "Editor fr geografische Symbole"); newSyslist5200_de.put(109, "Editor fr die Objektgeneralisierung"); newSyslist5200_de.put(110, "Betrachter fr geografische Datenstrukturen"); newSyslist5200_de.put(201, "Dienst fr den Zugriff auf Objekte"); newSyslist5200_de.put(202, "Dienst fr den Zugriff auf grafische Darstellungen"); newSyslist5200_de.put(203, "Dienst fr den Zugriff auf Rasterdaten"); newSyslist5200_de.put(204, "Dienst fr die Beschreibung von Sensoren"); newSyslist5200_de.put(205, "Dienst fr den Zugriff auf Produkte"); newSyslist5200_de.put(206, "Dienst fr den Zugriff auf Objektarten"); newSyslist5200_de.put(207, "Katalogdienst (infoCatalogueService)"); newSyslist5200_de.put(208, "Registerdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(209, "Gazetteerdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(210, "Auftragsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(211, "Dauerauftragsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(301, "Dienst fr die Definition von Bearbeitungsketten"); newSyslist5200_de.put(302, "Dienst fr die Ausfhrung von Bearbeitungsketten "); newSyslist5200_de.put(303, "Abonnementdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(401, "Dienst fr die Konversion von Koordinaten"); newSyslist5200_de.put(402, "Dienst fr die Transformation von Koordinaten"); newSyslist5200_de.put(403, "Dienst fr die Umwandlung zwischen Raster- und Vektordaten"); newSyslist5200_de.put(404, "Dienst fr die Konversion von Bildkoordinaten"); newSyslist5200_de.put(405, "Entzerrungsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(406, "Ortho-Entzerrungsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(407, "Dienst fr die Justierung von Geometriemodellen von Sensoren"); newSyslist5200_de.put(408, "Dienst fr die Konversion von Geometriemodellen"); newSyslist5200_de.put(409, "Geografischer Ausschnittsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(410, "Raumbezogener Auswahldienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(411, "Kachelungsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(412, "Messungsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(413, "Objektbearbeitungsdienste"); newSyslist5200_de.put(414, "Vergleichsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(415, "Generalisierungsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(416, "Routensuchdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(417, "Positionierungsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(418, "Analysedienst fr rumliche Nachbarschaftsbeziehungen"); newSyslist5200_de.put(501, "Berechnungsdienst fr Geoparameter"); newSyslist5200_de.put(502, "Dienst fr die thematische Klassifizierung"); newSyslist5200_de.put(503, "Generalisierungsdienst fr Objektarten"); newSyslist5200_de.put(504, "Themenbezogener Ausschnittsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(505, "Zhldienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(506, "Erkennungsdienst fr Vernderungen"); newSyslist5200_de.put(507, "Auszugsdienste fr geografische Informationen"); newSyslist5200_de.put(508, "Themenbezogener Bildverarbeitungsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(509, "Auflsungsreduzierungsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(510, "Bildbearbeitungsdienste"); newSyslist5200_de.put(511, "Interpretationsdienste fr Bilder"); newSyslist5200_de.put(512, "Bildsynthesedienste"); newSyslist5200_de.put(513, "Multiband-Bildbearbeitung"); newSyslist5200_de.put(514, "Objekterkennungsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(515, "Geoparserdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(516, "Geocodierungsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(601, "Transformationsdienst fr den Zeitbezug"); newSyslist5200_de.put(602, "Zeitbezogener Ausschnittsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(603, "Zeitbezogener Auswahldienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(604, "Analysedienst fr zeitbezogene Nachbarschaftsbeziehungen"); newSyslist5200_de.put(701, "Dienst fr statistische Berechnungen"); newSyslist5200_de.put(702, "Ergnzungsdienste fr Geodaten"); newSyslist5200_de.put(801, "Codierungsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(802, "bertragungsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(803, "Kompressionsdienst fr Geodaten"); newSyslist5200_de.put(804, "Umformatierungsdienst fr Geodaten"); newSyslist5200_de.put(805, "Nachrichtenbermittlungsdienst"); newSyslist5200_de.put(806, "Dienst fr den Zugriff auf externe Daten und Programme"); newSyslist5200_de.put(901, "Kein geografischer Dienst"); // english syslist LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> newSyslist5200_en = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); newSyslist5200_en.put(101, "Catalogue viewer"); newSyslist5200_en.put(102, "Geographic viewer"); newSyslist5200_en.put(103, "Geographic spreadsheet viewer"); newSyslist5200_en.put(104, "Service editor"); newSyslist5200_en.put(105, "Chain definition editor"); newSyslist5200_en.put(106, "Workflow enactment manager"); newSyslist5200_en.put(107, "Geographic feature editor"); newSyslist5200_en.put(108, "Geographic symbol editor"); newSyslist5200_en.put(109, "Feature generalization editor"); newSyslist5200_en.put(110, "Geographic data-structure viewer"); newSyslist5200_en.put(201, "Feature access service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(202, "Map access service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(203, "Coverage access service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(204, "Sensor description service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(205, "Product access service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(206, "Feature type service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(207, "Catalogue service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(208, "Registry Service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(209, "Gazetteer service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(210, "Order handling service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(211, "Standing order service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(301, "Chain definition service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(302, "Workflow enactment service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(303, "Subscription service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(401, "Coordinate conversion service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(402, "Coordinate transformation service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(403, "Coverage/vector conversion service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(404, "Image coordinate conversion service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(405, "Rectification service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(406, "Orthorectification service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(407, "Sensor geometry model adjustment service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(408, "Image geometry model conversion service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(409, "Subsetting service (spatial)"); newSyslist5200_en.put(410, "Sampling service (spatial)"); newSyslist5200_en.put(411, "Tiling change service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(412, "Dimension measurement service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(413, "Feature manipulation services"); newSyslist5200_en.put(414, "Feature matching service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(415, "Feature generalization service (spatial)"); newSyslist5200_en.put(416, "Route determination service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(417, "Positioning service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(418, "Proximity analysis service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(501, "Geoparameter calculation service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(502, "Thematic classification service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(503, "Feature generalization service (thematic)"); newSyslist5200_en.put(504, "Subsetting service (thematic)"); newSyslist5200_en.put(505, "Spatial counting service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(506, "Change detection service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(507, "Geographic information extraction services"); newSyslist5200_en.put(508, "Image processing service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(509, "Reduced resolution generation service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(510, "Image Manipulation Services"); newSyslist5200_en.put(511, "Image understanding services"); newSyslist5200_en.put(512, "Image synthesis services"); newSyslist5200_en.put(513, "Multi-band image manipulation"); newSyslist5200_en.put(514, "Object detection service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(515, "Geoparsing service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(516, "Geocoding service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(601, "Temporal reference system transformation service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(602, "Subsetting service (temporal)"); newSyslist5200_en.put(603, "Sampling service (temporal)"); newSyslist5200_en.put(604, "Temporal proximity analysis service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(701, "Statistical calculation service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(702, "Geographic annotation services"); newSyslist5200_en.put(801, "Encoding service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(802, "Transfer service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(803, "Geographic compression service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(804, "Geographic format conversion service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(805, "Messaging service"); newSyslist5200_en.put(806, "Remote file and executable management"); newSyslist5200_en.put(901, "Non Geographic Service"); oldToNewKeySyslist5200.put(1, 207); oldToNewKeySyslist5200.put(2, 202); oldToNewKeySyslist5200.put(3, 201); oldToNewKeySyslist5200.put(6, 901); itr = newSyslist5200_de.keySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { int key =; // german version jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", " + key + ", 'de', '" + newSyslist5200_de.get(key) + "', 0, 'N')"); // english version jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO sys_list (id, lst_id, entry_id, lang_id, name, maintainable, is_default) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + lstId + ", " + key + ", 'en', '" + newSyslist5200_en.get(key) + "', 0, 'N')"); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating sys_list... done"); } } protected void updateObjectConformity() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating object_conformity..."); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Add default entries for every object..."); } // then add entries for ALL t01_objects (no matter whether working or published version) String sql = "select distinct as objNodeId, as objId " + "from t01_object obj, object_node objNode " + "where obj.obj_uuid = objNode.obj_uuid"; Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery(sql, st); HashMap<Long, Boolean> processedNodeIds = new HashMap<Long, Boolean>(); while ( { long objNodeId = rs.getLong("objNodeId"); long objId = rs.getLong("objId"); // publication_date of INSPIRE is 14.03.2007, see email 22.10.2008 13:57, "AW: AW: PortalU Aktualisierung!!" String defaultSpecification = "INSPIRE-Richtlinie"; String defaultPubDate = "20070314000000000"; jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO object_conformity (id, obj_id, line, specification, degree_key, degree_value, publication_date) " + "VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + objId + ", 1, '" + defaultSpecification + "', " + defaultSyslist6000EntryId + ", '" + defaultSyslist6000EntryValue + "', '" + defaultPubDate + "')"); // Node may contain different object versions, then we receive nodeId multiple times. // Write Index only once (index contains data of working version!) ! if (!processedNodeIds.containsKey(objNodeId)) { JDBCHelper.updateObjectIndex(objNodeId, defaultSpecification, jdbc); // ObjectConformity.specification JDBCHelper.updateObjectIndex(objNodeId, defaultSyslist6000EntryValue, jdbc); // ObjectConformity.degreeValue processedNodeIds.put(objNodeId, true); } } rs.close(); st.close(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating object_conformity... done"); } } protected void updateT011ObjGeo() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating t011_obj_geo..."); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Add 'datasource_uuid' default values, 'special_base' defaults..."); } // get catalog name and create prefix for unique datasource_uuid String sql = "select cat_name from t03_catalogue"; Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery(sql, st);; String catName = rs.getString("cat_name"); rs.close(); st.close(); String datasourceUuidPrefix = catName.replace(' ', '_'); datasourceUuidPrefix += ":"; // then add default data for ALL t011_obj_geo sql = "select as objGeoId, objGeo.special_base, obj.obj_uuid as objUuid " + "from t011_obj_geo objGeo, t01_object obj " + "where objGeo.obj_id ="; st = jdbc.createStatement(); rs = jdbc.executeQuery(sql, st); while ( { long objGeoId = rs.getLong("objGeoId"); String objUuid = rs.getString("objUuid"); String objGeoSpecialBase = rs.getString("special_base"); String datasourceUuid = datasourceUuidPrefix + objUuid; jdbc.executeUpdate("UPDATE t011_obj_geo SET datasource_uuid = '" + datasourceUuid + "' " + "where id = " + objGeoId); // special_base is now mandatory ! supply default value if (objGeoSpecialBase == null || objGeoSpecialBase.trim().length() == 0) { jdbc.executeUpdate( "UPDATE t011_obj_geo SET special_base = 'Unbekannt' " + "where id = " + objGeoId); } } rs.close(); st.close(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating t011_obj_geo... done"); } } protected void updateObjectAccess() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating object_access..."); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Migrate obj.avail_access_note, obj.fees to table object_access..."); } String sql = "select as objNodeId, objNode.obj_id as objWorkId, as objId, obj.avail_access_note, obj.fees " + "from t01_object obj, object_node objNode " + "where obj.obj_uuid = objNode.obj_uuid"; // Node may contain different object versions (working and published version), just to be sure // we track written data in hash maps to avoid multiple writing for same object (or should we trust upper sql ;) HashMap<Long, Boolean> processedObjIds = new HashMap<Long, Boolean>(); Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery(sql, st); while ( { long objNodeId = rs.getLong("objNodeId"); long objWorkId = rs.getLong("objWorkId"); long objId = rs.getLong("objId"); String availAccessNote = rs.getString("avail_access_note"); availAccessNote = (availAccessNote == null) ? "" : availAccessNote.trim(); String fees = rs.getString("fees"); fees = (fees == null) ? "" : fees.trim(); // write values if not written yet ! if (!processedObjIds.containsKey(objId)) { // default: NO access data set in object int syslist6010EntryId = noData_Syslist6010EntryId; String syslist6010EntryValue = noData_Syslist6010EntryValue; String termsOfUse = "keine Einschrnkungen"; // values when access data set in object if (availAccessNote.length() > 0 || fees.length() > 0) { syslist6010EntryId = existingData_Syslist6010EntryId; syslist6010EntryValue = existingData_Syslist6010EntryValue; termsOfUse = ""; if (availAccessNote.length() > 0) { termsOfUse += availAccessNote; } if (fees.length() > 0) { if (termsOfUse.length() > 0) { termsOfUse += " // "; } termsOfUse += fees; } } jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO object_access (id, obj_id, line, restriction_key, restriction_value, terms_of_use) " + "VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + objId + ", 1, " + syslist6010EntryId + ", '" + syslist6010EntryValue + "', '" + termsOfUse + "')"); processedObjIds.put(objId, true); // extend object index (index contains only data of working versions !) if (objWorkId == objId) { JDBCHelper.updateObjectIndex(objNodeId, syslist6010EntryValue, jdbc); // ObjectAccess.restrictionValue JDBCHelper.updateObjectIndex(objNodeId, termsOfUse, jdbc); // ObjectAccess.termsOfUse } } } rs.close(); st.close(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating object_access... done"); } } protected void updateT011ObjServ() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating t011_obj_serv..."); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Migrate type_key, type_value to new syslist (Service-Klassifikation) ..."); } String sql = "select as objNodeId, objNode.obj_id as objWorkId, as objId, " + " as objServId, objServ.type_key, objServ.type_value, objServ.description " + "from t011_obj_serv objServ, t01_object obj, object_node objNode " + "where objServ.obj_id = " + "and obj.obj_uuid = objNode.obj_uuid"; // Node may contain different object versions (working and published version), just to be sure // we track written data in hash maps to avoid multiple writing for same object (or should we trust upper sql ;) HashMap<Long, Boolean> processedObjIds = new HashMap<Long, Boolean>(); Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery(sql, st); while ( { long objNodeId = rs.getLong("objNodeId"); long objWorkId = rs.getLong("objWorkId"); long objId = rs.getLong("objId"); long objServId = rs.getLong("objServId"); Integer objServTypeKey = rs.getInt("type_key"); objServTypeKey = (objServTypeKey == null) ? -1 : objServTypeKey; String objServTypeValue = rs.getString("type_value"); objServTypeValue = (objServTypeValue == null) ? "" : objServTypeValue.trim(); String objServDescr = rs.getString("description"); // write values if not written yet ! if (!processedObjIds.containsKey(objId)) { // default int syslist5100EntryId = defaultSyslist5100EntryId; String syslist5100EntryValue = defaultSyslist5100EntryValue; // values if data set in object if (objServTypeKey == 1) { syslist5100EntryId = wmsSyslist5100EntryId; syslist5100EntryValue = wmsSyslist5100EntryValue; } else if (objServTypeKey == 2) { syslist5100EntryId = wfsSyslist5100EntryId; syslist5100EntryValue = wfsSyslist5100EntryValue; } else { // migrate free entry into description ! if (objServTypeValue.length() > 0) { objServDescr = (objServDescr == null) ? "" : objServDescr.trim(); if (objServDescr.length() > 0) { objServDescr = "\n\n" + objServDescr; } objServDescr = objServTypeValue + objServDescr; } } jdbc.executeUpdate("UPDATE t011_obj_serv SET type_key = " + syslist5100EntryId + ", type_value = '" + syslist5100EntryValue + "', description = '" + objServDescr + "' where id = " + objServId); processedObjIds.put(objId, true); // extend object index (index contains only data of working versions !) if (objWorkId == objId) { JDBCHelper.updateObjectIndex(objNodeId, syslist5100EntryValue, jdbc); // objServ.type_value } } } rs.close(); st.close(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating t011_obj_serv... done"); } } /** migrate old WFS operation entries to new ones (old ones had bug -> two times "GetFeature" in syslist) */ protected void updateT011ObjServOperation() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating t011_obj_serv_operation..."); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Migrate buggy old WFS operation key/names to new syslist 5120 (WFS Operations) ..."); } // then add entries for ALL t01_objects (no matter whether working or published version) String sql = "select as objServOpId, objServ.type_key, objServOp.name_key " + "from t011_obj_serv objServ, t011_obj_serv_operation objServOp " + "where = objServOp.obj_serv_id"; HashMap<Long, Boolean> processedServOpIds = new HashMap<Long, Boolean>(); Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery(sql, st); while ( { long objServOpId = rs.getLong("objServOpId"); Integer servTypeKey = rs.getInt("type_key"); Integer servOpKey = rs.getInt("name_key"); // only process WFS Operations if (!wfsSyslist5100EntryId.equals(servTypeKey)) { continue; } // write values if not written yet ! if (!processedServOpIds.containsKey(objServOpId)) { Integer newKey = oldToNewKeySyslist5120.get(servOpKey); String newValue = newSyslist5120.get(newKey); if (newKey != null) { jdbc.executeUpdate("UPDATE t011_obj_serv_operation SET name_key = " + newKey + ", name_value = '" + newValue + "' where id = " + objServOpId); } processedServOpIds.put(objServOpId, true); // NO UPDATE OF INDEX, should already contain old values ! } } rs.close(); st.close(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating t011_obj_serv... done"); } } protected void updateT011ObjServType() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating t011_obj_serv_type..."); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Migrate t011_obj_serv.type to table t011_obj_serv_type.serv_type ..."); } String sql = "select distinct as objNodeId, objNode.obj_id as objWorkId, as objId, " + " as objServId, objServ.type_key " + "from t011_obj_serv objServ, t01_object obj, object_node objNode " + "where objServ.obj_id = " + "and obj.obj_uuid = objNode.obj_uuid"; // Node may contain different object versions (working and published version), just to be sure // we track written data in hash maps to avoid multiple writing for same object (or should we trust upper sql ;) HashMap<Long, Boolean> processedObjIds = new HashMap<Long, Boolean>(); Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery(sql, st); while ( { long objNodeId = rs.getLong("objNodeId"); long objWorkId = rs.getLong("objWorkId"); long objId = rs.getLong("objId"); long objServId = rs.getLong("objServId"); Integer objServTypeKey = rs.getInt("type_key"); // write values if not written yet ! if (!processedObjIds.containsKey(objId)) { Integer syslist5200EntryId = oldToNewKeySyslist5200.get(objServTypeKey); String syslist5200EntryValue = newSyslist5200_de.get(syslist5200EntryId); jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO t011_obj_serv_type (id, obj_serv_id, line, serv_type_key, serv_type_value) " + "VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + objServId + ", 1, " + syslist5200EntryId + ", '" + syslist5200EntryValue + "')"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Obj-Service id(" + objServId + "), wrote type " + syslist5200EntryId + "/" + syslist5200EntryValue); } // extend object index (index contains only data of working versions !) if (objWorkId == objId) { JDBCHelper.updateObjectIndex(objNodeId, syslist5200EntryValue, jdbc); // t011_obj_serv_type.serv_type_value if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Also updated according index objNodeId(" + objNodeId + ") with '" + syslist5200EntryValue + "'"); } } processedObjIds.put(objId, true); } } rs.close(); st.close(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating t011_obj_serv_type... done"); } } protected void updateT021Communication() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating t021_communication..."); } String defaultEmail = importDescriptor.getIdcEmailDefault(); if (defaultEmail == null || defaultEmail.trim().length() == 0) { throw new Exception("Default email missing for updating t021_communication, email is now mandatory"); } String defaultEmailDescr = "Migration INSPIRE: Email hinzugefgt"; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Check every object for email address and add if missing ..."); } // select all addresses ! String sql = "select as addrNodeId, " + "addrNode.addr_id as addrWorkId, as addrId, " + "addrNode.fk_addr_uuid as parentUuid " + "from t02_address addr, address_node addrNode " + "where addr.adr_uuid = addrNode.addr_uuid"; // Node may contain different address versions (working and published version), just to be sure // we track written data in hash maps to avoid multiple writing for same address (or should we trust upper sql ;) HashMap<Long, Boolean> processedAddrIds = new HashMap<Long, Boolean>(); Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery(sql, st); while ( { long addrNodeId = rs.getLong("addrNodeId"); long addrWorkId = rs.getLong("addrWorkId"); long addrId = rs.getLong("addrId"); boolean isWorkingVersion = (addrWorkId == addrId); String parentAddrUuid = rs.getString("parentUuid"); // already processed ? if (!processedAddrIds.containsKey(addrId)) { // check whether address has email HashMap<String, Integer> returnData = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); String email = getAddressEmail(addrId, returnData); if (email == null) { // this is the line number the new email is added with int line = returnData.get("MAX_LINE") + 1; // get email from parent(s), use default email if no email set String emailToAdd = getParentAddressEmail(parentAddrUuid, isWorkingVersion); emailToAdd = (emailToAdd == null) ? defaultEmail : emailToAdd; jdbc.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO t021_communication (id, adr_id, line, commtype_key, commtype_value, comm_value, descr) " + "VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", " + addrId + ", " + line + ", " + COMMUNICATION_TYPE_EMAIL_KEY + ", '" + COMMUNICATION_TYPE_EMAIL_VALUE + "', '" + emailToAdd + "', '" + defaultEmailDescr + "')"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Updated Address id(" + addrId + ") with email '" + emailToAdd + "'"); } // extend address index (index contains only data of working versions !) if (isWorkingVersion) { JDBCHelper.updateAddressIndex(addrNodeId, emailToAdd, jdbc); // t021_communication.comm_value JDBCHelper.updateAddressIndex(addrNodeId, defaultEmailDescr, jdbc); // t021_communication.descr if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Also updated according index addressNodeId(" + addrNodeId + ") with '" + emailToAdd + "', '" + defaultEmailDescr + "'"); } } } processedAddrIds.put(addrId, true); } } rs.close(); st.close(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating t021_communication... done"); } } private String getAddressEmail(long addrId, HashMap<String, Integer> returnData) throws Exception { // select all communication values of address String sql = "select commtype_key, comm_value, line " + "from t021_communication " + "where adr_id = " + addrId + " order by line"; String email = null; Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery(sql, st); int maxLine = 0; while ( { if (COMMUNICATION_TYPE_EMAIL_KEY.equals(rs.getInt("commtype_key"))) { email = rs.getString("comm_value"); } maxLine = rs.getInt("line"); } rs.close(); st.close(); if (returnData != null) { returnData.put("MAX_LINE", maxLine); } return email; } private String getParentAddressEmail(String parentAddrUuid, boolean isWorkingVersion) throws Exception { if (parentAddrUuid == null) { return null; } String sql; if (isWorkingVersion) { sql = "select addr_id as addrId"; } else { sql = "select addr_id_published as addrId"; } sql += ", fk_addr_uuid as parentUuid " + "from address_node " + "where addr_uuid = '" + parentAddrUuid + "'"; String email = null; String parentUuid = null; Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery(sql, st); if ( { parentUuid = rs.getString("parentUuid"); email = getAddressEmail(rs.getLong("addrId"), null); } rs.close(); st.close(); // recursive call to parent if no email yet if (email == null) { getParentAddressEmail(parentUuid, isWorkingVersion); } return email; } protected void updateSysGui() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating sys_gui..."); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Inserting initial sys_gui entries..."); } // clean up, to guarantee no old values ! sqlStr = "DELETE FROM sys_gui"; jdbc.executeUpdate(sqlStr); LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> initialSysGuis = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); Integer initialBehaviour = -1; initialSysGuis.put("1130", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("1140", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("1220", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("1230", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("1240", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("1250", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("1310", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("1320", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("1350", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("1410", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3100", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3110", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3120", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3200", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3210", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3230", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3240", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3250", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3300", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3310", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3320", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3330", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3340", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3345", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3350", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3355", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3360", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3365", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3370", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3375", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3380", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3385", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3400", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3410", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3420", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3500", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3515", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3520", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3530", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3535", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3555", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3565", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("3570", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("5000", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("5020", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("5021", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("5022", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("5040", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("5040", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("5052", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("5062", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("5063", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("5069", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("5070", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N001", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N002", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N003", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N004", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N005", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N007", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N009", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N010", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N011", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N012", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N013", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N014", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N015", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N016", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N017", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N018", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("4400", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("4405", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("4410", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("4415", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("4420", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("4425", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("4435", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("4440", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("4510", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("4500", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N019", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N020", initialBehaviour); initialSysGuis.put("N023", initialBehaviour); Iterator<String> itr = initialSysGuis.keySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String key =; jdbc.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO sys_gui (id, gui_id, behaviour) VALUES (" + getNextId() + ", '" + key + "', " + initialSysGuis.get(key) + ")"); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating sys_gui... done"); } } protected void updateTablesMetadata() throws Exception { // update all objects ! if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating object_metadata..."); } Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery("select id from t01_object", st); while ( { long id = rs.getLong("id"); long metaId = getNextId(); jdbc.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO object_metadata (id) " + "VALUES (" + metaId + ")"); jdbc.executeUpdate("UPDATE t01_object SET obj_metadata_id = " + metaId + " where id = " + id); } rs.close(); st.close(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating object_metadata... done"); } // update all addresses ! if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating address_metadata..."); } st = jdbc.createStatement(); rs = jdbc.executeQuery("select id from t02_address", st); while ( { long id = rs.getLong("id"); long metaId = getNextId(); jdbc.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO address_metadata (id) " + "VALUES (" + metaId + ")"); jdbc.executeUpdate("UPDATE t02_address SET addr_metadata_id = " + metaId + " where id = " + id); } rs.close(); st.close(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating address_metadata... done"); } } protected void updateComments() throws Exception { // update all objects ! if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating object_comment new line attribute..."); } Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery("select id, obj_id from object_comment order by obj_id, create_time", st); int currLine = 1; long currEntityId = -1; while ( { long id = rs.getLong("id"); long objId = rs.getLong("obj_id"); if (objId != currEntityId) { currEntityId = objId; currLine = 1; } jdbc.executeUpdate("UPDATE object_comment SET line = " + currLine + " where id = " + id); currLine++; } rs.close(); st.close(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating object_comment... done"); } // update all addresses ! if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating address_comment new line attribute..."); } st = jdbc.createStatement(); rs = jdbc.executeQuery("select id, addr_id from address_comment order by addr_id, create_time", st); currEntityId = -1; while ( { long id = rs.getLong("id"); long addrId = rs.getLong("addr_id"); if (addrId != currEntityId) { currEntityId = addrId; currLine = 1; } jdbc.executeUpdate("UPDATE address_comment SET line = " + currLine + " where id = " + id); currLine++; } rs.close(); st.close(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating address_comment... done"); } } protected void updateTreePath() throws Exception { String NODE_SEPARATOR = "|"; // update all objects ! if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating tree_path in object_node..."); } // first set up map representing tree structure HashMap<String, String> nodeToParentMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); Statement st = jdbc.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = jdbc.executeQuery("select obj_uuid, fk_obj_uuid from object_node", st); while ( { String uuid = rs.getString("obj_uuid"); String parentUuid = rs.getString("fk_obj_uuid"); // check for nodes referencing itself as parent !!! (as in sh catalog !) if (uuid.equals(parentUuid)) { String msg = "\nWARN: Object node '" + uuid + "' references itself as parent ! WE MOVE THIS NODE TO TOP !!!"; System.out.println(msg); if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn(msg); } // set id of parent to null in database and map ! jdbc.executeUpdate( "UPDATE object_node SET fk_obj_uuid = NULL " + "where obj_uuid = '" + uuid + "'"); parentUuid = null; } nodeToParentMap.put(uuid, parentUuid); } rs.close(); st.close(); // then process all nodes and write their path ! Iterator<String> nodeIt = nodeToParentMap.keySet().iterator(); while (nodeIt.hasNext()) { String nodeUuid =; String parentUuid = nodeToParentMap.get(nodeUuid); String path = ""; // set up path ArrayList<String> pathUuids = new ArrayList<String>(); pathUuids.add(nodeUuid); while (parentUuid != null) { // test for loops in hierarchy !!! corrupt data ! if (pathUuids.contains(parentUuid)) { if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn("Object node '" + nodeUuid + "' contains loop in tree hierarchy !!! " + "Current path: '" + path + "', next parent: '" + parentUuid + "'"); log.warn("We only write path till loop: '" + path + "'"); } break; } else { pathUuids.add(parentUuid); } // insert parent at front ! path = NODE_SEPARATOR + parentUuid + NODE_SEPARATOR + path; parentUuid = nodeToParentMap.get(parentUuid); } // write path. NOTICE: top nodes have path '' jdbc.executeUpdate( "UPDATE object_node SET tree_path = '" + path + "' " + "where obj_uuid = '" + nodeUuid + "'"); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating tree_path in object_node... done"); } // update all addresses ! if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating tree_path in address_node..."); } // first set up map representing tree structure nodeToParentMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); st = jdbc.createStatement(); rs = jdbc.executeQuery("select addr_uuid, fk_addr_uuid from address_node", st); while ( { String uuid = rs.getString("addr_uuid"); String parentUuid = rs.getString("fk_addr_uuid"); // check for nodes referencing itself as parent !!! (as in sh catalog !) if (uuid.equals(parentUuid)) { String msg = "\nWARN: Address node '" + uuid + "' references itself as parent ! WE MOVE THIS NODE TO TOP !!!"; System.out.println(msg); if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn(msg); } // set id of parent to null in database and map ! jdbc.executeUpdate( "UPDATE address_node SET fk_addr_uuid = NULL " + "where addr_uuid = '" + uuid + "'"); parentUuid = null; } nodeToParentMap.put(uuid, parentUuid); } rs.close(); st.close(); // then process all nodes and write their path ! nodeIt = nodeToParentMap.keySet().iterator(); while (nodeIt.hasNext()) { String nodeUuid =; String parentUuid = nodeToParentMap.get(nodeUuid); String path = ""; // set up path ArrayList<String> pathUuids = new ArrayList<String>(); pathUuids.add(nodeUuid); while (parentUuid != null) { // test for loops in hierarchy !!! corrupt data ! if (pathUuids.contains(parentUuid)) { if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn("Address node '" + nodeUuid + "' contains loop in tree hierarchy !!! " + "Current path: '" + path + "', next parent: '" + parentUuid + "'"); log.warn("We only write path till loop: '" + path + "'"); } break; } else { pathUuids.add(parentUuid); } // insert parent at front ! path = NODE_SEPARATOR + parentUuid + NODE_SEPARATOR + path; parentUuid = nodeToParentMap.get(parentUuid); } // write path. NOTICE: top nodes have path '' jdbc.executeUpdate( "UPDATE address_node SET tree_path = '" + path + "' " + "where addr_uuid = '" + nodeUuid + "'"); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updating tree_path in address_node... done"); } } protected void cleanUpDataStructure() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Cleaning up datastructure -> CAUSES COMMIT ! ..."); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Drop 't01_object.avail_access_note' ..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().dropColumn("avail_access_note", "t01_object", jdbc); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Drop 't01_object.fees' ..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().dropColumn("fees", "t01_object", jdbc); /* // don't add "not null", can be empty in working version ! if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Add not null constraint to 't011_obj_geo.special_base' ..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().modifyColumn("special_base", ColumnType.TEXT, "t011_obj_geo", true, jdbc); */ if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Drop columns in 't01_object' (moved to 'object_metadata' table)..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().dropColumn("lastexport_time", "t01_object", jdbc); jdbc.getDBLogic().dropColumn("expiry_time", "t01_object", jdbc); jdbc.getDBLogic().dropColumn("mark_deleted", "t01_object", jdbc); jdbc.getDBLogic().dropColumn("work_version", "t01_object", jdbc); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Drop columns in 't02_address' (moved to 'address_metadata' table)..."); } jdbc.getDBLogic().dropColumn("lastexport_time", "t02_address", jdbc); jdbc.getDBLogic().dropColumn("expiry_time", "t02_address", jdbc); jdbc.getDBLogic().dropColumn("mark_deleted", "t02_address", jdbc); jdbc.getDBLogic().dropColumn("work_version", "t02_address", jdbc); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Cleaning up datastructure... done"); } } }