Java tutorial
package de.iisys.schub.processMining.similarity; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import; import de.iisys.schub.processMining.config.Config; import de.iisys.schub.processMining.similarity.Tokenizing.UsePOSTagger; import de.iisys.schub.processMining.similarity.Tokenizing.UseStemmer; import de.iisys.schub.processMining.similarity.Tokenizing.UseStopwords; import de.iisys.schub.processMining.similarity.Tokenizing.UseTokenizer; import de.iisys.schub.processMining.similarity.model.MinedDocument; import de.iisys.schub.processMining.similarity.model.MinedMainDocument; import de.iisys.schub.processMining.similarity.model.Similarity; import de.iisys.schub.processMining.similarity.parsing.DocxParser; import de.iisys.schub.processMining.similarity.parsing.TextParser; /** * Main controller to compare the similarity of documents. * You usually have a docx main document (with chapters) * and some other documents/texts to compare with. * * * LICENSE: * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * @author Christian Ochsenkhn * */ public class AlgoController { private int THREADS; private String OUTPUT_NAME; private double PERCENTILE; private UseTokenizer TOKENIZER; private UseStopwords STOPWORDS; private UseStemmer STEMMER; private UsePOSTagger POSTAGGER; private boolean ALLOW_NUMBER_AS_TERM; public enum Language { EN, DE } private MinedMainDocument mainDoc; private List<MinedDocument> compareDocs; private List<String> allTerms; private Timestamp lastTimestamp = null; private double time_parsing; private double time_tokenizing; private double time_tfidf; private double time_cosine; public AlgoController() { loadProperties(); } public AlgoController(MinedMainDocument mainDoc, List<MinedDocument> compareDocs) { this.mainDoc = mainDoc; this.compareDocs = compareDocs; loadProperties(); } /** * Starts a pipeline for the given documents with the following steps: * Parsing, tokenizing, stopword removal, stemming, [POS tagging], * tf-idf vectors creation and calculating the cosine similarities. * @param mainFilePath: * path to the main docx document with chapters * @param compareFilesPath: * path to the documents to compare with * @param percentile: * the percentile (in percent) above which documents are supposed as similar */ public void pipelineCosineSimilarity(String mainFilePath, String compareFilesPath, double percentile) { PERCENTILE = percentile; this.pipelineCosineSimilarity(mainFilePath, compareFilesPath); } /** * Starts a pipeline for the given documents with the following steps: * Parsing, tokenizing, stopword removal, stemming, [POS tagging], * tf-idf vectors creation and calculating the cosine similarities. * * Last Step: Saves all cosine similarities to an output file. * * @param mainFilePath: * path to the main docx document with chapters * @param compareFilesPath: * path to the documents to compare with */ public void pipelineCosineSimilarity(String mainFilePath, String compareFilesPath) { // step 1-3: this.mainPipeline(mainFilePath, compareFilesPath); // step 4: calculating cosine similarities printTimestamp(false); System.out.println(": Calculating cosine similarity..."); String output = this.calculateCosineSimilarities(); time_cosine = printTimestamp(true); System.out.println(": Done!"); // step 5: save output saveToOutputFile(this.showMainMetaData() + output, OUTPUT_NAME); } /** * Starts a pipeline for the given documents with the following steps: * Parsing, tokenizing, stopword removal, stemming, [POS tagging], * tf-idf vectors creation and calculating the cosine similarities. * * Last Steps: * All docs with an cosine similarity over the percentile are considered as similar. * Only the similar docs are saved to an output file * (incl. the 3 most important terms, which appear in both similar documents). * * @param mainFilePath * @param compareFilesPath * @return * Returns the mainDocument file which contains a list of similar documents. */ public MinedMainDocument pipelineSimilarDocs(String mainFilePath, String compareFilesPath) { // step 1-3: this.mainPipeline(mainFilePath, compareFilesPath); // step 4: calculating similar docs (via cosine similarity and percentile) printTimestamp(false); System.out.println(": Calculating cosine similarity..."); this.calculateSimilarDocsViaCosine(); time_cosine = printTimestamp(true); System.out.println(": Done!"); // step 5: create output string String output = this.showSimilarDocs(this.mainDoc); // step 6: save output saveToOutputFile(this.showMainMetaData() + output, OUTPUT_NAME); return this.mainDoc; } /** * This pipeline should be used for the Shindig activity mining, coming from the ActivityController. * 1. Parsing the main artifact/document and the artifacts to compare. * 2. Tokenizinig (incl. stemming etc.) of the artifacts' texts. * 3. Creating the tf-idf vectors of these texts. * 4. Calculating the cosine similarity between these texts and finding the similar texts. * 5. Creating and saving the results of the similarity to a text file. * 6. Returning the MinedMainDocument, containing the similarity results. * * @param artefactCon * @param cycleNr * @return */ public MinedMainDocument pipelineNuxeoSimilarArtefacts(ArtefactController artefactCon, int cycleNr) { // step 1: parsing printTimestamp(false); System.out.println(": Parsing files..."); this.mainDoc = artefactCon.parseMainArtifact(); this.compareDocs = new ArrayList<MinedDocument>(); // TODO: only for testing: // parseFilesFromFolders(null, "docs"); this.compareDocs.addAll(artefactCon.parseCompareArtifacts()); time_parsing = printTimestamp(true); System.out.println(": Done!"); // step 2: tokenizing (incl. stemming etc.) printTimestamp(false); System.out.println(": Tokenizing " + (compareDocs.size() + 1) + " doc(s) and " + mainDoc.chapterCount() + " chapters..."); this.tokenizeTexts(); time_tokenizing = printTimestamp(true); System.out.println(": Done!"); // step 3: creating tf-idf vectors printTimestamp(false); System.out.println(": Creating tf-idf vectors..."); this.calculateTfIdfs(); time_tfidf = printTimestamp(true); System.out.println(": Done!"); // step 4: calculating similar docs (via cosine similarity and percentile) printTimestamp(false); System.out.println(": Calculating cosine similarity..."); this.calculateSimilarDocsViaCosine(); time_cosine = printTimestamp(true); System.out.println(": Done!"); // step 5: create output string String output = this.showSimilarDocs(this.mainDoc); // step 6: save output saveToOutputFile(this.showMainMetaData() + output, "cycle" + cycleNr + ".txt"); return this.mainDoc; } private void mainPipeline(String mainFilePath, String compareFilesPath) { // step 1: parsing printTimestamp(false); System.out.println(": Parsing files..."); this.parseFilesFromFolders(mainFilePath, compareFilesPath); time_parsing = printTimestamp(true); System.out.println(": Done!"); // step 2: tokenizing (incl. stemming etc.) printTimestamp(false); System.out.println(": Tokenizing " + (compareDocs.size() + 1) + " docs and " + mainDoc.chapterCount() + " chapters..."); this.tokenizeTexts(); time_tokenizing = printTimestamp(true); System.out.println(": Done!"); // step 3: creating tf-idf vectors printTimestamp(false); System.out.println(": Creating tf-idf vectors..."); this.calculateTfIdfs(); time_tfidf = printTimestamp(true); System.out.println(": Done!"); } private void parseFilesFromFolders(String mainFilePath, String compareFilesPath) { TextParser textParser; // main doc: if (mainFilePath != null) { if (mainFilePath.endsWith(".docx")) { DocxParser docx = new DocxParser(mainFilePath); docx.parseDocxAndChapters(); mainDoc = new MinedMainDocument(docx.getTitle(), docx.getFullText()); mainDoc.addChapters(docx.getChapterHeadlines(), docx.getChapterTexts()); } else { textParser = new TextParser(mainFilePath); mainDoc = new MinedMainDocument(textParser.getFileNames().get(0), textParser.getTexts().get(0)); } } // compare docs: compareDocs = new ArrayList<MinedDocument>(); textParser = new TextParser(compareFilesPath); List<String> texts = textParser.getTexts(); List<String> names = textParser.getFileNames(); for (int i = 0; i < texts.size(); i++) { compareDocs.add(new MinedDocument(names.get(i), texts.get(i))); } } /* private void parseFilesFromNuxeoAndFolders(String nuxeoDocId, String compareFilesPath) { TextParser textParser; try { NuxeoConnector nuxeo = new NuxeoConnector(); InputStream is = nuxeo.getDocumentInputStream(nuxeoDocId); String title = nuxeo.getLastDocTitle(); if(title==null) title = "Main Document"; DocxParser docx = new DocxParser(is); docx.parseDocxAndChapters(); this.mainDoc = new MinedMainDocument(title, docx.getFullText()); this.mainDoc.addChapters(docx.getChapterHeadlines(), docx.getChapterTexts()); nuxeo.close(); nuxeo = null; is = null; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // compare docs: compareDocs = new ArrayList<MinedDocument>(); textParser = new TextParser(compareFilesPath); List<String> texts = textParser.getTexts(); List<String> names = textParser.getFileNames(); for(int i=0; i<texts.size(); i++) { compareDocs.add(new MinedDocument(names.get(i), texts.get(i))); } } */ private void tokenizeTexts() { Tokenizing tok = new Tokenizing(TOKENIZER, STOPWORDS, STEMMER, POSTAGGER, ALLOW_NUMBER_AS_TERM); this.allTerms = tok.tokenizeTermsThreadable(mainDoc, THREADS); // saves terms for each doc in the doc's object this.allTerms = tok.tokenizeTermsThreadable(compareDocs, allTerms, THREADS); } private void calculateTfIdfs() { TfIdf tfidf = new TfIdf(this.allTerms); try { tfidf.calculateTfIdfsThreadable(mainDoc, compareDocs, THREADS); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void calculateSimilarDocsViaCosine() { List<Double> cosSims = new ArrayList<Double>(); List<String[]> similarTerms = new ArrayList<String[]>(); Similarity sim; int i; /* for(MinedDocument doc : this.compareDocs) { sim = mainDoc.compareSimilarity(doc, allTerms); cosSims.add(i, sim.getCosineSimilarity()); similarTerms.add(i, sim.getSimilarTerms()); i++; }*/ for (i = 0; i < this.compareDocs.size(); i++) { sim = mainDoc.compareSimilarity(this.compareDocs.get(i), allTerms); if (sim != null) { cosSims.add(i, sim.getCosineSimilarity()); similarTerms.add(i, sim.getSimilarTerms()); } else { cosSims.add(i, 0.); similarTerms.add(i, null); } } double percentile = this.getDocsPercentile(cosSims); for (i = 0; i < cosSims.size(); i++) { if (cosSims.get(i) != null && cosSims.get(i) >= percentile) mainDoc.addSimilarDoc(compareDocs.get(i), similarTerms.get(i), cosSims.get(i)); else mainDoc.addSimilarDoc(null, null, cosSims.get(i)); } if (mainDoc.hasChapters()) { for (int j = 0; j < mainDoc.chapterCount(); j++) { cosSims.clear(); similarTerms.clear(); for (MinedDocument doc : compareDocs) { sim = mainDoc.getChapter(j).compareSimilarity(doc, allTerms); if (sim != null) { cosSims.add(sim.getCosineSimilarity()); similarTerms.add(sim.getSimilarTerms()); } else { cosSims.add(0.); similarTerms.add(null); } } percentile = this.getDocsPercentile(cosSims); for (int k = 0; k < cosSims.size(); k++) { if (cosSims.get(k) != null && cosSims.get(k) >= percentile) mainDoc.getChapter(j).addSimilarDoc(compareDocs.get(k), similarTerms.get(k), cosSims.get(k)); else mainDoc.getChapter(j).addSimilarDoc(null, null, cosSims.get(k)); } } } } private String calculateCosineSimilarities() { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#00.00"); double cosSim; List<Double> cosSims = new ArrayList<Double>(); StringBuffer mainBuf = new StringBuffer("\n\nDocument '" + mainDoc.getName() + "' is...\n"); StringBuffer docBuf = new StringBuffer(); for (MinedDocument doc : compareDocs) { cosSim = mainDoc.compareSimilarity(doc); cosSims.add(cosSim); docBuf.append("\t" + df.format(cosSim * 100) + " % \t similar with \t" + " (" + doc.getLang() + ")\n"); } mainBuf.append(this.showDocMetaData(cosSims) + "\n\n"); mainBuf.append(docBuf); if (mainDoc.hasChapters()) { for (int i = 0; i < mainDoc.chapterCount(); i++) { docBuf = new StringBuffer(); cosSims.clear(); mainBuf.append("\n\nChapter " + mainDoc.getChapter(i).getName() + " is...\n"); for (MinedDocument doc : compareDocs) { cosSim = mainDoc.getChapter(i).compareSimilarity(doc); cosSims.add(cosSim); docBuf.append("\t" + df.format(cosSim * 100) + " % \t similar with \t" + doc.getName() + " (" + doc.getLang() + ")\n"); } mainBuf.append(this.showDocMetaData(cosSims) + "\n\n"); mainBuf.append(docBuf); } } return mainBuf.toString(); } private String showSimilarDocs(MinedMainDocument mainDoc) { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#00.00"); String terms[]; // Map<MinedDocument, String[]> similarDocs = mainDoc.getSimilarDocs(); List<MinedDocument> similarDocs = mainDoc.getSimilarDocs(); List<String[]> similarDocsTerms = mainDoc.getSimilarDocsTerms(); StringBuffer mainBuf = new StringBuffer("\n\nDocument '" + mainDoc.getName() + "' is...\n"); int j = 0; // for(MinedDocument simDoc : similarDocs.keySet()) { for (MinedDocument simDoc : similarDocs) { if (simDoc != null) { // terms = similarDocs.get(simDoc); terms = similarDocsTerms.get(j); String termsString = ""; if (terms != null) { for (int t = 0; t < terms.length; t++) { if (t > 0) termsString += ", "; termsString += terms[t]; } } mainBuf.append("\t" + df.format(mainDoc.getSimilarDocsCosine(j) * 100) + " % \t similar with \t" + simDoc.getName() + "\t\t(" + termsString + ")\n"); } j++; } if (mainDoc.hasChapters()) { for (int i = 0; i < mainDoc.chapterCount(); i++) { similarDocs = mainDoc.getChapter(i).getSimilarDocs(); similarDocsTerms = mainDoc.getChapter(i).getSimilarDocsTerms(); mainBuf.append("\n\nChapter " + mainDoc.getChapter(i).getName() + " is...\n"); j = 0; // for(MinedDocument simDoc : similarDocs.keySet()) { for (MinedDocument simDoc : similarDocs) { if (simDoc != null) { // terms = similarDocs.get(simDoc); terms = similarDocsTerms.get(j); String termsString = ""; if (terms != null) { for (int t = 0; t < terms.length; t++) { if (t > 0) termsString += ", "; termsString += terms[t]; } } mainBuf.append("\t" + df.format(mainDoc.getChapter(i).getSimilarDocsCosine(j) * 100) + " % \t similar with \t" + simDoc.getName() + "\t\t(" + termsString + ")\n"); } j++; } } } return mainBuf.toString(); } private String showMainMetaData() { String meta = "*** Cosine TfIdf Similarity ***\n\n" + "* 1 Main Document with " + mainDoc.chapterCount() + " chapters \n" + "* " + this.compareDocs.size() + " Documents to compare \n" + "* " + this.allTerms.size() + " unique terms \n" + "* " + this.THREADS + " threads \n" + "\n" + "* Parsing time: " + time_parsing + "s \n" + "* Tokenizing time: " + time_tokenizing + "s \n" + "* TfIdf time: " + time_tfidf + "s \n" + "* Cosine time: " + time_cosine + "s \n" + "\n" + "Configuration: \n" + "* Percentile: " + this.PERCENTILE + " % \n" + "* Numbers as terms: " + this.ALLOW_NUMBER_AS_TERM + "\n" + "* Tokenizer: " + this.TOKENIZER + "\n" + "* Stemmer: " + this.STEMMER + "\n" + "* Pos-Tagger: " + this.POSTAGGER + "\n" + "* Stopwords: " + this.STOPWORDS + "\n" + "\n"; return meta; } private String showDocMetaData(List<Double> cosineSimValues) { DescriptiveStatistics stat = new DescriptiveStatistics(); for (int i = 0; i < cosineSimValues.size(); i++) { stat.addValue(cosineSimValues.get(i)); } double min = Math.round(stat.getMin() * 1000) / 1000.0; double max = Math.round(stat.getMax() * 1000) / 1000.0; double arithMean = Math.round(stat.getMean() * 10000) / 10000.0; double percentile = Math.round(stat.getPercentile(PERCENTILE) * 1000) / 1000.0; DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#00.00"); String meta = "Min: " + df.format(min * 100) + " %" + ", Max: " + df.format(max * 100) + " %" + ", Arith. Mean: " + df.format(arithMean * 100) + " %" + ", Percentile (" + PERCENTILE + " %): " + df.format(percentile * 100) + " %"; return meta; } private double getDocsPercentile(List<Double> cosineSimValues) { DescriptiveStatistics stat = new DescriptiveStatistics(); for (int i = 0; i < cosineSimValues.size(); i++) { stat.addValue(cosineSimValues.get(i)); } return Math.round(stat.getPercentile(PERCENTILE) * 1000) / 1000.0; } public static void saveToOutputFile(String output, String outputFileName) { Writer out; try { out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outputFileName), "UTF-8")); try { out.write(output); System.out .println("PROCESSMINING: Successfully saved smiliarity results to " + outputFileName + "!"); } finally { out.close(); out = null; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private double printTimestamp(boolean showDuration) { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#0.000"); double duration = 0; Timestamp time = new Timestamp(Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime()); if (showDuration && this.lastTimestamp != null) { duration = (time.getTime() - this.lastTimestamp.getTime()) / 1000f; System.out.print(time.toString() + " (" + df.format((Math.round(duration * 1000) / 1000.0)) + " s)"); } else System.out.print(time); this.lastTimestamp = time; return Math.round(duration * 1000) / 1000.0; } private void loadProperties() { // threads: try { THREADS = Integer.parseInt(Config.THREADS.getValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { THREADS = 4; } // outputFile: OUTPUT_NAME = Config.OUTPUT_FILE.getValue(); // percentile: try { PERCENTILE = Integer.parseInt(Config.PERCENTILE.getValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { PERCENTILE = 90; } // allowNumberAsTerm: ALLOW_NUMBER_AS_TERM = Boolean.parseBoolean(Config.ALLOW_NUMBER_AS_TERM.getValue()); // tokenizer: switch (Config.TOKENIZER.getValue().toUpperCase()) { case "WITH_MODEL": TOKENIZER = UseTokenizer.WITH_MODEL; break; case "SIMPLE": default: TOKENIZER = UseTokenizer.SIMPLE; } // stopwords: switch (Config.STOPWORDS.getValue().toUpperCase()) { case "NONE": STOPWORDS = UseStopwords.NONE; break; case "STOPWORDS_LIST": default: STOPWORDS = UseStopwords.STOPWORDS_LIST; break; } // stemmer: switch (Config.STEMMER.getValue().toUpperCase()) { case "SNOWBALL": STEMMER = UseStemmer.SNOWBALL; break; case "NONE": default: STEMMER = UseStemmer.NONE; } // posTagger: switch (Config.POS_TAGGER.getValue().toUpperCase()) { case "MAXENT": POSTAGGER = UsePOSTagger.MAXENT; break; case "PERCEPTRON": POSTAGGER = UsePOSTagger.PERCEPTRON; break; case "NONE": default: POSTAGGER = UsePOSTagger.NONE; } } }