Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2016 interactive instruments GmbH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package de.ii.ldproxy.service; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import de.ii.ldproxy.output.geojson.GeoJsonFeatureWriter; import de.ii.ldproxy.output.geojson.Gml2GeoJsonMapper; import de.ii.ldproxy.output.html.Gml2MicrodataMapper; import de.ii.ldproxy.output.jsonld.Gml2JsonLdMapper; import de.ii.ogc.wfs.proxy.AbstractWfsProxyService; import de.ii.ogc.wfs.proxy.TargetMapping; import de.ii.ogc.wfs.proxy.WfsProxyFeatureType; import de.ii.xsf.logging.XSFLogger; import de.ii.xtraplatform.ogc.api.WFS; import de.ii.xtraplatform.ogc.api.gml.parser.GMLAnalyzer; import de.ii.xtraplatform.ogc.api.gml.parser.GMLParser; import de.ii.xtraplatform.ogc.api.wfs.client.WFSAdapter; import de.ii.xtraplatform.ogc.api.wfs.client.WFSOperation; import de.ii.xtraplatform.ogc.api.wfs.client.WFSRequest; import org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j.LocalizedLogger; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; /** * @author zahnen */ public class LdProxyService extends AbstractWfsProxyService { private static final LocalizedLogger LOGGER = XSFLogger.getLogger(LdProxyService.class); public static final String SERVICE_TYPE = "ldproxy"; private static final String INTERFACE_SPECIFICATION = "LinkedDataService"; //private Map<String, List<String>> indices; private LdProxyIndexStore indexStore; private SparqlAdapter sparqlAdapter; // TODO: we already have external url, can we use it here? private Map<String, String> rewrites; public LdProxyService() { this.rewrites = new HashMap<>(); } public LdProxyService(String id, String wfsUrl) { super(id, SERVICE_TYPE, null, new WFSAdapter(wfsUrl.trim())); this.rewrites = new HashMap<>(); //this.description = ""; //String[] path = {orgid}; //initialize(path, module); // TODO: dynamic this.schemaAnalyzers.add(new Gml2GeoJsonMapper(this)); this.schemaAnalyzers.add(new Gml2MicrodataMapper(this)); this.schemaAnalyzers.add(new Gml2JsonLdMapper(this)); // TODO //this.analyzeWFS(); } public final void initialize(LdProxyIndexStore indexStore, SparqlAdapter sparqlAdapter) { this.indexStore = indexStore; this.sparqlAdapter = sparqlAdapter; } @Override public String getInterfaceSpecification() { return INTERFACE_SPECIFICATION; } public Map<String, String> getRewrites() { return rewrites; } public void setRewrites(Map<String, String> rewrites) { this.rewrites = rewrites; } public Map<String, String> findIndicesForFeatureType(WfsProxyFeatureType ft) { return findIndicesForFeatureType(ft, true); } public Map<String, String> findIndicesForFeatureType(WfsProxyFeatureType ft, boolean onlyEnabled) { Map<String, String> indices = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, List<TargetMapping>> mappings = ft.getMappings().findMappings(IndexMapping.MIME_TYPE); for (String path : mappings.keySet()) { for (TargetMapping mapping : mappings.get(path)) { if (!onlyEnabled || mapping.isEnabled()) { indices.put(mapping.getName(), path); } } } return indices; } @JsonIgnore public List<String> getIndexValues(WfsProxyFeatureType featureType, String index, String property) { List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(); if (findIndicesForFeatureType(featureType).containsKey(index)) { if (!indexStore.hasResource(index)) { try { values.addAll(harvestIndex(featureType, property)); PropertyIndex propertyIndex = new PropertyIndex(); propertyIndex.setResourceId(index); propertyIndex.setValues(values); indexStore.addResource(propertyIndex); } catch (ExecutionException | IOException e) { LOGGER.getLogger().debug("Error harvesting index", e); } } else { return indexStore.getResource(index).getValues(); } } return values; } private SortedSet<String> harvestIndex(WfsProxyFeatureType featureType, String property) throws ExecutionException { // TODO: only if WFS 2.0.0, else GetFeature // TODO: seems to be incomplete, try GetFeature with paging String propertyName = property.substring(property.lastIndexOf(':') + 1); SortedSet<String> values = new TreeSet<>(); int count = 15000; int startIndex = 0; int numberMatched = 1; int tries = 0; //WFSOperation operation = new GetPropertyValuePaging(getWfsAdapter().getNsStore().getNamespacePrefix(featureType.getNamespace()), featureType.getName(), propertyName, -1, 0); while (numberMatched > 0 && startIndex < numberMatched) { WFSOperation operation = new GetFeaturePaging( getWfsAdapter().getNsStore().getNamespacePrefix(featureType.getNamespace()), featureType.getName(), count, startIndex); WFSRequest request = new WFSRequest(getWfsAdapter(), operation); IndexValueWriter indexValueWriter = new IndexValueWriter(propertyName); GMLParser gmlParser = new GMLParser(indexValueWriter, staxFactory); try { gmlParser.parse(request.getResponse(), WFS.getNS(WFS.VERSION._2_0_0), "member"); } catch (Throwable e) { // ignore } if (indexValueWriter.hasFailed() && tries < 3) { tries++; LOGGER.getLogger().debug("TRYING AGAIN {}", tries); continue; } values.addAll(indexValueWriter.getValues()); numberMatched = indexValueWriter.getNumberMatched(); startIndex += count; tries = 0; LOGGER.getLogger().debug("{}/{}", startIndex, numberMatched); } return values; } public SparqlAdapter getSparqlAdapter() { return sparqlAdapter; } }