Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2011 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) - Institute for * Applied Computer Science (IAI). * * This file is part of soda4LCA - the Service-Oriented Life Cycle Data Store. * * soda4LCA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * soda4LCA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with soda4LCA. If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.shiro.authz.AuthorizationException; import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.sun.jersey.core.header.ContentDisposition; import com.sun.jersey.multipart.FormDataParam; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.api.binding.helper.DatasetHelper; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.api.dataset.ILCDTypes; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.service.client.impl.DatasetTypes; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.service.client.impl.ServiceDAO; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.service.client.impl.vo.DataStockVO; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.service.client.impl.vo.DatasetVODAO; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.service.client.impl.vo.dataset.DataSetList; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.service.client.impl.vo.dataset.DataSetVO; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.service.model.IContactListVO; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.service.model.IDataSetListVO; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.service.model.IFlowListVO; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.service.model.IFlowPropertyListVO; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.service.model.ILCIAMethodListVO; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.service.model.IProcessListVO; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.service.model.ISourceListVO; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.service.model.IUnitGroupListVO; import de.iai.ilcd.configuration.ConfigurationService; import de.iai.ilcd.model.adapter.DataSetListAdapter; import de.iai.ilcd.model.adapter.DataStockListAdapter; import de.iai.ilcd.model.common.DataSet; import de.iai.ilcd.model.common.DataSetType; import de.iai.ilcd.model.common.DataSetVersion; import de.iai.ilcd.model.common.GlobalRefUriAnalyzer; import de.iai.ilcd.model.common.exception.FormatException; import de.iai.ilcd.model.dao.CommonDataStockDao; import de.iai.ilcd.model.dao.DataSetDao; import de.iai.ilcd.model.datastock.AbstractDataStock; import de.iai.ilcd.model.datastock.IDataStockMetaData; import de.iai.ilcd.model.datastock.RootDataStock; import; import de.iai.ilcd.webgui.controller.DirtyFlagBean; import de.iai.ilcd.webgui.controller.ui.AvailableStockHandler; /** * REST web service for data sets */ public abstract class AbstractDataSetResource<T extends DataSet> { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractDataSetResource.class); /** * URL parameter key for view type */ public final static String PARAM_VIEW = "view"; /** * URL parameter key for format type */ public final static String PARAM_FORMAT = "format"; /** * URL parameter key for version */ public final static String PARAM_VERSION = "version"; /** * URL parameter value for HTML format type */ public final static String FORMAT_HTML = "html"; /** * URL parameter value for XML format type */ public final static String FORMAT_XML = "xml"; /** * URL parameter value for overview view type */ public final static String VIEW_OVERVIEW = "overview"; /** * URL parameter value for full view type */ public final static String VIEW_FULL = "full"; /** * URL parameter value for meta data view type */ public final static String VIEW_METADATA = "metadata"; /** * Context, required for the velocity rendering */ @Context private UriInfo context; /** * Headers, currently unused */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Context private HttpHeaders headers; /** * The request, required for request parameter evaluation */ @Context private HttpServletRequest request; /** * The type in API definition, required for {@link #generateFullDataSetAsHtml(DataSet)} */ private final ILCDTypes apiType; /** * The type in model definition, required for */ private final DataSetType modelType; /** * Create an abstract data set resource * * @param dao * the data access object to work with */ public AbstractDataSetResource(DataSetType modelType, ILCDTypes apiType) { this.apiType = apiType; this.modelType = modelType; } /** * Create a fresh data access object to work with * * @return fresh data access object */ protected abstract DataSetDao<T, ?, ?> getFreshDaoInstance(); /** * Get the path to the template for the XML data set list view This is typically something like * <code>/xml/<i>$datasettype$</i>s.vm</code> * * @deprecated * @return path to the template for the XML data set list view */ @Deprecated protected abstract String getXMLListTemplatePath(); /** * Get the path to the template for the XML single data set view This is typically something like * <code>/xml/<i>$datasettype$</i>.vm</code> * * @deprecated * @return path to the template for the XML single data set view */ @Deprecated protected abstract String getXMLTemplatePath(); /** * Get the path to the template for the HTML full view page This is typically something like * <code>/html/<i>$datasettype$</i>.vm</code> * * @return path to the template for the HTML full view page */ protected abstract String getHTMLFullViewTemplatePath(); /** * Get the path to the template for the HTML overview page This is typically something like * <code>/html/<i>$datasettype$</i>_overview.vm</code> * * @return path to the template for the HTML overview page */ protected abstract String getHTMLOverviewTemplatePath(); /** * Get the name of the data set type for the creation of error/info messages * * @return name of the data set type for the creation of error/info messages */ protected abstract String getDataSetTypeName(); /** * Flag to set, if full view rights shall be checked in user bean * * @return <code>true</code> if full view rights shall be checked, else <code>false</code> */ protected abstract boolean userRequiresFullViewRights(); /** * Retrieves representation of an instance of * * @return an instance of */ @GET @Produces("application/xml") public StreamingOutput getDataSets(@DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("search") final boolean search, @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("startIndex") final int startIndex, @DefaultValue("500") @QueryParam("pageSize") final int pageSize) { List<? extends IDataSetListVO> dataSets; int count; DataSetDao<T, ?, ?> daoObject = this.getFreshDaoInstance(); if (search) { ParameterTool params = new ParameterTool(this.request); AvailableStockHandler availableStocksHandler = new AvailableStockHandler(); availableStocksHandler.setDirty(new DirtyFlagBean()); IDataStockMetaData[] availableStocks = availableStocksHandler.getAllStocksMeta() .toArray(new IDataStockMetaData[0]); count = (int) daoObject.searchResultCount(params, true, availableStocks); dataSets =, startIndex, pageSize, true, availableStocks); } else { count = daoObject.getAllCount().intValue(); dataSets = daoObject.getDataSets(startIndex, pageSize); } return this.getStreamingOutputForDatasetListVOList(dataSets, count, startIndex, pageSize); } /** * Create a streaming output for a list of data sets * * @param list * the list with the data * @param totalCount * the total count of result items (for pagination) * @param startIndex * index of the first item in the passed list in the total data (for pagination) * @param pageSize * pagination page size * @return output for the client (which will be marshaled via JAXB) */ protected StreamingOutput getStreamingOutputForDatasetListVOList(final List<? extends IDataSetListVO> list, final int totalCount, final int startIndex, final int pageSize) { return new StreamingOutput() { @Override public void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException, WebApplicationException { DataSetList resultList = new DataSetListAdapter(list); String baseUrl = ConfigurationService.INSTANCE.getNodeInfo().getBaseURL(); // set xlink:href attribute for each dataset for (DataSetVO ds : resultList.getDataSet()) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(baseUrl); buf.append(AbstractDataSetResource.this.getURLSuffix(ds)); buf.append("/"); buf.append(ds.getUuidAsString()); ds.setHref(buf.toString()); } resultList.setTotalSize(totalCount); resultList.setPageSize(pageSize); resultList.setStartIndex(startIndex); DatasetVODAO dao = new DatasetVODAO(); try { dao.marshal(resultList, out); } catch (JAXBException e) { if (e.getCause().getCause() instanceof SocketException) { LOGGER.warn("exception occurred during marshalling - " + e); } else { LOGGER.error("error marshalling data", e); } } } }; } /** * Get a data set by UUID string * * @param uuid * UUID string * @return XML or HTML response for client */ @GET @Path("{uuid}") @Produces("application/xml, text/html") public Response getDataSet(@PathParam("uuid") String uuid) { try { MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams = this.context.getQueryParameters(true); String view = queryParams.getFirst(AbstractDataSetResource.PARAM_VIEW); if (view == null) { view = AbstractDataSetResource.VIEW_FULL; } String format = queryParams.getFirst(AbstractDataSetResource.PARAM_FORMAT); if (format == null) { format = AbstractDataSetResource.FORMAT_HTML; } DataSetVersion version = null; String versionStr = queryParams.getFirst(AbstractDataSetResource.PARAM_VERSION); if (versionStr != null) { try { version = DataSetVersion.parse(versionStr); } catch (FormatException e) { // nothing } } // fix uuid, if not in the right format GlobalRefUriAnalyzer analyzer = new GlobalRefUriAnalyzer(uuid); uuid = analyzer.getUuidAsString(); DataSetDao<T, ?, ?> daoObject = this.getFreshDaoInstance(); T dataset; if (version != null) { dataset = daoObject.getByUuidAndVersion(uuid, version); } else { dataset = daoObject.getByUuid(uuid); } if (dataset == null) { String errorTitle = this.getDataSetTypeName() + " data set not found"; String errorMessage = "A " + this.getDataSetTypeName() + " data set with the uuid " + uuid + " cannot be found in the database"; if (format.equals(AbstractDataSetResource.FORMAT_HTML)) { return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND) .entity(VelocityUtil.errorPage(this.context, errorTitle, errorMessage)) .type("text/html").build(); } else { return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(errorMessage).type("text/plain") .build(); } } // handle full and metadata mode by returning the XML file itself if (view.equals(AbstractDataSetResource.VIEW_FULL) || view.equals(AbstractDataSetResource.VIEW_METADATA)) { if (format.equals("html")) { SecurityUtil.assertCanRead(dataset); return Response.ok(this.generateFullDataSetAsHtml(dataset), MediaType.TEXT_HTML_TYPE).build(); } // return the xml file itself else { SecurityUtil.assertCanExport(dataset); ContentDisposition cd = ContentDisposition.type("attachment").fileName(uuid + ".xml").build(); return Response.ok(dataset.getXmlFile().getContent(), MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) .header("Content-Disposition", cd).build(); // replaceFirst("<\\?xml-stylesheet.*\\?>", "") } } SecurityUtil.assertCanRead(dataset); // in all other cases we return the overview view as XML file return Response.ok(this.generateOverview(dataset, AbstractDataSetResource.FORMAT_XML), MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).build(); } catch (AuthorizationException e) { return Response.status(Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED).entity(e.getMessage()).type("text/plain").build(); } } protected String getURLSuffix(DataSetVO vo) { if (vo instanceof IProcessListVO) { return DatasetTypes.PROCESSES.getValue(); } else if (vo instanceof IFlowListVO) { return DatasetTypes.FLOWS.getValue(); } else if (vo instanceof IFlowPropertyListVO) { return DatasetTypes.FLOWPROPERTIES.getValue(); } else if (vo instanceof IUnitGroupListVO) { return DatasetTypes.UNITGROUPS.getValue(); } else if (vo instanceof ILCIAMethodListVO) { return DatasetTypes.LCIAMETHODS.getValue(); } else if (vo instanceof ISourceListVO) { return DatasetTypes.SOURCES.getValue(); } else if (vo instanceof IContactListVO) { return DatasetTypes.CONTACTS.getValue(); } else { return null; } } /** * Generate overview. currently called statically with <code>type == xml</code>. * * @param dataset * data set to generate overview for * @param type * type of data set * @return overview source to return to client */ private String generateOverview(T dataset, String type) { VelocityContext velocityContext = VelocityUtil.getServicesContext(this.context); velocityContext.put("dataset", dataset); String template = ""; if (type.equals(AbstractDataSetResource.FORMAT_XML)) { template = this.getXMLTemplatePath(); } else { template = this.getHTMLOverviewTemplatePath(); } return VelocityUtil.parseTemplate(template, velocityContext); } /** * Generate fill data set as HTML view * * @param dataset * data set to generate HTML view for * @return HTML code to return to client */ private String generateFullDataSetAsHtml(T dataset) { VelocityContext velocityContext = VelocityUtil.getServicesContext(this.context); velocityContext.put("dataset", dataset); de.fzk.iai.ilcd.api.dataset.DataSet xmlDataset = null; try { DatasetHelper helper = new DatasetHelper(); String xmlFile = dataset.getXmlFile().getContent(); InputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlFile.getBytes("UTF-8")); xmlDataset = helper.unmarshal(bais, this.apiType); } catch (JAXBException ex) { AbstractDataSetResource.LOGGER .error("cannot unmarshal xml information from " + this.getDataSetTypeName()); AbstractDataSetResource.LOGGER.error("stack trace is: ", ex); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { AbstractDataSetResource.LOGGER .error("cannot unmarshal xml information from " + this.getDataSetTypeName()); AbstractDataSetResource.LOGGER.error("stack trace is: ", ex); } velocityContext.put("xmlDataset", xmlDataset); return VelocityUtil.parseTemplate(this.getHTMLFullViewTemplatePath(), velocityContext); } /** * PUT method for updating or creating an instance of ContactResource * * @param content * representation for the resource * @return an HTTP response with content of the updated or created resource. */ @PUT @Consumes("application/xml") public void putXml(String content) { } /** * POST method for importing new process data set sent by form * * @param fileInputStream * XML data to import (from form) * @param stockUuid * UUID of the root stock to import to (or <code>null</code> for default) * @return response for client */ @POST @Produces("text/plain") @Consumes("multipart/form-data") public Response importByFileUpload(@FormDataParam("file") InputStream fileInputStream, @FormDataParam("stock") String stockUuid) { return this.importXml(fileInputStream, stockUuid); } /** * POST method for importing new process data set sent directly * * @param fileInputStream * XML data to import * @param stockUuid * UUID of the root stock to import to (or <code>null</code> for default * @return response for client */ @POST @Produces("text/plain") @Consumes("application/xml") public Response importByXml(InputStream fileInputStream, @HeaderParam("stock") String stockUuid) { return this.importXml(fileInputStream, stockUuid); } /** * Process uploaded XML as input stream * * @param inputStream * stream with XML * @param stockUuid * UUID of the root stock to import to (or <code>null</code> for default * @return response for client */ private Response importXml(InputStream inputStream, String stockUuid) { try { final CommonDataStockDao dao = new CommonDataStockDao(); AbstractDataStock ads; if (StringUtils.isBlank(stockUuid)) { ads = dao.getById(IDataStockMetaData.DEFAULT_DATASTOCK_ID); } else { ads = dao.getDataStockByUuid(stockUuid); if (!(ads instanceof RootDataStock)) { return Response.status(Response.Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED) .entity("Data sets can only be imported into root data stocks!").type("text/plain") .build(); } } if (ads == null) { return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("Invalid root data stock UUID specified") .type("text/plain").build(); } SecurityUtil.assertCanImport(ads); PostResourceHelper postHelper = new PostResourceHelper(); final Response resp = postHelper.importByFileUpload(this.modelType, inputStream, (RootDataStock) ads); if (resp.getStatus() != Status.OK.getStatusCode()) { return resp; } else { final DataStockVO dsVo = DataStockListAdapter.getServiceApiVo(ads); final StreamingOutput sout = new StreamingOutput() { @Override public void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException, WebApplicationException { ServiceDAO sDao = new ServiceDAO(); try { sDao.marshal(dsVo, out); } catch (JAXBException e) { if (e.getCause().getCause() instanceof SocketException) { AbstractDataSetResource.LOGGER.warn("exception occurred during marshalling - " + e); } else { AbstractDataSetResource.LOGGER.error("error marshalling data", e); } } } }; return Response.ok(sout).type("application/xml").build(); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(e.getMessage()).type("text/plain").build(); } catch (AuthorizationException e) { return Response.status(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN).entity(e.getMessage()).type("text/plain").build(); } } }