Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2011 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) - Institute for * Applied Computer Science (IAI). * * This file is part of soda4LCA - the Service-Oriented Life Cycle Data Store. * * soda4LCA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * soda4LCA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with soda4LCA. If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package de.iai.ilcd.model.dao; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.NoResultException; import javax.persistence.Query; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.service.model.IProcessListVO; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.service.model.IProcessVO; import de.fzk.iai.ilcd.service.model.enums.TypeOfProcessValue; import de.iai.ilcd.model.common.DataSetVersion; import de.iai.ilcd.model.common.GeographicalArea; import de.iai.ilcd.model.common.GlobalReference; import de.iai.ilcd.model.datastock.IDataStockMetaData; import de.iai.ilcd.model.flow.Flow; import de.iai.ilcd.model.process.Exchange; import de.iai.ilcd.model.process.ExchangeDirection; import de.iai.ilcd.model.process.Process; import de.iai.ilcd.persistence.PersistenceUtil; /** * Data access object for {@link Process processes} */ public class ProcessDao extends DataSetDao<Process, IProcessListVO, IProcessVO> { /** * Create the data access object for {@link Process processes} */ public ProcessDao() { super("Process", Process.class, IProcessListVO.class, IProcessVO.class); } protected String getDataStockField() { return "processes"; } public Process getFullProcess(String uuid) { Process process = this.getByUuid(uuid); if (process != null) { this.addFlowsToExchanges(process); } return process; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void preCheckAndPersist(Process dataSet) { this.addFlowsToExchanges(dataSet); } /** * Get the list of processes which have the provided direction and flow as in- or output exchange flow * * @param flowUuid * uuid of flow * @param direction * direction of flow * @param firstResult * start index * @param maxResults * maximum result items * @return list of processes which have the provided direction and flow as in- or output exchange flow */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Process> getProcessesForExchangeFlow(String flowUuid, ExchangeDirection direction, int firstResult, int maxResults) { Query q = this.getProcessesForExchangeFlowQuery(flowUuid, direction, false); q.setFirstResult(firstResult); q.setMaxResults(maxResults); return q.getResultList(); } /** * Get count of processes for provided exchange flow and direction * * @param flowUuid * uuid of flow * @param direction * direction of flow * @return count of processes for provided exchange flow and direction */ public long getProcessesForExchangeFlowCount(String flowUuid, ExchangeDirection direction) { Query q = this.getProcessesForExchangeFlowQuery(flowUuid, direction, true); return (Long) q.getSingleResult(); } /** * Get query for list or count of processes which have provided flow as in- or output exchange flow * * @param flow * flow to get processes for * @param direction * direction of process * @param count * flag to indicate if count query shall be created * @return query for list or count of processes which have provided flow as in- or output exchange flow */ private Query getProcessesForExchangeFlowQuery(String flowUuid, ExchangeDirection direction, boolean count) { if (flowUuid == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Flow must not be null!"); } if (direction == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Direction must not be null!"); } EntityManager em = PersistenceUtil.getEntityManager(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("SELECT "); if (count) { sb.append("COUNT(DISTINCT p)"); } else { sb.append("DISTINCT p"); } sb.append( " FROM Process p LEFT JOIN p.exchanges e WHERE e.flow.uuid.uuid=:uuid AND e.exchangeDirection=:dir"); Query q = em.createQuery(sb.toString()); q.setParameter("uuid", flowUuid); q.setParameter("dir", direction); return q; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<GeographicalArea> getUsedLocations() { EntityManager em = PersistenceUtil.getEntityManager(); return em.createQuery( "select distinct area from Process p, GeographicalArea area where p.geography.location=area.areaCode order by") .getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<GeographicalArea> getAllLocations() { EntityManager em = PersistenceUtil.getEntityManager(); return em.createQuery("select distinct area from GeographicalArea area order by").getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Integer> getReferenceYears() { EntityManager em = PersistenceUtil.getEntityManager(); return em.createQuery( "select distinct p.timeInformation.referenceYear from Process p order by p.timeInformation.referenceYear asc") .getResultList(); } /** * Get the reference years * * @param stocks * stocks to get reference years for * @return loaded years. <b>Please note:</b> no stocks (<code>null</code> or empty array) will return an empty list! */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Integer> getReferenceYears(IDataStockMetaData... stocks) { if (stocks == null || stocks.length == 0) { return new ArrayList<Integer>(); } List<String> lstRdsIds = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> lstDsIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (IDataStockMetaData m : stocks) { if (m.isRoot()) { lstRdsIds.add(Long.toString(m.getId())); } else { lstDsIds.add(Long.toString(m.getId())); } } String join = ""; final List<String> whereSmtnts = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!lstRdsIds.isEmpty()) { whereSmtnts.add(" in (" + this.join(lstRdsIds, ",") + ")"); } if (!lstDsIds.isEmpty()) { join = " LEFT JOIN p.containingDataStocks ds"; whereSmtnts.add(" in (" + this.join(lstDsIds, ",") + ")"); } EntityManager em = PersistenceUtil.getEntityManager(); return em .createQuery("select distinct p.timeInformation.referenceYear from Process p" + join + " WHERE " + StringUtils.join(whereSmtnts, " OR ") + " order by p.timeInformation.referenceYear asc") .getResultList(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected String getQueryStringOrderJpql(String typeAlias, String sortString) { if ("type.value".equals(sortString)) { return typeAlias + ".type"; } else if ("classification.classHierarchyAsString".equals(sortString)) { return typeAlias + ".classificationCache"; } else if ("location".equals(sortString)) { return typeAlias + ".geography.location"; } else if ("timeInformation.referenceYear".equals(sortString)) { return typeAlias + ".timeInformation.referenceYear"; } else if ("timeInformation.validUntil".equals(sortString)) { return typeAlias + ".timeInformation.validUntil"; } else if ("LCIMethodInformation.methodPrinciple.value".equals(sortString)) { return typeAlias + ".lCIMethodInformation.methodPrinciple"; } else if ("complianceSystems".equals(sortString)) { return typeAlias + ".complianceSystemCache"; } else { return typeAlias + ".nameCache"; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected String getQueryStringJoinPart(ValueParser params, String typeAlias) { boolean exchangeFlowQuery = !StringUtils.isBlank(params.getString("exchangeFlow")); if (exchangeFlowQuery) { return "LEFT JOIN " + typeAlias + ".exchanges " + typeAlias + "Ex"; } boolean hasNameParam = !StringUtils.isBlank(params.getString("name")); boolean hasDescParam = !StringUtils.isBlank(params.getString("description")); if (hasNameParam || hasDescParam) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (hasNameParam) { buf.append("LEFT JOIN "); buf.append(typeAlias); buf.append(".baseName bn LEFT JOIN "); buf.append(typeAlias); buf.append(".nameRoute nr LEFT JOIN "); buf.append(typeAlias); buf.append(".nameLocation nl LEFT JOIN "); buf.append(typeAlias); buf.append(".nameUnit nu LEFT JOIN "); buf.append(typeAlias); buf.append(".synonyms syn "); } if (hasDescParam) { buf.append("LEFT JOIN "); buf.append(typeAlias); buf.append(".description des LEFT JOIN "); buf.append(typeAlias); buf.append(".useAdvice ua "); } return buf.toString(); } return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void addWhereClausesAndNamedParamesForQueryStringJpql(String typeAlias, ValueParser params, List<String> whereClauses, Map<String, Object> whereParamValues) { // time information stuff final Integer lowerRefYear = this.parseInteger(params.getString("referenceYearLower")); final Integer upperRefYear = this.parseInteger(params.getString("referenceYearUpper")); final Integer lowerValidUntil = this.parseInteger(params.getString("lowerValidUntil")); final Integer upperValidUntil = this.parseInteger(params.getString("upperValidUntil")); if (lowerRefYear != null) { whereClauses.add(typeAlias + ".timeInformation.referenceYear >= :lowerRefYear"); whereParamValues.put("lowerRefYear", lowerRefYear); } if (upperRefYear != null) { whereClauses.add(typeAlias + ".timeInformation.referenceYear <= :upperRefYear"); whereParamValues.put("upperRefYear", upperRefYear); } if (lowerValidUntil != null) { whereClauses.add(typeAlias + ".timeInformation.validUntil >= :lowRefYear"); whereParamValues.put("lowRefYear", lowerRefYear); } if (upperValidUntil != null) { whereClauses.add(typeAlias + ".timeInformation.validUntil <= :upperValidUntil"); whereParamValues.put("upperValidUntil", upperValidUntil); } // parameterized if (params.getString("parameterized") != null) { whereClauses.add(typeAlias + ".parameterized=:parameterized"); whereParamValues.put("parameterized", Boolean.TRUE); } // exchange flows final boolean exchangeFlowQuery = params.getString("exchangeFlow") != null; final String exAlias = typeAlias + "Ex"; if (exchangeFlowQuery) { whereClauses.add(exAlias + ".flow.uuid.uuid=:exFlowUuid"); whereClauses.add(exAlias + ".exchangeDirection=:exFlowDir"); whereParamValues.put("exFlowUuid", params.getString("exchangeFlow")); whereParamValues.put("exFlowDir", params.get("exchangeFlowDirection")); } // classification String[] categories = params.getStrings("classes"); if (categories != null && categories.length > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; int paramNo = 0; for (String cat : categories) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sb.append(" OR "); } String catParam = "classParam" + Integer.toString(paramNo++); sb.append(typeAlias + ".classificationCache LIKE :" + catParam); whereParamValues.put(catParam, "%" + cat + "%"); } whereClauses.add(sb.toString()); } // type String type = params.getString("type"); if (type != null && (type.length() > 3) && (!type.equals("select option"))) { TypeOfProcessValue typeValue = null; try { typeValue = TypeOfProcessValue.valueOf(type); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore it as we do not have a parsable value } if (typeValue != null) { whereClauses.add(typeAlias + ".type=:typeOfProc"); whereParamValues.put("typeOfProc", typeValue); } } // Locations String[] locations = params.getStrings("location"); if (locations != null && locations.length > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; int paramNo = 0; for (String loc : locations) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sb.append(" OR "); } String locParam = "locParam" + Integer.toString(paramNo++); sb.append(typeAlias + ".geography.location=:" + locParam); whereParamValues.put(locParam, "%" + loc + "%"); } whereClauses.add(sb.toString()); } // registries String registeredIn = params.getString("registeredIn"); if (registeredIn != null) { whereClauses.add( "EXISTS (SELECT dsrd FROM DataSetRegistrationData dsrd WHERE dsrd.registry.uuid = :registeredIn " + "AND dsrd.uuid = " + typeAlias + ".uuid.uuid " + "AND dsrd.version = " + typeAlias + ".version " + "AND dsrd.status = de.iai.ilcd.model.registry.DataSetRegistrationDataStatus.ACCEPTED" + ")"); whereParamValues.put("registeredIn", registeredIn); } } /** * Override default behavior for name and description filter in order to use {@link Process#getProcessName()} * instead of {@link Process#getName()}. */ @Override protected void addNameDescWhereClauseAndNamedParamForQueryStringJpql(String typeAlias, ValueParser params, List<String> whereClauses, Map<String, Object> whereParamValues) { // name and description final String namePhrase = params.getString("name"); final String descriptionPhrase = params.getString("description"); boolean hasNameParam = !StringUtils.isBlank(namePhrase); boolean hasDescParam = !StringUtils.isBlank(descriptionPhrase) && descriptionPhrase.length() > 2; if (hasNameParam || hasDescParam) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("("); if (hasNameParam) { sb.append("bn LIKE :namePhrase OR "); sb.append("nr LIKE :namePhrase OR "); sb.append("nl LIKE :namePhrase OR "); sb.append("nu LIKE :namePhrase OR "); sb.append("syn LIKE :namePhrase"); whereParamValues.put("namePhrase", "%" + namePhrase + "%"); } if (hasDescParam) { if (hasNameParam) { sb.append(" OR "); } sb.append("des LIKE :descriptionPhrase OR "); sb.append("ua LIKE :descriptionPhrase"); whereParamValues.put("descriptionPhrase", "%" + descriptionPhrase + "%"); } sb.append(")"); whereClauses.add(sb.toString()); } } /** * Parse integer and return <code>null</code> on arbitrary error * * @param s * string to parse * @return parsed integer or <code>null</code> */ private Integer parseInteger(String s) { if (s == null || s.trim().isEmpty()) { return null; } try { return new Integer(s); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * Get a foreign process * * @param nodeShortName * short name of the node * @param uuid * UUID of process * @return loaded process */ public IProcessVO getForeignProcess(String nodeShortName, String uuid, Long registryId) { ForeignDataSetsHelper foreignHelper = new ForeignDataSetsHelper(); return foreignHelper.getForeignDataSet(IProcessVO.class, nodeShortName, uuid, registryId); } /** * Add flows references to the exchanges. This means that references to {@link Exchange#getFlow() data base flows} * shall be established where only {@link Exchange#getFlowReference() global references} are set. * * @param process * process to find flows for */ private void addFlowsToExchanges(Process process) { FlowDao flowDao = new FlowDao(); for (Exchange exchange : process.getExchanges()) { if (exchange.getFlow() != null) { continue; // flow already associated } if (exchange.getFlowReference() == null) { continue; } GlobalReference flowReference = exchange.getFlowReference(); String flowUuid = null; if (flowReference.getUuid() == null) { // crap, no uuid attribute in flow reference // but we can try to get it from the uri attribute if there String uri = flowReference.getUri(); if (uri == null) { continue; // sorry we can't get uuid } String[] splittedUri = uri.split("_"); if (splittedUri.length <= 2) { continue; // uri does not contain enough parts: so no uuid } flowUuid = splittedUri[splittedUri.length - 2]; } else { flowUuid = exchange.getFlowReference().getUuid().getUuid(); } Flow flow = null; try { flow = flowDao.getByUuid(flowUuid); exchange.setFlow(flow); } catch (NoResultException ex) { // OK, we have no associated flow, so do nothing } } } /* * ================================================== == DEPRECATED METHODS / BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY == * ================================================== */ /** * Get list of all processes * * @return list of all processes * @deprecated still exists for internal backwards compatibility, may be removed in future releases. Use * {@link #getAll()}. * @see #getAll() */ @Deprecated public List<Process> getProcesses() { return this.getAll(); } /** * Get a process by UUID * * @param uuid * UUID of flow to get * @return process with provided UUID * @deprecated still exists for internal backwards compatibility, may be removed in future releases. Use * {@link #getByUuid(String)}. * @see #getByUuid(String) */ @Deprecated public Process getProcess(String uuid) { return this.getByUuid(uuid); } /** * Get {@link Process} by UUID string and version * * @param uuid * the UUID string * @param version * the version of the method * @return {@link Process} for the specified UUID string/version, or <code>null</code> if none found * @deprecated still exists for internal backwards compatibility, may be removed in future releases. Use * {@link #getByUuidAndVersion(String, DataSetVersion)}. */ @Deprecated public Process getProcess(String uuid, DataSetVersion version) { return this.getByUuidAndVersion(uuid, version); } /** * Get the process with the provided JPA id * * @param datasetId * JPA id * @return process with the provided JPA id * @deprecated still exists for internal backwards compatibility, may be removed in future releases. Use * {@link #getByDataSetId(long)}. * @see #getByDataSetId(long) */ @Deprecated public Process getProcess(long datasetId) { return this.getByDataSetId(datasetId); } /** * Get the process with the provided JPA id * * @param id * JPA id as string * @return process with the provided JPA id * @deprecated still exists for internal backwards compatibility, may be removed in future releases. Use * {@link #getByDataSetId(String)}. * @see #getByDataSetId(String) */ @Deprecated public Process getProcessById(String id) { return this.getByDataSetId(id); } /** * Get the process with the provided JPA id * * @param id * JPA id * @return process with the provided JPA id * @deprecated still exists for internal backwards compatibility, may be removed in future releases. Use * {@link #getByDataSetId(long)}. * @see #getByDataSetId(long) */ @Deprecated public Process getProcessById(Long id) { return this.getByDataSetId(id); } /** * Get processes by main class * * @param mainClass * main class to get process by * @return matched data sets * @deprecated still exists for internal backwards compatibility, may be removed in future releases. Use * {@link #getByClass(String)}. * @see #getByClass(String) */ @Deprecated public List<Process> getProcessesByClass(String mainClass) { return this.getByClass(mainClass); } /** * Get the number of processes by main class * * @param mainClass * main class to get process by * @return the number of matched data sets * @deprecated still exists for internal backwards compatibility, may be removed in future releases. Use * {@link #getByClass(String)}. * @see #getNumberByClass(String) */ @Deprecated public long getNumberOfProcesses(String mainClass) { return this.getNumberByClass(mainClass); } /** * Get processes by main and sub class * * @param mainClass * main class to get process by * @param subClass * sub class to get process by * @return matched data sets * @deprecated still exists for internal backwards compatibility, may be removed in future releases. Use * {@link #getByClass(String,String)}. * @see #getByClass(String,String) */ @Deprecated public List<Process> getProcessesByClass(String mainClass, String subClass) { return this.getByClass(mainClass, subClass); } /** * Get number of processes by main and sub class * * @param mainClass * main class to get process by * @param subClass * sub class to get process by * @return number of matched data sets * @deprecated still exists for internal backwards compatibility, may be removed in future releases. Use * {@link #getByClass(String,String)}. * @see #getNumberByClass(String,String) */ @Deprecated public long getNumberOfProcesses(String mainClass, String subClass) { return this.getNumberByClass(mainClass, subClass); } }