Java tutorial
/* * [y] hybris Platform * * Copyright (c) 2000-2013 hybris AG * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of hybris * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential * Information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the * license agreement you entered into with hybris. * * */ package de.hybris.platform.webservices.paging.impl; import de.hybris.platform.core.enums.RelationEndCardinalityEnum; import de.hybris.platform.core.model.type.RelationDescriptorModel; import de.hybris.platform.core.model.type.RelationMetaTypeModel; import de.hybris.platform.jalo.Item; import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.model.ModelService; import; import; import; import de.hybris.platform.util.Config; import de.hybris.platform.webservices.BadRequestException; import de.hybris.platform.webservices.objectgraphtransformer.DynamicComparator; import de.hybris.platform.webservices.paging.PageInfoCtx; import de.hybris.platform.webservices.paging.PagingStrategy; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; public class QueryPagingStrategy implements PagingStrategy { private FlexibleSearchService flexibleSearchService; private ModelService modelService; public ModelService getModelService() { return modelService; } public void setModelService(final ModelService modelService) { this.modelService = modelService; } public FlexibleSearchService getFlexibleSearchService() { return flexibleSearchService; } public void setFlexibleSearchService(final FlexibleSearchService flexibleSearchService) { this.flexibleSearchService = flexibleSearchService; } /** * Returns page context if query parameters and collection property name suit each other. If not, the null is * returned. * <p/> * * @param collectionPropertyName * The Name of the collection property. * @param queryParams * Query parameters which comes from requested URL. * * @return page context if query parameters and collection property name suit each other. If not, the null is * returned. */ @Override public PageInfoCtx findPageContext(final String collectionPropertyName, final Map<String, List<String>> queryParams) { PageInfoCtx result = null; if (queryParams != null) { //Nice trick: using TreeMap with case-insensitive comparator gives a case-insensitive Map! final Map<String, Collection<String>> caseInsensitiveMap = new TreeMap<String, Collection<String>>( new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(final String object1, final String object2) { return object1.compareToIgnoreCase(object2); } }); caseInsensitiveMap.putAll(queryParams); final String _page = findParameter(caseInsensitiveMap, collectionPropertyName, "page"); final String _size = findParameter(caseInsensitiveMap, collectionPropertyName, "size"); final String _sort = findParameter(caseInsensitiveMap, collectionPropertyName, "sort"); final String _query = findParameter(caseInsensitiveMap, collectionPropertyName, "query"); final String _subtypes = findParameter(caseInsensitiveMap, collectionPropertyName, "subtypes"); if (_page != null || _size != null || _sort != null || _query != null || _subtypes != null) { Integer page = null; Integer size = null; try { page = _page != null ? Integer.valueOf(_page) : Integer.valueOf(0); size = _size != null ? Integer.valueOf(_size) : Integer.valueOf(Config.getInt("webservices.paging.default_page_size", PageInfoCtx.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE.intValue())); } catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new BadRequestException("Query parameter [" + collectionPropertyName + "_page or " + collectionPropertyName + "_size] has inappropriate value!", nfe); } final boolean subtypes = _subtypes != null ? Boolean.parseBoolean(_subtypes) : PageInfoCtx.DEFAULT_SUBTYPES; result = new PageInfoCtx(page, size, _sort, _query, subtypes); result.setCollectionPropertyName(collectionPropertyName); } } return result; } /** * Returns a collection which comes from Root Resource(possibly paginated). * <p/> * Solution based on FlexibleSearch. * <p/> * * @param pagingInfo * Holds all required information about paging settings. * @param typeCode * The requested type code of collection elements. * * @return a collection which comes from Root Resource(possibly paginated). */ @Override public Object executeRootCollectionPaging(final PageInfoCtx pagingInfo, final String typeCode) { final StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("select {PK} from {"); final FlexibleSearchQuery fsq; if (pagingInfo == null) { // building flexible search query query.append(typeCode).append("}"); fsq = new FlexibleSearchQuery(query.toString()); } else { // building flexible search paginated query query.append(typeCode).append(pagingInfo.isSubtypes() ? "" : "!").append("} "); if (pagingInfo.getQuery() != null) { query.append("where ").append(pagingInfo.getQuery()); } if (pagingInfo.getSortProperty() != null) { query.append(" order by {").append(pagingInfo.getSortProperty()).append("} "); query.append(pagingInfo.isDescending() ? "DESC" : "ASC"); } fsq = new FlexibleSearchQuery(query.toString()); // user wants to get all elements if pageSize is set to -1 if (!(pagingInfo.getPageSize().intValue() == -1)) { fsq.setStart(pagingInfo.getPageNumber().intValue() * pagingInfo.getPageSize().intValue()); fsq.setCount(pagingInfo.getPageSize().intValue()); } } return handleFlexibleSearchExecution(fsq, pagingInfo); } /** * Returns a paginated collection which is specified by pagingInfo and comes from N:M relation OR a paginated * collection which comes from 1:N relation. * <p/> * Solution based on FlexibleSearch. * <p/> * * @param pagingInfo * Holds all required information about paging settings. * @param relDesc * The relation descriptor. * @param model * The instance of model which holds the returned collection. * * @return a paginated collection which is specified by pagingInfo and comes from N:M relation OR a paginated * collection which comes from 1:N relation. */ @Override public Object executeRelationTypePaging(final PageInfoCtx pagingInfo, final RelationDescriptorModel relDesc, final Object model) { final RelationMetaTypeModel relMetaType = relDesc.getRelationType(); final RelationEndCardinalityEnum sourceCard = relMetaType.getSourceTypeCardinality(); final RelationEndCardinalityEnum targetCard = relMetaType.getTargetTypeCardinality(); String query; // n:m relation if ("many".equals(sourceCard.getCode()) && "many".equals(targetCard.getCode())) { query = buildFsPaginatedQueryForRelationNM(pagingInfo, relMetaType); } // 1:n relation else { query = buildFsPaginatedQueryForRelation1N(pagingInfo, relMetaType); } final FlexibleSearchQuery fsQuery = new FlexibleSearchQuery(query); // user wants to get all elements if pageSize is set to -1 if (!(pagingInfo.getPageSize().intValue() == -1)) { fsQuery.setStart(pagingInfo.getPageNumber().intValue() * pagingInfo.getPageSize().intValue()); fsQuery.setCount(pagingInfo.getPageSize().intValue()); } final Item item = getModelService().getSource(model); fsQuery.addQueryParameter("param", item); return handleFlexibleSearchExecution(fsQuery, pagingInfo); } /** * If input collection is not empty then will be paginated otherwise passed without any change. * <p/> * * @param pagingInfo * Holds all required information about paging settings. * @param value * The collection which will be paginated. * * @deprecated after CollectionTypes will be replaced with RelationTypes(since 5.0.0) this method will be useless. * There will be no need to implement this method. The executeRelationTypePaging method will be used * instead of this. * * @return if input collection is not empty then will be paginated otherwise passed without any change. */ @Deprecated @Override public Object executeCollectionTypePaging(final PageInfoCtx pagingInfo, final Object value) { // they are not supported within collectionType paging StringBuilder message = null; if (pagingInfo.getQuery() != null) { message = new StringBuilder("FlexibleSearch querying is not supported for: ") .append(pagingInfo.getCollectionPropertyName()).append(" collection property."); } if (!pagingInfo.isSubtypes()) { if (message == null) { message = new StringBuilder("The subtyping is not supported for: ") .append(pagingInfo.getCollectionPropertyName()).append(" collection property."); } else { message.append("\nThe subtyping is not supported for: ") .append(pagingInfo.getCollectionPropertyName()).append(" collection property."); } } if (message != null) { throw new BadRequestException(message.toString()); } final Collection<?> col = (Collection<?>) value; //report the "total size" to the client via graph context attribute. pagingInfo.setTotalSize(col.size()); //Detect special case of empty source collection. if (col.isEmpty()) { //re-setting page number in case of empty source collection is done to be consistent with //behavior of paging non-empty collection when the page number is too big. pagingInfo.setPageNumber(Integer.valueOf(0)); } else { //We need a List to do sorting. I am not sure if every source Collection is a List, so I am creating a List here. final List<Object> pagingList = new java.util.ArrayList<Object>(col); return sortAndPage(pagingList, pagingInfo); } return value; } /** * Searches Wraps FlexibleSearchException in BadRequestException. */ private Object handleFlexibleSearchExecution(final FlexibleSearchQuery fsQuery, final PageInfoCtx pagingInfo) { Object coll = null; try { coll = getFlexibleSearchService().search(fsQuery).getResult(); } catch (final FlexibleSearchException fse) { if (pagingInfo == null) { //if root collection query will fail(paging not used) throw fse; } else { throw new BadRequestException("Query parameters[for " + pagingInfo.getCollectionPropertyName() + "] are not properly constructed.\n\nWhole Query: \n" + fsQuery.getQuery() + "\n\nMore details: ", fse); } } return coll; } /** * Sorts (if requested) and returns requested "page" of given list. * <p/> * * @param pagingTarget * list to be sorted and "paged" * @param pagingInfo * represents user requirements (sorting order, page number, page size, etc.) * @return "page of results" according to user requirements */ private List<Object> sortAndPage(final List<Object> pagingTarget, final PageInfoCtx pagingInfo) { //SORTING if (pagingInfo.getSortProperty() != null) { final Comparator<Object> sortingComparator = new DynamicComparator(pagingInfo.getSortProperty(), pagingInfo.isDescending()); java.util.Collections.sort(pagingTarget, sortingComparator); } if (pagingInfo.getPageNumber() == null && pagingInfo.getPageSize() == null) //only SORTING { return pagingTarget; } else //PAGING { //user-requirements final int pageNumber = pagingInfo.getPageNumber().intValue(); final int pageSize = pagingInfo.getPageSize().intValue(); //pages are numbered starting from 0 int pagingIndexFrom = pageNumber * pageSize; //if page number is too big re-position page number so that it points to the last page of results. if (pagingIndexFrom >= pagingTarget.size()) { final int numberOfPages = pagingTarget.size() / pageSize //full pages + ((pagingTarget.size() % pageSize != 0) ? 1 : 0); //partial last page pagingIndexFrom = (numberOfPages - 1) * pageSize; //update page number, so that user can be notified of this forced page number change. pagingInfo.setPageNumber(Integer.valueOf(numberOfPages)); } int pagingIndexTo = pagingIndexFrom + pageSize; //if page size is too big given page number, trim the index. if (pagingIndexTo > pagingTarget.size()) { pagingIndexTo = pagingTarget.size(); } return pagingTarget.subList(pagingIndexFrom, pagingIndexTo); } } /** * Returns properly built flexible search query for getting a collection of elements which is specified by pagingInfo * and comes from N:M relation. * <p/> * * @param pagingInfo * Holds all required information about paging settings. * @param relMetaType * Describes currently processed relation. * * @return properly built flexible search query for getting a collection of elements which is specified by pagingInfo * and comes from N:M relation. */ private String buildFsPaginatedQueryForRelationNM(final PageInfoCtx pagingInfo, final RelationMetaTypeModel relMetaType) { // some pre-preparation final String typeCode, subelementNameFirst, subelementNameSecond; if (pagingInfo.getCollectionPropertyName().equals(relMetaType.getSourceTypeRole())) { typeCode = relMetaType.getSourceType().getCode(); subelementNameFirst = "source"; subelementNameSecond = "target"; } else { typeCode = relMetaType.getTargetType().getCode(); subelementNameFirst = "target"; subelementNameSecond = "source"; } // building query for flexibleSearch final StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("select {PK} from {"); query.append(typeCode).append(pagingInfo.isSubtypes() ? "" : "!").append(" join ") .append(relMetaType.getCode()).append(" as REL on {PK} = {REL:").append(subelementNameFirst) .append("} } "); query.append("where {REL:").append(subelementNameSecond).append("} = ?param "); if (pagingInfo.getQuery() != null) { query.append("and ").append(pagingInfo.getQuery()); } if (pagingInfo.getSortProperty() != null) { query.append(" order by {").append(pagingInfo.getSortProperty()).append("} "); query.append(pagingInfo.isDescending() ? "DESC" : "ASC"); } return query.toString(); } /** * Returns properly built flexible search query for getting a collection of elements which comes from 1:N relation. * <p/> * * @param pagingInfo * Holds all required information about paging settings. * @param relMetaType * Describes currently processed relation. * * @return properly built flexible search query for getting a collection of elements which comes from 1:N relation. */ private String buildFsPaginatedQueryForRelation1N(final PageInfoCtx pagingInfo, final RelationMetaTypeModel relMetaType) { // some pre-preparation String typeCode, typeRole; if ("many".equals(relMetaType.getSourceTypeCardinality().getCode())) { typeCode = relMetaType.getSourceType().getCode(); typeRole = relMetaType.getTargetTypeRole(); } else { typeCode = relMetaType.getTargetType().getCode(); typeRole = relMetaType.getSourceTypeRole(); } // building query for flexibleSearch final StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("select {PK} from {"); query.append(typeCode).append(pagingInfo.isSubtypes() ? "" : "!").append("} "); query.append("where {").append(typeRole).append("} = ?param "); if (pagingInfo.getQuery() != null) { query.append("and ").append(pagingInfo.getQuery()); } if (pagingInfo.getSortProperty() != null) { query.append(" order by {").append(pagingInfo.getSortProperty()).append("} "); query.append(pagingInfo.isDescending() ? "DESC" : "ASC"); } return query.toString(); } /** * Helper method which tries to extracts a sub-parameter for a specific property from a Map. Map-key must follow the * format: [property-name]_[sub-parameter] and Map-value contains the value for [sub-parameter]. * <p/> * Note: origin of map-values are http-requests query parameters. * * @param paramMap * Map which holds all available parameters * @param propertyName * [property-name]: the property (as bean-property name) which is asked for the parameter value * @param propertyParameter * [sub-parameter]: the parameter which is asked for (page, sort, size) * @return the parameter value, null if not available, first element if value is a Collection */ private String findParameter(final Map<String, Collection<String>> paramMap, final String propertyName, final String propertyParameter) { String result = null; if (propertyParameter != null && propertyParameter.length() > 0) { if (propertyName != null && propertyName.length() > 0) { // final map-key is a concatenation of 'property name' and 'property parameter' final String key = propertyName + "_" + propertyParameter; if (paramMap.containsKey(key)) { result = (paramMap.get(key)).iterator().next(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(result)) { result = null; } } } } return result; } }