Java tutorial
/* * [y] hybris Platform * * Copyright (c) 2000-2013 hybris AG * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of hybris * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential * Information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the * license agreement you entered into with hybris. * * */ package de.hybris.platform.order.interceptors; import de.hybris.platform.core.model.ItemModel; import de.hybris.platform.core.model.order.AbstractOrderEntryModel; import de.hybris.platform.core.model.order.AbstractOrderModel; import de.hybris.platform.core.model.product.ProductModel; import de.hybris.platform.core.model.type.ComposedTypeModel; import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.config.ConfigurationService; import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.exceptions.AttributeNotSupportedException; import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.interceptor.InterceptorContext; import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.interceptor.InterceptorException; import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.interceptor.PrepareInterceptor; import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.type.TypeService; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Collections; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; public class DefaultAbstractOrderEntryPreparer extends AbstractAttributesModificationAwareInterceptor implements PrepareInterceptor { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DefaultAbstractOrderEntryPreparer.class); private static final String NOT_AVAILABLE = "n/a"; protected static final int APPEND_AS_LAST = -1; private TypeService typeService; private ConfigurationService configurationService; private Collection<String> attributesForOrderRecalculation; @Override public void onPrepare(final Object model, final InterceptorContext ctx) throws InterceptorException { if (model instanceof AbstractOrderEntryModel && !ctx.isRemoved(model)) { final AbstractOrderEntryModel entryModel = (AbstractOrderEntryModel) model; //change calculated flag if any of the subjected attributed has changed, but not if calculated flag is dirty. if (isOneOfAttributesModified(entryModel, getAttributesForOrderRecalculation(), ctx) && !ctx.isModified(entryModel, AbstractOrderEntryModel.CALCULATED)) { entryModel.setCalculated(Boolean.FALSE); final AbstractOrderModel ownerOrder = entryModel.getOrder(); if (ownerOrder != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(ownerOrder.getCalculated())) { ownerOrder.setCalculated(Boolean.FALSE); ctx.registerElement(ownerOrder, getModelSource(ctx, ownerOrder)); } } if (isAttributeModified(entryModel, AbstractOrderEntryModel.PRODUCT, ctx)) { //automatically generate info entryModel.setInfo(createEntryInformation(entryModel, ctx)); } if (ctx.isNew(entryModel)) { if (entryModel.getTaxValues() == null) { entryModel.setTaxValues(Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } if (entryModel.getDiscountValues() == null) { entryModel.setDiscountValues(Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } } if (isAttributeModified(entryModel, AbstractOrderEntryModel.ENTRYNUMBER, ctx)) { final Integer entryNumber = entryModel.getEntryNumber(); final AbstractOrderModel order = entryModel.getOrder(); final List<AbstractOrderEntryModel> currentOrderEntries = order.getEntries(); if (entryNumber == null || APPEND_AS_LAST >= entryNumber.intValue()) { setEntryNumberAslast(entryModel, currentOrderEntries); } final List<AbstractOrderEntryModel> newEntries = currentOrderEntries == null ? new ArrayList<AbstractOrderEntryModel>() : new ArrayList<AbstractOrderEntryModel>(currentOrderEntries); if (!newEntries.contains(entryModel)) { newEntries.add(entryModel); order.setEntries(newEntries); } } } } private void setEntryNumberAslast(final AbstractOrderEntryModel entryModel, final List<AbstractOrderEntryModel> currentOrderEntries) { int targetEntryNumber = 0; if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(currentOrderEntries)) { //normally it's enough just to take the entryNumber from last orderEntry in the list. //Unfortunatelly - the context may contain some entries with entryNumber not set yet (e.g. not processed by the // interceptors yet). Therefore, we must find the last entry with already defined entryNumber for (int i = 0; i < currentOrderEntries.size(); i++) { final Integer potentialMaxEntryNumber = currentOrderEntries.get(i).getEntryNumber(); if (!(potentialMaxEntryNumber == null || APPEND_AS_LAST >= potentialMaxEntryNumber.intValue())) { if (potentialMaxEntryNumber.intValue() >= targetEntryNumber) { targetEntryNumber = potentialMaxEntryNumber.intValue() + 1; } } } } entryModel.setEntryNumber(Integer.valueOf(targetEntryNumber)); } protected String createEntryInformation(final AbstractOrderEntryModel newEntry, final InterceptorContext ctx) throws InterceptorException { final ProductModel product = newEntry.getProduct(); // find pattern in (or if (product == null) { return NOT_AVAILABLE; } else { ComposedTypeModel type = typeService.getComposedTypeForClass(product.getClass()); String infoField = configurationService.getConfiguration() .getString("orderentry.infofield." + type.getCode().toLowerCase(), null); boolean hasInfoFieldAValue = true; while (infoField == null) //if pattern for current type is not found, search for pattern of supertype { if (type.getSuperType() == null) { hasInfoFieldAValue = false; break; } else { type = type.getSuperType(); infoField = configurationService.getConfiguration() .getString("orderentry.infofield." + type.getCode().toLowerCase(), null); } } final String defaultstring = product.getCode(); //default string for info field, is only the product code final StringBuilder returnString = new StringBuilder(defaultstring); if (hasInfoFieldAValue) // got a pattern? { returnString.setLength(0); //throw defaultstring away int openTag = infoField.indexOf("${"); int closeTag = infoField.indexOf('}'); int start = 0; ItemModel item = product; while (openTag != -1 && closeTag != -1) // for each attribut founded in ${ } { returnString.append(infoField.substring(start, openTag)); String code = infoField.substring((openTag + 2), closeTag); int attr_start = 0; int attr_dot = code.indexOf('.'); while (attr_dot != -1) // is ther a 'path'? { //browse throught all instances till last dot try { item = goToConcreteItem(item, code.substring(attr_start, attr_dot), ctx); } catch (final AttributeNotSupportedException e) { throw new InterceptorException( "pattern '" + infoField + "' contains a missing attribute '" + code); } attr_start = attr_dot + 1; attr_dot = code.indexOf('.', attr_start); } if (attr_start > 0 && attr_dot == -1) { code = code.substring(attr_start, code.length()); // all after the last dot is the attribute which should be // in the info field } try { final Object value = ctx.getModelService().getAttributeValue(item, code); returnString.append(value != null ? value.toString() : "n/a"); // could be null, so a readible 'n/a' } catch (final AttributeNotSupportedException e) { final String itemTypeCode = ctx.getModelService().getModelType(item); throw new InterceptorException( "pattern '" + infoField + "' contains a missing attribute '" + code //NOPMD + "' for type " + itemTypeCode, e); } start = closeTag + 1; openTag = infoField.indexOf("${", start); closeTag = infoField.indexOf('}', start); } if (start < infoField.length()) { returnString.append(infoField.substring(start)); } } return returnString.toString(); } } private ItemModel goToConcreteItem(final ItemModel item, final String substring, final InterceptorContext ctx) throws InterceptorException { final Object value = ctx.getModelService().getAttributeValue(item, substring); if (value instanceof ItemModel) { return (ItemModel) value; } else { throw new InterceptorException("Unknown type " + substring); } } @Required public void setTypeService(final TypeService typeService) { this.typeService = typeService; } @Required public void setConfigurationService(final ConfigurationService configurationService) { this.configurationService = configurationService; } public void setAttributesForOrderRecalculation(final Collection<String> attributesForOrderRecalculation) { this.attributesForOrderRecalculation = attributesForOrderRecalculation; } private Collection<String> getAttributesForOrderRecalculation() { if (attributesForOrderRecalculation != null) { return attributesForOrderRecalculation; } else { //fallback list of attributes (the same set results from jalo layer logic) return Arrays.asList(AbstractOrderEntryModel.PRODUCT, AbstractOrderEntryModel.QUANTITY, AbstractOrderEntryModel.UNIT, AbstractOrderEntryModel.BASEPRICE, AbstractOrderEntryModel.TAXVALUES, AbstractOrderEntryModel.DISCOUNTVALUES, AbstractOrderEntryModel.GIVEAWAY, AbstractOrderEntryModel.REJECTED); } } @Override public Logger getLogger() { return LOG; } private Object getModelSource(final InterceptorContext ctx, final ItemModel model) { if (ctx.isNew(model)) { return null; } else { return ctx.getModelService().getSource(model); } } }