Java tutorial
/* * [y] hybris Platform * * Copyright (c) 2000-2014 hybris AG * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of hybris * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential * Information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the * license agreement you entered into with hybris. * * */ package de.hybris.platform.commercefacades.voucher.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import de.hybris.platform.commercefacades.voucher.VoucherFacade; import; import de.hybris.platform.commercefacades.voucher.exceptions.VoucherOperationException; import de.hybris.platform.core.model.order.CartModel; import de.hybris.platform.jalo.order.price.JaloPriceFactoryException; import de.hybris.platform.order.CartService; import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.dto.converter.Converter; import de.hybris.platform.voucher.VoucherModelService; import de.hybris.platform.voucher.VoucherService; import de.hybris.platform.voucher.model.VoucherModel; public class DefaultVoucherFacade implements VoucherFacade { private VoucherService voucherService; private VoucherModelService voucherModelService; private CartService cartService; private Converter<VoucherModel, VoucherData> voucherConverter; @Override public boolean checkVoucherCode(final String voucherCode) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(voucherCode)) { return false; } final VoucherModel voucher = getVoucherService().getVoucher(voucherCode); if (voucher == null) { return false; } return checkVoucherCanBeRedeemed(voucher, voucherCode); } @Override public VoucherData getVoucher(final String voucherCode) throws VoucherOperationException { validateVoucherCodeParameter(voucherCode); return getVoucherConverter().convert(getVoucherModel(voucherCode)); } protected void validateVoucherCodeParameter(final String voucherCode) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(voucherCode)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter voucherCode must not be empty"); } } protected boolean isVoucherCodeValid(final String voucherCode) { final VoucherModel voucher = getVoucherService().getVoucher(voucherCode); if (voucher == null) { return false; } return true; } protected boolean checkVoucherCanBeRedeemed(final VoucherModel voucher, final String voucherCode) { return getVoucherModelService().isApplicable(voucher, getCartService().getSessionCart()) && getVoucherModelService().isReservable(voucher, voucherCode, getCartService().getSessionCart()); } @Override public void applyVoucher(final String voucherCode) throws VoucherOperationException { validateVoucherCodeParameter(voucherCode); if (!isVoucherCodeValid(voucherCode)) { throw new VoucherOperationException("Voucher not found: " + voucherCode); } final CartModel cartModel = getCartService().getSessionCart(); final VoucherModel voucher = getVoucherModel(voucherCode); if (!checkVoucherCanBeRedeemed(voucher, voucherCode)) { throw new VoucherOperationException("Voucher cannot be redeemed: " + voucherCode); } else { try { if (!getVoucherService().redeemVoucher(voucherCode, cartModel)) { throw new VoucherOperationException("Error while applying voucher: " + voucherCode); } //Important! Checking cart, if total amount <0, release this voucher checkCartAfterApply(voucherCode, voucher); return; } catch (final JaloPriceFactoryException e) { throw new VoucherOperationException("Error while applying voucher: " + voucherCode); } } } @Override public void releaseVoucher(final String voucherCode) throws VoucherOperationException { validateVoucherCodeParameter(voucherCode); final CartModel cartModel = getCartService().getSessionCart(); final VoucherModel voucher = getVoucherModel(voucherCode); if (voucher != null && cartModel != null) { try { getVoucherService().releaseVoucher(voucherCode, cartModel); return; } catch (final JaloPriceFactoryException e) { throw new VoucherOperationException("Couldn't release voucher: " + voucherCode); } } } @Override public List<VoucherData> getVouchersForCart() { final List<VoucherData> vouchersData = new ArrayList<VoucherData>(); final CartModel cartModel = getCartService().getSessionCart(); if (cartModel != null) { final Collection<String> voucherCodes = getVoucherService().getAppliedVoucherCodes(cartModel); for (final String code : voucherCodes) { try { vouchersData.add(getSingleVouchersByCode(code)); } catch (VoucherOperationException e) { // nothing } } return vouchersData; } return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } /** * Voucher cannot be redeemed Getting single voucher * * @param voucherCode * @return VoucherData */ protected VoucherData getSingleVouchersByCode(final String voucherCode) throws VoucherOperationException { final VoucherModel voucherModel = getVoucherModel(voucherCode); final VoucherData voucherData = getVoucherConverter().convert(voucherModel); if (voucherCode.length() > 3) { //Serial voucher voucherData.setVoucherCode(voucherCode); } return voucherData; } protected VoucherModel getVoucherModel(final String voucherCode) throws VoucherOperationException { final VoucherModel voucher = getVoucherService().getVoucher(voucherCode); if (voucher == null) { throw new VoucherOperationException("Voucher not found: " + voucherCode); } return voucher; } /** * Checking state of cart after redeem last voucher * * @param lastVoucherCode */ protected void checkCartAfterApply(final String lastVoucherCode, final VoucherModel lastVoucher) throws VoucherOperationException { final CartModel cartModel = getCartService().getSessionCart(); //Total amount in cart updated with delay... Calculating value of voucher regarding to order final double cartTotal = cartModel.getTotalPrice().doubleValue(); final double voucherValue = lastVoucher.getValue().doubleValue(); final double voucherCalcValue = (lastVoucher.getAbsolute().equals(Boolean.TRUE)) ? voucherValue : (cartTotal * voucherValue) / 100; if (cartModel.getTotalPrice().doubleValue() - voucherCalcValue < 0) { releaseVoucher(lastVoucherCode); //Throw exception with specific information throw new VoucherOperationException( "Voucher " + lastVoucherCode + " cannot be redeemed: total price exceeded"); } } public VoucherService getVoucherService() { return voucherService; } @Required public void setVoucherService(final VoucherService voucherService) { this.voucherService = voucherService; } public VoucherModelService getVoucherModelService() { return voucherModelService; } @Required public void setVoucherModelService(final VoucherModelService voucherModelService) { this.voucherModelService = voucherModelService; } public CartService getCartService() { return cartService; } @Required public void setCartService(final CartService cartService) { this.cartService = cartService; } public Converter<VoucherModel, VoucherData> getVoucherConverter() { return voucherConverter; } @Required public void setVoucherConverter(final Converter<VoucherModel, VoucherData> voucherConverter) { this.voucherConverter = voucherConverter; } }