Java tutorial
/* * [y] hybris Platform * * Copyright (c) 2000-2013 hybris AG * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of hybris * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential * Information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the * license agreement you entered into with hybris. * * */ package de.hybris.platform.cache; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import de.hybris.bootstrap.annotations.PerformanceTest; import de.hybris.platform.core.Tenant; import de.hybris.platform.test.TestThreadsHolder; import de.hybris.platform.util.config.ConfigIntf; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import net.sf.ehcache.Cache; import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager; import net.sf.ehcache.Element; import net.sf.ehcache.config.CacheConfiguration; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.RandomUtils; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.Mock; import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations; import org.springframework.test.annotation.DirtiesContext; import org.springframework.test.annotation.DirtiesContext.ClassMode; import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner; import com.bethecoder.ascii_table.ASCIITable; import com.googlecode.concurrentlinkedhashmap.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap; /** * RegionCache performance tests */ @PerformanceTest @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration(locations = { "/test/EHCacheRegionPerformanceTest-context.xml" }) @DirtiesContext(classMode = ClassMode.AFTER_CLASS) public class CachePerformanceTest { private static final String REGION_CACHE_NAME = "testRegionCache"; private static final String REGION_CACHE_KEY_NAME = "testRegionCacheKey"; private static final String OLD_CACHE_KEY_NAME = "testOldCacheKey"; private static final String CACHE_KEY_NAME = "testCacheKey"; private static final int THREADS = 30; private static final int TOTALHITS = THREADS * 500 * 1000; private static final int MAX_WAIT_SECONDS = 240; private static final int FILL = 10000; @Mock Tenant tenantMock; @Mock ConfigIntf configMock; @After public void clean() { CacheManager.getInstance().clearAll(); System.gc(); } @Test public void testOldCache() { final BaseCacheYFastFIFOMapStub oldCacheMap = createOldCacheMap(); fillOldCacheMap(oldCacheMap, FILL); assertEquals(FILL, oldCacheMap.getMaxReachedSize()); writeResultTable("old cache", 100, FILL, TOTALHITS, THREADS, executeMultithreadedCacheAccess(oldCacheMap, FILL, true, THREADS, TOTALHITS, MAX_WAIT_SECONDS)); writeResultTable("old cache", 0, FILL, TOTALHITS, THREADS, executeMultithreadedCacheAccess(oldCacheMap, FILL, false, THREADS, TOTALHITS, MAX_WAIT_SECONDS)); } @Test public void testRegionCachePerformance() { final Cache regionCacheMap = createRegionCacheMap(); fillRegionCacheMap(regionCacheMap, FILL); assertEquals(FILL, regionCacheMap.getKeys().size()); regionCacheMap.setStatisticsEnabled(false); writeResultTable("region cache", 100, FILL, TOTALHITS, THREADS, executeMultithreadedCacheAccess(regionCacheMap, FILL, true, THREADS, TOTALHITS, MAX_WAIT_SECONDS)); writeResultTable("region cache", 0, FILL, TOTALHITS, THREADS, executeMultithreadedCacheAccess(regionCacheMap, FILL, false, THREADS, TOTALHITS, MAX_WAIT_SECONDS)); } @Test public void testConcurrentHashMap() { final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object> chMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>(FILL * 2, 0.75f, 8); fillCacheMap(chMap, FILL); assertEquals(FILL, chMap.size()); writeResultTable("ConcurrentHashMap", 100, FILL, TOTALHITS, THREADS, executeMultithreadedCacheAccess(chMap, FILL, true, THREADS, TOTALHITS, MAX_WAIT_SECONDS)); writeResultTable("ConcurrentHashMap", 0, FILL, TOTALHITS, THREADS, executeMultithreadedCacheAccess(chMap, FILL, false, THREADS, TOTALHITS, MAX_WAIT_SECONDS)); } @Test public void testConcurrentLinkedHashMap() { final ConcurrentMap<String, Object> chMap = new ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder<String, Object>() .maximumWeightedCapacity(FILL).concurrencyLevel(8).initialCapacity(FILL).build(); fillCacheMap(chMap, FILL); assertEquals(FILL, chMap.size()); writeResultTable("ConcurrentLinkedHashMap", 100, FILL, TOTALHITS, THREADS, executeMultithreadedCacheAccess(chMap, FILL, true, THREADS, TOTALHITS, MAX_WAIT_SECONDS)); writeResultTable("ConcurrentLinkedHashMap", 0, FILL, TOTALHITS, THREADS, executeMultithreadedCacheAccess(chMap, FILL, false, THREADS, TOTALHITS, MAX_WAIT_SECONDS)); } static void fillRegionCacheMap(final Cache regionCacheMap, final int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { regionCacheMap.putQuiet(new Element(REGION_CACHE_KEY_NAME + i, "RegionCacheValue" + i)); } } static void fillOldCacheMap(final BaseCacheYFastFIFOMapStub oldCacheMap, final int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { oldCacheMap.put(OLD_CACHE_KEY_NAME + i, "OldCacheValue" + i); } } private void fillCacheMap(final Map<String, Object> cacheMap, final int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { cacheMap.put(CACHE_KEY_NAME + i, "CacheValue" + i); } } BaseCacheYFastFIFOMapStub createOldCacheMap() { MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); when(tenantMock.getConfig()).thenReturn(configMock); when(tenantMock.getTenantID()).thenReturn("master"); when(configMock.getParameter("")) .thenReturn("de.hybris.platform.cache.BaseCacheYFastFIFOMapStub"); when(configMock.getParameter("cache.experimental.cachemap")) .thenReturn("de.hybris.platform.cache.BaseCacheYFastFIFOMapStub"); // when(configMock.getParameter("cache.evictionpolicy")).thenReturn("FIFO"); when(Integer.valueOf(configMock.getInt("cache.concurrency.level", 8))).thenReturn(Integer.valueOf(8)); //init oldCacheMap final CacheBaseStub cacheBase = new CacheBaseStub(tenantMock, FILL + 1000); return new BaseCacheYFastFIFOMapStub(cacheBase, FILL + 1000); } static Cache createRegionCacheMap() { //init regionCacheMap final CacheManager manager = CacheManager.getInstance(); if (manager.cacheExists(REGION_CACHE_NAME)) { manager.removeCache(REGION_CACHE_NAME); } final Cache regionCacheMap = new Cache(createRegionCacheConfiguration()); manager.addCache(regionCacheMap); assertNotNull(regionCacheMap); return regionCacheMap; } private static CacheConfiguration createRegionCacheConfiguration() { final CacheConfiguration config = new CacheConfiguration(); config.setStatistics(false); config.setMemoryStoreEvictionPolicy(MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy.LRU.toString()); config.setMaxEntriesLocalHeap(FILL + 1000); config.setCopyOnRead(false); config.setCopyOnWrite(false); config.setName(REGION_CACHE_NAME); config.overflowToDisk(false); config.setEternal(true); config.setLogging(false); return config; } private void writeResultTable(final String cacheType, final int hitRate, final int fill, final int totalhits, final int threads, final long duration) { final String[] header = { "cache type", "hit rate", "fill", "totalhits", "threads", "duration" }; ASCIITable.getInstance().printTable(header, new String[][] { { cacheType, hitRate + " %", String.valueOf(fill), String.valueOf(totalhits), // String.valueOf(threads), duration + " ms" } }); } private long executeMultithreadedCacheAccess(final Object cacheMap, final int cacheFill, final boolean hitAlways, final int numberOfThreads, final long hitcount, final int maxWaitSeconds) { final long hitsPerThread = hitcount / numberOfThreads; final long hitsRemainder = hitcount % numberOfThreads; final de.hybris.platform.test.RunnerCreator<Runnable> runnerCreator = new de.hybris.platform.test.RunnerCreator<Runnable>() { @Override public Runnable newRunner(final int threadNumber) { final long hits = threadNumber < hitsRemainder ? hitsPerThread + 1 : hitsPerThread; if (cacheMap instanceof Cache) { return new RegionCacheReader(threadNumber, hits, cacheFill, hitAlways, (Cache) cacheMap); } else if (cacheMap instanceof BaseCacheYFastFIFOMapStub) { return new OldCacheReader(threadNumber, hits, cacheFill, hitAlways, (BaseCacheYFastFIFOMapStub) cacheMap); } else if (cacheMap instanceof Map) { return new PlainMapReader(threadNumber, hits, cacheFill, hitAlways, (Map<String, Object>) cacheMap); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown cache map type " + cacheMap); } } }; final TestThreadsHolder workerThreads = new TestThreadsHolder<Runnable>(numberOfThreads, runnerCreator); workerThreads.startAll(); assertTrue("not all workers finished after " + maxWaitSeconds + " seconds", workerThreads.waitAndDestroy(maxWaitSeconds)); return workerThreads.getStartToFinishMillis(); } private static abstract class AbstractCacheReader implements Runnable { final int number; final long hits; final int cacheFill; final int sleepMs; final boolean hitAlways; public AbstractCacheReader(final int number, final long hits, final int cacheFill, final boolean hitAlways, final int sleepMs) { this.number = number; this.hits = hits; this.cacheFill = cacheFill; this.hitAlways = hitAlways; this.sleepMs = sleepMs; } @Override final public void run() { for (int h = 0; h < hits && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted(); h++) { if (hitAlways) { doHitAlways(); } else { doHitNever(); } if (sleepMs > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(sleepMs); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { break; } } } } abstract void doHitAlways(); abstract void doHitNever(); } private static class RegionCacheReader extends AbstractCacheReader { private final Cache cacheMap; public RegionCacheReader(final int number, final long hits, final int cacheFill, final boolean hitAlways, final Cache cacheMap) { super(number, hits, cacheFill, hitAlways, 0); this.cacheMap = cacheMap; } @Override void doHitAlways() { final Element elem = cacheMap.get(REGION_CACHE_KEY_NAME + RandomUtils.nextInt(cacheFill)); assertNotNull(elem); } @Override void doHitNever() { final Element notExistingElem = cacheMap.get("RegionCacheKeyNotInMap"); assertNull(notExistingElem); } } static class OldCacheReader extends AbstractCacheReader { final BaseCacheYFastFIFOMapStub cacheMap; OldCacheReader(final int number, final long hits, final int cacheFill, final boolean hitAlways, final BaseCacheYFastFIFOMapStub cacheMap) { super(number, hits, cacheFill, hitAlways, 0); this.cacheMap = cacheMap; } @Override void doHitAlways() { final Object elem = cacheMap.get(OLD_CACHE_KEY_NAME + RandomUtils.nextInt(cacheFill)); assertNotNull(elem); } @Override void doHitNever() { final Object notExistingElem = cacheMap.get("OldCacheKeyNotInMap"); assertNull(notExistingElem); } } static class PlainMapReader extends AbstractCacheReader { final Map<String, Object> cacheMap; PlainMapReader(final int number, final long hits, final int cacheFill, final boolean hitAlways, final Map<String, Object> cacheMap) { super(number, hits, cacheFill, hitAlways, 0); this.cacheMap = cacheMap; } @Override void doHitAlways() { final Object elem = cacheMap.get(CACHE_KEY_NAME + RandomUtils.nextInt(cacheFill)); assertNotNull(elem); } @Override void doHitNever() { final Object notExistingElem = cacheMap.get("CHMCacheKeyNotInMap"); assertNull(notExistingElem); } } }