Java tutorial
/* * [y] hybris Platform * * Copyright (c) 2000-2014 hybris AG * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of hybris * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential * Information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the * license agreement you entered into with hybris. * * */ package de.hybris.platform.addonsupport.renderer.impl; import de.hybris.platform.acceleratorcms.component.renderer.CMSComponentRenderer; import; import de.hybris.platform.acceleratorservices.uiexperience.UiExperienceService; import de.hybris.platform.acceleratorservices.util.SpringHelper; import de.hybris.platform.cms2.model.contents.components.AbstractCMSComponentModel; import; import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.exceptions.AttributeNotSupportedException; import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.model.ModelService; import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.type.TypeService; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; public class DefaultAddOnCMSComponentRenderer<C extends AbstractCMSComponentModel> implements CMSComponentRenderer<C> { private TypeService typeService; private UiExperienceService uiExperienceService; private ModelService modelService; private CMSComponentService cmsComponentService; protected TypeService getTypeService() { return this.typeService; } @Required public void setTypeService(final TypeService typeService) { this.typeService = typeService; } public ModelService getModelService() { return modelService; } @Required public void setModelService(final ModelService modelService) { this.modelService = modelService; } public CMSComponentService getCmsComponentService() { return cmsComponentService; } @Required public void setCmsComponentService(final CMSComponentService cmsComponentService) { this.cmsComponentService = cmsComponentService; } protected UiExperienceService getUiExperienceService() { return uiExperienceService; } @Required public void setUiExperienceService(final UiExperienceService uiExperienceService) { this.uiExperienceService = uiExperienceService; } @Override public void renderComponent(final PageContext pageContext, final C component) throws ServletException, IOException { final Map<String, Object> exposedVariables = exposeVariables(pageContext, component); pageContext.include(getView(component)); unExposeVariables(pageContext, component, exposedVariables); } protected Map<String, Object> exposeVariables(final PageContext pageContext, @SuppressWarnings("unused") final C component) { final Map<String, Object> variables = getVariablesToExpose(pageContext, component); if (variables != null) { for (final Entry<String, Object> entry : variables.entrySet()) { pageContext.setAttribute(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), getScopeForVariableName(entry.getKey())); } } return variables; } protected int getScopeForVariableName(@SuppressWarnings("unused") final String variableName) { return PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE; } protected Map<String, Object> getVariablesToExpose(final PageContext pageContext, final C component) { final Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (final String property : getCmsComponentService().getEditorProperties(component)) { try { final Object value = modelService.getAttributeValue(component, property); variables.put(property, value); } catch (final AttributeNotSupportedException ignore) { // ignore } } return variables; } protected void unExposeVariables(final PageContext pageContext, @SuppressWarnings("unused") final C component, final Map<String, Object> exposedVariables) { if (exposedVariables != null) { for (final String variableName : exposedVariables.keySet()) { pageContext.removeAttribute(variableName, getScopeForVariableName(variableName)); } } } protected String getView(final C component) { return "/WEB-INF/views/addons/" + getAddonUiExtensionName(component) + "/" + getUIExperienceFolder() + "/" + getCmsComponentFolder() + "/" + getViewResourceName(component) + ".jsp"; } protected String getAddonUiExtensionName(final C component) { return getTypeService().getComposedTypeForCode(component.getItemtype()).getExtensionName(); } protected String getCmsComponentFolder() { return "cms"; } protected String getUIExperienceFolder() { return StringUtils.lowerCase(getUiExperienceService().getUiExperienceLevel().getCode()); } protected String getViewResourceName(final C component) { return StringUtils.lowerCase(getTypeCode(component)); } protected String getTypeCode(final C component) { return component.getItemtype(); } /** * Helper method to lookup a spring bean in the context of a request. This should only be used to lookup beans that * are request scoped. The looked up bean is cached in the request attributes so it should not have a narrower scope * than request scope. This method should not be used for beans that could be injected into this bean. * * @param request * the current request * @param beanName * the name of the bean to lookup * @param beanType * the expected type of the bean * @param <T> * the expected type of the bean * @return the bean found or <tt>null</tt> */ protected <T> T getBean(final HttpServletRequest request, final String beanName, final Class<T> beanType) { return SpringHelper.getSpringBean(request, beanName, beanType, true); } protected RequestContextData getRequestContextData(final HttpServletRequest request) { return getBean(request, "requestContextData", RequestContextData.class); } }