Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright  2009-2016 The Apromore Initiative.
 * This file is part of "Apromore".
 * "Apromore" is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * "Apromore" is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this program.
 * If not, see <>.

package de.hpi.bpmn2_0.animation;

import de.hpi.bpmn2_0.model.connector.SequenceFlow;
import de.hpi.bpmn2_0.replay.AnimatedSequenceFlow;
import de.hpi.bpmn2_0.replay.AnimationLog;
import de.hpi.bpmn2_0.replay.ReplayParams;
import de.hpi.bpmn2_0.replay.ReplayTrace;
import de.hpi.bpmn2_0.replay.Replayer;
import de.hpi.bpmn2_0.replay.TimeUtilities;
import de.hpi.bpmn2_0.replay.TraceNode;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.Interval;
import org.joda.time.Seconds;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

* Animation timing is shown via the timeline bar which embeds two timing aspects:
* the real time in event log file and the internal clock of the animation engine (SVG).
* Thus, there is a conversion ratio between the event log time and the animation engine time
* called TimeConversionRatio, meaning how many seconds of the engine is equivalent to 
* one second of data time. This ratio is used to convert the real data time to
* the animation engine time.
* The timeline has a number of even slots. Each slot represents a duration of time
* in the event log (SlotDataUnit) and a duration of time of animation engine (SlotEngineUnit)
* If the event log spans a long duration, the timeline slot will have large SlotDataUnit value,
* the number of slots on the timeline should also be increased. If the event log has short duration,
* the timeline slot will have small SlotDataUnit value.
* The SlotEngineUnit can be used to set the speed of the tick movement on the timeline bar
* The SlotDataUnit can be used to show the location of a specific event date on the timeline bar
public class AnimationJSONBuilder {
    private ArrayList<AnimationLog> animations = null;
    private Interval totalRealInterval = null; //total time interval of all logs
    private Replayer replayer;
    private ReplayParams params;
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(AnimationJSONBuilder.class.getCanonicalName());

    public AnimationJSONBuilder(ArrayList<AnimationLog> animations, Replayer replayer, ReplayParams params) {
        this.animations = animations;
        this.params = params;
        this.replayer = replayer;

        Set<DateTime> dateSet = new HashSet<>();
        for (AnimationLog animationLog : animations) {
        SortedSet<DateTime> sortedDates = TimeUtilities.sortDates(dateSet);
        totalRealInterval = new Interval(sortedDates.first(), sortedDates.last());

    //Number of data seconds represented by every timeline slot
    protected double getSlotDataUnit() {
        return 1.0 * totalRealInterval.toDurationMillis() / (1000 * params.getTimelineSlots());

    //Number of animation engine seconds represented by every timeline slot
    protected double getSlotEngineUnit() {
        return 1.0 * params.getTotalEngineSeconds() / params.getTimelineSlots();

    //Proportion between animation and data time
    protected double getTimeConversionRatio() {
        return 1.0 * params.getTotalEngineSeconds() / (totalRealInterval.toDurationMillis() / 1000);

    public JSONObject parseLogCollection() throws JSONException {
        JSONObject collectionObj = new JSONObject();

        JSONArray logs = new JSONArray();
        for (AnimationLog log : this.animations) {

        collectionObj.put("logs", logs);
        collectionObj.put("timeline", this.parseTimeline(animations));
        collectionObj.put("tracedates", this.parseTraceStartDates());
        //collectionObj.put("sequenceAnalysis", this.parseSequenceAnalysis());
        return collectionObj;

    public JSONObject parseLog(AnimationLog animationLog) throws JSONException {
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject();

        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.###");

        json.put("name", animationLog.getName());
        json.put("color", animationLog.getColor());
        json.put("total", animationLog.getTraces().size() + animationLog.getUnplayTraces().size());
        json.put("play", animationLog.getTraces().size());
        json.put("unplayTraces", animationLog.getUnplayTracesString());
        json.put("reliable", animationLog.getReliableTraceCount());
        json.put("unreliableTraces", animationLog.getUnReliableTraceIDs());
        json.put("moveLogFitness", df.format(animationLog.getCostBasedMoveLogFitness()));
        json.put("moveModelFitness", df.format(animationLog.getCostBasedMoveModelFitness()));
        json.put("approxTraceFitness", df.format(animationLog.getApproxTraceFitness()));
                df.format(1.0 * animationLog.getApproxTraceFitnessFormulaTime() / 1000));
        if (params.isExactTraceFitnessCalculation()) {
                    df.format(1.0 * animationLog.getExactTraceFitnessFormulaTime() / 1000));
        } else {
            json.put("exactTraceFitness", 0);
            json.put("exactFitnessFormulaTime", 0);
        json.put("algoTime", df.format(1.0 * animationLog.getAlgoRuntime() / 1000));
        json.put("progress", this.parseLogProgress(animationLog));
        json.put("tokenAnimations", this.parseTraces(animationLog));

        return json;

    * Timeline represents two values: the real time data frome event log and the time 
    * used for animation. The latter is usually shorter than the former, but in rare cases it can be greater
    * Timeline has a fixed number of slots contained in params.getTimelineSlots()
    * Timeline has a fixed number of seconds to play contained in params.getTimelineSeconds()
    * Timeline starts from the start date to the end date of the log 
    protected JSONObject parseTimeline(Collection<AnimationLog> animations) throws JSONException {
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject();

        // log timelines
        JSONArray logTimelines = new JSONArray();
        for (AnimationLog log : this.animations) {

        //bar labels
        JSONArray barLabels = new JSONArray();
        Duration dur = new Duration(Double.valueOf(this.getSlotDataUnit()*1000).longValue());
        DateTime slotTime = totalRealInterval.getStart();
        for(int i=1;i<=params.getTimelineSlots()+1;i++) {
        slotTime =;

        json.put("logs", logTimelines);
        json.put("startDateLabel", totalRealInterval.getStart().toString());
        json.put("startDateSlot", 0); //datepos is the ordinal number of the time bar on the timeline
        json.put("endDateLabel", totalRealInterval.getEnd().toString());
        json.put("endDateSlot", params.getTimelineSlots());
        json.put("timelineSlots", params.getTimelineSlots());
        json.put("totalEngineSeconds", params.getTotalEngineSeconds());
        json.put("slotEngineUnit", this.getSlotEngineUnit());
        json.put("slotDataUnit", this.getSlotDataUnit());
        json.put("timeConversionRatio", this.getTimeConversionRatio());
        //json.put("barLabels", barLabels);

        return json;

    protected JSONObject parseLogTimeline(AnimationLog log) throws JSONException {
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject();

        json.put("startDateLabel", log.getStartDate().toString());
        if (log.getStartDate().isEqual(totalRealInterval.getStart())) {
            json.put("startDatePos", 0);
        } else {
                    Seconds.secondsBetween(totalRealInterval.getStart(), log.getStartDate()).getSeconds()
                            / this.getSlotDataUnit());

        json.put("endDateLabel", log.getEndDate().toString());
        if (log.getEndDate().isEqual(totalRealInterval.getEnd())) {
            json.put("endDatePos", params.getTimelineSlots());
        } else {
                    Seconds.secondsBetween(totalRealInterval.getStart(), log.getEndDate()).getSeconds()
                            / this.getSlotDataUnit());

        json.put("color", log.getColor());
        return json;

    //represent all token flows in the log
    protected JSONObject parseTrace(AnimationLog animationLog, ReplayTrace trace) throws JSONException {
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
        json.put("caseId", trace.getId());

        // Parse sequence flows
        JSONArray paths = new JSONArray();
        JSONObject jsonSequence;
        for (SequenceFlow seqFlow : trace.getSequenceFlows()) {
            if (!(seqFlow instanceof AnimatedSequenceFlow)) {
                jsonSequence = this.parseSequenceFlow(animationLog, seqFlow);
                if (jsonSequence != null) {
        json.put("paths", paths);

        // Parse activities
        JSONArray nodes = new JSONArray();
        JSONObject jsonNode;
        for (TraceNode node : trace.getNodes()) {
            if (node.isActivity()) {
                jsonNode = this.parseNode(animationLog, node);
                if (jsonNode != null) {
        json.put("nodes", nodes);

        return json;

    protected JSONObject parseSequenceFlow(AnimationLog animationLog, SequenceFlow sequenceFlow)
            throws JSONException {

        if (((TraceNode) (sequenceFlow.getSourceRef())).getStart() == null
                || ((TraceNode) sequenceFlow.getTargetRef()).getStart() == null) {
            return null;

        JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
        json.put("id", sequenceFlow.getId());

        //DateTime logStart = animationLog.getStartDate();
        DateTime logStart = totalRealInterval.getStart(); //Bruce 15.06.2015: fix bug of playing multiple logs with different start dates
        DateTime start = ((TraceNode) sequenceFlow.getSourceRef()).getComplete();
        DateTime end = ((TraceNode) sequenceFlow.getTargetRef()).getStart();
        double begin = Seconds.secondsBetween(logStart, start).getSeconds() * this.getTimeConversionRatio();
        //double duration = Seconds.secondsBetween(start, end).getSeconds()*this.getTimeConversionRatio();
        double duration = (end.getMillis() - start.getMillis()) * this.getTimeConversionRatio(); // in milliseconds

        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.#####");
        json.put("begin", df.format(begin));
        json.put("dur", df.format(1.0 * duration / 1000));

        if (((TraceNode)sequenceFlow.getSourceRef()).isVirtual()) {
        json.put("sourceIsVirtual", "true");
        } else {
        json.put("sourceIsVirtual", "false");

        return json;

    protected JSONObject parseNode(AnimationLog animationLog, TraceNode node) throws JSONException {
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
        json.put("id", node.getId());

        //DateTime logStart = animationLog.getStartDate();
        DateTime logStart = totalRealInterval.getStart(); //Bruce 15.06.2015: fix bug of multiple logs with different start dates
        DateTime start = node.getStart();
        DateTime end = node.getComplete();
        double begin = Seconds.secondsBetween(logStart, start).getSeconds() * this.getTimeConversionRatio();
        //double duration = Seconds.secondsBetween(start, end).getSeconds()*this.getTimeConversionRatio();
        double duration = (end.getMillis() - start.getMillis()) * this.getTimeConversionRatio(); // in milliseconds

        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.#####");
        json.put("begin", df.format(begin));
        json.put("dur", df.format(1.0 * duration / 1000));

        if (node.isActivitySkipped()) {
            json.put("isVirtual", "true");
        } else {
            json.put("isVirtual", "false");
        return json;

    protected JSONArray parseTraces(AnimationLog animationLog) throws JSONException {
        JSONArray jsonTraces = new JSONArray();

        for (ReplayTrace trace : animationLog.getTraces()) {
            jsonTraces.put(this.parseTrace(animationLog, trace));

        return jsonTraces;

     * Generate json for the progress bar
     * @param animationLog
     * @return
     * @throws JSONException 
     * Bruce 24.08.2015: fix bug of start time and duration of the progress bar
     * Add begin and duration attribute for the progress log tag, similar to SequenceFlow
    protected JSONObject parseLogProgress(AnimationLog animationLog) throws JSONException {
        String keyTimes = "";
        String values = "";
        final int PROGRESS_BAR_LEVELS = 100; //divide the progress bar into 100 levels
        final int TOTAL_TRACES = animationLog.getTraces().size();

        DateTime logStart = animationLog.getStartDate();
        DateTime logEnd = animationLog.getEndDate();
        double begin = Seconds.secondsBetween(totalRealInterval.getStart(), logStart).getSeconds()
                * this.getTimeConversionRatio();
        double durEngine = (logEnd.getMillis() - logStart.getMillis()) * this.getTimeConversionRatio(); // in milliseconds  
        double durData = logEnd.getMillis() - logStart.getMillis(); // in milliseconds  
        double levelTime = 1.0 * durData / (1000 * PROGRESS_BAR_LEVELS); //number of seconds for every movement level

        // The progress bar is divided into PROGRESS_BAR_LEVELS levels
        // Remember: keyTimes is the percentage relative to begin and duration value, within 0-1 range,
        // values are relative to the length of the progress bar and must start from 0.        
        // Calculate keyTimes: the percentage of the current level number over the total number of levels
        // Calculate values: move to every level, calculate the level timestamp, then count
        // the total number of traces that end after that timestamp
        DateTime currentLevelTimestamp;
        int traceCount;
        double keyTimeVal;
        double totalVal = 2 * Math.PI * params.getProgressCircleBarRadius(); //the perimeter of the progress circle bar
        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");

        for (int i = 1; i <= PROGRESS_BAR_LEVELS; i++) {
            keyTimeVal = 1.0 * i / PROGRESS_BAR_LEVELS; //params.getTimelineSlots();
            currentLevelTimestamp = logStart.plusSeconds(Double.valueOf(i * levelTime).intValue());
            traceCount = 0;
            for (ReplayTrace trace : animationLog.getTraces()) {
                if (trace.getInterval().getEnd().isBefore(currentLevelTimestamp)
                        || trace.getInterval().getEnd().isEqual(currentLevelTimestamp)) {
            if (i == 1) {
                keyTimes += "0;"; //required by SVG keytimes specification
                values += "0;"; //required by SVG values specification
            } else if (i == PROGRESS_BAR_LEVELS) {
                keyTimes += "1;"; //required by SVG keyTimes specification
                values += (df.format(totalVal) + ";"); //(Math.round((1.0*traceCount/animationLog.getTraces().size())*totalVal) + ";");
            } else {
                keyTimes += (df.format(keyTimeVal) + ";");
                double value = (1.0 * traceCount / TOTAL_TRACES) * totalVal;
                values += (df.format(value) + ";");
        if (keyTimes.length() > 0) {
            keyTimes = keyTimes.substring(0, keyTimes.length() - 1);
        if (values.length() > 0) {
            values = values.substring(0, values.length() - 1);

        JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
        json.put("keyTimes", keyTimes);
        json.put("values", values);

        json.put("begin", df.format(begin));
        json.put("dur", df.format(1.0 * durEngine / 1000));

        return json;

    protected JSONArray parseTraceStartDates() {
        SortedSet<DateTime> sortedDates = new TreeSet<>(new Comparator<DateTime>() {
            public int compare(DateTime o1, DateTime o2) {
                return o1.compareTo(o2);
        for (AnimationLog log : animations) {
            for (ReplayTrace trace : log.getTraces()) {

        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
        for (DateTime dateTime : sortedDates) {

        return jsonArray;

    protected JSONArray parseSequenceAnalysis() throws JSONException {
        JSONArray jsonSequences = new JSONArray();
        JSONObject jsonObject;

        if (this.animations.size() >= 2) {
            Map<String, Map<Interval, Integer>> log1Map = TimeUtilities
            Map<String, Map<Interval, Integer>> log2Map = TimeUtilities
            Map<Interval, Integer> compare;
            for (String sequenceId : log1Map.keySet()) {
                if (log2Map.containsKey(sequenceId)) {
                    compare = TimeUtilities.compareIntervalMaps(log1Map.get(sequenceId), log2Map.get(sequenceId));
                    for (Interval interval : compare.keySet()) {
                        if (Math.abs(compare.get(interval)) > params.getSequenceTokenDiffThreshold()) {
                            jsonObject = new JSONObject();
                            jsonObject.put("sequenceId", sequenceId);
                            jsonObject.put("from", this.getEngineTime(interval.getStart()));
                            jsonObject.put("to", this.getEngineTime(interval.getEnd()));

        return jsonSequences;

    * Convert from data time to engine time
    * Use to convert a real datetime value to a "begin" value for animation
    private int getEngineTime(DateTime dataTime) {
        double engineTime = Seconds.secondsBetween(totalRealInterval.getStart(), dataTime).getSeconds()
                * this.getTimeConversionRatio();
        return Double.valueOf(engineTime).intValue();

    public void clear() {
        replayer = null;
        params = null;
        for (AnimationLog animLog : animations) {
        animations = null;
