Java tutorial
/* * (weberknecht) * * Copyright 2009-2013 Patrick Mairif. * The program is distributed under the terms of the Apache License (ALv2). * * tabstop=4, charset=UTF-8 */ package de.highbyte_le.weberknecht.conf; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; import de.highbyte_le.weberknecht.request.routing.AreaPath; /** * weberknecht configuration object * @author pmairif */ public class WeberknechtConf { /** * Mapping of area paths to actions to declaration. */ private Map<AreaPath, Map<String, ActionDeclaration>> areaActionClassMap = new HashMap<AreaPath, Map<String, ActionDeclaration>>(); private Map<AreaPath, String> defaultActions = new HashMap<AreaPath, String>(); private Map<String, ProcessorList> preProcessors = new HashMap<String, ProcessorList>(); private Map<String, ProcessorList> postProcessors = new HashMap<String, ProcessorList>(); /** * context names of used databases */ private Set<String> dbs = new HashSet<String>(); private List<String> routerClasses = new Vector<String>(); /** * Mapping of suffixes to ActionViewProcessor classes. */ private Map<String, String> actionProcessorSuffixMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * locale prefix */ private RoutingLocalePrefix routingLocalePrefix = null; /** * Logger for this class */ private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WeberknechtConf.class); private WeberknechtConf() { // } /** * reads weberknecht.xml or actions.xml if there is no weberknecht.xml * and creates new config instance */ public static WeberknechtConf readConfig(ServletContext servletContext) throws ConfigurationException { WeberknechtConf conf = null; try { //read available actions from weberknecht.xml InputStream in = null; try { in = servletContext.getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/weberknecht.xml"); if (in != null) conf = readConfig(in); else { in = servletContext.getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/actions.xml"); if (in != null) conf = readActions(in); } } finally { if (in != null) in.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("readConfig() - IOException: " + e.getMessage(), e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (null == conf) return new WeberknechtConf(); return conf; } /** * reads weberknecht.xml from input stream and creates new config instance */ public static WeberknechtConf readConfig(InputStream in) throws ConfigurationException { WeberknechtConf conf = new WeberknechtConf(); Document doc = null; try { doc = new SAXBuilder().build(in); Element rootElement = doc.getRootElement(); readDbs(conf, rootElement); readProcessors(conf, rootElement); readRouter(conf, rootElement); readRoutingLocalePrefix(conf, rootElement); readActionViewProcessors(conf, rootElement); readActions(conf, rootElement, new AreaPath(), "", "", null); conf.checkActions(); } catch (JDOMException e1) { log.error("readConfig() - JDOMException: " + e1.getMessage(), e1); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (IOException e1) { log.error("readConfig() - IOException: " + e1.getMessage(), e1); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return conf; } /** * get the referred processor set id from the element. If no processor element is present, the parent value is used. */ private static String getProcessorSetId(Element element, String prefix, String parentValue) throws ConfigurationException { String val = parentValue; Element processorsElement = element.getChild(prefix + "-processors"); if (processorsElement != null) { String ref = processorsElement.getAttributeValue("ref"); if (null == ref) throw new ConfigurationException( "Found old config! Define processor sets with IDs and ref to them with pre-/post-processor element and ref attribute!"); val = ref; } return val; } /** * get the defined error handler. If no such element is present, the parent value is used. */ private static String getErrorHandler(Element element, String parentValue) throws ConfigurationException { String val = parentValue; Element errHandlerElement = element.getChild("error-handler"); if (errHandlerElement != null) { String clazz = errHandlerElement.getAttributeValue("class"); if (null == clazz) throw new ConfigurationException("Got error handler without class!"); val = clazz; } return val; } protected void checkActions() throws ConfigurationException { for (Map<String, ActionDeclaration> map : areaActionClassMap.values()) { for (ActionDeclaration ad : map.values()) { String preProcessorSet = ad.getPreProcessorSet(); if (preProcessorSet != "" && !preProcessors.containsKey(preProcessorSet)) throw new ConfigurationException("Pre processor '" + preProcessorSet + "' not found!"); String postProcessorSet = ad.getPostProcessorSet(); if (postProcessorSet != "" && !postProcessors.containsKey(postProcessorSet)) throw new ConfigurationException("Post processor '" + postProcessorSet + "' not found!"); } } if (areaActionClassMap.size() == 0) { log.error("checkActions() - There are no actions configured!"); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected static void readActions(WeberknechtConf conf, Element rootElement, AreaPath path, String parentPreId, String parentPostId, String parentErrorHandler) throws ConfigurationException { String preId = getProcessorSetId(rootElement, "pre", parentPreId); String postId = getProcessorSetId(rootElement, "post", parentPostId); String errHandler = getErrorHandler(rootElement, parentErrorHandler); List<Element> actionsElements = rootElement.getChildren("actions"); if (actionsElements != null) { for (Element actionsElement : actionsElements) { String area = actionsElement.getAttributeValue("area"); AreaPath subPath = path.fork(area); String defaultAction = actionsElement.getAttributeValue("default"); if (defaultAction != null) //don't delete existing defaults for areas with same name conf.defaultActions.put(subPath, defaultAction); readArea(conf, preId, postId, errHandler, actionsElement, subPath); readActions(conf, actionsElement, subPath, preId, postId, errHandler); } } List<Element> areaElements = rootElement.getChildren("area"); if (areaElements != null) { for (Element areaElement : areaElements) { String area = areaElement.getAttributeValue("name"); AreaPath subPath = path.fork(area); String defaultAction = areaElement.getAttributeValue("default"); conf.defaultActions.put(subPath, defaultAction); readArea(conf, preId, postId, errHandler, areaElement, subPath); readActions(conf, areaElement, subPath, preId, postId, errHandler); } } } /** * read area section */ protected static void readArea(WeberknechtConf conf, String rootPreId, String rootPostId, String rootErrHandler, Element areaElement, AreaPath path) throws ConfigurationException { String areaPreId = getProcessorSetId(areaElement, "pre", rootPreId); String areaPostId = getProcessorSetId(areaElement, "post", rootPostId); String areaErrHandler = getErrorHandler(areaElement, rootErrHandler); Map<String, ActionDeclaration> actionClassMap = conf.getActionClassMap(path); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Element> actionElements = areaElement.getChildren("action"); if (null == actionElements) { log.error("readArea() - There are no actions configured for area \"" + path + "\""); } else { for (Element e1 : actionElements) { String name = e1.getAttributeValue("name"); String className = e1.getAttributeValue("class"); String preId = getProcessorSetId(e1, "pre", areaPreId); String postId = getProcessorSetId(e1, "post", areaPostId); String errHandler = getErrorHandler(e1, areaErrHandler); if (name != null && className != null) { ActionDeclaration declaration = new ActionDeclaration(className, preId, postId, errHandler); actionClassMap.put(name, declaration); } else { log.error("readArea() - invalid action configuration: name=" + name + ", class=" + className); } } } } protected static void readRouter(WeberknechtConf conf, Element rootElement) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Element> routerElements = rootElement.getChildren("router"); if (routerElements != null) { for (Element routerElement : routerElements) { conf.routerClasses.add(routerElement.getAttributeValue("class")); } } } protected static void readRoutingLocalePrefix(WeberknechtConf conf, Element rootElement) { Element prefixElement = rootElement.getChild("routing-locale-prefix"); if (prefixElement != null) { RoutingLocalePrefix prefix = new RoutingLocalePrefix(); String optionalAtt = prefixElement.getAttributeValue("optional"); prefix.setOptional(optionalAtt != null && optionalAtt.equals("true")); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Element> allowedElements = prefixElement.getChildren("allowed-value"); if (allowedElements != null) { for (Element allowedElement : allowedElements) { prefix.addAllowedLocale(allowedElement.getTextNormalize()); } } conf.setRoutingLocalePrefix(prefix); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected static Map<String, ProcessorList> readProcessorMap(WeberknechtConf conf, Element rootElement, String defTag, String processorTag) throws ConfigurationException { try { Map<String, ProcessorList> map = new HashMap<String, ProcessorList>(); List<Element> postProcessorsElements = rootElement.getChildren(defTag); if (postProcessorsElements != null) { for (Element processorsElement : postProcessorsElements) { String id = processorsElement.getAttributeValue("id"); if (null == id) throw new ConfigurationException("Found processor definition without id."); ProcessorList processors = new ProcessorList(id); List<Element> postProcessorElements = processorsElement.getChildren(processorTag); if (postProcessorElements != null) { for (Element e : postProcessorElements) { String className = e.getAttributeValue("class"); processors.addProcessorClass(className); } } map.put(id, processors); } } return map; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Problem instantiating processor", e); } } protected static void readProcessors(WeberknechtConf conf, Element rootElement) throws ConfigurationException { conf.preProcessors = readProcessorMap(conf, rootElement, "pre-processors-def", "pre-processor"); conf.postProcessors = readProcessorMap(conf, rootElement, "post-processors-def", "post-processor"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected static void readDbs(WeberknechtConf conf, Element rootElement) { Element dbsElement = rootElement.getChild("dbs"); if (dbsElement != null) { List<Element> dbElements = dbsElement.getChildren("db"); if (dbElements != null) { for (Element e : dbElements) { conf.dbs.add(e.getTextNormalize()); } } else { log.debug("readConfig() - There is no additional db configured"); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected static void readActionViewProcessors(WeberknechtConf conf, Element rootElement) { Element processorsElement = rootElement.getChild("action-view-processors"); if (processorsElement != null) { List<Element> processorElements = processorsElement.getChildren("action-view-processor"); if (processorElements != null) { for (Element e : processorElements) { String suffix = e.getAttributeValue("suffix"); String className = e.getAttributeValue("class"); conf.actionProcessorSuffixMap.put(suffix, className); } } else { log.debug("readConfig() - There is no additional action view processor configured"); } } } /** * read available actions from actions.xml */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static WeberknechtConf readActions(InputStream in) { WeberknechtConf conf = new WeberknechtConf(); List<Element> actionElements = null; Document doc = null; try { doc = new SAXBuilder().build(in); actionElements = doc.getRootElement().getChildren("action"); if (actionElements != null) { Map<String, ActionDeclaration> actionClassMap = conf.getActionClassMap(new AreaPath()); //actions for default area for (Element e : actionElements) { String name = e.getAttributeValue("name"); String className = e.getAttributeValue("class"); if (name != null && className != null) actionClassMap.put(name, new ActionDeclaration(className)); else log.error("readActions() - invalid action configuration: name=" + name + ", class=" + className); } } else { log.error("readActions() - There are no actions configured!"); } } catch (JDOMException e1) { log.error("readActions() - JDOMException: " + e1.getMessage(), e1); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (IOException e1) { log.error("readActions() - IOException: " + e1.getMessage(), e1); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return conf; } /** * get the action map for the default area */ public Map<String, ActionDeclaration> getActionClassMap() { return getActionClassMap(new AreaPath()); } /** * get the action map for the area */ public synchronized Map<String, ActionDeclaration> getActionClassMap(AreaPath area) { AreaPath key = area != null ? area : new AreaPath(); Map<String, ActionDeclaration> ret = areaActionClassMap.get(key); if (null == ret) { ret = new HashMap<String, ActionDeclaration>(); areaActionClassMap.put(key, ret); } return ret; } /** * @return the areaActionClassMap */ public Map<AreaPath, Map<String, ActionDeclaration>> getAreaActionClassMap() { return areaActionClassMap; } public Set<AreaPath> getAreas() { return areaActionClassMap.keySet(); } /** * @return the defaultActions */ public Map<AreaPath, String> getDefaultActions() { return defaultActions; } public String getDefaultAction(AreaPath area) { return defaultActions.get(area); } /** * @return the dbs */ public Set<String> getDbs() { return this.dbs; } /** * get map of IDs to pre processor lists */ public Map<String, ProcessorList> getPreProcessorListMap() { return this.preProcessors; } /** * get map of IDs to post processor lists */ public Map<String, ProcessorList> getPostProcessorListMap() { return this.postProcessors; } /** * @return the routerClass */ public List<String> getRouterClasses() { return routerClasses; } /** * @return the actionProcessorSuffixMap */ public Map<String, String> getActionProcessorSuffixMap() { return actionProcessorSuffixMap; } /** * @return the routingLocalePrefix */ public RoutingLocalePrefix getRoutingLocalePrefix() { return routingLocalePrefix; } public boolean hasRoutingLocalePrefix() { return routingLocalePrefix != null; } /** * @param routingLocalePrefix the routingLocalePrefix to set */ public void setRoutingLocalePrefix(RoutingLocalePrefix routingLocalePrefix) { this.routingLocalePrefix = routingLocalePrefix; } }