Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2016 the Knime4NGS contributors. * Website: * * This file is part of the KNIME4NGS KNIME extension. * * The KNIME4NGS extension is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.abstractNodes.RNode; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataTable; import org.knime.core.node.ExecutionContext; import org.knime.core.node.NodeLogger; import org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.SettingsModelColumnName; import org.knime.core.node.port.PortType; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.IO; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.SuccessfulRunChecker; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.abstractNodes.ScriptNode.ScriptNodeModel; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.threads.UnsuccessfulExecutionException; public abstract class RNodeModel extends ScriptNodeModel { public static final String ROW_ID = "ROWID"; // column name used for rowID public static final String R_SCRIPTS_PATH = "R"; public static final String GLOBALS_R = IO.getScriptPath() + ScriptNodeModel.SCRIPTS_SUBFOLDER + File.separatorChar + R_SCRIPTS_PATH + File.separatorChar + "utils" + File.separatorChar + "GLOBALS.R"; private final HashMap<String, String> ARGUMENTS = new HashMap<String, String>();; protected final String[] INPUT_FILE_ARGUMENTS; protected final String[] OUTPUT_FILE_ARGUMENTS; private static final NodeLogger LOGGER = NodeLogger.getLogger(RNodeModel.class); protected RNodeModel(int nrInDataPorts, int nrOutDataPorts, String script, String[] input_file_arguments, String[] output_file_arguments) { super(nrInDataPorts, nrOutDataPorts, script); // check number of file names if (input_file_arguments.length != this.getNrInPorts()) { LOGGER.error("HAVING " + this.getNrInPorts() + " INPUT FILES BUT " + input_file_arguments.length + " NAMES!"); } if (output_file_arguments.length != this.getNrOutPorts()) { LOGGER.error("HAVING " + this.getNrOutPorts() + " OUTPUT FILES BUT " + output_file_arguments.length + " NAMES!"); } this.INPUT_FILE_ARGUMENTS = input_file_arguments; this.OUTPUT_FILE_ARGUMENTS = output_file_arguments; } protected RNodeModel(final PortType[] inPortTypes, final PortType[] outPortTypes, String script, String[] input_file_arguments, String[] output_file_arguments) { super(inPortTypes, outPortTypes, script); // TODO what if PortTypes are not tables to write??? // check number of file names if (input_file_arguments.length > inPortTypes.length) { LOGGER.error("HAVING " + this.getNrInPorts() + " INPUT FILES BUT " + input_file_arguments.length + " NAMES!"); } if (output_file_arguments.length > outPortTypes.length) { LOGGER.error("HAVING " + this.getNrOutPorts() + " OUTPUT FILES BUT " + output_file_arguments.length + " NAMES!"); } this.INPUT_FILE_ARGUMENTS = input_file_arguments; this.OUTPUT_FILE_ARGUMENTS = output_file_arguments; } @Override protected String getScriptPath() { return (super.getScriptPath() + R_SCRIPTS_PATH + File.separatorChar); } protected String getRscriptBinary() { if (this.getAvailableFlowVariables().containsKey("Rscript")) { return (this.getAvailableFlowVariables().get("Rscript").getStringValue()); } return ("Rscript"); } protected void prepareInputData(final BufferedDataTable[] inData, final ExecutionContext exec) throws Exception { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PREPARE INPUT FILES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // exec.setProgress(0.00); // exec.setProgress("writing input data"); for (int i = 0; i < INPUT_FILE_ARGUMENTS.length; i++) { exec.checkCanceled(); if (inData[i] != null) { File tmpFile = null; try { tmpFile = File.createTempFile( "knime_R_connector_" + this.SCRIPT.replaceAll(File.separatorChar + "", "_") + "_input_", ".csv"); this.addArgument(this.INPUT_FILE_ARGUMENTS[i], tmpFile.getCanonicalPath()); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("unable to create temp file!"); throw (e); } IO.writeAsCSV(inData[i], tmpFile, exec, LOGGER); } else { this.removeArgument(this.INPUT_FILE_ARGUMENTS[i]); } exec.checkCanceled(); } } protected String[] prepareOutputData(final BufferedDataTable[] inData, final ExecutionContext exec) throws Exception { // exec.setProgress(0.05); // exec.setProgress("preparing output data"); String[] outFiles = new String[OUTPUT_FILE_ARGUMENTS.length]; for (int i = 0; i < OUTPUT_FILE_ARGUMENTS.length; i++) { exec.checkCanceled(); File tmpFile = null; try { tmpFile = File.createTempFile( "knime_R_connector_" + this.SCRIPT.replaceAll(File.separatorChar + "", "_") + "_output_", ".csv"); this.addArgument(this.OUTPUT_FILE_ARGUMENTS[i], tmpFile.getCanonicalPath()); outFiles[i] = tmpFile.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("unable to create temp file!"); throw (e); } } return (outFiles); } @Override protected BufferedDataTable[] execute(final BufferedDataTable[] inData, final ExecutionContext exec) throws Exception { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PREPARE INPUT DATA ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// prepareInputData(inData, exec); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PREPARE OUTPUT FILES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String[] outFiles = prepareOutputData(inData, exec); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RUN COMMAND ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // exec.setProgress(0.10); // exec.setProgress("executing script");"Running Rscript with arguments: " + getArgumentsAsVector()); try { File tmpFile = File.createTempFile( "knime_R_connector_" + this.SCRIPT.replaceAll(File.separatorChar + "", "_"), SuccessfulRunChecker.LOCK_ENDING); super.executeScript(exec, null, tmpFile); } catch (UnsuccessfulExecutionException e) { throw new UnsuccessfulExecutionException("R command failed\nSTDOUT:" + IO.tail(this.getHTEOUT(), 5) + "\nSTDERR:" + IO.tail(this.getHTEERR(), 5)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // READ DATA ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // exec.setProgress(0.90); // exec.setProgress("reading output"); BufferedDataTable[] output = IO.readCSV(exec, outFiles, RNodeModel.LOGGER, true, true); // exec.setProgress(1.0); return (output); } public static String tail(String string) { int i = string.lastIndexOf("\n"); return (string.substring(i)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// OVERIDE KNIME NODE METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void reset() { super.reset(); this.ARGUMENTS.clear(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// COMMANDLINE ARGUMENTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void addArgument(String arg, String value) { this.ARGUMENTS.put(arg, value); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public void addArgument(String arg, Collection value) { this.addArgument(arg, StringUtils.join(value, ',')); } public void addArgument(String arg, int value) { this.addArgument(arg, String.valueOf(value)); } public void addArgument(String arg, double value) { this.addArgument(arg, String.valueOf(value)); } public void addArgument(String arg, float value) { this.addArgument(arg, String.valueOf(value)); } public void addArgument(String arg, SettingsModelColumnName value) { if (value.getColumnName() == null) { if (value.useRowID()) { this.addArgument(arg, RNodeModel.ROW_ID); } } else { this.addArgument(arg, value.getColumnName()); } } public void removeArgument(String arg) { this.ARGUMENTS.remove(arg); } public void addFlag(String arg) { this.ARGUMENTS.put(arg, null); } public void removeFlag(String arg) { this.removeArgument(arg); } public void setFlag(String arg, boolean b) { if (b) { this.addFlag(arg); } else { this.removeFlag(arg); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// GETTERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public String getArguments() { StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder(" --globals \"" + GLOBALS_R + "\""); for (String key : this.ARGUMENTS.keySet()) { // key args.append(" " + key); // value if (this.ARGUMENTS.get(key) != null) { args.append(" \"" + this.ARGUMENTS.get(key) + "\""); } } return (args.toString()); } @Override protected String[] getCommand() { ArrayList<String> command = new ArrayList<String>(); command.add(this.getRscriptBinary()); command.add(this.SCRIPT); command.add("--globals"); command.add(GLOBALS_R); for (String key : this.ARGUMENTS.keySet()) { command.add(key); // value if (this.ARGUMENTS.get(key) != null) { command.add(this.ARGUMENTS.get(key)); } } return (command.toArray(new String[command.size()])); } public String getOutfile() { return null; } public String getArgumentsAsVector() { StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder(" <- c( \"--globals\", \"" + GLOBALS_R + "\""); for (String key : this.ARGUMENTS.keySet()) { // key args.append(", \"" + key + "\""); // value if (this.ARGUMENTS.get(key) != null) { args.append(", \"" + this.ARGUMENTS.get(key) + "\""); } } args.append(")"); return (args.toString()); } }