Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2016 the Knime4NGS contributors. * Website: * * This file is part of the KNIME4NGS KNIME extension. * * The KNIME4NGS extension is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.ngs.bwa; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataContainer; import org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataTable; import org.knime.core.node.ExecutionContext; import org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException; import org.knime.core.node.NodeLogger; import org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.SettingsModelBoolean; import org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.SettingsModelIntegerBounded; import org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.SettingsModelOptionalString; import org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.SettingsModelString; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.knime.IBISKNIMENodesPlugin; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.CompatibilityChecker; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.IO; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.SuccessfulRunChecker; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.abstractNodes.HTExecutorNode.HTExecutorNodeModel; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.datatypes.file.FileCell; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.datatypes.file.FileCellFactory; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.datatypes.file.SAMCell; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.ngs.FileValidator; /** * This is the model implementation of BWA. * * @author Jan Quell * @author Maximilian Hastreiter */ public class BWANodeModel extends HTExecutorNodeModel { public static final String CFGKEY_REFSEQFILE = "refseqfile"; public static final String CFGKEY_BWAFILE = "bwafile"; public static final String CFGKEY_CHECKCOLORSPACED = "checkColorSpaced"; public static final String CFGKEY_BWTINDEX = "bwtIndex"; public static final String CFGKEY_CHECKINDEX = "checkIndexRefSeq"; public static final String CFGKEY_READGROUP = "readgroup"; public static final String CFGKEY_READGROUPBOOLEAN = "readgroupboolean"; public static final String CFGKEY_ALNALGO = "alnalgo"; public static final String CFGKEY_THREADS = "alnthreads"; public static final String CFGKEY_OPTIONAL_Index = "optional_index"; public static final String CFGKEY_OPTIONAL_Aln = "optional_aln"; public static final String CFGKEY_OPTIONAL_Map = "optional_map"; private final SettingsModelString m_refseqfile = new SettingsModelString(CFGKEY_REFSEQFILE, ""); private final SettingsModelString m_bwafile = new SettingsModelString(CFGKEY_BWAFILE, ""); private final SettingsModelBoolean m_checkIndexRefSeq = new SettingsModelBoolean(CFGKEY_CHECKINDEX, true); // private final SettingsModelBoolean m_checkColorSpaced = new SettingsModelBoolean(CFGKEY_CHECKCOLORSPACED, false); private final SettingsModelString m_bwtIndex = new SettingsModelString(CFGKEY_BWTINDEX, "BWT-SW"); private final SettingsModelString m_alnalgo = new SettingsModelString(CFGKEY_ALNALGO, "BWA-MEM"); private final SettingsModelString m_readGroup = new SettingsModelString(CFGKEY_READGROUP, "@RG\\tID:foo\\tSM:bar\\tPL:ILLUMINA"); private final SettingsModelBoolean m_readGroupBoolean = new SettingsModelBoolean(CFGKEY_READGROUPBOOLEAN, false); private final SettingsModelIntegerBounded m_ALN_THREADS = new SettingsModelIntegerBounded(CFGKEY_THREADS, 2, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); // private final SettingsModelOptionalString m_Optional_Index = new SettingsModelOptionalString(CFGKEY_OPTIONAL_Index,"",false); private final SettingsModelOptionalString m_Optional_Aln = new SettingsModelOptionalString(CFGKEY_OPTIONAL_Aln, "", false); private final SettingsModelOptionalString m_Optional_Map = new SettingsModelOptionalString(CFGKEY_OPTIONAL_Map, "", false); private static final NodeLogger LOGGER = NodeLogger.getLogger(BWANodeModel.class); private static String readType = ""; //The Output Col Names public static final String OUT_COL1 = "Path2SAMFile"; private String bwa_bin, ref_genome; /** * Constructor for the node model. */ protected BWANodeModel() { super(1, 1); addSetting(m_bwafile); addSetting(m_refseqfile); addSetting(m_bwtIndex); // addSetting(m_checkColorSpaced); addSetting(m_checkIndexRefSeq); addSetting(m_readGroup); addSetting(m_readGroupBoolean); addSetting(m_alnalgo); addSetting(m_ALN_THREADS); // addSetting(m_Optional_Index); addSetting(m_Optional_Aln); addSetting(m_Optional_Map); addPrefPageSetting(m_bwafile, IBISKNIMENodesPlugin.BWA); addPrefPageSetting(m_refseqfile, IBISKNIMENodesPlugin.REF_GENOME); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected BufferedDataTable[] execute(final BufferedDataTable[] inData, final ExecutionContext exec) throws Exception { //Check input table integrity CompatibilityChecker.inDataCheck(inData); /** * Get the Parameters */ String path2readFile = inData[0].iterator().next().getCell(0).toString(); String path2readFile2 = ""; if (readType.equals("paired-end")) { path2readFile2 = inData[0].iterator().next().getCell(1).toString(); } String basePath = path2readFile.substring(0, path2readFile.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); String outBaseName1 = path2readFile.substring(path2readFile.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, path2readFile.lastIndexOf(".")); String outBaseName = outBaseName1; String outBaseName2 = outBaseName1; String memOut = basePath + outBaseName1 + "_mem.sam"; int threads = m_ALN_THREADS.getIntValue(); if (readType.equals("paired-end")) { outBaseName2 = path2readFile2.substring(path2readFile2.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, path2readFile2.lastIndexOf(".")); if (!path2readFile.equals(path2readFile2)) { outBaseName = outBaseName1 + "_" + outBaseName2; } } String out2Name = basePath + outBaseName + "_aln.sam"; String out1Name = basePath + outBaseName + "_aln_sa.sai"; String out11Name = basePath + outBaseName1 + "_aln_sa_1.sai"; String out12Name = basePath + outBaseName2 + "_aln_sa_2.sai"; Boolean isBam = false; if (path2readFile.substring(path2readFile.length() - 3, path2readFile.length()) == "bam") { path2readFile2 = path2readFile; isBam = true; } //Prepare Index bwa_index(exec, bwa_bin, ref_genome); //BWA aln if (m_alnalgo.getStringValue().equals("BWA-backtrack")) {"Find the SA coordinates of the input reads.\n"); bwa_aln(exec, readType, basePath, outBaseName, outBaseName1, outBaseName2, ref_genome, bwa_bin, path2readFile, path2readFile2, isBam, threads);"Finished BWA aln..."); } //BWA Mapping bwa_map(exec, readType, bwa_bin, ref_genome, path2readFile, out1Name, out2Name, out11Name, out12Name, path2readFile2, memOut, threads); /** * OUTPUT */ if (m_alnalgo.getStringValue().equals("BWA-MEM")) { out2Name = memOut; } BufferedDataContainer cont = exec.createDataContainer(new DataTableSpec( new DataColumnSpec[] { new DataColumnSpecCreator(OUT_COL1, SAMCell.TYPE).createSpec() })); FileCell[] c = new FileCell[] { FileCellFactory.create(out2Name) }; cont.addRowToTable(new DefaultRow("Row0", c)); cont.close(); BufferedDataTable outTable = cont.getTable(); return new BufferedDataTable[] { outTable }; } /** * Runs bwa index * @param lockFile * @param colorSpaced * @param path2bwa * @param path2refFile * @param path2readFile * @throws Exception */ private void bwa_index(ExecutionContext exec, String path2bwa, String path2refFile) throws Exception { /**Only execute if Index needs to be created**/ if (m_checkIndexRefSeq.getBooleanValue()) {"Indexing reference sequence.\n"); ArrayList<String> command = new ArrayList<String>(); // Constant values command.add(path2bwa + " index"); //Indexing Type if (m_bwtIndex.getStringValue().equals("BWT-SW")) { command.add("-a bwtsw"); } else if (m_bwtIndex.getStringValue().equals("IS")) { command.add("-a is"); } else { throw new InvalidSettingsException("Oh oh oh! No valid indexing algorithm!"); } // // Colorspace // if(m_checkColorSpaced.getBooleanValue()) { // command.add("-c"); // } //Add Reference genome command.add(path2refFile); /**Execute**/ String lockFile = path2refFile + SuccessfulRunChecker.LOCK_ENDING; super.executeCommand(new String[] { StringUtils.join(command, " ") }, path2refFile + ".fai", exec, new File(lockFile)); } else {"Indexing reference sequence SKIPPED.\n"); } } private void bwa_aln(ExecutionContext exec, String readType, String basePath, String outBaseName, String outBaseName1, String outBaseName2, String path2refFile, String path2bwa, String path2readFile, String path2readFile2, boolean isBam, int Threads) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> command = new ArrayList<String>(); // Constant values command.add(path2bwa + " aln"); String outName = basePath + outBaseName + "_aln_sa.sai"; String out11Name = basePath + outBaseName1 + "_aln_sa_1.sai"; String out12Name = basePath + outBaseName2 + "_aln_sa_2.sai"; String outfile = outName; //Multi-Threading command.add("-t " + Threads); command.add(m_Optional_Aln.getStringValue()); //If Inputfile is in bam format if (readType.equals("paired-end")) { outfile = out11Name; //Set Outfile for forward reads if (isBam) { command.add("-b1"); } } else { // Single-end if (isBam) { command.add("-b0"); } } //Perform aln for forward reads OR single end reads command.add(path2refFile); command.add(path2readFile); command.add("-f " + outfile); String lockFile = outfile + SuccessfulRunChecker.LOCK_ENDING; /**Execute**/ super.executeCommand(new String[] { StringUtils.join(command, " ") }, outfile, exec, new File(lockFile)); //If paired end, repeat previous step if (readType.equals("paired-end")) { if (isBam) { command.set(2, "-b2"); command.set(4, path2readFile2); command.set(5, " -f " + out12Name); } else { command.set(3, path2readFile2); command.set(4, " -f " + out12Name); } /**Execute**/ lockFile = out12Name + SuccessfulRunChecker.LOCK_ENDING; super.executeCommand(new String[] { StringUtils.join(command, " ") }, out12Name, exec, new File(lockFile)); } } private void bwa_map(ExecutionContext exec, String readType, String path2bwa, String path2refFile, String path2readFile, String out1Name, String out2Name, String out11Name, String out12Name, String path2readFile2, String memOut, int threads) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> command = new ArrayList<String>(); String alnalgo = m_alnalgo.getStringValue(); // ### BWA-Backtrack ### if (alnalgo.equals("BWA-backtrack")) { if (readType.equals("single-end")) { // bwa samse sequence.fasta aln_sa.sai s_1_1_sequence.txt > aln.sam"Generate alignments in the SAM format given single-end reads.\n"); command.add(path2bwa + " samse"); command.add(m_Optional_Map.getStringValue()); /**Other Options**/ if (m_readGroupBoolean.getBooleanValue()) { command.add("-r " + m_readGroup.getStringValue()); } /**In and Outfiles**/ command.add("-f " + out2Name); command.add(path2refFile); command.add(out1Name); command.add(path2readFile); } else { // bwa sampe sequence.fasta aln_sa_1.sai aln_sa_2.sai s_1_1_sequence.fq s_1_2_sequence.fq > aln.sam"Generate alignments in the SAM format given paired-end reads.\n"); command.add(path2bwa + " sampe"); command.add(m_Optional_Map.getStringValue()); /**Other Options**/ if (m_readGroupBoolean.getBooleanValue()) { command.add("-r " + m_readGroup.getStringValue()); } /**In and Outfiles**/ command.add("-f " + out2Name); command.add(path2refFile); command.add(out11Name); command.add(out12Name); command.add(path2readFile); command.add(path2readFile2); } // ### BWA-SW ### } else if (alnalgo.equals("BWA-SW")) {"Generate alignments in the SAM format.\n"); command.add(path2bwa + " bwasw"); command.add("-t " + threads); command.add(m_Optional_Map.getStringValue()); /**In and Outfiles**/ command.add("-f " + out2Name); command.add(path2refFile); command.add(path2readFile); if (readType.equals("paired-end")) { command.add(path2readFile2); } // ### BWA-MEM ### } else if (alnalgo.equals("BWA-MEM")) {"Generate alignments in the SAM format.\n"); command.add(path2bwa + " mem"); command.add("-t " + threads); command.add(m_Optional_Map.getStringValue()); if (m_readGroupBoolean.getBooleanValue()) { command.add("-R " + m_readGroup.getStringValue()); } /**In and Outfiles**/ command.add(path2refFile); command.add(path2readFile); if (readType.equals("paired-end")) { command.add(path2readFile2); } } String lockFile = out2Name + SuccessfulRunChecker.LOCK_ENDING; /** Execute **/ if (alnalgo.equals("BWA-MEM")) { String stdErr = IO.replaceFileExtension(memOut, "stdErr"); super.executeCommand(new String[] { StringUtils.join(command, " ") }, out2Name, exec, null, new File(lockFile), memOut, stdErr, null, null, null); } else { super.executeCommand(new String[] { StringUtils.join(command, " ") }, out2Name, exec, new File(lockFile)); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected DataTableSpec[] configure(final DataTableSpec[] inSpecs) throws InvalidSettingsException { super.updatePrefs(); bwa_bin = IO.processFilePath(m_bwafile.getStringValue()); ref_genome = IO.processFilePath(m_refseqfile.getStringValue()); CompatibilityChecker CC = new CompatibilityChecker(); readType = CC.getReadType(inSpecs, 0); if (CC.getWarningStatus()) { setWarningMessage(CC.getWarningMessages()); } if (CompatibilityChecker.inputFileNotOk(bwa_bin, false)) { throw new InvalidSettingsException("Set path to BWA binary!"); } //Version control try { if (FileValidator.versionControl(bwa_bin, "BWA") == 1) { setWarningMessage("WARNING: You are using a newer BWA version than " + FileValidator.BWA_VERSION + "! This may cause problems!"); } else if (FileValidator.versionControl(bwa_bin, "BWA") == 2) { setWarningMessage("WARNING: You are using an older BWA version than " + FileValidator.BWA_VERSION + "! This may cause problems!"); } else if (FileValidator.versionControl(bwa_bin, "BWA") == -1) { setWarningMessage( "Your BWA version could not be determined! Correct behaviour can only be ensured for BWA version " + FileValidator.BWA_VERSION + "."); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidSettingsException("Specify a valid BWA version!"); } if (ref_genome.length() > 1) { if (!FileValidator.checkFastaFormat(ref_genome)) { throw new InvalidSettingsException( "Reference (genome) sequence file is not in FastA format or does not contain nucleotide sequences!"); } } return new DataTableSpec[] { new DataTableSpec( new DataColumnSpec[] { new DataColumnSpecCreator(OUT_COL1, SAMCell.TYPE).createSpec() }) }; } }