Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of the Coporate Semantic Web Project. * * This work has been partially supported by the ``InnoProfile-Corporate Semantic Web" project funded by the German Federal * Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the BMBF Innovation Initiative for the New German Laender - Entrepreneurial Regions. * * * * * Freie Universitaet Berlin * Copyright (c) 2007-2013 * * * Institut fuer Informatik * Working Group Coporate Semantic Web * Koenigin-Luise-Strasse 24-26 * 14195 Berlin * * * * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA or see <> ******************************************************************************/ package de.fuberlin.agcsw.heraclitus.svont.client.core; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.http.auth.AuthScope; import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.ResponseHandler; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicResponseHandler; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.semanticweb.owl.inference.OWLReasonerException; import; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLClass; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLDescription; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLIndividual; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLObjectProperty; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLObjectPropertyExpression; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntology; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntologyCreationException; import org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.core.SVNException; import org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.core.SVNProviderPlugin; import org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.ISVNInfo; import org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.SVNClientException; import org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.SVNRevision; import org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.SVNUrl; import org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.utils.SVNUrlUtils; import de.fuberlin.agcsw.heraclitus.backend.core.OntologyStore; import de.fuberlin.agcsw.heraclitus.backend.core.conceptTree.ConceptTree; import; import de.fuberlin.agcsw.heraclitus.svont.client.utils.SortChangeLogsElementsByRev; public class ChangeLog { /** * constant String of OMV-Change URI (OWLChanges) */ private static final String OMVChangesURI = ""; /** * constant String of OMV-Change URI (changes) */ private static final String OMVChangesURI2 = ""; public static void updateChangeLog(OntologyStore os, SVoNtProject sp, String user, String pwd) { //load the change log from server try { //1. fetch Changelog URI URI u = sp.getChangelogURI(); //2. search for change log owl files DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); client.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials( new AuthScope(u.getHost(), AuthScope.ANY_PORT, AuthScope.ANY_SCHEME), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, pwd)); HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(u); System.out.println("executing request" + httpget.getRequestLine()); ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler(); String response = client.execute(httpget, responseHandler); System.out.println(response); List<String> files = ChangeLog.extractChangeLogFiles(response); ArrayList<ChangeLogElement> changelog = sp.getChangelog(); changelog.clear(); //4. sort the revisions for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { String fileName = files.get(i); System.out.println("rev sort: " + fileName); int rev = Integer.parseInt(fileName.split("\\.")[0]); changelog.add(new ChangeLogElement(URI.create(u + fileName), rev)); } Collections.sort(changelog, new SortChangeLogsElementsByRev()); //show sorted changelog System.out.print("["); for (ChangeLogElement cle : changelog) { System.out.print(cle.getRev() + ","); } System.out.println("]"); //5. map revision with SVN revisionInformations mapRevisionInformation(os, sp, changelog); //6. load change log files System.out.println("Load Changelog Files"); for (String s : files) { System.out.println(s); String req = u + s; httpget = new HttpGet(req); response = client.execute(httpget, responseHandler); // System.out.println(response); // save the changelog File persistent IFolder chlFold = sp.getChangeLogFolder(); IFile chlFile = chlFold.getFile(s); if (!chlFile.exists()) { chlFile.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(response.getBytes()), true, null); } os.getOntologyManager().loadOntology(new ReaderInputSource(new StringReader(response))); } System.out.println("Changelog Ontology successfully loaded"); //Show loaded onts Set<OWLOntology> onts = os.getOntologyManager().getOntologies(); for (OWLOntology o : onts) { System.out.println("loaded ont: " + o.getURI()); } //7 refresh possibly modified Mainontology os.getOntologyManager().reloadOntology(os.getMainOntologyLocalURI()); //8. recalculate Revision Information of the concept of this ontology sp.setRevisionMap(createConceptRevisionMap(os, sp)); sp.saveRevisionMap(); sp.saveRevisionInformationMap(); //9. show MetaInfos on ConceptTree ConceptTree.refreshConceptTree(os, os.getMainOntologyURI()); OntologyInformation.refreshOntologyInformation(os, os.getMainOntologyURI()); //shutdown http connection client.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); } catch (ClientProtocolException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (OWLOntologyCreationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (OWLReasonerException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SVNException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SVNClientException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (CoreException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public static HashMap<OWLClass, Integer> createConceptRevisionMap(OntologyStore os, SVoNtProject sp) { System.out.println("Recalculating Concept Revisions"); HashMap<OWLClass, Integer> revMap = new HashMap<OWLClass, Integer>(); OWLOntology ont = os.getLoadedOntologie(os.getMainOntologyURI()); for (OWLClass c : ont.getReferencedClasses()) { int rev = getRevisionForConcept(os, sp, c); revMap.put(c, rev); } System.out.println("Recalculating of Concept Revisions done"); return revMap; } private static int getRevisionForConcept(OntologyStore os, SVoNtProject sp, OWLClass cl) { if (cl.equals(os.getOntologyManager().getOWLDataFactory().getOWLThing())) { return sp.getHeadRev(); } // System.out.println("Searching Rev for Concept: "+cl.getURI()); ArrayList<ChangeLogElement> changelogfiles = sp.getChangelog(); for (ChangeLogElement cle : changelogfiles) { int rev = cle.getRev(); URI u = cle.getUri(); System.out.println("Using URI: " + u); OWLOntology ont = os.getLoadedOntologie(u); OWLClass addClass = os.getOntologyManager().getOWLDataFactory() .getOWLClass(URI.create(OMVChangesURI2 + "AddClass")); OWLClass changedClass = os.getOntologyManager().getOWLDataFactory() .getOWLClass(URI.create(OMVChangesURI2 + "ClassChange")); OWLObjectProperty hasRE = os.getOntologyManager().getOWLDataFactory() .getOWLObjectProperty(URI.create(OMVChangesURI + "hasRelatedEntity")); //test if changelog uri is valid if (ont == null) { return sp.getHeadRev(); } // System.out.println("searching in Revision: "+rev); // System.out.println("Printing individuals"); for (OWLIndividual in : ont.getReferencedIndividuals()) { // System.out.println("Individual: "+in); String type = null; for (OWLDescription d : in.getTypes(ont)) { // System.out.println("Type: "+d.asOWLClass().getURI()); if (d.asOWLClass().equals(addClass)) { type = "add"; } if (d.asOWLClass().equals(changedClass)) { type = "changed"; } } if (type != null) { // System.out.println("searching related entites"); Map<OWLObjectPropertyExpression, Set<OWLIndividual>> oprops = in.getObjectPropertyValues(ont); for (OWLObjectPropertyExpression pe : oprops.keySet()) { // System.out.println("Expression: "+pe); if (pe.asOWLObjectProperty().equals(hasRE)) { for (OWLIndividual i2 : oprops.get(pe)) { // System.out.println("related individuals: "+i2.getURI()); // System.out.println("comparing with "+cl.getURI()); if (i2.getURI().equals(cl.getURI())) { // System.out.println("class info found in this rev"); // System.out.println(i2.getURI()); return rev; } } } } } } } return sp.getHeadRev(); } private static void mapRevisionInformation(OntologyStore os, SVoNtProject sp, ArrayList<ChangeLogElement> changelog) throws MalformedURLException, ParseException, SVNException, SVNClientException { // init for creating SVNUrl SVNUrl rootUrl = new SVNUrl(sp.getRepositoryProjectRootURI().toString()); String rootPath = os.getProject().getLocation().toString() + "/"; String localFile = os.getMainOntologyFile().getLocation().toString(); System.out.println("Ontology local file: " + localFile); SVNUrl svnurl = SVNUrlUtils.getUrlFromLocalFileName(localFile, rootUrl, rootPath); int headRevision = 0; HashMap<Integer, RevisionInfo> revMap = sp.getRevisionInformationMap(); for (ChangeLogElement cle : changelog) { int rev = cle.getRev(); if (rev > headRevision) { headRevision = rev; } SVNRevision r1 = SVNRevision.getRevision(String.valueOf(rev)); ISVNInfo infs = SVNProviderPlugin.getPlugin().getSVNClient().getInfo(svnurl, r1, r1); RevisionInfo revInfo = new RevisionInfo(); revInfo.setRevision(rev); revInfo.setAuthor(infs.getLastCommitAuthor()); Date d = infs.getLastChangedDate(); DateFormat df; df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy HH:mm"); revInfo.setDate(df.format(d)); revMap.put(rev, revInfo); System.out.println(infs.getLastChangedRevision() + " " + infs.getLastChangedDate().toString() + " " + infs.getLastCommitAuthor()); } sp.setRevisionInformationMap(revMap); sp.setHeadRev(headRevision); } public static List<String> extractChangeLogFiles(String response) { List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>(); int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; while (i > -1) { i = response.indexOf(".owl", j); if (i == -1) continue; //search " before .owl k = i; boolean stepOver = false; while (response.charAt(k) != '\"') { if (response.charAt(k) == '>') { //this is is the label of the file -> dont add this stepOver = true; break; } k = k - 1; } if (stepOver) { j = i + 4; continue; } int begin = k + 1; int end = i + 4; String logfile = response.substring(begin, end); System.out.println("Found CL-File: " + logfile); res.add(logfile); j = i + 4; } return res; } }