Java tutorial
/* * DPP - Serious Distributed Pair Programming * (c) Freie Universitaet Berlin - Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik - 2006 * (c) Riad Djemili - 2006 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor; import org.jivesoftware.smack.Chat; import org.jivesoftware.smack.ChatManager; import org.jivesoftware.smack.MessageListener; import org.jivesoftware.smack.PacketCollector; import org.jivesoftware.smack.PacketListener; import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPConnection; import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException; import org.jivesoftware.smack.filter.PacketFilter; import org.jivesoftware.smack.filter.PacketIDFilter; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.IQ; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Packet; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.PacketExtension; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.picocontainer.annotations.Inject; import de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.FileList; import de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.Saros; import de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.User; import de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.User.UserConnectionState; import de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.annotations.Component; import de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.communication.muc.negotiation.MUCSessionPreferences; import de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.exceptions.LocalCancellationException; import de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.exceptions.SarosCancellationException; import de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.invitation.InvitationProcess; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.observables.SarosSessionObservable; import de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.observables.SessionIDObservable; import de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.project.ISarosSession; import de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.util.ActivityUtils; import de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.util.CausedIOException; import de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.util.StackTrace; import de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.util.Utils; import de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.util.VersionManager.VersionInfo; /** * The one ITransmitter implementation which uses Smack Chat objects. * * Hides the complexity of dealing with changing XMPPConnection objects and * provides convenience functions for sending messages. */ @Component(module = "net") public class XMPPTransmitter implements ITransmitter, IConnectionListener { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(XMPPTransmitter.class); public static final int MAX_PARALLEL_SENDS = 10; public static final int MAX_TRANSFER_RETRIES = 5; public static final int FORCEDPART_OFFLINEUSER_AFTERSECS = 60; public static final int MAX_XMPP_MESSAGE_SIZE = 16378; protected XMPPConnection connection; protected ChatManager chatmanager; protected Map<JID, Chat> chats; protected Map<JID, InvitationProcess> processes; protected List<MessageTransfer> messageTransferQueue; @Inject protected XMPPReceiver receiver; protected Saros saros; @Inject protected SessionIDObservable sessionID; @Inject protected SarosSessionObservable sarosSessionObservable; @Inject protected LeaveExtension leaveExtension; @Inject protected RequestActivityExtension requestActivityExtension; @Inject protected UserListExtension userListExtension; @Inject protected CancelInviteExtension cancelInviteExtension; @Inject protected CancelProjectSharingExtension cancelProjectSharingExtension; @Inject protected ActivitiesExtensionProvider activitiesProvider; @Inject protected InvitationInfo.InvitationExtensionProvider invExtProv; @Inject protected InvitationAcknowledgementExtensionProvider invAcknowledgementExtProv; @Inject protected FileListRequestExtensionProvider fileListRequestExtProv; @Inject protected JoinExtensionProvider userListExtProv; @Inject protected UserListConfirmationExtensionProvider userListConfExtProv; @Inject protected IncomingTransferObjectExtensionProvider incomingExtProv; @Inject protected InvitationCompleteExtensionProvider invCompleteExtProv; @Inject protected DispatchThreadContext dispatchThread; protected DataTransferManager dataManager; public XMPPTransmitter(SessionIDObservable sessionID, DataTransferManager dataManager, Saros saros) { saros.addListener(this); this.dataManager = dataManager; this.sessionID = sessionID; this.saros = saros; } /******************************************************************************** * Invitation process' help functions --- START ********************************************************************************/ public void sendInvitation(String projectID, JID guest, String description, int colorID, VersionInfo versionInfo, String invitationID, DateTime sessionStart, boolean doStream, MUCSessionPreferences comPrefs) { log.trace("Sending invitation to " + Utils.prefix(guest) + " with description " + description); InvitationInfo invInfo = new InvitationInfo(sessionID, invitationID, colorID, description, versionInfo, sessionStart, comPrefs); sendMessageToUser(guest, invExtProv.create(invInfo)); } public SarosPacketCollector getFileListRequestCollector(String invitationID) { PacketFilter filter = PacketExtensionUtils.getInvitationFilter(fileListRequestExtProv, sessionID, invitationID); return installReceiver(filter); } public boolean receivedInvitationAcknowledgment(String invitationID, SubMonitor monitor) throws LocalCancellationException { PacketFilter filter = PacketExtensionUtils.getInvitationFilter(invAcknowledgementExtProv, sessionID, invitationID); SarosPacketCollector collector = installReceiver(filter); try { receive(monitor, collector, INVITATION_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_TIMEOUT, false); } catch (IOException e) { return false; } return true; } public DefaultInvitationInfo receiveFileListRequest(SarosPacketCollector collector, String invitationID, SubMonitor monitor) throws LocalCancellationException, IOException { Packet result = receive(monitor, collector, 500, true); return fileListRequestExtProv.getPayload(result); } public void sendInvitationAcknowledgement(JID to, String invitationID) { log.trace("Sending invitation acknowledgment to " + Utils.prefix(to)); sendMessageToUser(to, invAcknowledgementExtProv.create(new DefaultInvitationInfo(sessionID, invitationID))); } public void sendFileListRequest(JID to, String invitationID) { log.trace("Sending request for FileList to " + Utils.prefix(to)); sendMessageToUser(to, fileListRequestExtProv.create(new DefaultInvitationInfo(sessionID, invitationID))); } public FileList receiveFileList(SarosPacketCollector collector, SubMonitor monitor, boolean forceWait) throws SarosCancellationException, IOException { log.trace("Waiting for FileList from "); IncomingTransferObject result = incomingExtProv.getPayload(receive(monitor, collector, 500, true)); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { result.reject(); throw new LocalCancellationException(); } byte[] data = result.accept(monitor); String fileListAsString; try { fileListAsString = new String(data, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { fileListAsString = new String(data); } // should return null if it's not parseable. return FileList.fromXML(fileListAsString); } public List<FileList> receiveFileLists(String processID, JID peer, SubMonitor monitor, boolean forceWait) throws SarosCancellationException, IOException { log.trace("Waiting for FileList from " + peer.getBareJID()); PacketFilter filter = PacketExtensionUtils.getIncomingFileListFilter(incomingExtProv, sessionID.getValue(), processID, peer); SarosPacketCollector collector = installReceiver(filter); IncomingTransferObject result = incomingExtProv.getPayload(receive(monitor, collector, 500, true)); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { result.reject(); throw new LocalCancellationException(); } byte[] data = result.accept(monitor); String fileListAsString; try { fileListAsString = new String(data, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { fileListAsString = new String(data); } // We disassemble the complete fileListString to an array of // fileListStrings... String[] fileListStrings = fileListAsString.split("---next---"); List<FileList> fileLists = new ArrayList<FileList>(); // and make a new FileList out of each XML-String for (int i = 0; i < fileListStrings.length; i++) { FileList fileList = FileList.fromXML(fileListStrings[i]); if (fileList != null) { fileLists.add(fileList); } } return fileLists; } public SarosPacketCollector getInvitationCollector(String invitationID, String type) { PacketFilter filter = PacketExtensionUtils.getIncomingTransferObjectFilter(incomingExtProv, sessionID, invitationID, type); return installReceiver(filter); } public InputStream receiveArchive(String processID, final JID peer, final SubMonitor monitor, boolean forceWait) throws IOException, SarosCancellationException { monitor.beginTask(null, 100); log.debug("Receiving archive"); final PacketFilter filter = PacketExtensionUtils.getIncomingTransferObjectFilter(incomingExtProv, sessionID, processID, FileTransferType.ARCHIVE_TRANSFER); SarosPacketCollector collector = installReceiver(filter); // provide visual feedback of ongoing IBB transfer PacketListener packetListenerIBB = null; if (dataManager.getTransferMode(peer) == NetTransferMode.IBB) { packetListenerIBB = createIBBTransferProgressPacketListener(peer, monitor); } try { IncomingTransferObject result = incomingExtProv.getPayload( receive(monitor.newChild(packetListenerIBB == null ? 10 : 1), collector, 10000, forceWait)); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { result.reject(); throw new LocalCancellationException(); } byte[] data = result.accept(monitor.newChild(packetListenerIBB == null ? 90 : 9)); return new ByteArrayInputStream(data); } finally { monitor.done(); if (packetListenerIBB != null) receiver.removePacketListener(packetListenerIBB); } } /** * Initializes a {@link PacketListener} to visualize incoming packets as * progress in the given {@link SubMonitor}. This is an infinite, * logarithmic progress display. * * @param peer * The source {@link JID} of packets to show progress for * @param monitor * The {@link SubMonitor} of the progress */ protected PacketListener createIBBTransferProgressPacketListener(final JID peer, final SubMonitor monitor) { PacketListener packetListener = new PacketListener() { public void processPacket(Packet packet) { // we dont process } }; receiver.addPacketListener(packetListener, new PacketFilter() { public boolean accept(Packet packet) { if (packet.getClass().equals((IQ.class))) return false; if (packet.getFrom() == null) return false; JID fromJid = new JID(packet.getFrom()); if (peer.equals(fromJid) == false) return false; // increase infinite (logarithmic) progress monitor.setWorkRemaining(100); monitor.worked(5); // we dont process return false; } }); return packetListener; } /** * Helper for receiving a Packet via XMPPReceiver using * SarosPacketCollector. */ public SarosPacketCollector installReceiver(PacketFilter filter) { return receiver.createCollector(filter); } public Packet receive(SubMonitor monitor, SarosPacketCollector collector, long timeout, boolean forceWait) throws LocalCancellationException, IOException { if (isConnectionInvalid()) return null; try { Packet result; do { if (monitor.isCanceled()) throw new LocalCancellationException(); monitor.worked(1); // Wait up to [timeout] seconds for a result. result = collector.nextResult(timeout); } while (forceWait && result == null); if (result != null) return result; throw new IOException("Collector timeout: no packet received."); } finally { collector.cancel(); } } public void sendUserList(JID to, String invitationID, Collection<User> users) { log.trace("Sending buddy list to " + Utils.prefix(to)); sendMessageToUser(to, userListExtProv.create(new UserListInfo(sessionID, invitationID, users)), true); } public void sendUserListConfirmation(JID to) { log.trace("Sending buddy list confirmation to " + Utils.prefix(to)); sendMessageToUser(to, userListConfExtProv.create(new DefaultSessionInfo(sessionID)), true); } public SarosPacketCollector getUserListConfirmationCollector() { PacketFilter filter = PacketExtensionUtils.getSessionIDFilter(userListConfExtProv, sessionID); return installReceiver(filter); } public boolean receiveUserListConfirmation(SarosPacketCollector collector, List<User> fromUsers, SubMonitor monitor) throws LocalCancellationException { if (isConnectionInvalid()) return false; ArrayList<JID> fromUserJIDs = new ArrayList<JID>(); for (User user : fromUsers) { fromUserJIDs.add(user.getJID()); } try { Packet result; JID jid; while (fromUserJIDs.size() > 0) { if (monitor.isCanceled()) throw new LocalCancellationException(); // Wait up to [timeout] milliseconds for a result. result = collector.nextResult(100); if (result == null) continue; jid = new JID(result.getFrom()); if (!fromUserJIDs.remove(jid)) { log.warn("Buddy list confirmation from unknown buddy: " + Utils.prefix(jid)); } else { log.debug("Buddy list confirmation from: " + Utils.prefix(jid)); } /* * TODO: what if a user goes offline during the invitation? The * confirmation will never arrive! */ } return true; } finally { collector.cancel(); } } public SarosPacketCollector getInvitationCompleteCollector(String invitationID) { PacketFilter filter = PacketExtensionUtils.getInvitationFilter(invCompleteExtProv, sessionID, invitationID); return installReceiver(filter); } public void receiveInvitationCompleteConfirmation(SubMonitor monitor, SarosPacketCollector collector) throws LocalCancellationException, IOException { receive(monitor, collector, 500, true); } public void sendInvitationCompleteConfirmation(JID to, String invitationID) { sendMessageToUser(to, invCompleteExtProv.create(new DefaultInvitationInfo(sessionID, invitationID)), true); } /******************************************************************************** * Invitation process' help functions --- END ********************************************************************************/ /** * A simple struct that is used to queue message transfers. */ protected static class MessageTransfer { public JID receipient; public Message message; } public void sendCancelInvitationMessage(JID user, String errorMsg) { log.debug("Send request to cancel Invitation to " + Utils.prefix(user) + (errorMsg == null ? "on user request" : "with message: " + errorMsg)); sendMessageToUser(user, cancelInviteExtension.create(sessionID.getValue(), errorMsg)); } public void sendCancelSharingProjectMessage(JID user, String errorMsg) { log.debug("Send request to cancel project sharing to " + Utils.prefix(user) + (errorMsg == null ? "on user request" : "with message: " + errorMsg)); sendMessageToUser(user, cancelProjectSharingExtension.create(sessionID.getValue(), errorMsg)); } public void sendRequestForActivity(ISarosSession sarosSession, Map<JID, Integer> expectedSequenceNumbers, boolean andup) { // TODO this method is currently not used. Probably they interfere with // Jupiter if (true) { log.error("Unexpected Call to Request for Activity," + " which is currently disabled:", new StackTrace()); return; } for (Entry<JID, Integer> entry : expectedSequenceNumbers.entrySet()) { JID recipient = entry.getKey(); int expectedSequenceNumber = entry.getValue();"Requesting old activityDataObject (sequence number=" + expectedSequenceNumber + "," + andup + ") from " + Utils.prefix(recipient)); sendMessageToUser(recipient, requestActivityExtension.create(expectedSequenceNumber, andup), true); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.ITransmitter */ public void sendLeaveMessage(ISarosSession sarosSession) { sendMessageToAll(sarosSession, leaveExtension.create()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp.ITransmitter * * TODO: Add Progress */ public void sendTimedActivities(JID recipient, List<TimedActivityDataObject> timedActivities) { if (recipient == null || recipient.equals(saros.getMyJID())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Recipient may not be null or equal to the local user"); } if (timedActivities == null || timedActivities.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("TimedActivities may not be null or empty"); } String sID = sessionID.getValue(); PacketExtension extensionToSend = activitiesProvider.create(sID, timedActivities); try { sendToProjectUser(recipient, extensionToSend); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to sent activityDataObjects: " + timedActivities, e); return; } String msg = "Sent (" + String.format("%03d", timedActivities.size()) + ") " + Utils.prefix(recipient) + timedActivities; // only log on debug level if there is more than a checksum if (ActivityUtils.containsChecksumsOnly(timedActivities)) log.trace(msg); else log.debug(msg); } /** * <p> * Sends the given {@link PacketExtension} to the given {@link JID}. The * recipient has to be in the session or the extension will not be sent. * </p> * * <p> * If the extension's raw data (bytes) is longer than * {@value #MAX_XMPP_MESSAGE_SIZE} or if there is a peer-to-peer bytestream * to the recipient the extension will be sent using the bytestream. Else it * will be sent by chat. * </p> * * <p> * Note: Does NOT ensure that peers receive messages in order because there * may be two completely different communication ways. See * {@link} for details. * </p> * * @param recipient * @param extension * @throws IOException * if sending by bytestreams fails and the extension raw data is * longer than {@value #MAX_XMPP_MESSAGE_SIZE} */ public void sendToProjectUser(JID recipient, PacketExtension extension) throws IOException { /* * The TransferDescription can be created out of the session, the name * and namespace of the packet extension and standard values and thus * transparent to users of this method. */ TransferDescription result = new TransferDescription(); result.recipient = recipient; result.sender = sarosSessionObservable.getValue().getLocalUser().getJID(); result.type = extension.getElementName(); result.namespace = extension.getNamespace(); result.sessionID = this.sessionID.getValue(); result.compressed = false; result.logToDebug = false; sendToProjectUser(recipient, extension, result); } /** * <p> * Sends the given {@link PacketExtension} to the given {@link JID}. The * recipient has to be in the session or the extension will not be sent. * </p> * * <p> * Callers may provide a {@link TransferDescription}.</br> * * Then, if the extension's raw data (bytes) is longer than * {@value #MAX_XMPP_MESSAGE_SIZE} or if there is a peer-to-peer bytestream * to the recipient the extension will be sent using this bytestream. Else * it will be sent by chat. * </p> * * @param recipient * @param extension * @param transferDescription * if sent by bytestreams, this data is used to coordinate the * streaming. May be null. * @throws IOException * if sending by bytestreams fails and the extension raw data is * longer than {@value #MAX_XMPP_MESSAGE_SIZE} */ public void sendToProjectUser(JID recipient, PacketExtension extension, TransferDescription transferDescription) throws IOException { byte[] data = null; try { data = extension.toXML().getBytes("UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log.error("UTF-8 is unsupported", e); } if (data == null || transferDescription == null || (!dataManager.getTransferMode(recipient).isP2P() && data.length < MAX_XMPP_MESSAGE_SIZE)) { sendMessageToUser(recipient, extension, true); } else { try { sendByBytestreamToProjectUser(recipient, data, transferDescription); } catch (IOException e) { // else send by chat if applicable if (data.length < MAX_XMPP_MESSAGE_SIZE) sendMessageToUser(recipient, extension, true); else { log.error("Failed to sent packet extension by bytestream (" + Utils.formatByte(data.length) + ")"); throw e; } } } } /** * Tries to send the passed byte array to the given {@link JID}. * * @param recipient * @param data * @param transferDescription * to coordinate the the bytestream using XMPP packets * @throws IOException * if sending by bytestream fails */ protected void sendByBytestreamToProjectUser(JID recipient, byte[] data, TransferDescription transferDescription) throws IOException { String user = connection.getUser(); if (user == null) { log.warn("Local user is not logged in to the connection, yet."); return; } try { dataManager.sendData(transferDescription, data, SubMonitor.convert(new NullProgressMonitor())); } catch (SarosCancellationException e) { log.error("Cancellation cannot occur, because NullProgressMonitors" + " are used on both sides!", e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void sendFileLists(JID recipient, String processID, List<FileList> fileLists, SubMonitor progress) throws IOException, SarosCancellationException { String user = connection.getUser(); if (user == null) { log.warn("Local user is not logged in to the connection, yet."); return; } progress.beginTask("Sending FileList", 100); TransferDescription data = TransferDescription.createFileListTransferDescription(recipient, new JID(user), sessionID.getValue(), processID); log.debug("fileLists.size(): " + fileLists.size()); String[] xmlArray = new String[fileLists.size()]; // Now we convert each FileList into an XML representation... for (int i = 0; i < xmlArray.length; i++) { xmlArray[i] = fileLists.get(i).toXML(); } // ...and queue them. String xml = Utils.join("---next---", xmlArray); byte[] content = xml.getBytes("UTF-8"); dataManager.sendData(data, content, progress.newChild(100)); progress.done(); } public void sendProjectArchive(JID recipient, String invitationID, File archive, SubMonitor progress) throws SarosCancellationException, IOException { String user = connection.getUser(); if (user == null) { log.warn("Local user is not logged in to the connection, yet."); return; } progress.beginTask("Sending Archive", 100); TransferDescription transfer = TransferDescription.createArchiveTransferDescription(recipient, new JID(user), sessionID.getValue(), invitationID); progress.subTask("Reading archive"); byte[] content = archive == null ? new byte[0] : FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(archive); progress.worked(10); progress.subTask("Sending archive"); dataManager.sendData(transfer, content, progress.newChild(90)); progress.done(); } public void sendRemainingFiles() { log.warn("Sending remaining files is not implemented!"); // // if (this.fileTransferQueue.size() > 0) { // // sendNextFile(); // } } public void sendRemainingMessages() { List<MessageTransfer> toTransfer = null; synchronized (messageTransferQueue) { toTransfer = new ArrayList<MessageTransfer>(messageTransferQueue); messageTransferQueue.clear(); } for (MessageTransfer pex : toTransfer) { sendMessageToUser(pex.receipient, pex.message, true); } } /** * Convenience method for sending the given {@link PacketExtension} to all * participants of the given {@link ISarosSession}. */ public void sendMessageToAll(ISarosSession sarosSession, PacketExtension extension) { JID myJID = saros.getMyJID(); for (User participant : sarosSession.getParticipants()) { if (participant.getJID().equals(myJID)) continue; sendMessageToUser(participant.getJID(), extension, true); } } private void queueMessage(JID jid, Message message) { MessageTransfer msg = new MessageTransfer(); msg.receipient = jid; msg.message = message; this.messageTransferQueue.add(msg); } /** * Sends a message to a buddy * * @param jid * buddy the message is send to * @param extension * extension that is send * @param sessionMembersOnly * if true extension is only send if the buddy is in the same * session */ public void sendMessageToUser(JID jid, PacketExtension extension, boolean sessionMembersOnly) { Message message = new Message(); message.addExtension(extension); message.setTo(jid.toString()); sendMessageToUser(jid, message, sessionMembersOnly); } /** * Sends a message to a user who is not necessarily in the session. */ public void sendMessageToUser(JID jid, PacketExtension extension) { this.sendMessageToUser(jid, extension, false); } /** * Sends the given {@link Message} to the given {@link JID}. The recipient * has to be in the session or the message will not be sent. It queues the * Message if the participant is OFFLINE. * * @param sessionMembersOnly * TODO */ public void sendMessageToUser(JID jid, Message message, boolean sessionMembersOnly) { if (sessionMembersOnly) { User participant = sarosSessionObservable.getValue().getUser(jid); if (participant == null) { log.warn("Buddy not in session:" + Utils.prefix(jid)); return; } if (participant.getConnectionState() == UserConnectionState.OFFLINE) { /* * TODO This probably does not work anymore! See Feature Request * #2577390 */ // remove participant if he/she is offline too long if (participant.getOfflineSeconds() > XMPPTransmitter.FORCEDPART_OFFLINEUSER_AFTERSECS) {"Removing offline buddy from session..."); sarosSessionObservable.getValue().removeUser(participant); } else { queueMessage(jid, message);"Buddy known as offline - Message queued!"); } return; } } try { sendMessageWithoutQueueing(jid, message); } catch (IOException e) {"Could not send message, thus queueing", e); queueMessage(jid, message); } } public <T> T sendQuery(JID rqJID, XStreamExtensionProvider<T> provider, T payload, long timeout) { if (isConnectionInvalid()) return null; // Request the version from a buddy IQ request = provider.createIQ(payload); request.setType(IQ.Type.GET); request.setTo(rqJID.toString()); // Create a packet collector to listen for a response. PacketCollector collector = connection.createPacketCollector(new PacketIDFilter(request.getPacketID())); try { connection.sendPacket(request); // Wait up to 5 seconds for a result. return provider.getPayload(collector.nextResult(timeout)); } finally { collector.cancel(); } } /** * Send the given packet to the given user. * * If no connection is set or sending fails, this method fails by throwing * an IOException */ protected void sendMessageWithoutQueueing(JID jid, Message message) throws IOException { if (isConnectionInvalid()) { throw new IOException("Connection is not open"); } try { Chat chat = getChat(jid); chat.sendMessage(message); } catch (XMPPException e) { throw new CausedIOException("Failed to send message", e); } } public Packet sendAndReceive(SubMonitor monitor, JID jid, PacketExtension extension, PacketFilter filter, long timeout, boolean forceWait, boolean sessionMembersOnly) throws LocalCancellationException, IOException { SarosPacketCollector collector = installReceiver(filter); sendMessageToUser(jid, extension, sessionMembersOnly); return receive(monitor, collector, timeout, forceWait); } /** * Determines if the connection can be used. Helper method for error * handling. * * @return false if the connection can be used, true otherwise. */ protected boolean isConnectionInvalid() { return connection == null || !connection.isConnected(); } private void putIncomingChat(JID jid, String thread) { synchronized (this.chats) { if (!this.chats.containsKey(jid)) { Chat chat = this.chatmanager.getThreadChat(thread); this.chats.put(jid, chat); } } } protected Chat getChat(JID jid) { if (this.connection == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Connection can't be null."); } synchronized (this.chats) { Chat chat = this.chats.get(jid); if (chat == null) { chat = this.chatmanager.createChat(jid.toString(), new MessageListener() { public void processMessage(Chat arg0, Message arg1) { /* * We don't care about the messages here, because we * are registered as a PacketListener */ } }); this.chats.put(jid, chat); } return chat; } } protected void prepareConnection(final XMPPConnection connection) { // Create Containers this.chats = new HashMap<JID, Chat>(); this.processes = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<JID, InvitationProcess>()); this.messageTransferQueue = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList<MessageTransfer>()); this.connection = connection; this.chatmanager = connection.getChatManager(); // Register a PacketListener which takes care of decoupling the // processing of Packets from the Smack thread this.connection.addPacketListener(new PacketListener() { protected PacketFilter sessionFilter = PacketExtensionUtils.getSessionIDPacketFilter(sessionID); public void processPacket(final Packet packet) { dispatchThread.executeAsDispatch(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (sessionFilter.accept(packet)) { try { Message message = (Message) packet; JID fromJID = new JID(message.getFrom()); // Change the input method to get the right // chats putIncomingChat(fromJID, message.getThread()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("An internal error occurred " + "while processing packets", e); } } receiver.processPacket(packet); } }); } }, null); } protected void disposeConnection() { if (connection == null) { log.error("disposeConnection() called twice."); return; } chats.clear(); processes.clear(); messageTransferQueue.clear(); chatmanager = null; connection = null; } public void connectionStateChanged(XMPPConnection connection, ConnectionState newState) { if (newState == ConnectionState.CONNECTED) prepareConnection(connection); else if (this.connection != null) disposeConnection(); } public SarosPacketCollector getUserListRequestCollector(String invitationID, UserListRequestExtensionProvider userListRequestExtProv) { PacketFilter filter = PacketExtensionUtils.getInvitationFilter(userListRequestExtProv, sessionID, invitationID); return installReceiver(filter); } public void sendMessageToUser(JID peer, XStreamPacketExtension<DefaultInvitationInfo> create) { sendMessageToUser(peer, create, false); } }