Java tutorial
package de.fraunhofer.fokus.redistest; /** * This code was developed in the cooperation project "Vernetzte Sicherheit" between Fraunhofer FOKUS and the German Federal Ministry of Interior * under the project code S I 3 - 43002/1#2 * Copyright 2014-2017 Fraunhofer FOKUS * This source code is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license. * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in * writing, software distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */ import static de.fraunhofer.fokus.adep.Constants.HASH_NAME_FORMAT; import static de.fraunhofer.fokus.adep.Constants.ZSET_NAME_FORMAT; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import de.fraunhofer.fokus.adep.Constants; import de.fraunhofer.fokus.adep.DisposableRedisConnection; import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult; import io.vertx.core.Future; import io.vertx.core.Handler; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject; import io.vertx.core.logging.Logger; import io.vertx.redis.op.RangeLimitOptions; import io.vertx.rxjava.core.Vertx; import rx.Observable; import rx.Single; /** * Attribute finder for search with prefilter * * @author * */ public class DoInterestingThings { public DoInterestingThings() { } public void doIt(final Vertx vertx, final JsonObject redisConfig, String uuid, Logger logger, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler) { String zSetName = String.format(ZSET_NAME_FORMAT, uuid); final RangeLimitOptions rangeLimitOptions = (RangeLimitOptions) new RangeLimitOptions().setLimit(0, Constants.MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS); /* * To prevent errors in streams due to empty result set and to enable subscription * a dummy element will be prepended to the result set and removed in the subscription */ final List<JsonArray> secureResultList = new ArrayList<JsonArray>(); secureResultList.add(new JsonArray().add("default")); Single.using(DisposableRedisConnection::new, f -> f.create(vertx, redisConfig, logger), f -> f.dispose()) .subscribe(redisClient -> { // emulate searech time in database // vertx.setTimer(40, xx->{ Observable.range(1, 40) .map(x -> new JsonObject().put(Constants.KEY_TYPE, Constants.KEY_DICE_OBJECT) .put(Constants.KEY_RECORD_ID, String.valueOf(x)) .put(Constants.KEY_DICE_VALUE, x * 0.1).put(Constants.KEY_FAMILYNAME, x * 0.1) .put(Constants.KEY_FIRSTNAME, 1)) .filter(x -> x != null) //remove results where comparison has been stopped due to bad dice values // side effect - store objects in redis .subscribe(res -> { String handle = res.getString(Constants.KEY_RECORD_ID); String hashName = String.format(HASH_NAME_FORMAT, handle); redisClient.rxZadd(zSetName, res.getDouble(Constants.KEY_DICE_VALUE), handle), redisClient.rxExpire(hashName, Constants.EXPIRE_AFTER), redisClient.rxHmset(hashName, res), (a, b, c) -> { return res; }).subscribe(r -> { // do nothing }, t -> handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(t))); }, t -> handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(t)), () -> { //set expiration and retrieve record_ids Observable .zip(redisClient.rxExpire(zSetName, Constants.EXPIRE_AFTER).toObservable(), // set expiration redisClient .rxZrevrangebyscore(zSetName, "1", "0", rangeLimitOptions) .toObservable(), // list of record_ids as JsonArray (a, b) -> Observable.from(b)) .flatMap(x -> x) .map(handle -> redisClient .rxHgetall(String.format(HASH_NAME_FORMAT, handle)).toObservable()) // retrieve hash from redis .flatMap(x -> x).map(json -> toEntry(json)) .collect(() -> new JsonArray(), (eList, e) -> eList.add(e)) .subscribe(collectedJson -> handler .handle(Future.succeededFuture(collectedJson)), t -> { System.out.println("XXXX: " + t); logger.error("XXX", t); handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(t)); }); // }); }); }, t -> { CharArrayWriter cw = new CharArrayWriter(); PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(cw); t.printStackTrace(w); w.close(); logger.error("trace", cw.toString()); logger.error("YYY", t); handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(t)); }); } /** * transfer hash table from redis into Entry * @param json - JsonObject stored in redis, all fields are of type string * @return Entry */ private JsonObject toEntry(JsonObject json) { Entry entry = new Entry().setHandle(json.getString(Constants.KEY_RECORD_ID)); json.remove(Constants.KEY_RECORD_ID); for (String fn : json.fieldNames()) { switch (fn) { case Constants.KEY_DICE_VALUE: case Constants.KEY_FAMILYNAME: case Constants.KEY_FIRSTNAME: case Constants.KEY_DAY_OF_BIRTH: case Constants.KEY_MONTH_OF_BIRTH: case Constants.KEY_YEAR_OF_BIRTH: case Constants.KEY_PLACE_OF_BIRTH: case Constants.KEY_GENDER: json.put(fn, Double.parseDouble(json.getString(fn))); break; } } return entry.setDiceJson(json); } }