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 * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Olaf Lessenich
 * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 University of Passau, Germany
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
 * MA 02110-1301  USA
 * Contributors:
 *     Olaf Lessenich <>
 *     Georg Seibt <>
package de.fosd.jdime.matcher.cost_model;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import de.fosd.jdime.artifact.Artifact;
import de.fosd.jdime.artifact.Artifacts;
import de.fosd.jdime.config.merge.MergeContext;
import de.fosd.jdime.matcher.MatcherInterface;
import de.fosd.jdime.matcher.matching.Matching;
import de.fosd.jdime.matcher.matching.Matchings;
import de.fosd.jdime.util.Tuple;
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator;

import static de.fosd.jdime.matcher.cost_model.Bounds.BY_LOWER_UPPER;
import static java.lang.Integer.toHexString;
import static java.lang.System.identityHashCode;
import static java.util.Comparator.comparing;
import static java.util.logging.Level.FINER;
import static java.util.logging.Level.FINEST;
import static;
import static;
import static;

 * A <code>MatcherInterface</code> implementation based on the Flexible Tree Matching algorithm.
 * @param <T> the type of the artifacts being matched
 * @see <a href="">The Paper</a>
public class CostModelMatcher<T extends Artifact<T>> implements MatcherInterface<T> {

    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(CostModelMatcher.class.getCanonicalName());

     * A function weighing a matching that incurred a cost.
     * @param <T> the type of the artifacts
    public interface SimpleWeightFunction<T extends Artifact<T>> {

        float weigh(CMMatching<T> matching);

     * A function weighing a matching that incurred a specific cost.
     * @param <T> the type of the artifacts
    public interface WeightFunction<T extends Artifact<T>> {

        float weigh(CMMatching<T> matching, float quantity);

     * The return type of {@link #objective(CMMatchings, CMParameters)} containing the value of the objective
     * function and the exact cost of the newly proposed set of <code>CMMatching</code>s.
    private final class ObjectiveValue {

        public final double objValue;
        public final float matchingsCost;

        public ObjectiveValue(double objValue, float matchingsCost) {
            this.objValue = objValue;
            this.matchingsCost = matchingsCost;

     * The return type of {@link #acceptanceProb(double, CMMatchings, CMParameters)} containing the probability
     * of the newly proposed set of <code>CMMatching</code>s being accepted for the next iteration and the
     * <code>ObjectiveValue</code> for the proposed matchings.
    private final class AcceptanceProbability {

        public final double acceptanceProbability;
        public final ObjectiveValue mHatObjectiveValue;

        public AcceptanceProbability(double acceptanceProbability, ObjectiveValue mHatObjectiveValue) {
            this.acceptanceProbability = acceptanceProbability;
            this.mHatObjectiveValue = mHatObjectiveValue;

     * Returns the exact cost of the given set of <code>matchings</code>.
     * @param context
     *         the <code>MergeContext</code> containing the parameters to be used
     * @param matchings
     *         the matchings to calculate the cost for
     * @param left
     *         the left root
     * @param right
     *         the right root
     * @return the exact cost based on the weights in <code>context</code>
    public float cost(MergeContext context, Matchings<T> matchings, T left, T right) {

        if (matchings.isEmpty()) {
            return 0;

        Set<T> leftUnmatched = new LinkedHashSet<>(Artifacts.dfs(left));
        Set<T> rightUnmatched = new LinkedHashSet<>(Artifacts.dfs(right));

        CMMatchings<T> cmMatchings = new CMMatchings<>(left, right);

        for (Matching<T> matching : matchings) {
            cmMatchings.add(new CMMatching<>(matching.getLeft(), matching.getRight()));


        for (T l : leftUnmatched) {
            cmMatchings.add(new CMMatching<>(l, null));

        for (T r : rightUnmatched) {
            cmMatchings.add(new CMMatching<>(null, r));

        return cost(cmMatchings, new CMParameters<>(context));

     * Returns the exact cost of the given <code>matchings</code>. This assumes that <code>matchings</code> contains
     * for every node in the left and right tree exactly one <code>CMMatching</code> containing the node.
     * The exact cost computed for every <code>CMMatching</code> can be retrieved using
     * ({@link CMMatching#getExactCost()} after this call.
     * @param matchings
     *         the <code>CMMatchings</code>s to evaluate
     * @param parameters
     *          the <code>CMParameters</code> to use
     * @return the cost based on the weight functions in <code>parameters</code>
    private float cost(CMMatchings<T> matchings, CMParameters<T> parameters) {

        if (!matchings.sane()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given list of matchings has an invalid format. A list of "
                    + "matchings where every artifact from the left and right tree occurs in exactly one matching is "
                    + "required. Matchings matching artifacts that do not occur in the left or right tree are not "
                    + "allowed.");

        if (matchings.isEmpty()) {
            return 0;

        if (parameters.parallel) {
            matchings.parallelStream().forEach(m -> cost(m, matchings, parameters));
        } else {
            matchings.forEach(m -> cost(m, matchings, parameters));

        double sumCost =;
        sumCost *= (1.0f / (matchings.left.getTreeSize() + matchings.right.getTreeSize()));


        return (float) sumCost;

     * Sets the exact cost ({@link CMMatching#setExactCost(float)}) of the given <code>matching</code> based on
     * the given set of <code>matchings</code>.
     *  @param matching
     *         the <code>CMMatching</code> to compute the cost for
     * @param matchings
     *         the complete <code>CMMatching</code>s
     * @param parameters
     *         the <code>CMParameters</code> to use
    private void cost(CMMatching<T> matching, CMMatchings<T> matchings, CMParameters<T> parameters) {

        if (matching.isNoMatch()) {

        float cR = renamingCost(matching, parameters);
        float cA = ancestryViolationCost(matching, matchings, parameters);
        float cS = siblingGroupBreakupCost(matching, matchings, parameters);
        float cO = orderingCost(matching, matchings, parameters);

        matching.setExactCost(cR + cA + cS + cO);

     * Returns the cost for renaming the node. The cost will be zero if the <code>Artifact</code>s match according to
     * {@link Artifact#matches(Artifact)}, otherwise it is determined by the set renaming weight function
     * in <code>parameters</code>.
     * @param matching
     *         the <code>CMMatching</code> to compute the cost for
     * @return the exact renaming cost of the <code>matching</code>
    private float renamingCost(CMMatching<T> matching, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        if (matching.m.matches(matching.n)) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            return parameters.wr.weigh(matching);

     * Returns the exact ancestry violation cost for <code>matching</code>.
     * @param matching
     *         the matching to calculate the cost for
     * @param matchings
     *         all matchings
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the exact ancestry violation cost
    private float ancestryViolationCost(CMMatching<T> matching, CMMatchings<T> matchings,
            CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        int numM = numAncestryViolatingChildren(matching.m, matching.n, matchings, parameters);
        int numN = numAncestryViolatingChildren(matching.n, matching.m, matchings, parameters);

        return parameters.wa.weigh(matching, numM + numN);

     * Returns the number of children of <code>m</code> that violate ancestry of <code>m</code> is matched with
     * <code>n</code>.
     * @param m
     *         the artifact to return the number of ancestry violating children for
     * @param n
     *         the artifact <code>m</code> is being matched with
     * @param matchings
     *         all matchings
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the number of children of <code>m</code> violating ancestry
    private int numAncestryViolatingChildren(T m, T n, CMMatchings<T> matchings, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        List<T> mChildren = m.getChildren();
        List<T> nChildren = n.getChildren();

        Predicate<T> filter = a -> a != null && !nChildren.contains(a);

        return (int) -> image(mChild, matchings, parameters)).filter(filter).count();

     * Returns the exact sibling group breakup cost for <code>matching</code>.
     * @param matching
     *         the matching to calculate the cost for
     * @param matchings
     *         all matchings
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the exact sibling group breakup cost
    private float siblingGroupBreakupCost(CMMatching<T> matching, CMMatchings<T> matchings,
            CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        List<T> dMm, iMm;
        Set<T> fMm;
        List<T> dMn, iMn;
        Set<T> fMn;
        float mCost;
        float nCost;

        dMm = siblingDivergentSubset(matching.m, matching.n, matchings, parameters);

        if (dMm.isEmpty()) {
            mCost = 0;
        } else {
            iMm = siblingInvariantSubset(matching.m, matching.n, matchings, parameters);
            fMm = distinctSiblingFamilies(matching.m, matchings, parameters);
            mCost = (float) dMm.size() / (iMm.size() * fMm.size());

        dMn = siblingDivergentSubset(matching.n, matching.m, matchings, parameters);

        if (dMn.isEmpty()) {
            nCost = 0;
        } else {
            iMn = siblingInvariantSubset(matching.n, matching.m, matchings, parameters);
            fMn = distinctSiblingFamilies(matching.n, matchings, parameters);
            nCost = (float) dMn.size() / (iMn.size() * fMn.size());

        return, mCost + nCost);

     * Returns the sibling invariant subset of siblings of <code>m</code>.
     * @param m
     *         the artifact for whose siblings the sibling invariant subset is to be returned
     * @param n
     *         the artifact <code>m</code> is being matched with
     * @param matchings
     *         all matchings
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the sibling invariant subset
    private List<T> siblingInvariantSubset(T m, T n, CMMatchings<T> matchings, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        List<T> mSiblings = siblings(m, matchings, parameters);
        List<T> nSiblings = siblings(n, matchings, parameters);

        return -> nSiblings.contains(image(s, matchings, parameters)))

     * Returns the sibling divergent subset of siblings of <code>m</code>.
     * @param m
     *         the artifact for whose siblings the sibling divergent subset is to be returned
     * @param n
     *         the artifact <code>m</code> is being matched with
     * @param matchings
     *         all matchings
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the sibling divergent subset
    private List<T> siblingDivergentSubset(T m, T n, CMMatchings<T> matchings, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        List<T> inv = siblingInvariantSubset(m, n, matchings, parameters);
        List<T> sibs = siblings(m, matchings, parameters);
                .filter(sibling -> !inv.contains(sibling) && image(sibling, matchings, parameters) != null)

     * Returns the set of distinct sibling families that siblings of <code>m</code> are matched into represented by
     * their parent artifact. For the root, <code>null</code> will be included in the set.
     * @param m
     *         the artifact for whose siblings the distinct sibling families are to be returned
     * @param matchings
     *         all matchings
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the distinct sibling family representatives
    private Set<T> distinctSiblingFamilies(T m, CMMatchings<T> matchings, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        Function<T, T> image = mChild -> image(mChild, matchings, parameters);
        Predicate<T> notNull = Objects::nonNull;
        Function<T, T> getParent = T::getParent;

        return siblings(m, matchings, parameters).stream().map(image).filter(notNull).map(getParent)

     * Returns the exact ordering cost for <code>matching</code>.
     * @param matching
     *         the matching to calculate the cost for
     * @param matchings
     *         all matchings
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model paramters
     * @return the exact ordering cost
    private float orderingCost(CMMatching<T> matching, CMMatchings<T> matchings, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        Stream<T> leftSiblings = otherSiblings(matching.m, matchings, parameters).stream();
        Stream<T> rightSiblings = otherSiblings(matching.n, matchings, parameters).stream();
        Stream<CMMatching<T>> s = concat(leftSiblings, rightSiblings).map(a -> matching(a, matchings, parameters))
                .filter(m -> !m.isNoMatch()).distinct();

        if (s.anyMatch(toCheck -> violatesOrdering(toCheck, matching, matchings, parameters))) {
            return parameters.wo.weigh(matching);
        } else {
            return 0;

     * Tests whether <code>toCheck</code> violates the ordering induced by <code>matching</code>.
     * @param toCheck
     *         the matching to check
     * @param matching
     *         the matching introducing an ordering
     * @param matchings
     *         all matchings
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return true iff <code>toCheck</code> violates the ordering induced by <code>matching</code>
    private boolean violatesOrdering(CMMatching<T> toCheck, CMMatching<T> matching, CMMatchings<T> matchings,
            CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        Tuple<T, T> leftSides = lca(toCheck.m, matching.m, matchings, parameters);
        Tuple<T, T> rightSides = lca(toCheck.n, matching.n, matchings, parameters);
        List<T> leftSiblings = siblings(leftSides.x, matchings, parameters);
        List<T> rightSiblings = siblings(rightSides.x, matchings, parameters);

        if (concat(, {
            return false;

        int leftXi = leftSiblings.indexOf(leftSides.x);
        int leftYi = leftSiblings.indexOf(leftSides.y);
        int rightXi = rightSiblings.indexOf(rightSides.x);
        int rightYi = rightSiblings.indexOf(rightSides.y);

        if (leftXi < leftYi) {
            return rightXi > rightYi;
        } else if (leftXi > leftYi) {
            return rightXi < rightYi;

        return false; // TODO weird case, maybe true is better?

     * Returns the path from the given <code>artifact</code> to the root node of the tree it is a part of.
     * @param artifact
     *         the <code>Artifact</code> to return the path for
     * @return the path represented by a list of <code>Artifact</code>s beginning with <code>artifact</code> and ending
     *          with the root of the tree
    private List<T> pathToRoot(T artifact) {
        List<T> path = new ArrayList<>();

        do {
            artifact = artifact.getParent();
        } while (artifact != null);

        return path;

     * Finds the lowest pair of (possibly different) ancestors of <code>a</code> and <code>b</code> that are part of the
     * same sibling group.
     * @param a
     *         the first <code>Artifact</code>
     * @param b
     *         the second <code>Artifact</code>
     * @param matchings
     *         the current <code>CMMatching</code>
     * @param parameters
     *         the <code>CMParameters</code> to use
     * @return the ancestor of the first <code>Artifact</code> in the first position, that of the second in the second
     *          position
    private Tuple<T, T> lca(T a, T b, CMMatchings<T> matchings, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        return parameters.lcaCache.computeIfAbsent(Tuple.of(a, b), ab -> {
            Tuple<T, T> ba = Tuple.of(b, a);

            if (parameters.lcaCache.containsKey(ba)) {
                Tuple<T, T> baLCS = parameters.lcaCache.get(ba);
                return Tuple.of(baLCS.y, baLCS.x);

            if (siblings(a, matchings, parameters).contains(b)) {
                return ab;

            List<T> aPath = pathToRoot(a);
            List<T> bPath = pathToRoot(b);
            ListIterator<T> aIt = aPath.listIterator(aPath.size());
            ListIterator<T> bIt = bPath.listIterator(bPath.size());
            T l, r;

            do {
                l = aIt.previous();
                r = bIt.previous();
            } while (l == r && (aIt.hasPrevious() && bIt.hasPrevious()));

            return Tuple.of(l, r);

     * Finds the (first) <code>CMMatching</code> in <code>matchings</code> containing the given
     * <code>artifact</code>.
     * @param artifact
     *         the <code>Artifact</code> for which the containing <code>CMMatching</code> is to be returned
     * @param matchings
     *         the current matchings
     * @param parameters
     *         the <code>CMParameters</code> to use
     * @return the <code>CMMatching</code> containing the <code>artifact</code>
     * @throws NoSuchElementException
     *         if no <code>CMMatching</code> containing <code>artifact</code> can be found in
     *         <code>matchings</code>
    private CMMatching<T> matching(T artifact, CMMatchings<T> matchings, CMParameters<T> parameters) {

        return parameters.exactContainsCache.computeIfAbsent(artifact,
                a -> -> m.contains(a)).findFirst().orElseThrow(
                        () -> new NoSuchElementException("No matching containing " + artifact + " found.")));

     * Finds the (first) <code>CMMatching</code> in <code>matchings</code> containing the given
     * <code>artifact</code> and returns the other <code>Artifact</code> in the <code>CMMatching</code>.
     * @param artifact
     *         the <code>Artifact</code> whose image is to be returned
     * @param matchings
     *         the current matchings
     * @return the matching partner of <code>artifact</code> in the given <code>matchings</code>
     * @throws NoSuchElementException
     *         if no <code>CMMatching</code> containing <code>artifact</code> can be found in
     *         <code>matchings</code>
    private T image(T artifact, CMMatchings<T> matchings, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        return matching(artifact, matchings, parameters).other(artifact);

     * Sets the bounds ({@link CMMatching#setCostBounds(Bounds)}) for the cost of all current matchings.
     * @param currentMatchings
     *         the current <code>CMMatchings</code>s being considered
     * @param parameters
     *         the <code>CMParameters</code> to use
    private void boundCost(CMMatchings<T> currentMatchings, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        LOG.finer(() -> "Bounding " + currentMatchings.size() + " matchings.");

        AtomicInteger mCount = LOG.isLoggable(FINEST) ? new AtomicInteger() : null;
        Consumer<CMMatching<T>> mPeek = m -> LOG
                .finest(() -> "Done with matching " + mCount.getAndIncrement() + " " + m);

        if (parameters.parallel) {
            currentMatchings.parallelStream().peek(mPeek).forEach(m -> boundCost(m, currentMatchings, parameters));
        } else {
   -> boundCost(m, currentMatchings, parameters));


     * Sets the bounds ({@link CMMatching#setCostBounds(Bounds)}) for the cost of the given <code>matching</code>
     * based on the given <code>currentMatchings</code>.
     * @param matching
     *         the <code>CMMatching</code> whose costs are to be bounded
     * @param currentMatchings
     *         the current <code>CMMatchings</code>s being considered
     * @param parameters
     *         the <code>CMParameters</code> to use
    private void boundCost(CMMatching<T> matching, CMMatchings<T> currentMatchings, CMParameters<T> parameters) {

        if (matching.isNoMatch()) {
            matching.setBounds(parameters.wn, parameters.wn);

        float cR = renamingCost(matching, parameters);
        Bounds cABounds = boundAncestryViolationCost(matching, currentMatchings, parameters);
        Bounds cSBounds = boundSiblingGroupBreakupCost(matching, currentMatchings, parameters);
        Bounds cOBounds = boundOrderingCost(matching, currentMatchings, parameters);

        float lower = cR + cABounds.getLower() + cSBounds.getLower() + cOBounds.getLower();
        float upper = cR + cABounds.getUpper() + cSBounds.getUpper() + cOBounds.getUpper();

        matching.setBounds(lower, upper);

     * Returns the bounded ancestry violation cost for <code>matching</code>.
     * @param matching
     *         the matching to calculate the bounds for
     * @param currentMatchings
     *         all matchings
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the bounded ancestry violation cost
    private Bounds boundAncestryViolationCost(CMMatching<T> matching, CMMatchings<T> currentMatchings,
            CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        T m = matching.m;
        T n = matching.n;

        Stream<T> mLower = m.getChildren().stream()
                .filter(mChild -> ancestryIndicator(mChild, n, currentMatchings, false, parameters));
        Stream<T> nLower = n.getChildren().stream()
                .filter(nChild -> ancestryIndicator(nChild, m, currentMatchings, false, parameters));

        Stream<T> mUpper = m.getChildren().stream()
                .filter(mChild -> ancestryIndicator(mChild, n, currentMatchings, true, parameters));
        Stream<T> nUpper = n.getChildren().stream()
                .filter(nChild -> ancestryIndicator(nChild, m, currentMatchings, true, parameters));

        int lowerBound = (int) (mLower.count() + nLower.count());
        int upperBound = (int) (mUpper.count() + nUpper.count());

        return new Bounds(parameters.wa.weigh(matching, lowerBound), parameters.wa.weigh(matching, upperBound));

     * Evaluates the upper/lower ancestry violation indicator.
     * @param child
     *         the child for which to check whether ancestry violation is possible/unavoidable
     * @param n
     *         the matching partner of the parent of <code>child</code>
     * @param currentMatchings
     *         all matchings
     * @param upper
     *         whether to evaluate the upper or lower indicator
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the value of the indicator function
    private boolean ancestryIndicator(T child, T n, CMMatchings<T> currentMatchings, boolean upper,
            CMParameters<T> parameters) {

        if (upper) {
            Predicate<CMMatching<T>> indicator = match -> {
                T partner = match.other(child);
                return !(partner == null || n.getChildren().contains(partner));

            return containing(child, currentMatchings, parameters).stream().anyMatch(indicator);
        } else {
            Predicate<CMMatching<T>> indicator = match -> {
                T partner = match.other(child);
                return partner == null || n.getChildren().contains(partner);

            return containing(child, currentMatchings, parameters).stream().noneMatch(indicator);

     * Bounds the sibling group breakup cost for <code>matching</code>.
     * @param matching
     *         the matching to bound the cost for
     * @param currentMatchings
     *         all matchings
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the bounded sibling group breakup cost
    private Bounds boundSiblingGroupBreakupCost(CMMatching<T> matching, CMMatchings<T> currentMatchings,
            CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        T m = matching.m;
        T n = matching.n;

        float mnLower, nmLower, lower, mnUpper, nmUpper, upper;

        Bounds dMN = boundDivergentSiblings(m, n, currentMatchings, parameters);
        Bounds dNM = boundDivergentSiblings(n, m, currentMatchings, parameters);

        if (dMN.getLower() != 0 || dMN.getUpper() != 0) {
            Bounds iMN = boundInvariantSiblings(m, n, currentMatchings, parameters);
            mnLower = dMN.getLower() / (iMN.getUpper() * (dMN.getLower() + 1));
            mnUpper = dMN.getUpper() / iMN.getLower();
        } else {
            mnLower = 0;
            mnUpper = 0;

        if (dNM.getLower() != 0 || dNM.getUpper() != 0) {
            Bounds iNM = boundInvariantSiblings(n, m, currentMatchings, parameters);
            nmLower = dNM.getLower() / (iNM.getUpper() * (dNM.getLower() + 1));
            nmUpper = dNM.getUpper() / iNM.getLower();
        } else {
            nmLower = 0;
            nmUpper = 0;

        lower =, mnLower + nmLower);
        upper =, (mnUpper + nmUpper) / 2);

        return new Bounds(lower, upper);

     * Bounds the size of the divergent sibling subset of siblings of <code>m</code>.
     * @param m
     *         the artifact for whose siblings the size of the sibling divergent subset is to be bounded
     * @param n
     *         the artifact <code>m</code> is being matched with
     * @param currentMatchings
     *         all matchings
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the bounded size of the divergent sibling subset
    private Bounds boundDivergentSiblings(T m, T n, CMMatchings<T> currentMatchings, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        List<T> osibs = otherSiblings(m, currentMatchings, parameters);
        long lower =
                .filter(mSib -> divergentSiblingIndicator(mSib, n, currentMatchings, false, parameters)).count();
        long upper =
                .filter(mSib -> divergentSiblingIndicator(mSib, n, currentMatchings, true, parameters)).count();

        return new Bounds(lower, upper);

     * Evaluates the upper/lower divergent sibling subset indicator.
     * @param sibling
     *         the sibling for which to check whether inclusion in the sibling divergent subset is possible/unavoidable
     * @param n
     *         the artifact that the sibling of <code>sibling</code> is matched with
     * @param currentMatchings
     *         all matchings
     * @param upper
     *         whether to evaluate the upper or lower indicator
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the value of the indicator function
    private boolean divergentSiblingIndicator(T sibling, T n, CMMatchings<T> currentMatchings, boolean upper,
            CMParameters<T> parameters) {

        if (upper) {
            Predicate<CMMatching<T>> indicator = match -> {
                T partner = match.other(sibling);
                return !(partner == null || otherSiblings(n, currentMatchings, parameters).contains(partner));

            return containing(sibling, currentMatchings, parameters).stream().anyMatch(indicator);
        } else {
            Predicate<CMMatching<T>> indicator = match -> {
                T partner = match.other(sibling);
                return partner == null || otherSiblings(n, currentMatchings, parameters).contains(partner);

            return containing(sibling, currentMatchings, parameters).stream().noneMatch(indicator);

     * Bounds the size of the invariant sibling subset of siblings of <code>m</code>.
     * @param m
     *         the artifact for whose siblings the size of the sibling invariant subset is to be bounded
     * @param n
     *         the artifact <code>m</code> is being matched with
     * @param currentMatchings
     *         all matchings
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the bounded size of the invariant sibling subset
    private Bounds boundInvariantSiblings(T m, T n, CMMatchings<T> currentMatchings, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        List<T> osibs = otherSiblings(m, currentMatchings, parameters);
        long lower =
                .filter(mSib -> invariantSiblingIndicator(mSib, n, currentMatchings, false, parameters)).count();
        long upper =
                .filter(mSib -> invariantSiblingIndicator(mSib, n, currentMatchings, true, parameters)).count();

        return new Bounds(lower + 1, upper + 1);

     * Evaluates the upper/lower invariant sibling subset indicator.
     * @param sibling
     *         the sibling for which to check whether inclusion in the sibling invariant subset is possible/unavoidable
     * @param n
     *         the artifact that the sibling of <code>sibling</code> is matched with
     * @param currentMatchings
     *         all matchings
     * @param upper
     *         whether to evaluate the upper or lower indicator
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the value of the indicator function
    private boolean invariantSiblingIndicator(T sibling, T n, CMMatchings<T> currentMatchings, boolean upper,
            CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        Predicate<CMMatching<T>> indicator = match -> otherSiblings(n, currentMatchings, parameters)

        if (upper) {
            return containing(sibling, currentMatchings, parameters).stream().anyMatch(indicator);
        } else {
            return containing(sibling, currentMatchings, parameters).stream().allMatch(indicator);

     * Bounds the ordering violation cost of <code>matching</code>.
     * @param matching
     *         the matching to bound the cost for
     * @param currentMatchings
     *         all matchings
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the bounded ordering violation cost
    private Bounds boundOrderingCost(CMMatching<T> matching, CMMatchings<T> currentMatchings,
            CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        float lower, upper;
        List<T> mosibs = otherSiblings(matching.m, currentMatchings, parameters);
        List<T> nosibs = otherSiblings(matching.n, currentMatchings, parameters);
        Stream<T> siblings = concat(,;

        boolean orderingPossible = siblings.allMatch(
                sib -> containing(sib, currentMatchings, parameters).stream().anyMatch(match -> match.isNoMatch()
                        || !violatesOrdering(match, matching, currentMatchings, parameters)));

        if (!orderingPossible) {
            lower = parameters.wo.weigh(matching);
            upper = lower;
        } else {
            lower = 0;

            siblings = concat(,;

            boolean violationPossible = siblings.anyMatch(sib -> containing(sib, currentMatchings, parameters)
                    .stream().anyMatch(match -> !match.isNoMatch()
                            && violatesOrdering(match, matching, currentMatchings, parameters)));

            upper = violationPossible ? parameters.wo.weigh(matching) : 0;

        return new Bounds(lower, upper);

     * Returns a new <code>List</code> containing the children of the parent of <code>artifact</code> or an empty
     * <code>List</code> for the root node. This includes the <code>artifact</code> itself.
     * @param artifact
     *         the <code>Artifact</code> whose siblings are to be returned
     * @param matchings
     *         the current <code>CMMatchings</code>
     * @param parameters
     *         the <code>CMParameters</code> to use
     * @return the siblings of the given <code>artifact</code>
    private List<T> siblings(T artifact, CMMatchings<T> matchings, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        return parameters.siblingCache.computeIfAbsent(artifact, a -> {
            List<T> siblings;

            if (artifact == matchings.left || artifact == matchings.right) {
                siblings = new ArrayList<>(Collections.singleton(a));
            } else {
                T parent = a.getParent();
                siblings = parent.getChildren().stream()
                        .filter(s -> s != a && parameters.siblingCache.containsKey(s))
                        .map(s -> parameters.siblingCache.get(s)).findFirst()
                        .orElseGet(() -> new ArrayList<>(parent.getChildren()));

            return siblings;

     * Returns the siblings of <code>artifact</code> as in {@link #siblings(Artifact, CMMatchings, CMParameters)} but
     * does not include <code>artifact</code> itself.
     * @param artifact
     *         the <code>Artifact</code> whose siblings are to be returned
     * @param matchings
     *         the current <code>CMMatchings</code>
     *@param parameters
     *         the <code>CMParameters</code> to use  @return the siblings of the given <code>artifact</code>
    private List<T> otherSiblings(T artifact, CMMatchings<T> matchings, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        return parameters.otherSiblingsCache.computeIfAbsent(artifact, a -> {
            List<T> siblings = new ArrayList<>(siblings(a, matchings, parameters));

            return siblings;

     * Returns all matchings containing <code>artifact</code> from <code>currentMatchings</code>.
     * @param artifact
     *         the artifact to search for
     * @param currentMatchings
     *         all matchings
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return all matchings containig <code>artifact</code>
    private List<CMMatching<T>> containing(T artifact, CMMatchings<T> currentMatchings,
            CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        return parameters.boundContainsCache.computeIfAbsent(artifact,
                a -> -> m.contains(a)).collect(toList()));

    public Matchings<T> match(MergeContext context, T left, T right) {
        return match(context, left, right, new CMMatchings<>(left, right));

     * Matches the trees rooted in <code>left</code> and <code>right</code>. The matchings contained in
     * <code>preFixed</code> will be considered fixed and returned as is in addition to any matchings between previously
     * unmatched artifacts.
     * @param context
     *         the <code>MergeContext</code> containing the parameters to use for the Flexible Tree Matching
     *         algorithm
     * @param left
     *         the left root
     * @param right
     *         the right root
     * @param preFixed
     *         the matchings between the left and right tree that are fixed
     * @return the resulting matchings
    public Matchings<T> match(MergeContext context, T left, T right, Matchings<T> preFixed) {
        CMMatchings<T> cmPreFixed = new CMMatchings<>(left, right);

        for (Matching<T> matching : preFixed.optimized()) {
            cmPreFixed.add(new CMMatching<>(matching.getLeft(), matching.getRight()));

        return match(context, left, right, cmPreFixed);

     * Matches the tress rooted in <code>left</code> and <code>right</code> using the Metropolis algorithm and the
     * Flexible Tree Matching cost model.
     * @param context
     *         the <code>MergeContext</code> containing the parameters to use for the Flexible Tree Matching
     *         algorithm
     * @param left
     *         the left root
     * @param right
     *         the right root
     * @param preFixed
     *         the matchings between the left and right tree that are fixed
     * @return the resulting matchings
    private Matchings<T> match(MergeContext context, T left, T right, CMMatchings<T> preFixed) {
        CMParameters<T> parameters = new CMParameters<>(context);

        LOG.fine("Matching " + left + " and " + right + " using the " + getClass().getSimpleName());

        CMMatchings<T> m = initialize(preFixed, parameters);
        ObjectiveValue mObjVal = objective(m, parameters);

        CMMatchings<T> lowest = m;
        float lowestCost = mObjVal.matchingsCost;

        for (int i = 0; i < context.getCostModelIterations(); i++) {
            CMMatchings<T> mHat = propose(m, preFixed, parameters);
            AcceptanceProbability mHatAccProb = acceptanceProb(mObjVal.objValue, mHat, parameters);

            if (chance(parameters.rng, mHatAccProb.acceptanceProbability)) {

                log(FINER, mHat, () -> "Accepting the matchings.");

                m = mHat;
                mObjVal = mHatAccProb.mHatObjectiveValue;

            if (mHatAccProb.mHatObjectiveValue.matchingsCost < lowestCost) {

                lowest = mHat;
                lowestCost = mHatAccProb.mHatObjectiveValue.matchingsCost;

                float finalLowestCost = lowestCost;
                log(FINER, mHat, () -> "New lowest cost matchings with cost " + finalLowestCost + " found.");

            LOG.fine("End of iteration " + i);

        LOG.fine(() -> "Matching ended after " + context.getCostModelIterations() + " iterations.");

        return convert(lowest);

     * Returns <code>true</code> with a probability of <code>p</code>.
     * @param rng
     *         the PRNG to sample from
     * @param p
     *         a number between 0.0 and 1.0
     * @return true or false depending on the next double returned by the PRNG
    boolean chance(RandomGenerator rng, double p) {
        return rng.nextDouble() < p;

     * Converts a <code>List</code> of <code>CMMatching</code>s to an equivalent <code>Set</code> of
     * <code>Matching</code>s.
     * @param matchings
     *         the <code>CMMatching</code>s to convert
     * @return the resulting <code>Matchings</code>
    private Matchings<T> convert(CMMatchings<T> matchings) {
        Map<T, T> mMap = matchings.asMap();

        Function<CMMatching<T>, Matching<T>> toMatching = m -> {
            Set<T> ls = new HashSet<>(Artifacts.dfs(m.m));
            Set<T> rs = new HashSet<>(Artifacts.dfs(m.n));
            int score = (int) -> rs.contains(mMap.get(a))).count();

            Matching<T> matching = new Matching<>(m.m, m.n, score);
            return matching;

        return -> !m.isNoMatch()).map(toMatching).collect(Matchings::new,
                Matchings::add, Matchings::addAll);

     * Proposes a new set of <code>CMMatching</code>s based on the previous matchings <code>m</code>.
     * @param m
     *         the matchings from the previous iteration
     * @param preFixed
     *         the matchings between the left and right tree that are fixed
     * @return the proposed matchings for the next iteration
    private CMMatchings<T> propose(CMMatchings<T> m, CMMatchings<T> preFixed, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        CMMatchings<T> mVariable = new CMMatchings<>(m, m.left, m.right);

        int j;

        if (parameters.fixRandomPercentage) {
            int lower = (int) (parameters.fixLower * mVariable.size());
            int upper = (int) (parameters.fixUpper * mVariable.size());

            Collections.shuffle(mVariable, parameters.rng); // TODO a switch to turn this off
            j = intFromRange(lower, upper, parameters);
        } else {
            //TODO sort by exact cost?
            j = parameters.rng.nextInt(mVariable.size());

        CMMatchings<T> fixed = new CMMatchings<>(mVariable.subList(0, j), m.left, m.right);

        log(FINER, m, () -> "Fixing the first " + j + "variable matchings from the last iteration.");
        log(FINEST, m, () -> "They are: " + fixed);


        CMMatchings<T> proposition = complete(fixed, parameters);

        log(FINER, proposition, () -> "Proposing matchings for the next iteration.");
        log(FINEST, proposition, () -> "Proposition is: " + proposition);

        return proposition;

     * Returns a uniformly distributed random integer from the given range (inclusive).
     * @param lower
     *         the lower bound
     * @param upper
     *         the upper bound
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return a random int from [<code>lower</code>, <code>upper</code>]
    private int intFromRange(int lower, int upper, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        return lower + (int) (parameters.rng.nextFloat() * ((upper - lower) + 1));

     * Constructs the initial set of matchings.
     * @param preFixed
     *         the matchings between the left and right tree that are fixed
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the initial matchings
    private CMMatchings<T> initialize(CMMatchings<T> preFixed, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        CMMatchings<T> initial = complete(preFixed, parameters);

        log(FINER, initial, () -> "Initial set of matchings assembled.");
        log(FINEST, initial, () -> "Initial set is: " + initial);

        return initial;

     * Completes the given <code>fixedMatchings</code> to a set of matchings in which every artifact from the left
     * and right tree is covered by exactly one matching.
     * @param fixedMatchings
     *         the fixed matchings to complete
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the completed set of matchings
    private CMMatchings<T> complete(CMMatchings<T> fixedMatchings, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        CMMatchings<T> current = completeBipartiteGraph(fixedMatchings.left, fixedMatchings.right, parameters);
        CMMatchings<T> fixed = new CMMatchings<>(fixedMatchings, fixedMatchings.left, fixedMatchings.right);

        fixed.forEach(m -> prune(m, current));

        while (fixed.size() != current.size()) {

            boundCost(current, parameters);
            current.sort(comparing(CMMatching::getCostBounds, BY_LOWER_UPPER));

            CMMatchings<T> available = new CMMatchings<>(current, current.left, current.right);

            int i;
            do {
                i = parameters.assignDist.sample();
            } while (i >= available.size());

            CMMatching<T> matching = available.get(i);

            prune(matching, current);

        return fixed;

     * Removes the other matchings containing an artifact matched in <code>matching</code> from <code>g</code>.
     * @param matching
     *         the matching to prune for
     * @param g
     *         the matchings to prune from
    private void prune(CMMatching<T> matching, CMMatchings<T> g) {

        for (ListIterator<CMMatching<T>> it = g.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            CMMatching<T> current =;
            boolean neq = !matching.equals(current);

            if (neq && ((matching.m != null && matching.m == current.m)
                    || (matching.n != null && matching.n == current.n))) {

     * Returns the (randomly ordered) complete bipartite graph between the trees rooted in <code>left</code> and
     * <code>right</code> with the addition of one no-match node (represented by <code>null</code>) each.
     * @param left
     *         the left root
     * @param right
     *         the right root
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the complete bipartite graph with its edges represented by <code>CMMatching</code>s
    private CMMatchings<T> completeBipartiteGraph(T left, T right, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        List<T> leftNodes = Artifacts.bfs(left);
        List<T> rightNodes = Artifacts.bfs(right);

        // add the "No Match" node

        CMMatchings<T> bipartiteGraph = new CMMatchings<>(left, right);

        for (T lNode : leftNodes) {
            for (T rNode : rightNodes) {

                if (lNode != null && (rNode == null || lNode.categoryMatches(rNode))) {
                    bipartiteGraph.add(new CMMatching<>(lNode, rNode));
                } else if (rNode != null && (lNode == null || rNode.categoryMatches(lNode))) {
                    bipartiteGraph.add(new CMMatching<>(lNode, rNode));

        Collections.shuffle(bipartiteGraph, parameters.rng);
        return bipartiteGraph;

     * Returns the value of the objective function.
     * @param matchings
     *         the matchings to return the objective function value for
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the value of the objective function and the cost that was calculated as part of it
    private ObjectiveValue objective(CMMatchings<T> matchings, CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        float cost = cost(matchings, parameters);
        double objVal = Math.exp(-(parameters.beta * cost));

        log(FINER, matchings, () -> "Cost of matchings is " + cost);
        log(FINER, matchings, () -> "Objective function value for matchings is " + objVal);

        return new ObjectiveValue(objVal, cost);

     * Returns the acceptance probability for the proposed set of matchings <code>mHat</code>.
     * @param mObjectiveValue
     *         the objective value for the current reference set of matchings
     * @param mHat
     *         the newly proposed set of matchings
     * @param parameters
     *         the cost model parameters
     * @return the acceptance probability including the <code>ObjectiveValue</code> calculated for <code>mHat</code>
    private AcceptanceProbability acceptanceProb(double mObjectiveValue, CMMatchings<T> mHat,
            CMParameters<T> parameters) {
        ObjectiveValue mHatObjectiveValue = objective(mHat, parameters);
        double acceptanceProb = Math.min(1, mHatObjectiveValue.objValue / mObjectiveValue);

        log(FINER, mHat, () -> "Acceptance probability for matchings is " + acceptanceProb);

        return new AcceptanceProbability(acceptanceProb, mHatObjectiveValue);

     * Returns the hexadecimal identity hash code of the given <code>Object</code> as a <code>String</code>.
     * @param o
     *         the <code>Object</code> to return the <code>String</code> id for
     * @return the <code>String</code> id
    private String id(Object o) {
        return toHexString(identityHashCode(o));

     * Logs the given <code>msg</code> using the {@link #LOG} and prepends the {@link #id(Object)} of the given
     * matchings.
     * @param level
     *         the level to log at
     * @param matchings
     *         the matchings the message concerns
     * @param msg
     *         the message to log
    private void log(Level level, CMMatchings<T> matchings, Supplier<String> msg) {
        LOG.log(level, () -> String.format("%-10s%s", id(matchings), msg.get()));