Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Florian Maul * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Florian Maul */ public class CmisRepository { private static final String TAG = "CmisRepository"; private final String feedRootCollection; private final String feedTypesCollection; private final String uriTemplateQuery; private final String uriTemplateTypeById; private final String repositoryUser; private final String repositoryPassword; private final String repositoryWorkspace; private String feedParams; private Boolean useFeedParams; private final Application application; private final String repositoryName; private String repositoryUrl; private final Server server; private int skipCount = 0; private int maxItems = 0; private Boolean paging; private int numItems; private CmisItem rootItem; /** * Connects to a CMIS Repository with the given connection information FIXME * References to Application should be removed with DI * * @param repositoryUrl * The base ATOM feed URL of the CMIS repository * @param user * The user name to login to the repository * @param password * The password to login to the repository */ private CmisRepository(Application application, Server server) { this.application = application; this.repositoryUser = server.getUsername(); this.repositoryPassword = server.getPassword(); this.repositoryWorkspace = server.getWorkspace(); this.repositoryName = server.getName(); this.repositoryUrl = server.getUrl(); this.server = server; Document doc = FeedUtils.readAtomFeed(repositoryUrl, repositoryUser, repositoryPassword); Element wsElement = FeedUtils.getWorkspace(doc, repositoryWorkspace); feedRootCollection = FeedUtils.getCollectionUrlFromRepoFeed("root", wsElement); feedTypesCollection = FeedUtils.getCollectionUrlFromRepoFeed("types", wsElement); uriTemplateQuery = FeedUtils.getUriTemplateFromRepoFeed("query", wsElement); uriTemplateTypeById = FeedUtils.getUriTemplateFromRepoFeed("typebyid", wsElement); } public String getFeedRootCollection() { return feedRootCollection; } public void setFeedParams(String feedParams) { this.feedParams = feedParams; } public String getHostname() { return repositoryUrl.split("/")[2]; } public String getRepositoryUrl() { return repositoryUrl; } /** * Creates a repository connection from the application preferences. * * @param prefs * @return */ public static CmisRepository create(Application app, final Server server) { return new CmisRepository(app, server); } /** * Returns the root collection with documents and folders. * * @return * @throws Exception * @throws FeedLoadException */ public CmisItemCollection getRootCollection() throws FeedLoadException, Exception { return getCollectionFromFeed(feedRootCollection); } public CmisItemCollection getRootCollection(String params) throws FeedLoadException, StorageException { return getCollectionFromFeed(feedRootCollection + params); } /** * Returns the ATOM feed that can be used to perform a search for the * specified search terms. * * @param queryType * A {@link QueryType} that specifies the type of search. * @param query * A query that will be run against the repository. * @return */ public String getSearchFeed(Activity activity, QueryType queryType, String query) { SearchPrefs pref = new SearchPrefs(activity); switch (queryType) { case TITLE: return FeedUtils.getSearchQueryFeedTitle(uriTemplateQuery, query, pref.getExactSearch()); case FOLDER: return FeedUtils.getSearchQueryFeedFolderTitle(uriTemplateQuery, query, pref.getExactSearch()); case CMISQUERY: return FeedUtils.getSearchQueryFeedCmisQuery(uriTemplateQuery, query); case FULLTEXT: return FeedUtils.getSearchQueryFeedFullText(uriTemplateQuery, query); default: return FeedUtils.getSearchQueryFeed(uriTemplateQuery, query); } } /** * Returns the collection of {@link CmisItem}s for a given feed url from the * CMIS repository. * * @param feedUrl * @return * @throws Exception * @throws FeedLoadException */ public CmisItemCollection getCollectionFromFeed(final String feedUrl) throws FeedLoadException, StorageException { Document doc; Log.d(TAG, "feedUrl : " + feedUrl); if (StorageUtils.isFeedInCache(application, feedUrl, repositoryWorkspace)) { doc = StorageUtils.getFeedFromCache(application, feedUrl, repositoryWorkspace); } else { doc = FeedUtils.readAtomFeed(feedUrl, repositoryUser, repositoryPassword); if (doc != null) { StorageUtils.storeFeedInCache(application, feedUrl, doc, repositoryWorkspace); } } numItems = FeedUtils.getNumItemsFeed(doc); rootItem = CmisItem.createFromFeed(doc.getRootElement()); Log.d(TAG, "NumItems : " + numItems); return CmisItemCollection.createFromFeed(doc); } public CmisTypeDefinition getTypeDefinition(String documentTypeId) { String url = uriTemplateTypeById.replace("{id}", documentTypeId); Document doc = FeedUtils.readAtomFeed(url, repositoryUser, repositoryPassword); return CmisTypeDefinition.createFromFeed(doc); } /** * Fetches the contents from the CMIS repository for the given * {@link CmisItem}. */ private void downloadContent(CmisItemLazy item, OutputStream os) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { HttpUtils.getWebRessource(item.getContentUrl(), repositoryUser, repositoryPassword).getEntity().writeTo(os); } public void clearCache(String workspace) throws StorageException { StorageUtils.deleteRepositoryFiles(application, workspace); } public void generateParams(Activity activity) { FilterPrefs pref = new FilterPrefs(activity); if (pref.getParams()) { setUseFeedParams(true); if (pref.getPaging()) { setPaging(true); } else { setPaging(false); } setFeedParams(createParams(pref)); } else { setUseFeedParams(false); } } public void generateParams(Activity activity, Boolean isAdd) { FilterPrefs pref = new FilterPrefs(activity); if (pref.getParams()) { setUseFeedParams(true); if (pref.getPaging()) { setPaging(true); } else { setPaging(false); } setFeedParams(createParams(pref, isAdd, false)); } else { setPaging(false); setUseFeedParams(false); } } private String createParams(FilterPrefs pref, Boolean isAdd, Boolean isFirst) { String params = ""; String value = ""; ArrayList<String> listParams = new ArrayList<String>(4); if (pref != null && pref.getParams()) { value = pref.getTypes(); if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { listParams.add("types" + "=" + pref.getTypes()); } /* if (pref.getFilter() != null){ paramsList.put("filter", pref.getFilter()); }*/ if (pref.getPaging()) { if (isFirst) { listParams.add("skipCount" + "=0"); setSkipCount(0); } else { value = pref.getMaxItems(); if (value != null) { if (value.length() == 0) { value = "0"; setMaxItems(Integer.parseInt(value)); } int skipCountValue = 0; if (isAdd) { skipCountValue = getSkipCount() + getMaxItems(); } else { skipCountValue = getSkipCount() - getMaxItems(); } if (skipCountValue < 0) { skipCountValue = 0; } listParams.add("skipCount" + "=" + skipCountValue); setSkipCount(skipCountValue); } } } value = pref.getMaxItems(); if (value != null && value.length() > 0 && Integer.parseInt(value) > 0) { listParams.add("maxItems" + "=" + pref.getMaxItems()); setMaxItems(Integer.parseInt(value)); } value = pref.getOrder(); if (pref.getOrder() != null && pref.getOrder().length() > 0) { listParams.add("orderBy" + "=" + pref.getOrder()); } params = "?" + TextUtils.join("&", listParams); } try { params = new URI(null, params, null).toASCIIString(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { } Log.d(TAG, "Params : " + params); return params; } private String createParams(FilterPrefs pref) { return createParams(pref, true, true); } public String getFeedParams() { return feedParams; } public Boolean getUseFeedParams() { if (useFeedParams != null) { return useFeedParams; } else { return false; } } public void setUseFeedParams(Boolean useFeedParams) { this.useFeedParams = useFeedParams; } public Server getServer() { return server; } public void setSkipCount(int skipCount) { Log.d(TAG, "skipCount :" + skipCount); this.skipCount = skipCount; } public int getSkipCount() { return skipCount; } public void setPaging(Boolean paging) { Log.d(TAG, "Paging :" + paging); this.paging = paging; } public Boolean isPaging() { if (paging == null) { paging = false; } return paging; } public void setNumItems(int numItems) { this.numItems = numItems; } public int getNumItems() { return numItems; } public void setMaxItems(int maxItems) { Log.d(TAG, "MaxItems :" + maxItems); this.maxItems = maxItems; } public int getMaxItems() { return maxItems; } public CmisItem getRootItem() { return rootItem; } }