Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Codenvy, S.A. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Codenvy, S.A. - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package de.fhrt.codenvy.bpmn.part.bpmnProperties.widgets.elements.reusableTabs.general; import org.eclipse.che.ide.util.loging.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.fhrt.codenvy.bpmn.part.bpmnProperties.BpmnPropertiesView; import de.fhrt.codenvy.bpmn.part.bpmnProperties.widgets.AbstractBpmnPropertiesTabWidget; //from usertask //TODO: include servicetask elements public class TabGeneralView extends AbstractBpmnPropertiesTabWidget { public final static int ROW_ASSIGNEE = 2; public final static int ROW_CANDIDATE_USERS = 3; public final static int ROW_CANDIDATE_GROUPS = 4; public final static int ROW_FORM_KEY = 5; public final static int ROW_DUE_DATE = 6; public final static int ROW_FOLLOW_UP_DATE = 7; public final static int ROW_PRIORITY = 8; public final static int ROW_CLASS = 9; public final static int ROW_EXPRESSION = 10; public final static int ROW_EXPRESSION_DELEGATE = 11; public final static int ROW_RESULT_VARIABLE = 12; public final static int ROW_EXCLUSIVE = 15; public final static int ROW_FOR_COMPENSATION = 17; private TextBox tbId; private TextBox tbName; private CheckBox cbAsycBefore; private CheckBox cbAsycAfter; private CheckBox cbExclusive; private TextBox tbRetryTimeCycle; private CheckBox cbForCompensation; private TextBox tbDocumentation; /* * elements for UserTask */ private TextBox tbAssignee; private TextBox tbCandidateUsers; private TextBox tbCandidateGroups; private TextBox tbFormKey; private TextBox tbDueDate; private TextBox tbFollowUpDate; private TextBox tbPriority; /* * elements for ServiceTask */ private RadioButton rbClass; private TextBox tbClass; private RadioButton rbExpression; private TextBox tbExpression; private RadioButton rbExpressionDelegate; private TextBox tbExpressionDelegate; private TextBox tbResultVariable; public TabGeneralView(String tabName, BpmnPropertiesView.CurrentJsoAccess jsoAccess) { super(tabName, jsoAccess);, "constructor"); } @Override public void initContent() {, "initContent"); getGridTabContent().resize(19, 2); getGridTabContent().setText(0, 0, "Id:"); getGridTabContent().setWidget(0, 1, tbId); getGridTabContent().setText(1, 0, "Name:"); getGridTabContent().setWidget(1, 1, tbName); /* * elements for userTask */ getGridTabContent().setText(2, 0, "Assignee:"); getGridTabContent().setWidget(2, 1, tbAssignee); getGridTabContent().setText(3, 0, "Candidate Users:"); getGridTabContent().setWidget(3, 1, tbCandidateUsers); getGridTabContent().setText(4, 0, "Candidate Groups:"); getGridTabContent().setWidget(4, 1, tbCandidateGroups); getGridTabContent().setText(5, 0, "Form Key:"); getGridTabContent().setWidget(5, 1, tbFormKey); getGridTabContent().setText(6, 0, "Due Date:"); HorizontalPanel hPanelDueDate = new HorizontalPanel(); hPanelDueDate.setWidth("100%"); hPanelDueDate.add(tbDueDate); hPanelDueDate.add(new Label( "The due date as an EL expression (e.g. ${someDate}) or an ISO date (e.g. 2015-08-01T10:30:00). See for more information the <a href='' target='_blank'>Camunda user guide</a>")); getGridTabContent().setWidget(6, 1, hPanelDueDate); getGridTabContent().setText(7, 0, "Follow Up Date:"); HorizontalPanel hPanelFollowUpDate = new HorizontalPanel(); hPanelFollowUpDate.setWidth("100%"); hPanelFollowUpDate.add(tbFollowUpDate); hPanelFollowUpDate.add(new Label( "The follow date as an EL expression (e.g. ${someDate}) or an ISO date (e.g. 2015-08-01T10:30:00). See for more information the <a href='' target='_blank'>Camunda user guide</a>")); getGridTabContent().setWidget(7, 1, tbFollowUpDate); getGridTabContent().setText(8, 0, "Priority:"); getGridTabContent().setWidget(8, 1, tbPriority); /* * elements for ServiceTask */ getGridTabContent().setText(9, 0, "Class:"); HorizontalPanel hPanelClass = new HorizontalPanel(); hPanelClass.setWidth("100%"); hPanelClass.add(rbClass); hPanelClass.add(tbClass); getGridTabContent().setWidget(9, 1, hPanelClass); getGridTabContent().setText(10, 0, "Expression:"); HorizontalPanel hPanelExpression = new HorizontalPanel(); hPanelExpression.setWidth("100%"); hPanelExpression.add(rbExpression); hPanelExpression.add(tbExpression); getGridTabContent().setWidget(10, 1, hPanelExpression); getGridTabContent().setText(11, 0, "Expression Delegate:"); HorizontalPanel hPanelExpressionDelegate = new HorizontalPanel(); hPanelExpressionDelegate.setWidth("100%"); hPanelExpressionDelegate.add(rbExpressionDelegate); hPanelExpressionDelegate.add(tbExpressionDelegate); getGridTabContent().setWidget(11, 1, hPanelExpressionDelegate); getGridTabContent().setText(12, 0, "Result Variable:"); getGridTabContent().setWidget(12, 1, tbResultVariable); /* * default elements */ getGridTabContent().setText(13, 0, "Asynchronous Before:"); getGridTabContent().setWidget(13, 1, cbAsycBefore); getGridTabContent().setText(14, 0, "Asynchronous After:"); VerticalPanel vPanelAsyncAfter = new VerticalPanel(); vPanelAsyncAfter.setWidth("100%"); vPanelAsyncAfter.add(cbAsycAfter); vPanelAsyncAfter.add(new Label("This feature is supported for camunda BPM engine version 7.2 and higher.")); getGridTabContent().setWidget(14, 1, vPanelAsyncAfter); getGridTabContent().setText(15, 0, "Exclusive:"); getGridTabContent().setWidget(15, 1, cbExclusive); getGridTabContent().setText(16, 0, "Retry Time Cycle:"); VerticalPanel vRetryTimeCycle = new VerticalPanel(); vRetryTimeCycle.setWidth("100%"); vRetryTimeCycle.add(tbRetryTimeCycle); vRetryTimeCycle.add( new Label("Retry interval in ISO 8601 format (e.g. 'R3/PT10M' for '3 cycles, every 10 minutes')")); getGridTabContent().setWidget(16, 1, vRetryTimeCycle); getGridTabContent().setText(17, 0, "For Compensation:"); getGridTabContent().setWidget(17, 1, cbForCompensation); getGridTabContent().setText(18, 0, "Documentation:"); getGridTabContent().setWidget(18, 1, tbDocumentation); for (int i = 2; i <= 12; i++) { getGridTabContent().getRowFormatter().setVisible(i, false); } getGridTabContent().getRowFormatter().setVisible(ROW_EXCLUSIVE, false); getGridTabContent().getRowFormatter().setVisible(ROW_FOR_COMPENSATION, false); } @Override public void initContentElements() {, "initContentElements"); /* * default elements */ tbId = new TextBox(); tbId.setWidth("100%"); tbName = new TextBox(); tbName.setWidth("100%"); /* * elements for UserTask */ tbAssignee = new TextBox(); tbAssignee.setWidth("100%"); tbCandidateUsers = new TextBox(); tbCandidateUsers.setWidth("100%"); tbCandidateGroups = new TextBox(); tbCandidateGroups.setWidth("100%"); tbFormKey = new TextBox(); tbFormKey.setWidth("100%"); tbDueDate = new TextBox(); tbDueDate.setWidth("100%"); tbFollowUpDate = new TextBox(); tbFollowUpDate.setWidth("100%"); tbPriority = new TextBox(); tbPriority.setWidth("100%"); /* * elements for ServiceTask */ rbClass = new RadioButton("type"); rbClass.setWidth("30px"); tbClass = new TextBox(); tbClass.setWidth("100%"); rbExpression = new RadioButton("type"); rbExpression.setWidth("30px"); tbExpression = new TextBox(); tbExpression.setWidth("100%"); rbExpressionDelegate = new RadioButton("type"); rbExpressionDelegate.setWidth("30px"); tbExpressionDelegate = new TextBox(); tbExpressionDelegate.setWidth("100%"); tbResultVariable = new TextBox(); tbResultVariable.setWidth("100%"); /* * default elements */ cbAsycBefore = new CheckBox(); cbAsycBefore.setWidth("100%"); cbAsycBefore.setHTML( "More information on asynchronous continuation can be found in the <a href='' target='_blank'>Camunda user guide</a>"); cbAsycAfter = new CheckBox(); cbAsycAfter.setWidth("100%"); cbAsycAfter.setHTML( "More information on asynchronous continuation can be found in the <a href='' target='_blank'>Camunda user guide</a>"); cbExclusive = new CheckBox(); cbExclusive.setWidth("100%"); cbExclusive.setHTML( "More information on exclusive jobs can be found in the <a href='' target='_blank'>Camunda user guide</a>"); tbRetryTimeCycle = new TextBox(); tbRetryTimeCycle.setWidth("100%"); cbForCompensation = new CheckBox(); cbForCompensation.setWidth("100%"); tbDocumentation = new TextBox(); tbDocumentation.setWidth("100%"); } public TextBox getTbId() { return tbId; } public TextBox getTbName() { return tbName; } public TextBox getTbAssignee() { return tbAssignee; } public TextBox getTbCandidateUsers() { return tbCandidateUsers; } public TextBox getTbCandidateGroups() { return tbCandidateGroups; } public TextBox getTbFormKey() { return tbFormKey; } public TextBox getTbDueDate() { return tbDueDate; } public TextBox getTbFollowUpDate() { return tbFollowUpDate; } public TextBox getTbPriority() { return tbPriority; } public CheckBox getCbAsycBefore() { return cbAsycBefore; } public CheckBox getCbAsycAfter() { return cbAsycAfter; } public CheckBox getCbExclusive() { return cbExclusive; } public TextBox getTbRetryTimeCycle() { return tbRetryTimeCycle; } public CheckBox getCbForCompensation() { return cbForCompensation; } public TextBox getTbDocumentation() { return tbDocumentation; } public RadioButton getRbClass() { return rbClass; } public TextBox getTbClass() { return tbClass; } public RadioButton getRbExpression() { return rbExpression; } public TextBox getTbExpression() { return tbExpression; } public RadioButton getRbExpressionDelegate() { return rbExpressionDelegate; } public TextBox getTbExpressionDelegate() { return tbExpressionDelegate; } public TextBox getTbResultVariable() { return tbResultVariable; } }