Java tutorial
/* * $Id$ * * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 FhG Fokus * * This file is part of Open IMS Core - an open source IMS CSCFs & HSS * implementation * * Open IMS Core is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * For a license to use the Open IMS Core software under conditions * other than those described here, or to purchase support for this * software, please contact Fraunhofer FOKUS by e-mail at the following * addresses: * * * Open IMS Core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * It has to be noted that this Open Source IMS Core System is not * intended to become or act as a product in a commercial context! Its * sole purpose is to provide an IMS core reference implementation for * IMS technology testing and IMS application prototyping for research * purposes, typically performed in IMS test-beds. * * Users of the Open Source IMS Core System have to be aware that IMS * technology may be subject of patents and licence terms, as being * specified within the various IMS-related IETF, ITU-T, ETSI, and 3GPP * standards. Thus all Open IMS Core users have to take notice of this * fact and have to agree to check out carefully before installing, * using and extending the Open Source IMS Core System, if related * patents and licenses may become applicable to the intended usage * context. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ package de.fhg.fokus.hss.server.zh; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import; import de.fhg.fokus.hss.diam.ResultCode; import de.fhg.fokus.hss.main.HSSProperties; import de.fhg.fokus.hss.model.GussBO; import de.fhg.fokus.hss.model.Impi; import de.fhg.fokus.hss.model.Impu; import de.fhg.fokus.hss.model.UserSecSettings; import de.fhg.fokus.hss.util.HibernateUtil; import; import; import; import de.fhg.fokus.zh.AuthenticationVector; import de.fhg.fokus.zh.ZhAuthDataResponse; import de.fhg.fokus.zh.ZhOperations; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.fhg.fokus.zh.exceptions.DiameterBaseException; import de.fhg.fokus.zh.exceptions.DiameterException; import de.fhg.fokus.zh.exceptions.UnknownImpi; import*; /** * Implementation of the HSS Zh Operations. * * @author Andre Charton (dev -at- open-ims dot org) */ public class HSSzhOperationsImpl implements ZhOperations { /** logger */ private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(HSSzhOperationsImpl.class); /** private user identity uri*/ private URI privateUserIdentity; /** number of authentication items */ private Long numberAuthItems; /** authentication vector */ private AuthenticationVector sipAuthDataItem; /** private user identity object used for hibernate transaction*/ private Impi impi; /** * Implementation of zh-MAR-Auth Method. * @return an object containing the zh specific authentication data * @throws DiameterException */ public ZhAuthDataResponse zhAuthData(URI _privateUserIdentity, Long _numberAuthItems, AuthenticationVector _sipAuthDataItem, String _serverName) throws DiameterException { LOGGER.debug("entering"); this.privateUserIdentity = _privateUserIdentity; this.numberAuthItems = _numberAuthItems; this.sipAuthDataItem = _sipAuthDataItem; if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(this); } ZhAuthDataResponse authDataResponse = new ZhAuthDataResponse(ResultCode._DIAMETER_SUCCESS); try { HibernateUtil.beginTransaction(); this.impi = (Impi) HibernateUtil.getCurrentSession() .createQuery("select impi from de.fhg.fokus.hss.model.Impi as impi where impi.impiString = ?") .setString(0, privateUserIdentity.getPath()).uniqueResult(); if (impi == null) { throw new UnknownImpi(); } ArrayList authVector = null; // Generate the Authentiaction Vectors ... if (sipAuthDataItem != null) { // ... for synchronistation authVector = performSynchronization(); } else { // ... for authentication authVector = generateAuthenticationVectors(); } authDataResponse.setAuthenticationVectors(authVector); Guss guss = generateGuss(); authDataResponse.setGuss(guss); } finally { HibernateUtil.commitTransaction(); HibernateUtil.closeSession(); } LOGGER.debug("exiting"); return authDataResponse; } /** * It generates the GUSS * @return the generated GUSS */ private Guss generateGuss() { LOGGER.debug("entering"); Guss guss = new Guss(); guss.setId(impi.getImpiString()); boolean isGba = ((int) impi.getUiccType().byteValue() == 0) ? false : true; Integer keylifeTime = impi.getKeyLifeTime(); BsfInfo bsfInfo = new BsfInfo(); if (!isGba) { bsfInfo.setUiccType("1"); } if (keylifeTime != null) { bsfInfo.setLifeTime(keylifeTime.intValue()); } guss.setBsfInfo(bsfInfo); // Get Uids Uids uids = new Uids(); Iterator it = impi.getImpus().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Impu impu = (Impu); TuidsItem item = new TuidsItem(); item.setUid(impu.getSipUrl()); uids.addTuidsItem(item); } // Iterate about the uss entrys UssList ussList = new UssList(); UserSecSettings impiUss = null; Iterator itUss = HibernateUtil.getCurrentSession() .createQuery("from de.fhg.fokus.hss.model.UserSecSettings as uss where uss.impiId = ?") .setInteger(0, impi.getImpiId()).list().iterator(); while (itUss.hasNext()) { impiUss = (UserSecSettings); TussListItem ussItem = new TussListItem(); Uss uss = new Uss(); uss.setId(GussBO.getIdByType(impiUss.getUssType())); uss.setType(impiUss.getUssType()); uss.setNafGroup(impiUss.getNafGroup()); Integer flags = impiUss.getFlag(); Flags ussFlags = new Flags(); uss.setFlags(ussFlags); if ((flags != null) && (flags.intValue() > 0)) { buildFlags(flags.intValue(), ussFlags); } uss.setUids(uids); ussItem.setUss(uss); ussList.addTussListItem(ussItem); } guss.setUssList(ussList); LOGGER.debug("exiting"); return guss; } /** * it builds flags and saves them in the flaglist * @param value an integer value * @param flagList a flag list in which the generated flags are saved * */ private void buildFlags(int value, Flags flagList) { int i = value; int j = 0; while (i > 0) { if ((i % 2) == 1) { TflagsItem flag = new TflagsItem(); flag.setFlag((int) Math.pow(2, j)); flagList.addTflagsItem(flag); } i /= 2; j++; } } /** * This method generates the authentication vectors sized by given paramter. * @return a list of Authentication vectors */ public ArrayList generateAuthenticationVectors() { LOGGER.debug("entering"); ArrayList vectorList = null; try { vectorList = new ArrayList(numberAuthItems.intValue()); HexCoDec codec; codec = new HexCoDec(); byte[] secretKey = codec.decode(impi.getSkey()); byte[] amf = codec.decode(impi.getAmf()); // op and generate opC byte[] op = codec.decode(impi.getOperatorId()); byte[] opC = Milenage.generateOpC(secretKey, op); String authScheme = impi.getAuthScheme(); Inet4Address ip = impi.getIP(); byte[] sqn = codec.decode(impi.getSqn()); if (authScheme.equalsIgnoreCase("Digest-MD5")) { // Authentication Scheme is Digest-MD5 LOGGER.debug("Auth-Scheme is Digest-MD5"); SecureRandom randomAccess = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG"); for (long ix = 0; ix < numberAuthItems; ix++) { byte[] randBytes = new byte[16]; randomAccess.setSeed(System.currentTimeMillis()); randomAccess.nextBytes(randBytes); secretKey = codec.decodePassword(impi.getSkey()).getBytes(); AuthenticationVector aVector = new AuthenticationVector(authScheme, randBytes, secretKey); vectorList.add(aVector); } impi.setSqn(codec.encode(sqn)); HibernateUtil.getCurrentSession().update(impi); } else if (authScheme.equalsIgnoreCase("Digest-AKAv1-MD5") || authScheme.equalsIgnoreCase("Digest-AKAv2-MD5")) { // We have AKAv1 or AKAv2 LOGGER.debug("Auth-Scheme is Digest-AKA"); for (long ix = 0; ix < numberAuthItems; ix++) { sqn = DigestAKA.getNextSQN(sqn, HSSProperties.IND_LEN); byte[] copySqnHe = new byte[6]; int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++, k++) { copySqnHe[k] = sqn[i]; } vectorList.add(DigestAKA.getAuthenticationVector(authScheme, secretKey, opC, amf, copySqnHe)); } impi.setSqn(codec.encode(sqn)); HibernateUtil.getCurrentSession().update(impi); } } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { LOGGER.error(this, e); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { LOGGER.error(this, e); } catch (Exception e) { // Check impi if (impi.getAmf() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Missing AMF value."); } if (impi.getSkey() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Missing Secret Key value."); } if (impi.getAuthScheme() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Missing Authentication Scheme."); } if (impi.getOperatorId() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Missing Operator ID."); } } LOGGER.debug("exiting"); return vectorList; } /** * It handles the synchronization of the SQN-MS with the SQN-HE * @throws DiameterException * @return a list of authentication vectorList */ public ArrayList performSynchronization() throws DiameterException {"Handling Synchronization between Mobile Station and Home Environment!"); byte[] sipAuthorization = sipAuthDataItem.sipAuthorization; HexCoDec codec; codec = new HexCoDec(); byte[] secretKey = codec.decode(impi.getSkey()); byte[] amf = codec.decode(impi.getAmf()); try { // get op and generate opC byte[] op = codec.decode(impi.getOperatorId()); byte[] opC = Milenage.generateOpC(secretKey, op); String authScheme = impi.getAuthScheme(); Inet4Address ip = impi.getIP(); // sqnHE - represent the SQN from the HSS // sqnMS - represent the SQN from the client side byte[] sqnHe = codec.decode(impi.getSqn()); sqnHe = DigestAKA.getNextSQN(sqnHe, HSSProperties.IND_LEN); byte[] nonce = new byte[32]; byte[] auts = new byte[14]; int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++, k++) { nonce[k] = sipAuthorization[i]; } k = 0; for (int i = 32; i < 46; i++, k++) { auts[k] = sipAuthorization[i]; } byte[] rand = new byte[16]; k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++, k++) { rand[k] = nonce[i]; } byte[] ak = null; if (HSSProperties.USE_AK) { ak = Milenage.f5star(secretKey, rand, opC); } byte[] sqnMs = new byte[6]; k = 0; if (HSSProperties.USE_AK) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++, k++) { sqnMs[k] = (byte) (auts[i] ^ ak[i]); } LOGGER.warn("USE_AK is enabled and will be used in Milenage algorithm!"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++, k++) { sqnMs[k] = auts[i]; } LOGGER.warn("USE_AK is NOT enabled and will NOT be used in Milenage algorithm!"); } if (DigestAKA.SQNinRange(sqnMs, sqnHe, HSSProperties.IND_LEN,, HSSProperties.L)) {"The new generated SQN value shall be accepted on the client, abort synchronization!"); k = 0; byte[] copySqnHe = new byte[6]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++, k++) { copySqnHe[k] = sqnHe[i]; } AuthenticationVector aVector = DigestAKA.getAuthenticationVector(authScheme, secretKey, opC, amf, copySqnHe); ArrayList vectorsList = new ArrayList(); vectorsList.add(aVector); // update Cxdata impi.setSqn(codec.encode(sqnHe)); HibernateUtil.getCurrentSession().update(impi); return vectorsList; } byte xmac_s[] = Milenage.f1star(secretKey, rand, opC, sqnMs, amf); byte mac_s[] = new byte[8]; k = 0; for (int i = 6; i < 14; i++, k++) { mac_s[k] = auts[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) if (xmac_s[i] != mac_s[i]) { LOGGER.error("XMAC and MAC are different! User not authorized in performing synchronization!"); throw new DiameterBaseException(5012); } sqnHe = sqnMs; sqnHe = DigestAKA.getNextSQN(sqnHe, HSSProperties.IND_LEN);"Synchronization of SQN_HE with SQN_MS was completed successfully!"); byte[] copySqnHe = new byte[6]; k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++, k++) { copySqnHe[k] = sqnHe[i]; } AuthenticationVector aVector = DigestAKA.getAuthenticationVector(authScheme, secretKey, opC, amf, copySqnHe); ArrayList vectorsList = new ArrayList(); vectorsList.add(aVector); // update Cxdata impi.setSqn(codec.encode(sqnHe)); HibernateUtil.getCurrentSession().update(impi); return vectorsList; } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return new ArrayList(); } /** * a string converter * @return the string */ public String toString() { return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE); } }