Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2011 The Open Source Research Group, * University of Erlangen-Nrnberg * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see */ package de.fau.cs.osr.hddiff.perfsuite; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import com.sksamuel.diffpatch.DiffMatchPatch; import com.sksamuel.diffpatch.DiffMatchPatch.Diff; import de.fau.cs.osr.hddiff.editscript.EditOp; import de.fau.cs.osr.hddiff.editscript.EditOpDelete; import de.fau.cs.osr.hddiff.editscript.EditOpInsert; import de.fau.cs.osr.hddiff.editscript.EditOpMove; import de.fau.cs.osr.hddiff.editscript.EditOpUpdate; import de.fau.cs.osr.hddiff.utils.ReportItem; public class EditScriptAnalysis { private LinkedList<Edit> editScript = new LinkedList<>(); private Map<GenericEditOp, List<Edit>> editsByOp = new HashMap<>(); private Map<String, List<Edit>> editsByLabel = new HashMap<>(); private int charsInserted; private int charsDeleted; private DiffMatchPatch dfp; // ========================================================================= public EditScriptAnalysis() { } public EditScriptAnalysis(LinkedList<Diff> diff) { for (Diff d : diff) { switch (d.operation) { case DELETE: charsDeleted += d.text.length(); break; case INSERT: charsInserted += d.text.length(); break; case EQUAL: default: break; } } } public EditScriptAnalysis(List<EditOp> es) { dfp = new DiffMatchPatch(); for (EditOp eo : es) { switch (eo.getType()) { case INSERT: addInsert((EditOpInsert) eo); break; case DELETE: addDelete((EditOpDelete) eo); break; case MOVE: addMove((EditOpMove) eo); break; case UPDATE: addUpdate((EditOpUpdate) eo); break; case SPLIT: // Splits were already applied during diffing. break; } } } // ========================================================================= private void addUpdate(EditOpUpdate upd) { if (upd.getUpdatedNode().isTextLeaf()) { LinkedList<Diff> diff = dfp.diff_main(upd.getUpdatedNode().getTextContent(), upd.getUpdatedNodeRight().getTextContent(), false); int charsDeleted = 0; int charsInserted = 0; for (Diff d : diff) { switch (d.operation) { case DELETE: charsDeleted += d.text.length(); break; case INSERT: charsInserted += d.text.length(); break; case EQUAL: default: break; } } add(new Edit(GenericEditOp.UPD, charsInserted, charsDeleted)); } else { add(new Edit(GenericEditOp.UPD, upd.getUpdatedNode().getLabel(), null)); } } private void addMove(EditOpMove mov) { add(new Edit(GenericEditOp.MOV, mov.getMovedNode().getLabel(), null)); } private void addDelete(EditOpDelete del) { add(new Edit(GenericEditOp.DEL, del.getDeletedNode().getLabel(), null)); if (del.getDeletedNode().isTextLeaf()) { add(new Edit(GenericEditOp.DEL, null, del.getDeletedNode().getTextContent())); } } private void addInsert(EditOpInsert ins) { add(new Edit(GenericEditOp.INS, ins.getInsertedNode().getLabel(), null)); if (ins.getInsertedNode().isTextLeaf()) { add(new Edit(GenericEditOp.INS, null, ins.getInsertedNode().getTextContent())); } } public void add(Edit edit) { editScript.add(edit); addMultiMap(editsByOp, edit.op, edit); addMultiMap(editsByLabel, edit.label, edit); switch (edit.op) { case DEL: if (edit.text != null) charsDeleted += edit.text.length(); break; case INS: if (edit.text != null) charsInserted += edit.text.length(); break; case UPD: charsInserted += edit.ins; charsDeleted += edit.del; break; default: break; } } public List<Edit> getEditScript() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(editScript); } // ========================================================================= @Override public String toString() { return toShortString() + printNodeStatsByOp(GenericEditOp.INS) + printNodeStatsByOp(GenericEditOp.DEL) + printNodeStatsByOp(GenericEditOp.MOV) + printNodeStatsByOp(GenericEditOp.UPD); } public String toShortString() { return String.format( "" + "GenericEditScriptAnalysis:\n" + " Edit script length: %d\n" + " Insertions: %4d\n" + " Deletions: %4d\n" + " Moves: %4d\n" + " Updates: %4d\n" + " Chars Ins: %4d\n" + " Chars Del: %4d\n", editScript.size(), getMultiMapSize(editsByOp, GenericEditOp.INS), getMultiMapSize(editsByOp, GenericEditOp.DEL), getMultiMapSize(editsByOp, GenericEditOp.MOV), getMultiMapSize(editsByOp, GenericEditOp.UPD), charsInserted, charsDeleted); } public void report(ReportItem item, String cat) { item.recordFigure(cat + "a) Edit script size", editScript.size(), "#ops"); item.recordFigure(cat + "b) Inserts", getMultiMapSize(editsByOp, GenericEditOp.INS), "#ops"); item.recordFigure(cat + "c) Deletes", getMultiMapSize(editsByOp, GenericEditOp.DEL), "#ops"); item.recordFigure(cat + "d) Moves", getMultiMapSize(editsByOp, GenericEditOp.MOV), "#ops"); item.recordFigure(cat + "e) Updates", getMultiMapSize(editsByOp, GenericEditOp.UPD), "#ops"); item.recordFigure(cat + "g) Chars ins", charsInserted, "#ops"); item.recordFigure(cat + "h) Chars del", charsDeleted, "#ops"); } private Object printNodeStatsByOp(GenericEditOp needle) { HashSet<String> tmp = new HashSet<>(editsByLabel.keySet()); tmp.remove(null); LinkedList<String> keys = new LinkedList<>(tmp); Collections.sort(keys); keys.add(null); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append(String.format(" %s by label:\n", needle)); boolean empty = true; for (String key : keys) { int count = 0; List<Edit> ops = editsByLabel.get(key); if (ops != null) for (Edit op : ops) { if (op.op == needle) ++count; } if (count > 0) { empty = false; if (key == null) key = "#text"; String paddedKey = StringUtils.rightPad(StringUtils.abbreviate(key, 16) + ":", 17); b.append(String.format(" %s %4d\n", paddedKey, count)); } } return empty ? "" : b.toString(); } // ========================================================================= @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private void addMultiMap(Map map, Object key, Object value) { List x = (List) map.get(key); if (x == null) { x = new LinkedList(); map.put(key, x); } x.add(value); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private int getMultiMapSize(Map editsByOp, Object key) { List list = (List) editsByOp.get(key); if (list == null) return 0; return list.size(); } // ========================================================================= public static enum GenericEditOp { DEL, INS, MOV, UPD, NONE } // ========================================================================= public static final class Edit { public final GenericEditOp op; public final String label; public final String text; public final int ins; public final int del; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- public Edit(GenericEditOp op, String label, String text) { this.op = op; this.label = label; this.text = text; this.ins = 0; this.del = 0; } public Edit(GenericEditOp op, int ins, int del) { this.op = op; this.label = null; this.text = null; this.ins = ins; this.del = del; } @Override public String toString() { return "Edit [op=" + op + ", label=" + label + ", text=" + text + ", ins=" + ins + ", del=" + del + "]"; } } }