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 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
 * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
 * (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the license at license/ESCIDOC.LICENSE
 * or
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
 * and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
 * file and include the License file at license/ESCIDOC.LICENSE.
 * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
 * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
 * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]

 * Copyright 2006-2008 Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe Gesellschaft
 * fuer wissenschaftlich-technische Information mbH and Max-Planck-
 * Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Wissenschaft e.V.  
 * All rights reserved.  Use is subject to license terms.

import com.sun.xacml.cond.EvaluationResult;
import de.escidoc.core.common.exceptions.system.SystemException;
import de.escidoc.core.common.util.configuration.EscidocConfiguration;
import net.sf.ehcache.Cache;
import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager;
import net.sf.ehcache.Element;
import net.sf.ehcache.config.CacheConfiguration;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * Class to cache policies retrieved from the database for the XACML engine.<br> This class caches different policy
 * types: <ul> <li>The policies of a role, provided as <code>PolicySet</code>, are cached using the role id as the key.
 * <li>The built policies of a user (depending on his/her roles and stored user specific policies), provided as a
 * <code>List</code> of <code>PolicySet</code> or <code>Policy</code> objects, are cached using the user id and the
 * action id as keys. <li>The policies of a user, provided as a <code>List</code> of <code>Policy</code> objects, are
 * temporarily cached using the user id and the action id as keys. These are cleared when the built properties for the
 * same user and action are stored. <li>The roles are cached using the role name as the key.</li>
 * <p/>
 * </ul>
 * @author Roland Werner (Accenture)
public final class PoliciesCache {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PoliciesCacheProxy.class);

     * Fall back value if reading property {@link <code>EscidocConfiguration.AA_CACHE_ROLES_SIZE</code>} fails.
    private static final int ROLES_CACHE_SIZE_FALL_BACK = 20;

     * Fall back value if reading property {@link <code>EscidocConfiguration.AA_CACHE_USERS_SIZE</code>} fails.
    private static final int USERS_CACHE_SIZE_FALL_BACK = 50;

     * Fall back value if reading property {@link <code>EscidocConfiguration.AA_CACHE_GROUPS_SIZE</code>} fails.
    private static final int GROUPS_CACHE_SIZE_FALL_BACK = 200;

     * Fall back value if reading property {@link <code>EscidocConfiguration.AA_CACHE_RESOURCES_IN_ROLE_IS_GRANTED_SIZE</code>}
     * fails.
    private static final int AA_CACHE_RESOURCES_IN_ROLE_IS_GRANTED_SIZE_FALL_BACK = 20;

     * The user policies cache is implemented as an <code>LRUMap</code> (least-recently-used map), so it can only grow
     * to a certain size.
    private static Cache userPoliciesCache;

     * The user grants cache is implemented as an <code>LRUMap</code> (least-recently-used map), so it can only grow to
     * a certain size.
    private static Cache userGrantsCache;

     * The user details cache is implemented as an <code>LRUMap</code> (least-recently-used map), so it can only grow to
     * a certain size.
    private static Cache userDetailsCache;

     * The group grants cache is implemented as an <code>LRUMap</code> (least-recently-used map), so it can only grow to
     * a certain size.
    private static Cache groupPoliciesCache;

     * The group grants cache is implemented as an <code>LRUMap</code> (least-recently-used map), so it can only grow to
     * a certain size.
    private static Cache groupGrantsCache;

     * The group grants cache is implemented as an <code>LRUMap</code> (least-recently-used map), so it can only grow to
     * a certain size.
    private static Cache userGroupsCache;

     * The role policies cache is implemented as a <code>LRUMap</code> (least-recently-used map), so it can only grow to
     * a certain size.
    private static Cache rolePoliciesCache;

     * The roles cache is implemented as a <code>LRUMap</code> (least-recently-used map), so it can only grow to a
     * certain size.
    private static Cache rolesCache;

     * The roleIsGranted result cache is implemented as a <code>LRUMap</code> (least-recently-used map) (addressed by
     * user-id) of a <code>LRUMap</code> (addressed by role-name) of a <code>LRUMap</code> (addressed by resource-id or
     * <code>null</code>) , so it can only grow to a certain size.
    private static Cache roleIsGrantedCache;

    private static int resourcesInXacmlFunctionRoleIsGrantedCacheSize;

    static {

     * Private constructor to prevent class from being instantiated.
    private PoliciesCache() {

     * Initializes the caches.<br/>The cache sizes are fetched from the eSciDoc Configuration. If this fails, the
     * default values are used as fall back.
    private static void initCaches() {

        int rolesCacheSize;
        try {
            rolesCacheSize = Integer.parseInt(
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            if (LOGGER.isWarnEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.warn("Error on parsing roles cache size.");
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug("Error on parsing roles cache size.", e);
            rolesCacheSize = ROLES_CACHE_SIZE_FALL_BACK;
        int usersCacheSize;
        try {
            usersCacheSize = Integer.parseInt(
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            if (LOGGER.isWarnEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.warn("Error on parsing users cache size.");
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug("Error on parsing users cache size.", e);
            usersCacheSize = USERS_CACHE_SIZE_FALL_BACK;
        int groupsCacheSize;
        try {
            groupsCacheSize = Integer.parseInt(
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            if (LOGGER.isWarnEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.warn("Error on parsing groups cache size.");
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug("Error on parsing groups cache size.", e);
            groupsCacheSize = GROUPS_CACHE_SIZE_FALL_BACK;
        try {
            resourcesInXacmlFunctionRoleIsGrantedCacheSize = Integer.parseInt(EscidocConfiguration.getInstance()
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            if (LOGGER.isWarnEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.warn("Error on parsing resources cache size.");
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug("Error on parsing resources cache size.", e);
            resourcesInXacmlFunctionRoleIsGrantedCacheSize = AA_CACHE_RESOURCES_IN_ROLE_IS_GRANTED_SIZE_FALL_BACK;
        final CacheManager cacheManager = CacheManager.create();
        rolesCache = new Cache(new CacheConfiguration("rolesCache", rolesCacheSize));
        rolePoliciesCache = new Cache(new CacheConfiguration("rolePoliciesCache", rolesCacheSize));
        userGrantsCache = new Cache(new CacheConfiguration("userGrantsCache", usersCacheSize));
        userPoliciesCache = new Cache(new CacheConfiguration("userPoliciesCache", usersCacheSize));
        groupGrantsCache = new Cache(new CacheConfiguration("groupGrantsCache", groupsCacheSize));
        groupPoliciesCache = new Cache(new CacheConfiguration("groupPoliciesCache", groupsCacheSize));
        userDetailsCache = new Cache(new CacheConfiguration("userDetailsCache", usersCacheSize));
        userGroupsCache = new Cache(new CacheConfiguration("userGroupsCache", usersCacheSize));
        roleIsGrantedCache = new Cache(new CacheConfiguration("roleIsGrantedCache", usersCacheSize));

     * Stores the provided {@link EvaluationResult} for {@link XacmlFunctionRoleIsGranted} result using the user ID, the
     * role ID and (optional) the resource ID as key. <br> Realized as an outer {@link LRUMap} that uses user ID as key
     * and which has an inner {@link LRUMap} as value, that uses the role ID as key and has an inner {@link LRUMap} as
     * value that uses the resource id or <code>null</code> as key and has an {@link EvaluationResult} object as
     * value.
     * @param userOrGroupId The user or group ID to use as key for {@link LRUMap}. This must not be <code>null</code>.
     *                      If <code>null</code> is provided, nothing is done.
     * @param roleId        The role ID to use as key for {@link LRUMap}. This must not be <code>null</code>. If
     *                      <code>null</code> is provided, nothing is done.
     * @param resourceId    The resource ID to use as key for {@link LRUMap}. This may be <code>null</code>.
     * @param roleIsGranted The {@link EvaluationResult} holding the result of the {@link XacmlFunctionRoleIsGranted}
     *                      for the provided values.
    public static void putRoleIsGrantedEvaluationResult(final String userOrGroupId, final String roleId,
            final String resourceId, final EvaluationResult roleIsGranted) {

        if (userOrGroupId == null || roleId == null) {

        final Element element = roleIsGrantedCache.get(userOrGroupId);
        if (element != null) {
            final Map<String, Map<String, EvaluationResult>> roleMap = (Map<String, Map<String, EvaluationResult>>) element
            final Element roleElement = new Element(userOrGroupId, roleMap);
            Map<String, EvaluationResult> resourceMap = roleMap.get(roleId);
            if (resourceMap == null) {
                resourceMap = new LRUMap(resourcesInXacmlFunctionRoleIsGrantedCacheSize);
                roleMap.put(roleId, resourceMap);
            resourceMap.put(resourceId, roleIsGranted);

     * Stores the provided user's policy set using the provided user ID as key. <br> The user's policy set has to be
     * provided within a <code>XacmlPolicySet</code>. <br> Realized as an outer HashMap that uses user ID as key and
     * which has an inner HashMap as value. The inner HashMap has action as key and the list of policies as value.
     * @param userId       The user ID to use as key for HashMap. This must not be <code>null</code>. If
     *                     <code>null</code> is provided, nothing is done.
     * @param userPolicies The user policy set contained in a <code>XacmlPolicySet</code>.
    public static void putUserPolicies(final String userId, final XacmlPolicySet userPolicies) {
        if (userId == null) {
        getUserPoliciesCache().put(new Element(userId, userPolicies));

     * Stores the provided group's policy set using the provided group ID as key. <br> The group's policy set has to be
     * provided within a <code>XacmlPolicySet</code>. <br> Realized as an outer HashMap that uses group ID as key and
     * which has an inner HashMap as value. The inner HashMap has action as key and the list of policies as value.
     * @param groupId       The group ID to use as key for HashMap. This must not be <code>null</code>. If
     *                      <code>null</code> is provided, nothing is done.
     * @param groupPolicies The group policy set contained in a <code>XacmlPolicySet</code>.
    public static void putGroupPolicies(final String groupId, final XacmlPolicySet groupPolicies) {
        if (groupId == null) {
        getGroupPoliciesCache().put(new Element(groupId, groupPolicies));

     * Stores the provided user's grants using the provided user ID as key. <br>
     * @param userId     The user ID to use as key for HashMap. This must not be <code>null</code>. If <code>null</code>
     *                   is provided, nothing is done.
     * @param userGrants The grants of the user contained in a <code>Map</code>.
    public static void putUserGrants(final String userId, final Map userGrants) {
        if (userId == null) {
        getUserGrantsCache().put(new Element(userId, userGrants));

     * Stores the provided group's grants using the provided group ID as key. <br>
     * @param groupId     The group ID to use as key for HashMap. This must not be <code>null</code>. If
     *                    <code>null</code> is provided, nothing is done.
     * @param groupGrants The grants of the group contained in a <code>Map</code>.
    public static void putGroupGrants(final String groupId, final Map groupGrants) {
        if (groupId == null) {
        getGroupGrantsCache().put(new Element(groupId, groupGrants));

     * Stores the provided user's details using the provided user ID as key. <br>
     * @param handle      The handle to use as key for HashMap. This must not be <code>null</code>. If <code>null</code>
     *                    is provided, nothing is done.
     * @param userDetails The details of the user contained in a <code>Map</code>.
    public static void putUserDetails(final String handle, final UserDetails userDetails) {
        if (handle == null) {
        getUserDetailsCache().put(new Element(handle, userDetails));

     * Stores the groups the user with given userId belongs to. <br>
     * @param userId     The userId to use as key for HashMap. This must not be <code>null</code>. If <code>null</code>
     *                   is provided, nothing is done.
     * @param userGroups The groups of the user contained in a <code>Set</code>.
    public static void putUserGroups(final String userId, final Set<String> userGroups) {
        if (userId == null) {
        final Element element = userGroups == null ? new Element(userId, new HashSet<String>())
                : new Element(userId, userGroups);

     * Stores the provided list of policies using the provided role as key.
     * @param idReference  The reference of the role's policies set.
     * @param rolePolicies The policy set of the role referenced by the provided id in a <code>PolicyFinderResult</code>
    public static void putRolePolicySet(final URI idReference, final XacmlPolicySet rolePolicies) {
        getRolePoliciesCache().put(new Element(idReference, rolePolicies));

     * Stores the provided role using the role id as key.
     * @param roleId Identifier of the role.
     * @param role   The role to cache.
    public static void putRole(final String roleId, final EscidocRole role) {
        getRolesCache().put(new Element(roleId, role));

     * Gets the {@link EvaluationResult} for {@link XacmlFunctionRoleIsGranted} result using the user ID, the role ID
     * and (optional) the resource ID as key. <br> Realized as an outer {@link LRUMap} that uses user ID as key and
     * which has an inner {@link LRUMap} as value, that uses the role ID as key and has an inner {@link LRUMap} as value
     * that uses the resource id or <code>null</code> as key and has an {@link EvaluationResult} object as value.
     * @param userOrGroupId The user ID to use as key for {@link LRUMap}. This must not be <code>null</code>. If
     *                      <code>null</code> is provided, nothing is done.
     * @param roleId        The role ID to use as key for {@link LRUMap}. This must not be <code>null</code>. If
     *                      <code>null</code> is provided, nothing is done.
     * @param resourceId    The resource ID to use as key for {@link LRUMap}. This may be <code>null</code>.
     * @return
    public static EvaluationResult getRoleIsGrantedEvaluationResult(final String userOrGroupId, final String roleId,
            final String resourceId) {
        final Element element = roleIsGrantedCache.get(userOrGroupId);
        if (element != null) {
            final Map<String, Map<String, EvaluationResult>> roleMap = (Map<String, Map<String, EvaluationResult>>) element
            if (roleMap == null) {
                return null;
            final Map<String, EvaluationResult> resourceMap = roleMap.get(roleId);
            if (resourceMap == null) {
                return null;
            return resourceMap.get(resourceId);
        } else {
            return null;

     * Gets the the user policy set for the provided user ID.<br>
     * <p/>
     * Realisation see method put.
     * @param userId The user ID to use as key for HashMap.
     * @return The <code>XacmlPolicySet</code> containing the policy set that consists of the user's polices, or
     *         <code>null</code>.
    public static XacmlPolicySet getUserPolicies(final String userId) {
        final Element element = getUserPoliciesCache().get(userId);
        return element != null ? (XacmlPolicySet) element.getObjectValue() : null;

     * Gets the the group policy set for the provided group ID.<br>
     * <p/>
     * Realisation see method put.
     * @param groupId The group ID to use as key for HashMap.
     * @return The <code>XacmlPolicySet</code> containing the policy set that consists of the group's polices, or
     *         <code>null</code>.
    public static XacmlPolicySet getGroupPolicies(final String groupId) {
        final Element element = getGroupPoliciesCache().get(groupId);
        return element != null ? (XacmlPolicySet) element.getObjectValue() : null;

     * Gets the the user grants for the provided user ID.<br>
     * @param userId The user ID to use as key for HashMap.
     * @return The grants of the user in a <code>Map</code>, or <code>null</code>.
    public static Map getUserGrants(final String userId) {
        final Element element = getUserGrantsCache().get(userId);
        return element != null ? (Map) element.getObjectValue() : null;

     * Gets the the group grants for the provided group ID.<br>
     * @param groupId The group ID to use as key for HashMap.
     * @return The grants of the group in a <code>Map</code>, or <code>null</code>.
    public static Map getGroupGrants(final String groupId) {
        final Element element = getGroupGrantsCache().get(groupId);
        return element != null ? (Map) element.getObjectValue() : null;

     * Gets the the user details for the provided handle.<br>
     * @param handle The handle to use as key for HashMap.
     * @return The details of the user as <code>UserDetails</code>, or <code>null</code>.
    public static UserDetails getUserDetails(final String handle) {
        final Element element = getUserDetailsCache().get(handle);
        return element != null ? (UserDetails) element.getObjectValue() : null;

     * Gets the the user groups for the provided userId.<br>
     * @param userId The userId to use as key for HashMap.
     * @return The groups of the user as <code>Set</code>, or <code>null</code>.
    public static Set<String> getUserGroups(final String userId) {
        final Element element = getUserGroupsCache().get(userId);
        return element != null ? (Set<String>) element.getObjectValue() : null;

     * Gets the policies for the provided role.
     * @param idReference The reference of the role's policies set.
     * @return Returns the <code>PolicyFinderResult</code> containing the policy set of the addressed role.
    public static XacmlPolicySet getRolePolicySet(final URI idReference) {
        final Element element = getRolePoliciesCache().get(idReference);
        return element != null ? (XacmlPolicySet) element.getObjectValue() : null;

     * Gets the role for the provided role id.
     * @param roleId The role identifier.
     * @return Returns the <code>EscidocRole</code> for the provided key.
    public static EscidocRole getRole(final String roleId) {
        final Element element = getRolesCache().get(roleId);
        return element != null ? (EscidocRole) element.getObjectValue() : null;

     * Removes all stored policies for the provided user ID from the cache.<br> Has to be called whenever new policies
     * come into effect for a specific user (e.g. when a new role has been assigned to this user).
     * @param userId The user ID to remove policies from the cache for
    public static void clearUserPolicies(final String userId) {

     * Removes all stored policies for the provided group ID from the cache.<br> Has to be called whenever new policies
     * come into effect for a specific group (e.g. when a new role has been assigned to this group).
     * @param groupId The group ID to remove policies from the cache for
    public static void clearGroupPolicies(final String groupId) {

     * Removes all stored details for the provided handle from the cache.<br> Has to be called whenever data changes for
     * a specific user (e.g. when a new handle is assigned).
     * @param handle The handle to remove from the cache for
    public static void clearUserDetails(final String handle) {

     * Removes everything from the userGroupsCache.
    public static void clearUserGroups() {

     * Removes groups of specified user from the userGroupsCache.
     * @param userId id of the user
    public static void clearUserGroups(final String userId) {

     * Removes all data stored in the cache for the role identified by the provided role id from the cache.<br> Has to
     * be called whenever the role changes or has been deleted.
     * @param roleId The id of the role to remove from the cache.
     * @throws SystemException e
    public static void clearRole(final String roleId) throws SystemException {
        try {
            getRolePoliciesCache().remove(new URI(roleId));
        } catch (final URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new SystemException(e);

        // FIXME: roles may be cached by name, not id. As a quick fix, the
        // cache is completely cleared. This should be optimized

        // The user policies cache still holds policies for the removed role.
        // To avoid usage of invalidated roles, the caches are cleared.

        // iterate over all maps stored in roleIsGrantedCache to remove the ones
        // relevant for the provided role id.
        final List roleIsGrantedKeys = getRoleIsGrantedCache().getKeys();
        final List<Map<String, Map<String, EvaluationResult>>> roleIsGrantedValues = new ArrayList<Map<String, Map<String, EvaluationResult>>>();
        for (final Object key : roleIsGrantedKeys) {
            final Element element = getRoleIsGrantedCache().get(key);
            if (element != null) {
                roleIsGrantedValues.add((Map<String, Map<String, EvaluationResult>>) element.getObjectValue());
        for (final Map<String, Map<String, EvaluationResult>> userCache : roleIsGrantedValues) {

     * Removes all stored policies from the cache.
    public static void clear() {

     * @return the rolePoliciesCache
    private static Cache getRolePoliciesCache() {
        return rolePoliciesCache;

     * @return the rolesCache
    private static Cache getRolesCache() {
        return rolesCache;

     * @return the userGrantsCache
    private static Cache getUserGrantsCache() {
        return userGrantsCache;

     * @return the userPoliciesCache
    private static Cache getUserPoliciesCache() {
        return userPoliciesCache;

     * @return the userDetailsCache
    private static Cache getUserDetailsCache() {
        return userDetailsCache;

     * @return the groupGrantsCache
    private static Cache getGroupGrantsCache() {
        return groupGrantsCache;

     * @return the groupPoliciesCache
    private static Cache getGroupPoliciesCache() {
        return groupPoliciesCache;

     * @return the userGroupsCache
    private static Cache getUserGroupsCache() {
        return userGroupsCache;

     * @return the roleIsGrantedCache
    private static Cache getRoleIsGrantedCache() {
        return roleIsGrantedCache;
