Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2006 Steffen Dienst This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * */ package de.elatePortal.autotool; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.xerces.dom.CoreDocumentImpl; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import autotool.AutotoolGrade; import autotool.AutotoolServices; import autotool.AutotoolTaskInstance; import autotool.SignedAutotoolTaskConfig; import de.elatePortal.autotool.view.AutotoolCorrectionSubmitData; import de.elatePortal.autotool.view.AutotoolSubmitData; import de.thorstenberger.taskmodel.TaskApiException; import de.thorstenberger.taskmodel.complex.RandomUtil; import de.thorstenberger.taskmodel.complex.complextaskdef.Block; import de.thorstenberger.taskmodel.complex.complextaskdef.ComplexTaskDefRoot; import de.thorstenberger.taskmodel.complex.complextaskhandling.CorrectionSubmitData; import de.thorstenberger.taskmodel.complex.complextaskhandling.SubmitData; import de.thorstenberger.taskmodel.complex.complextaskhandling.subtasklets.impl.AbstractAddonSubTasklet; import de.thorstenberger.taskmodel.complex.jaxb.AddonSubTaskDef; import de.thorstenberger.taskmodel.complex.jaxb.ComplexTaskHandling.Try.Page.AddonSubTask; import de.thorstenberger.taskmodel.complex.jaxb.SubTaskDefType; /** * @author Steffen Dienst * */ public class SubTasklet_AutotoolImpl extends AbstractAddonSubTasklet implements SubTasklet_Autotool { private class AutotoolSubTaskDummy { private Element memento; public AutotoolSubTaskDummy(AddonSubTask atSubTask) { parseSubTask(atSubTask); atSubTask.setTaskType(getAddOnType()); } private void parseSubTask(AddonSubTask atSubTask) { this.memento = atSubTask.getMemento(); if (memento == null) { Document doc = new CoreDocumentImpl(); memento = doc.createElementNS("", "Memento"); atSubTask.setMemento(memento); } } public String getAnswer() { return getText(memento, "answer", null); } public void setAnswer(String value) { setText(memento, "answer", value); } public String getLastCorrectedAnswer() { return getText(memento, "lastCorrectedAnswer", null); } public void setLastCorrectedAnswer(String value) { setText(memento, "lastCorrectedAnswer", value); } public void setAutotoolDoc(String doc) { setText(memento, "autotoolDoc", doc); } public String getAutotoolDoc() { return getText(memento, "autotoolDoc", null); } public String getDefaultAnswer() { return getText(memento, "defaultAnswer", null); } public String getProblem() { return getText(memento, "problem", null); } public void setProblem(String problem) { setText(memento, "problem", problem); } public void setDefaultAnswer(String defaultAnswer) { setText(memento, "defaultAnswer", defaultAnswer); } public void setAnswerDoc(String answerDoc) { setText(memento, "answerDoc", answerDoc); } public void setAutotoolScore(double score) { setText(memento, "score", Double.toString(score)); } public double getAutotoolScore() { return Double.parseDouble(getText(memento, "score", "-1")); } public byte[] getAutotoolInstanceBlob() { return Base64.decodeBase64(getText(memento, "privateBlob", "").getBytes()); } public void setAutotoolInstanceBlob(byte[] bs) { setText(memento, "privateBlob", new String(Base64.encodeBase64(bs))); } } private class AutotoolTaskConfig { private Element memento; private boolean isInteractive; public AutotoolTaskConfig(AddonSubTaskDef aostd) { this.memento = aostd.getMemento(); this.isInteractive = aostd.isInteractiveFeedback(); } public boolean isInteractive() { return isInteractive; } public String getTaskType() { return getText(memento, "taskType", ""); } public String getConfigString() { return getText(memento, "configString", ""); } public String getSignature() { return getText(memento, "signature", ""); } public String getAutotoolServerUrl() { return getText(memento, "autotoolServerUrl", "http://localhost"); } } private AutotoolServices ats; private AutotoolSubTaskDummy autotoolSubTask; private AutotoolTaskConfig autotoolTaskConfig; /** * */ public SubTasklet_AutotoolImpl(ComplexTaskDefRoot root, Block block, SubTaskDefType aoSubTaskDef, AddonSubTask atSubTask) { super(root, block, aoSubTaskDef, atSubTask); this.autotoolTaskConfig = new AutotoolTaskConfig(((AddonSubTaskDef) aoSubTaskDef)); this.autotoolSubTask = new AutotoolSubTaskDummy(atSubTask); } @Override public String getProblem() { return autotoolSubTask.getProblem(); } public String getAnswer() { String answer = autotoolSubTask.getAnswer(); if (answer == null) { answer = autotoolSubTask.getDefaultAnswer(); } return answer; } public String getLastCorrectedAnswer() { String answer = autotoolSubTask.getLastCorrectedAnswer(); if (answer == null) { answer = getAnswer(); } return answer; } public void doSave(SubmitData submitData) throws IllegalStateException { AutotoolSubmitData tsd = (AutotoolSubmitData) submitData; autotoolSubTask.setAnswer(tsd.getAnswer()); } public void doAutoCorrection() { try { AutotoolTaskInstance ati = new AutotoolTaskInstance.AutotoolTaskInstanceVO( autotoolTaskConfig.getTaskType(), (Map) deserialize(autotoolSubTask.getAutotoolInstanceBlob())); AutotoolGrade grade = getAutotoolServices().gradeTaskInstance(ati, getAnswer()); setCorrection((grade.isSolved() ? block.getPointsPerSubTask() : 0), grade.getGradeDocumentation(), true);//TODO autotools laenge der loesung speichern? autotoolSubTask.setAutotoolScore(grade.getPoints()); autotoolSubTask.setLastCorrectedAnswer(getAnswer()); } catch (Exception e) {//TODO bloed e.printStackTrace(); } } public void doManualCorrection(CorrectionSubmitData csd) { AutotoolCorrectionSubmitData acsd = (AutotoolCorrectionSubmitData) csd; setCorrection(acsd.getPoints(), "manually corrected", false); } protected void setCorrection(float points, String doc, boolean auto) { if (auto) { super.setAutoCorrection(points); } else { ;//TODO } autotoolSubTask.setAutotoolDoc(doc); } public boolean isProcessed() { return autotoolSubTask.getAnswer() != null && autotoolSubTask.getAnswer().length() > 0 && !autotoolSubTask.getAnswer().equals(autotoolSubTask.getDefaultAnswer());//mmh, was wenn die aber die richtige ist? wohl unwahrscheinlich } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see de.thorstenberger.taskmodel.complex.complextaskhandling.SubTasklet#build() */ public void build(long randomSeed) throws TaskApiException { SignedAutotoolTaskConfig satc = new SignedAutotoolTaskConfig.SignedAutotoolTaskConfigVO( this.autotoolTaskConfig.getTaskType(), autotoolTaskConfig.getConfigString(), "", autotoolTaskConfig.getSignature()); try { AutotoolTaskInstance task = getAutotoolServices().getTaskInstance(satc, new RandomUtil(randomSeed).getInt(1000000)); autotoolSubTask.setProblem(task.getProblem()); autotoolSubTask.setDefaultAnswer(task.getDefaultAnswer()); autotoolSubTask.setAnswerDoc(task.getAnswerDoc()); autotoolSubTask.setAutotoolInstanceBlob(serialize(task.getSignedInstance()));//nur fuer autotool interessant } catch (Exception e) { throw new TaskApiException(e); } } private byte[] serialize(Object obj) { try { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); oos.writeObject(obj); oos.close(); byte[] arr = bos.toByteArray(); bos.close(); return arr; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private Object deserialize(byte[] arr) { try { ByteArrayInputStream bos = new ByteArrayInputStream(arr); ObjectInputStream oos = new ObjectInputStream(bos); Object o = oos.readObject(); oos.close(); bos.close(); return o; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private AutotoolServices getAutotoolServices() throws IOException { if (ats == null) { ats = new AutotoolServices(new URL(autotoolTaskConfig.getAutotoolServerUrl())); } return ats; } public String getAutotoolGradeDoc() { if (subTaskType.isSetAutoCorrection()) return autotoolSubTask.getAutotoolDoc(); else return ""; } public int getHash() { StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); ret.append(subTaskType.getRefId()); ret.append(getAnswer()); ret.append(getVirtualSubtaskNumber()); return ret.toString().hashCode(); } //Helper methods........................................................ private Element getElement(Element memento, String string) { Element e = null; NodeList nl = memento.getElementsByTagName(string); if (nl.getLength() > 0) { e = (Element) nl.item(0); } return e; } private String getText(Element memento, String nodeName, String dflt) { Element element = getElement(memento, nodeName); if (element != null) { String text = element.getFirstChild().getTextContent(); return text; } return dflt; } private String deEscapeXML(String text) { return text.replaceAll("&", "&").replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(">", ">") .replaceAll("'", "\\'").replaceAll(""", "\\\""); } private String escapeXML(String text) { return text.replaceAll("&", "&").replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(">", ">") .replaceAll("\\'", "'").replaceAll("\\\"", """); } private void setText(Element memento, String nodeName, String text) { Element element = getElement(memento, nodeName); if (element == null) { element = memento.getOwnerDocument().createElement(nodeName); memento.appendChild(element); } element.setTextContent(text);//setTextContent() laesst sich mit maven nicht kompilieren??? dom3 nicht im classpath? } public String getAddOnType() { return ((AddonSubTaskDef) this.jaxbSubTaskDef).getTaskType(); } @Override public boolean isInteractiveFeedback() { return this.autotoolTaskConfig.isInteractive(); } public double getAutotoolScore() { return autotoolSubTask.getAutotoolScore(); } }