Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


    programm: SubmatixBTLoggerAndroid
    purpose:  configuration and read logs from SUBMATIX SPX42 divecomputer via Bluethooth    
    Copyright (C) 2012  Dirk Marciniak

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <
 * Helferklasse zum erzeugen von UDDF 2.2 Files
package de.dmarcini.submatix.android4.full.utils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;

import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.Locator;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;

import android.os.Handler;
import android.util.Log;
import de.dmarcini.submatix.android4.full.ApplicationDEBUG;
import de.dmarcini.submatix.android4.full.comm.BtServiceMessage;
import de.dmarcini.submatix.android4.full.exceptions.NoXMLDataFileFoundException;
import de.dmarcini.submatix.android4.full.exceptions.XMLFileCreatorException;

 * Klasse zum Erzeugen von UDDF Version 2.0 Dateien
 * Project: SubmatixXMLTest Package: de.dmarcini.bluethooth.submatix.xml
 * @author Dirk Marciniak (
 *         Stand: 08.01.2014
public class UDDFFileCreateClass
  @SuppressWarnings( "javadoc" )
  public static final String TAG             = UDDFFileCreateClass.class.getSimpleName();
  private Document           uddfDoc         = null;
  private Transformer        transformer     = null;
  private DocumentBuilder    builder         = null;
  private ArrayList<String>  gases           = null;
  private final Pattern      fieldPatternDp  = Pattern.compile( ":" );
  private int                diveTimeCurrent = 0;
  private Handler            mHandler        = null;

   * Der Konstruktor der Helperklasse
   * Project: SubmatixXMLTest Package: de.dmarcini.bluethooth.submatix.xml
   * @author Dirk Marciniak (
   *         Stand: 10.01.2014
   * @throws ParserConfigurationException
   * @throws TransformerException
   * @throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError
   * @throws XMLFileCreatorException
  public UDDFFileCreateClass() throws ParserConfigurationException, TransformerException, TransformerFactoryConfigurationError, XMLFileCreatorException
    // initialisiere die Klasse
    if( ApplicationDEBUG.DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "onCreate()..." );
      // So den XML-Erzeuger Creieren
      if( ApplicationDEBUG.DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "LogXMLCreator: create Transformer..." );
      transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
      transformer.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "no" );
      transformer.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.STANDALONE, "yes" );
      if( ApplicationDEBUG.DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "LogXMLCreator: create factory..." );
      DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
      factory.setNamespaceAware( false );
      if( ApplicationDEBUG.DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "LogXMLCreator: create builder..." );
      builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
      if( ApplicationDEBUG.DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "LogXMLCreator: ...OK" );
    catch( TransformerConfigurationException ex )
      Log.e( TAG, "LogXMLCreator: transformer <" + ex.getLocalizedMessage() + ">" );
      throw new XMLFileCreatorException( ex.getMessage() );
    catch( TransformerFactoryConfigurationError ex )
      Log.e( TAG, "LogXMLCreator: transformer <" + ex.getLocalizedMessage() + ">" );
      throw new XMLFileCreatorException( ex.getMessage() );
    catch( ParserConfigurationException ex )
      Log.e( TAG, "LogXMLCreator: builder <" + ex.getLocalizedMessage() + ">" );
      throw new XMLFileCreatorException( ex.getMessage() );
    if( ApplicationDEBUG.DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "onCreate()...OK" );

   * Erzeuge File fr nur einen TG
   * Project: SubmatixBTLoggerAndroid Package: de.dmarcini.submatix.android4.full.utils
   * Stand: 16.01.2014
   * @param file
   *          die erzeugte Datei
   * @param _mHandler
   * @param rlo
   *          ein ReadLogItem Objekt
   * @param zipped
   *          soll die DAtei gezippt werden?
   * @return Die Datei
   * @throws NoXMLDataFileFoundException
   * @throws DOMException
  public File createXML( File file, Handler _mHandler, ReadLogItemObj rlo, boolean zipped ) throws DOMException, NoXMLDataFileFoundException
    Vector<ReadLogItemObj> rlos = new Vector<ReadLogItemObj>();
    return( createXML( file, _mHandler, rlos, zipped ) );

   * Erzeuge die XML-Datei fr einen Logeintrag
   * Project: SubmatixXMLTest Package: de.dmarcini.bluethooth.submatix.xml
   * @author Dirk Marciniak (
   *         Stand: 10.01.2014
   * @param file
   *          Datei, in die das Ergebnis nachher kommt
   * @param _mHandler
   * @param rlos
   * @param zipped
   *          Komprimieren?
   * @return true oder false
   * @throws NoXMLDataFileFoundException
   * @throws DOMException
  public File createXML( File file, Handler _mHandler, Vector<ReadLogItemObj> rlos, boolean zipped ) throws DOMException, NoXMLDataFileFoundException
    Element rootNode = null;
    String msg = null;
    File retFile = file;
    Node profileNode = null;
    Log.v( TAG, "createXML()..." );
    // Handler fr Nachrichten bernehmen
    mHandler = _mHandler;
    if( gases == null ) gases = new ArrayList<String>();
    // Erzeuge Dokument neu
    uddfDoc = builder.newDocument();
    // Root-Element erzeugen
    rootNode = uddfDoc.createElement( "uddf" );
    rootNode.setAttribute( "version", ProjectConst.UDDFVERSION );
    uddfDoc.appendChild( rootNode );
    // Programmname einfgen
    rootNode.appendChild( uddfDoc.createComment( ProjectConst.CREATORPROGRAM ) );
    // Appliziere Generator
    if( ApplicationDEBUG.DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "generator node..." );
    rootNode.appendChild( makeGeneratorNode( uddfDoc ) );
    // erzeuge den profilknoten, berechne dabei die Gasliste
    profileNode = makeProfilesData( uddfDoc, rlos );
    // Gasliste Unique machen
    Set<String> uniqueSet = new HashSet<String>( gases );
    gases.addAll( uniqueSet );
    // appliziere Gasdefinitionen
    if( ApplicationDEBUG.DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "gasdefinitions node..." );
    rootNode.appendChild( makeGasdefinitions( uddfDoc ) );
    // appliziere profiledata
    if( ApplicationDEBUG.DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "profiles node..." );
    rootNode.appendChild( profileNode );
      retFile = domToFile( file, uddfDoc, zipped );
    catch( TransformerException ex )
      msg = "transformer Exception " + ex.getLocalizedMessage();
      Log.e( TAG, "createXML: <" + msg + ">" );
      mHandler.obtainMessage( ProjectConst.MESSAGE_LOCAL_EXPORTERR, new BtServiceMessage( ProjectConst.MESSAGE_LOCAL_EXPORTERR ) ).sendToTarget();
      return( null );
    catch( IOException ex )
      msg = "IOException " + ex.getLocalizedMessage();
      Log.e( TAG, "createXML: <" + msg + ">" );
      mHandler.obtainMessage( ProjectConst.MESSAGE_LOCAL_EXPORTERR, new BtServiceMessage( ProjectConst.MESSAGE_LOCAL_EXPORTERR ) ).sendToTarget();
      return( null );
    catch( Exception ex )
      msg = "allgemeine Exception " + ex.getLocalizedMessage();
      Log.e( TAG, "createXML: <" + msg + ">" );
      mHandler.obtainMessage( ProjectConst.MESSAGE_LOCAL_EXPORTERR, new BtServiceMessage( ProjectConst.MESSAGE_LOCAL_EXPORTERR ) ).sendToTarget();
      return( null );
    return( retFile );

   * Teilbaum profilesData erzeugen
   * Project: SubmatixXMLTest Package: de.dmarcini.bluethooth.submatix.xml
   * @author Dirk Marciniak (
   *         Stand: 25.10.2011
   * @param doc
   *          Dokument Objekt
   * @return Teilbam -Rootelement
   * @throws NoXMLDataFileFoundException
   * @throws DOMException
  private Node makeProfilesData( Document doc, Vector<ReadLogItemObj> rlos ) throws DOMException, NoXMLDataFileFoundException
    Element profileNode;
    int repNumber = 0;
    profileNode = doc.createElement( "profiledata" );
    // Alle Logeintrge durch
    Iterator<ReadLogItemObj> it = rlos.iterator();
    while( it.hasNext() )
      ReadLogItemObj rlo =;
      profileNode.appendChild( makeRepetitiongroup( doc, ++repNumber, rlo ) );
      mHandler.obtainMessage( ProjectConst.MESSAGE_LOCAL_ONE_PROTO_OK, new BtServiceMessage( ProjectConst.MESSAGE_LOCAL_ONE_PROTO_OK, rlo ) ).sendToTarget();
    return( profileNode );

   * Teilbaum Wiederholungsgruppe einbauen
   * Project: SubmatixXMLTest Package: de.dmarcini.bluethooth.submatix.xml
   * @author Dirk Marciniak (
   *         Stand: 25.10.2011
   * @param doc
   *          Dokument Objekt
   * @param repNumber
   *          Nummer des Repetivtauchgangee (bei mir immer 1 :-( )
   * @param number
   *          Nummer des Logs in der Datenbank
   * @return Teilbaum Repetitiongroup
   * @throws NoXMLDataFileFoundException
   * @throws DOMException
  private Node makeRepetitiongroup( Document doc, int repNumber, ReadLogItemObj rlo ) throws DOMException, NoXMLDataFileFoundException
    Element repNode;
    repNode = doc.createElement( "repetitiongroup" );
    repNode.setAttribute( "id", String.valueOf( repNumber ) );
    repNode.appendChild( makeDiveNode( doc, rlo ) );
    return( repNode );

   * Tauchgang Teilbaum bauen
   * Project: SubmatixXMLTest Package: de.dmarcini.bluethooth.submatix.xml
   * @author Dirk Marciniak (
   *         Stand: 25.10.2011
   * @param doc
   *          Document Objekt
   * @param diveNumber
   *          Nummer des Tauchganges in der Datenbank
   * @return Teilbaum Tauchgang
   *         TODO Swasser/Salzwasser Dichte eintragen (Datenbankfeld einrichten)
   * @throws NoXMLDataFileFoundException
   * @throws DOMException
  private Node makeDiveNode( Document doc, ReadLogItemObj rlo ) throws DOMException, NoXMLDataFileFoundException
    Element diveNode, dateNode, yNode, mNode, dNode;
    Element timeNode, hNode, minNode;
    Element dnNode, atNode, ltNode, gdNode, deNode, noNode, txNode;
    String year, month, day, hour, minute;
    String temperature, lowesttemp;
    String greatestdepth;
    String density;
    DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime( rlo.startTimeMilis );
    day = String.format( Locale.ENGLISH, "%02d", startDateTime.getDayOfMonth() );
    month = String.format( Locale.ENGLISH, "%02d", startDateTime.getMonthOfYear() );
    year = String.format( Locale.ENGLISH, "%04d", startDateTime.getYear() );
    hour = String.format( Locale.ENGLISH, "02d", startDateTime.getHourOfDay() );
    minute = String.format( Locale.ENGLISH, "%02d", startDateTime.getMinuteOfHour() );
    temperature = String.format( Locale.ENGLISH, "%.1f", rlo.firstTemp + ProjectConst.KELVIN );
    lowesttemp = String.format( Locale.ENGLISH, "%.1f", rlo.lowTemp + ProjectConst.KELVIN );
    greatestdepth = String.format( Locale.ENGLISH, "%.1f", rlo.maxDepth / 10.0f );
    density = "1034.0";
    diveNode = doc.createElement( "dive" );
    diveNode.setAttribute( "id", String.format( "%d", rlo.numberOnSPX ) );
    // # date
    dateNode = doc.createElement( "date" );
    // ## date -> year
    yNode = doc.createElement( "year" );
    yNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( year ) );
    dateNode.appendChild( yNode );
    // ## date -> month
    mNode = doc.createElement( "month" );
    mNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( month ) );
    dateNode.appendChild( mNode );
    // ## date -> day
    dNode = doc.createElement( "day" );
    dNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( day ) );
    dateNode.appendChild( dNode );
    diveNode.appendChild( dateNode );
    // # time
    timeNode = doc.createElement( "time" );
    // ## time -> hour
    hNode = doc.createElement( "hour" );
    hNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( hour ) );
    timeNode.appendChild( hNode );
    // ## time -> minute
    minNode = doc.createElement( "minute" );
    minNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( minute ) );
    timeNode.appendChild( minNode );
    diveNode.appendChild( timeNode );
    // # divenumber
    dnNode = doc.createElement( "divenumber" );
    dnNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( String.format( "%d", rlo.numberOnSPX ) ) );
    diveNode.appendChild( dnNode );
    // # airtemp
    atNode = doc.createElement( "airtemperature" );
    atNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( temperature ) );
    diveNode.appendChild( atNode );
    // # lowesttemp
    ltNode = doc.createElement( "lowesttemperature" );
    ltNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( lowesttemp ) );
    diveNode.appendChild( ltNode );
    // # greatestdepth
    gdNode = doc.createElement( "greatestdepth" );
    gdNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( greatestdepth ) );
    diveNode.appendChild( gdNode );
    // # density
    deNode = doc.createElement( "density" );
    deNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( density ) );
    diveNode.appendChild( deNode );
    // # notes
    noNode = doc.createElement( "notes" );
    txNode = doc.createElement( "text" );
    txNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( rlo.notes ) );
    noNode.appendChild( txNode );
    diveNode.appendChild( noNode );
    // Teilbaum einhngen
    diveNode.appendChild( makeSamplesForDive( doc, rlo ) );
    return( diveNode );

   * Erzeuge das eigentliche Profil fr den Tauchgang
   * Project: SubmatixXMLTest Package: de.dmarcini.bluethooth.submatix.xml
   * @author Dirk Marciniak (
   *         Stand: 25.10.2011
   * @param doc
   *          Document Objekt
   * @param diveNumber
   *          Nummer des Tauchgangs in der Datenbank
   * @param dAttr
   *          Objekt fr Tauchgangseigenschaften
   * @return Teilbaum fr das Tauchprofil
   * @throws NoXMLDataFileFoundException
  private Node makeSamplesForDive( final Document doc, ReadLogItemObj rlo ) throws NoXMLDataFileFoundException
    SAXParserFactory spf = null;
    SAXParser sp = null;
    ContentHandler myHandler = null;
    XMLReader xr = null;
    File xmlFile = null;
    final Element sampleNode;
    int diveSamples = 0;
    sampleNode = doc.createElement( "samples" );
    // der erste waypoint hat immer Zeit 0, tiefe 0 und switchmix
    diveSamples = rlo.countSamples;
    if( diveSamples == 0 ) return( sampleNode );
    xmlFile = new File( rlo.fileOnMobile );
    if( !xmlFile.exists() || !xmlFile.canRead() )
      // Da ist weas RICHTIG faul, Ausnahme werfen!
      throw new NoXMLDataFileFoundException( "Cant found data-XML-File: <" + xmlFile.getFreeSpace() + ">" );
    // Liste des Tauchganges machen
    Log.v( TAG, "getDiveList()...scan XML..." );
    // versuchen wir es...
    // SAX Parser erzeugen
    spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
      if( ApplicationDEBUG.DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "getDiveList()...NEW SAX Parser..." );
      sp = spf.newSAXParser();
      xr = sp.getXMLReader();
    catch( ParserConfigurationException ex )
      Log.e( TAG, "getDiveList() => " + ex.getLocalizedMessage() );
      return( null );
    catch( SAXException ex )
      Log.e( TAG, "getDiveList() => " + ex.getLocalizedMessage() );
      return( null );
    // einen nagenleuen Handler erzeugen
    // als implizite Klasse
    if( ApplicationDEBUG.DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "getDiveList()...create ContentHandler..." );
    // Lokaler Handler
    myHandler = new ContentHandler() {
      private boolean             readBetween;
      private boolean             scanActive    = false;
      private String              stringBetween = null;
      private final static String rootTag       = "spx42Log";
      private ExportLogEntry      entry         = null;
      private String              gasSample     = "";
      private double              setpoint      = 0;

      public void startDocument() throws SAXException
        /* Wird aufgerufen am Anfang des Dokumentes */
        readBetween = false;
        scanActive = false;
        stringBetween = "";

      public void endDocument() throws SAXException
        /* Wird aufgerufen am Ende des Dokumentes */

      public void startElement( String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts ) throws SAXException
        // Wird aufgerufen bei einem Start-Tag
        if( localName.equalsIgnoreCase( rootTag ) )
          if( ApplicationDEBUG.DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "PARSER: rootElement <" + localName + "> Opened!" );
          scanActive = true;
        if( scanActive == false )
          // nix zu tun hier!
        if( localName.equals( "logEntry" ) )
          // Logeintrag ANFANG
          entry = new ExportLogEntry();
        if( entry == null )
          Log.e( TAG, "PARSER startElement(): object for entry is null!" );
        if( localName.equals( "presure" ) )
          readBetween = true;
        if( localName.equals( "step" ) )
          readBetween = true;
        if( localName.equals( "depth" ) )
          readBetween = true;
        if( localName.equals( "temp" ) )
          readBetween = true;
        if( localName.equals( "acku" ) )
          readBetween = true;
        if( localName.equals( "ppo2" ) )
          readBetween = true;
        if( localName.equals( "n2" ) )
          readBetween = true;
        if( localName.equals( "he" ) )
          readBetween = true;
        if( localName.equals( "setpoint" ) )
          readBetween = true;
        if( localName.equals( "zerotime" ) )
          readBetween = true;

      public void endElement( String uri, String localName, String qName ) throws SAXException
        // root Tag geschlossen? Dann ist Finito
        if( localName.equalsIgnoreCase( rootTag ) )
          if( ApplicationDEBUG.DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "PARSER: rootElement <" + localName + "> Closed!" );
          scanActive = false;
        if( entry == null )
          Log.e( TAG, "PARSER endElement(): object for entry is null!" );
        if( localName.equals( "logEntry" ) )
          // Logeintrag ENDE
          if( entry.whereAlDataThere() )
            // Jetzt mach ich einen Waypoint Konten aus dem Teil
            // gab es einen Gaswechsel?
            if( !entry.gasSample.equals( gasSample ) )
              entry.gasswitch = true;
              gasSample = entry.gasSample;
              // Gas nach dem Wechsel in die Liste
              gases.add( gasSample );
            if( entry.setpoint != setpoint )
              entry.ppo2switch = true;
              setpoint = entry.setpoint;
            // und papp den dran
            sampleNode.appendChild( makeWaypoint( doc, entry ) );
            Log.e( TAG, "PARSER endElement(): entry is FAILED. END" );
          if( localName.equals( "presure" ) )
            readBetween = false;
            entry.presure = Integer.parseInt( stringBetween );
            stringBetween = "";
          if( localName.equals( "step" ) )
            readBetween = false;
            diveTimeCurrent += Integer.parseInt( stringBetween );
            entry.time = diveTimeCurrent;
            stringBetween = "";
          if( localName.equals( "depth" ) )
            readBetween = false;
            entry.depth = ( Float.parseFloat( stringBetween ) / 10 );
            stringBetween = "";
          if( localName.equals( "temp" ) )
            readBetween = false;
            entry.temp = ( Float.parseFloat( stringBetween ) + ProjectConst.KELVIN );
            stringBetween = "";
          if( localName.equals( "acku" ) )
            readBetween = false;
            entry.acku = Float.parseFloat( stringBetween );
            stringBetween = "";
          if( localName.equals( "ppo2" ) )
            readBetween = false;
            entry.ppo2 = Float.parseFloat( stringBetween );
            stringBetween = "";
          if( localName.equals( "n2" ) )
            readBetween = false;
            entry.n2 = ( Float.parseFloat( stringBetween ) / 100.0 );
            stringBetween = "";
          if( localName.equals( "he" ) )
            readBetween = false;
            entry.he = ( Float.parseFloat( stringBetween ) / 100.0 );
            stringBetween = "";
          if( localName.equals( "setpoint" ) )
            readBetween = false;
            entry.setpoint = ( Float.parseFloat( stringBetween ) / 10.0 );
            stringBetween = "";
          if( localName.equals( "zerotime" ) )
            readBetween = false;
            entry.zerotime = Integer.parseInt( stringBetween );
            stringBetween = "";
        catch( NumberFormatException ex )
          Log.e( TAG, "PARSER: <" + ex.getLocalizedMessage() + ">" );

      public void characters( char ch[], int start, int length ) throws SAXException
        // Wird aufgerufen fr den Content zwischen Start und End-Tag
        String text = new String( ch, start, length );
        if( readBetween )
          stringBetween += text;

      public void endPrefixMapping( String prefix ) throws SAXException

      public void ignorableWhitespace( char[] ch, int start, int length ) throws SAXException

      public void processingInstruction( String target, String data ) throws SAXException

      public void setDocumentLocator( Locator locator )

      public void skippedEntity( String name ) throws SAXException

      public void startPrefixMapping( String prefix, String uri ) throws SAXException
    // Jetzt parse mal lustig
      xr.setContentHandler( myHandler );
      xr.parse( new InputSource( "file:" + xmlFile.getAbsolutePath() ) );
    catch( SAXException ex )
      Log.e( TAG, "getDiveList() => : " + ex.getLocalizedMessage() );
      return( null );
    catch( IOException ex )
      Log.e( TAG, "getDiveList() => : " + ex.getLocalizedMessage() );
      return( null );
    return( sampleNode );

   * Node fr einen Wegpunkt machen
   * Project: SubmatixBTLogger Package:
   * @author Dirk Marciniak (
   *         Stand: 13.12.2011
   * @param doc
   * @param entry
   * @return Kompletter waypoint Konten
  private Node makeWaypoint( Document doc, ExportLogEntry entry )
    Element wpNode, dNode, dtNode, tNode, sNode, po2Node;
    // # waypoint
    wpNode = doc.createElement( "waypoint" );
    // ## waypoint -> depth
    dNode = doc.createElement( "depth" );
    dNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( String.format( Locale.ENGLISH, "%.2f", entry.depth ) ) );
    wpNode.appendChild( dNode );
    // ## waypoint -> divetime
    dtNode = doc.createElement( "divetime" );
    dtNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( String.format( Locale.ENGLISH, "%d.0", entry.time ) ) );
    wpNode.appendChild( dtNode );
    // ## waypoint -> temperature
    tNode = doc.createElement( "temperature" );
    tNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( String.format( Locale.ENGLISH, "%.1f", entry.temp ) ) );
    wpNode.appendChild( tNode );
    // wenn sich das Gas gendert hat oder am anfang IMMER
    if( entry.gasswitch == true )
      // ## waypoint -> switch
      sNode = doc.createElement( "switchmix" );
      sNode.setAttribute( "ref", entry.gasSample.replaceAll( "(\\:|\\.|\\,)0*", "" ) );
      wpNode.appendChild( sNode );
    // wenn sich der Setpoint gendert hat...
    if( entry.ppo2switch )
      // ## waypoint -> setpo2
      po2Node = doc.createElement( "setpo2" );
      po2Node.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( String.format( Locale.ENGLISH, "%.2f", entry.setpoint ) ) );
      wpNode.appendChild( po2Node );
    return( wpNode );

   * Erzeuge den Teilbaum Gasdefinitionen
   * Project: SubmatixXMLTest Package: de.dmarcini.bluethooth.submatix.xml
   * @author Dirk Marciniak (
   *         Stand: 24.10.2011
   * @param doc
   *          Document Objekt
   * @param diveAttrs
   * @return Teilbaum fr Gasdefinitionen in diesem Tauchgang
  private Node makeGasdefinitions( Document doc )
    Element gasNode, mixNode, nameNode, o2Node, n2Node, heNode, arNode, h2Node;
    String gasName;
    String[] fields;
    // # gasdefinitions
    gasNode = doc.createElement( "gasdefinitions" );
    if( gases == null )
      // Notbremse, falls es keine Gaase gibt
      return( gasNode );
    for( String gas : gases )
      fields = fieldPatternDp.split( gas );
      // ## gasdefinitions -> mix
      mixNode = doc.createElement( "mix" );
      gasName = gas.replaceAll( "(\\:|\\.|\\,)0*", "" );
      mixNode.setAttribute( "id", gasName );
      gasNode.appendChild( mixNode );
      // ### gasdefinitions -> mix -> name
      nameNode = doc.createElement( "name" );
      nameNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( gasName ) );
      mixNode.appendChild( nameNode );
      // ### gasdefinitions -> mix -> O2
      o2Node = doc.createElement( "o2" );
      o2Node.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( fields[0] ) );
      mixNode.appendChild( o2Node );
      // ### gasdefinitions -> mix -> n2
      n2Node = doc.createElement( "n2" );
      n2Node.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( fields[1] ) );
      mixNode.appendChild( n2Node );
      // ### gasdefinitions -> mix -> he
      heNode = doc.createElement( "he" );
      heNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( fields[2] ) );
      mixNode.appendChild( heNode );
      // ### gasdefinitions -> mix -> he
      arNode = doc.createElement( "ar" );
      arNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( fields[3] ) );
      mixNode.appendChild( arNode );
      // ### gasdefinitions -> mix -> ar
      h2Node = doc.createElement( "h2" );
      h2Node.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( fields[4] ) );
      mixNode.appendChild( h2Node );
    return gasNode;

   * Erzeuge Teilbaum "generator" (Erzeuger der Datei)
   * Project: SubmatixXMLTest Package: de.dmarcini.bluethooth.submatix.xml
   * @author Dirk Marciniak (
   *         Stand: 24.10.2011
   * @param doc
   *          Referenz zum Dokument
   * @return Der erzeugte Teilbaum.
  private Node makeGeneratorNode( Document doc )
    Element genNode, nameNode, mNameNode, manuNode, contactNode, mailNode, hpNode, versionNode, dateNode, yNode, mNode, dNode;
    // Wurzel dieser Ebene
    genNode = doc.createElement( "generator" );
    // Creators Name einfgen
    nameNode = doc.createElement( "name" );
    nameNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( ProjectConst.CREATORNAME ) );
    genNode.appendChild( nameNode );
    // # Hersteller
    manuNode = doc.createElement( "manufacturer" );
    // ## Hersteller -> Name
    mNameNode = doc.createElement( "name" );
    mNameNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( ProjectConst.MANUFACTNAME ) );
    manuNode.appendChild( mNameNode );
    // ## Hersteller -> contact
    contactNode = doc.createElement( "contact" );
    // ### hersteller -> contact -> mail
    mailNode = doc.createElement( "email" );
    mailNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( ProjectConst.MANUFACTMAIL ) );
    contactNode.appendChild( mailNode );
    // ### hersteller -> contact -> homepagel
    hpNode = doc.createElement( "homepage" );
    hpNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( ProjectConst.MANUFACTHOME ) );
    contactNode.appendChild( hpNode );
    manuNode.appendChild( contactNode );
    genNode.appendChild( manuNode );
    // ## version
    versionNode = doc.createElement( "version" );
    versionNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( ProjectConst.MANUFACTVERS ) );
    genNode.appendChild( versionNode );
    // ## date
    dateNode = doc.createElement( "date" );
    // ### date -> year
    yNode = doc.createElement( "year" );
    yNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( ProjectConst.GENYEAR ) );
    dateNode.appendChild( yNode );
    // ### date -> month
    mNode = doc.createElement( "month" );
    mNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( ProjectConst.GENMONTH ) );
    dateNode.appendChild( mNode );
    // ### date -> day
    dNode = doc.createElement( "day" );
    dNode.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( ProjectConst.GENDAY ) );
    dateNode.appendChild( dNode );
    genNode.appendChild( dateNode );
    return( genNode );

   * Erzeuge die XML-Datei aus dem DOM-Baum im speicher
   * Project: SubmatixXMLTest Package: de.dmarcini.bluethooth.submatix.xml
   * @author Dirk Marciniak (
   *         Stand: 27.10.2011
   * @param file
   *          File Objekt fr die Zieldatei
   * @param document
   *          Document Objekt
   * @return Ok oder nicht OK
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws TransformerException
  private File domToFile( File file, Document document, boolean zipped ) throws IOException, TransformerException
    if( ApplicationDEBUG.DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "domToFile()... " );
    // die Vorbereitungen treffen
    if( ApplicationDEBUG.DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "create writer..." );
    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
    DOMSource doc = new DOMSource( document );
    StreamResult res = new StreamResult( writer );
    if( ApplicationDEBUG.DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "transform... " );
    transformer.transform( doc, res );
    // nun zur Frage: gezippt oder nicht
    if( zipped )
      // File zipFile = new File( file.getAbsoluteFile() + ".zip" );
      File zipFile = new File( file.getAbsolutePath().replace( "uddf", "zip" ) );
      // gezipptes File erzeugen
      Log.i( TAG, "write to zipped file <" + zipFile.getName() + ">... " );
      if( file.exists() )
        // Datei ist da, ich will sie ueberschreiben
      OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( zipFile );
      ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream( fos ) );
        // for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; ++i)
        // {
        ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry( file.getName() );
        zos.putNextEntry( entry );
        zos.write( writer.toString().getBytes() );
        // }
      if( ApplicationDEBUG.DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "domToString()...ok " );
      return( file );
      // ungezipptes file erzeugen
      Log.i( TAG, "write to unzipped file... " );
      if( file.exists() )
        // Datei ist da, ich will sie ueberschreiben
      RandomAccessFile xmlFile = new RandomAccessFile( file, "rw" );
      xmlFile.writeBytes( writer.toString() );
      if( ApplicationDEBUG.DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "domToString()...ok " );
      return( file );