Java tutorial
/** * (c) 2009-2014 Peter Wullinger * * $Id$ * * Use, modification and restribution of this file are covered by the * terms of the Artistic License 2.0. * * You should have received a copy of the license terms in a file named * "LICENSE" together with this software package. * * Disclaimer of Warranty: THE PACKAGE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT * HOLDER AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED TO THE * EXTENT PERMITTED BY YOUR LOCAL LAW. UNLESS REQUIRED BY LAW, NO * COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTOR WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THE PACKAGE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. **/ package de.dhke.projects.cutil.collections.tree; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Stack; import org.apache.commons.collections15.list.SetUniqueList; /** * * @author Peter Wullinger <> */ public class DecisionTree<Data> implements IDecisionTree<Data> { private DTNode _root; public DecisionTree() { _root = new DTNode(); } @Override public Node<Data> getRoot() { return _root; } @Override public List<? extends Node<Data>> getChildren(final Node<Data> parent) { return parent.getChildren(); } @Override public boolean hasChildren(Node<Data> parent) { return parent.hasChildren(); } @Override public Node<Data> getParent(Node<Data> child) { return child.getParent(); } @Override public boolean hasData(Node<Data> node) { return node.hasData(); } @Override public Data getData(Node<Data> node) { return node.getData(); } @Override public Node<Data> fork(final Node<Data> sibling, Data data) { // assert checkDecisionTree(this); /* TODO: merge common code */ assert sibling instanceof Node; final DTNode siblingNode = (DTNode) sibling; if (sibling.hasData()) { /* sibling has data, we really need to fork */ final DTNode parentNode = siblingNode.getParent(); if (parentNode != null) { final DTNode newNode = new DTNode(parentNode, data); parentNode.getChildren().add(newNode); // assert checkDecisionTree(this); return newNode; } else { /** * parent node does not exist, i.e. our sibling is the root node * * - create a new parent node and make it the new root node * - create a new node and attach it to the parent * - attach our sibling to the new parent. * * This way, the sibling reference remains intact and forking with * the same sibling should work as expected. * */ assert parentNode == null; final DTNode newParent = new DTNode(); newParent.getChildren().add(siblingNode); siblingNode.setParent(newParent); final DTNode newNode = new DTNode(newParent, data); newParent.getChildren().add(newNode); assert !newParent.hasData(); assert newParent.getChildren().size() == 2; _root = newParent; // assert checkDecisionTree(this); return newNode; } } else { /* sibling has no data, attach and return */ siblingNode.setData(data); // assert checkDecisionTree(this); return siblingNode; } } @Override public Node<Data> branch(final Node<Data> sibling, final Data data) { assert checkDecisionTree(this); /* TODO: merge common code */ assert sibling instanceof Node; final DTNode siblingNode = (DTNode) sibling; if (sibling.hasData()) { /* sibling has data, we really need to fork */ final DTNode parentNode = siblingNode.getParent(); if (parentNode != null) { /* parent node exists. In this case it already has more than a single child */ assert parentNode.getChildren().size() > 1; /* create new parent and attach new node and sibling */ final DTNode newParent = new DTNode(); parentNode.getChildren().remove(siblingNode); newParent.getChildren().add(siblingNode); siblingNode.setParent(newParent); final DTNode newNode = new DTNode(newParent, data); newParent.getChildren().add(newNode); /* insert new parent node into old parent */ parentNode.getChildren().add(newParent); newParent.setParent(parentNode); assert checkDecisionTree(this); return newNode; } else { assert checkDecisionTree(this); /** * sibling has data and parent node does not exist, i.e. our sibling is * the root node * * - create a new parent node and make it the new root node * - create a new node and attach it to the parent * - attach our sibling to the new parent. * * This way, the sibling reference remains intact and forking with * the same sibling should work as expected. * */ assert parentNode == null; final DTNode newParent = new DTNode(); newParent.getChildren().add(siblingNode); siblingNode.setParent(newParent); final DTNode newNode = new DTNode(newParent, data); newParent.getChildren().add(newNode); assert !newParent.hasData(); assert newParent.hasChildren(); assert newParent.getChildren().size() == 2; assert newParent.getChildren().contains(siblingNode); assert newParent.getChildren().contains(newNode); _root = newParent; // assert checkDecisionTree(this); return newNode; } } else { /* sibling has no data, attach and return */ siblingNode.setData(data); // assert checkDecisionTree(this); return siblingNode; } } @Override public void remove(final Node<Data> node, final boolean pullChildren) { // assert checkDecisionTree(this); removeReal(node, pullChildren); // assert checkDecisionTree(this); } @Override public void remove(final Node<Data> node) { remove(node, true); } /** * Remove the specified node from the decision tree. * <p/> * @param removeNode The node to remove. * @param pullChildren if {@literal true}, any children of {@literal removeNode} will be * attached to {@literal removeNode}'s parent. */ private void removeReal(final Node<Data> removeNode, final boolean pullChildren) { if (removeNode.getParent() != null) { /* our parent node is not null, i.e. we are not the root */ final DTNode rmNode = (DTNode) removeNode; final DTNode parent = rmNode.getParent(); /* remove target node from tree */ assert parent.getChildren().contains(rmNode); boolean removed = parent.getChildren().remove(rmNode); assert removed; rmNode.setParent(null); if (pullChildren && removeNode.hasChildren()) { /* pull down children to parent, if specified */ for (Node<Data> childNode : removeNode.getChildren()) { parent.getChildren().add((DTNode) childNode); ((DTNode) childNode).setParent(parent); } } if (parent.getChildren().size() == 1) { /** * if the parent now has only one child (otherChild) left, we need to collapse * * (1) keep the parent * (2) remove the other child * (3) - if the other child is a leaf, move its data down to the parent, making it a leaf * (4) - if the other child is not a leaf, pull the children down. * */ final DTNode otherChild = parent.getChildren().iterator().next(); if (otherChild.hasChildren()) { /* remove non-leaf node, pull down its children */ removeReal(otherChild, true); } else { removed = parent.getChildren().remove(otherChild); assert removed; parent.setData(otherChild.getData()); otherChild.setParent(null); assert !parent.hasChildren(); } } } else if (_root.hasData()) { _root.setData(null); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot remove empty root node"); } @Override public List<? extends Node<Data>> getPath(final Node<Data> node) { final List<Node<Data>> path = new ArrayList<>(); for (Node<Data> currentNode = node; currentNode != null; currentNode = currentNode.getParent()) path.add(currentNode); Collections.reverse(path); return path; } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(getClass().getSimpleName()); sb.append(getRoot().toString()); return sb.toString(); } @Override public Iterator<? extends Node<Data>> iterator() { return new Itr(); } public static <Data> boolean checkDecisionTree(final IDecisionTree<Data> tree, final Node<Data> node) { if (node.hasChildren()) { if (node.getChildren().size() < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("node " + node + " does not have at least two children"); } else { for (Node<Data> child : node.getChildren()) { if (child.getParent() != node) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "node " + child + " has incorrect parent pointer, should be " + node + ", but is " + child.getParent()); checkDecisionTree(tree, child); } } } else if (!node.hasData()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("node " + node + " is not a leaf but has no data"); return true; } public static <Data> boolean checkDecisionTree(final IDecisionTree<Data> tree) { final Node<Data> root = tree.getRoot(); if (root.hasChildren()) checkDecisionTree(tree, root); return true; } /// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Iterator"> class Itr implements Iterator<Node<Data>> { private Node<Data> _next; private final Stack<Iterator<? extends Node<Data>>> iterStack = new Stack<>(); private Itr() { Iterator<? extends Node<Data>> iter = getRoot().getChildren().iterator(); if (iter.hasNext()) { iterStack.push(iter); final Node<Data> current =; while (current.hasChildren()) { iter = current.getChildren().iterator(); iterStack.push(iter); } _next = current; } else if (getRoot().hasData()) { _next = getRoot(); } else _next = null; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return _next != null; } private void advance() { if (_next != null) { _next = null; while (_next == null) { /* find the topmost iterator on the stack that still has a successor */ while ((!iterStack.isEmpty()) && (!iterStack.peek().hasNext())) iterStack.pop(); if (iterStack.isEmpty()) { /* we did not find an iterator on the stack that still has */ _next = null; return; } else { Iterator<? extends Node<Data>> iter = iterStack.peek(); assert iter.hasNext(); Node<Data> current =; while (current.hasChildren()) { iter = current.getChildren().iterator(); iterStack.push(iter); current =; } _next = current; } } } else _next = null; } @Override public Node<Data> next() { if (_next != null) { final Node<Data> next = _next; advance(); return next; } else throw new NoSuchElementException("End of DecisionTree reached"); } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } } /// </editor-fold> /// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="DTNode"> class DTNode implements Node<Data> { private DTNode _parent; private Data _data; private List<DTNode> _children; DTNode() { _parent = null; _children = SetUniqueList.decorate(new ArrayList<DTNode>()); } DTNode(final DTNode newParent) { _parent = newParent; _children = SetUniqueList.decorate(new ArrayList<DTNode>()); } DTNode(final DTNode newParent, final Data data) { _parent = newParent; _data = data; _children = SetUniqueList.decorate(new ArrayList<DTNode>()); } @Override public DTNode getParent() { return _parent; } protected void setParent(final DTNode newParent) { _parent = newParent; } @Override public List<DTNode> getChildren() { return _children; } @Override public boolean hasChildren() { return !_children.isEmpty(); } @Override public boolean hasData() { return _data != null; } @Override public Data getData() { return _data; } protected void setData(final Data newData) { if (_data != newData) { _data = newData; if (_parent != null) { /* make sure, parent properly rehashes the child entry for this node */ final DTNode parent = _parent; parent.getChildren().remove(this); parent.getChildren().add(this); } } } @Override public void remove() { DecisionTree.this.remove(this); } @Override public List<? extends Node<Data>> getPath() { return DecisionTree.this.getPath(this); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj instanceof Node) { final Node<?> other = (Node<?>) obj; if (hasData()) return getData().equals(other.getData()); else return !other.hasData(); } else return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { if (_data == null) return System.identityHashCode(this); else return _data.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { if (hasChildren()) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<"); sb.append(getChildren().toString()); sb.append(">"); return sb.toString(); } else if (hasData()) return getData().toString(); else return "(null)"; } @Override public IDecisionTree.Node<Data> fork(Data data) { return DecisionTree.this.fork(this, data); } @Override public IDecisionTree.Node<Data> branch(Data data) { return DecisionTree.this.branch(this, data); } } /// </editor-fold> }