Java tutorial
/* * RapidMiner Anomaly Detection Extension * * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 by Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche * Intelligenz GmbH or its licensors, as applicable. * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this software. If not, see < * * Author: Markus Goldstein, Patrick Kalka * Responsible: Markus Goldstein ( * * URL: */ package de.dfki.madm.anomalydetection.evaluator.cluster_based; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import org.apache.commons.math.MathException; import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.ChiSquaredDistributionImpl; import Jama.Matrix; import com.rapidminer.operator.OperatorException; import; import; import de.dfki.madm.anomalydetection.evaluator.Evaluator; /** * The evaluator of CMGOS. This is where the algorithm * logic is implemented. * * @author Patrick Kalka * @author Markus Goldstein * */ public class CMGOSEvaluator implements Evaluator { public static final int METHOD_COV_REDUCTION = 0; public static final int METHOD_COV_REGULARIZE = 1; public static final int METHOD_COV_MCD = 2; /** * The measure used to calculate the distances **/ protected DistanceMeasure measure; /** * The points in the example set. **/ protected double[][] points; /** * Maps each point to a cluster. **/ protected int[] belongsToCluster; /** * The centroids of the clusters **/ protected double[][] centroids; /** * The size of each cluster **/ protected int clusterSize[]; /** * The number of threads to be used */ protected int numberOfThreads; /** * times to do remove outliers and recompute the COV */ private int removeRuns; /** * The probability for normal instances */ private double probability; /** * Number of points for covariance matrix calculation * (faster computation by sampling) */ private int cov_sampling; private RandomGenerator generator; /** * Percentage determining if a cluster is large or small. * */ private double percentage; /** * Lambda for regularization method */ private double regularizedLambda; /** * Method for cov computation */ private int red; /** * h */ private int h; private int numberOfSubsets; private int fastMCDPoints; private int initIteration; CovarianceMatrix[] CovariancematrixPerCluster; /** * Instantiates a new covariance matrix evaluator. * * @param measure * the distancemeasure * @param points * all datapoints * @param belongsToCluster * point-cluster-association * @param centroids * the centroids * @param clusterSize * the cluster size * @param threads * number of threads * @param removeRuns * times to remove outliers and recompute * @param probability * The outlier probability * @param cov_sampling * Nbr of instances to use to computer cov (sampling) * @param generator * Number of points for covariancematrix calculation * @param minimumInstancesForCluster * Number of points to define a "e;small cluster"e; * @param lamda * @param initIteration * @param fastMCDPoints * @param subsetPoints */ public CMGOSEvaluator(DistanceMeasure measure, double[][] points, int[] belongsToCluster, double[][] centroids, int[] clusterSize, int threads, int removeRuns, double probability, int cov_sampling, RandomGenerator generator, double percentage, double lamda, int cov, int h, int numberOfSubsets, int fastMCDPoints, int initIteration) { this.measure = measure; this.points = points; this.belongsToCluster = belongsToCluster; this.clusterSize = clusterSize; this.centroids = centroids; this.numberOfThreads = threads; this.removeRuns = removeRuns; this.probability = probability; this.cov_sampling = cov_sampling; this.generator = generator; this.percentage = percentage; this.regularizedLambda = lamda; = cov; this.h = h; this.numberOfSubsets = numberOfSubsets; this.fastMCDPoints = fastMCDPoints; this.initIteration = initIteration; } /** * Reassigns instances to other clusters of cluster is too small * @param removed_cluster * Array with removed clusters * @param limit * Minumum limit for instances * @return * Array with removed clusters */ private boolean[] reassignPoints(boolean[] removed_cluster, double limit) { int clusterId = 0; for (double size : this.clusterSize) { // cluster too small according to minimum if (size < limit) { removed_cluster[clusterId] = true; for (int i = 0; i < this.belongsToCluster.length; i++) { if (this.belongsToCluster[i] == clusterId) { int clusterId2 = -1; double minDist = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int minId = 0; for (double size2 : this.clusterSize) { clusterId2++; if (clusterId2 == clusterId || size2 <= limit) continue; double dis = this.measure.calculateDistance(this.points[i], this.centroids[clusterId2]); if (dis < minDist) { minId = clusterId2; minDist = dis; } } this.belongsToCluster[i] = minId; this.clusterSize[minId]++; this.clusterSize[clusterId]--; } } } else { removed_cluster[clusterId] = false; } clusterId++; } return removed_cluster; } /** * Main Algorithm * @throws OperatorException */ public double[] evaluate() throws OperatorException { // remove small clusters boolean[] removed_cluster = new boolean[this.centroids.length]; double limit = percentage * points.length / centroids.length; removed_cluster = this.reassignPoints(removed_cluster, limit); int TotalNumberOfPoints = points.length; int NumberOfCluster = this.centroids.length; int PointDimension = this.points[0].length; // remove clusters with less points than dimensions removed_cluster = this.reassignPoints(removed_cluster, PointDimension); int[][] remove = new int[NumberOfCluster][PointDimension]; // assign distance limit -1 for error double DistanceLimit = -1; ChiSquaredDistributionImpl chi = new ChiSquaredDistributionImpl(points[0].length); try { DistanceLimit = chi.inverseCumulativeProbability(this.probability); } catch (MathException e) { System.out.println(e); } /* compute anomaly score */ double[] result = new double[TotalNumberOfPoints]; int[] workBelongsToCluster = this.belongsToCluster.clone(); int[] workClusterSize = this.clusterSize.clone(); double[] DistanceLimitPerCluster = new double[NumberOfCluster]; Arrays.fill(DistanceLimitPerCluster, DistanceLimit); this.CovariancematrixPerCluster = new CovarianceMatrix[NumberOfCluster]; // in case of fastMCD make sure don't remove any outliers and recompute // sanity check from user interface if ( == METHOD_COV_MCD) this.removeRuns = 0; for (int rem = 0; rem <= this.removeRuns; rem++) { // Associate instances to a cluster double[][][] ClusterWithPointsAssociation = new double[NumberOfCluster][][]; int[] nextId = new int[NumberOfCluster]; for (int ClusterId = 0; ClusterId < NumberOfCluster; ClusterId++) { ClusterWithPointsAssociation[ClusterId] = new double[workClusterSize[ClusterId]][PointDimension]; } for (int PointId = 0; PointId < TotalNumberOfPoints; PointId++) { int ClusterId = workBelongsToCluster[PointId]; if (ClusterId < NumberOfCluster) { ClusterWithPointsAssociation[ClusterId][nextId[ClusterId]] = this.points[PointId]; nextId[ClusterId]++; } } // Subtract mean from all if (rem == 0) { for (int ClusterId = 0; ClusterId < NumberOfCluster; ClusterId++) { double[] erw = new double[PointDimension]; for (int PointId = 0; PointId < ClusterWithPointsAssociation[ClusterId].length; PointId++) { for (int PointAttribute = 0; PointAttribute < ClusterWithPointsAssociation[ClusterId][PointId].length; PointAttribute++) { erw[PointAttribute] += ClusterWithPointsAssociation[ClusterId][PointId][PointAttribute]; } } for (int j1 = 0; j1 < erw.length; j1++) { erw[j1] = 1.0 / ClusterWithPointsAssociation[ClusterId].length * erw[j1]; } for (int PointId = 0; PointId < ClusterWithPointsAssociation[ClusterId].length; PointId++) { for (int j1 = 0; j1 < ClusterWithPointsAssociation[ClusterId][PointId].length; j1++) { ClusterWithPointsAssociation[ClusterId][PointId][j1] -= erw[j1]; } } } } // Calculate covariance for each cluster for (int ClusterId = 0; ClusterId < NumberOfCluster; ClusterId++) { if (workClusterSize[ClusterId] > 0) { double[][] data = null; // use all data instances if ( == METHOD_COV_MCD || this.cov_sampling == -1 || this.cov_sampling > ClusterWithPointsAssociation[ClusterId].length) { data = ClusterWithPointsAssociation[ClusterId]; } // sample data else { data = new double[this.cov_sampling][ClusterWithPointsAssociation[ClusterId][0].length]; int i = 0; for (Integer index : generator.nextIntSetWithRange(0, ClusterWithPointsAssociation[ClusterId].length, this.cov_sampling)) { data[i] = ClusterWithPointsAssociation[ClusterId][index]; i++; } } // in the case of MCD, do it if ( == METHOD_COV_MCD) { // we compute h from the normal probability if (this.h == -1) this.h = (int) Math.ceil(this.probability * (float) data.length); CovariancematrixPerCluster[ClusterId] = fastMDC(data, this.h); } // Regularization and Reduction else { if (CovariancematrixPerCluster[ClusterId] == null || rem < this.removeRuns) { boolean change = false; int count = 0; // Reduction Method if ( == METHOD_COV_REDUCTION) { do { change = false; int ind = -1; // look for attribute with only one value for (int i = 0; i < data[0].length; i++) { change = true; ind = i; for (int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) { if (data[j][ind] != data[0][ind]) { change = false; ind = -1; break; } } if (change) break; } if (change) { // store which attribute to remove in which cluster remove[ClusterId][ind + count] = 1; count++; double[][] dataNew = new double[data.length][data[0].length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { System.arraycopy(data[i], 0, dataNew[i], 0, ind); System.arraycopy(data[i], ind + 1, dataNew[i], ind, data[0].length - (ind + 1)); } data = dataNew; } } while (change); // calculate new distancelimit using new number of dimension chi = new ChiSquaredDistributionImpl(data[0].length); try { DistanceLimitPerCluster[ClusterId] = chi .inverseCumulativeProbability(this.probability); } catch (MathException e) { System.out.println(e); } } CovariancematrixPerCluster[ClusterId] = new CovarianceMatrix(data, numberOfThreads); } } } } // REGULARIZATION // S is the summarized covariance matrics (QDA) double[][] S = null; boolean thereisone = false; if ( == METHOD_COV_REGULARIZE) { int id = 0; for (boolean b : removed_cluster) { if (!b) { thereisone = true; break; } id++; } if (!thereisone) { throw new OperatorException( "No cluster left. This is a problem. Try not to remove small clusters or reduce number of clusters."); } S = new double[CovariancematrixPerCluster[id] .getCovMat().length][CovariancematrixPerCluster[id].getCovMat()[0].length]; for (int ClusterId = 0; ClusterId < NumberOfCluster; ClusterId++) { if (!removed_cluster[ClusterId] && CovariancematrixPerCluster[ClusterId] != null) { double[][] d = CovariancematrixPerCluster[ClusterId].getCovMat(); for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < d[i].length; j++) { S[i][j] += d[i][j]; } } } } } // reset Point-association if (rem == this.removeRuns) { workClusterSize = this.clusterSize.clone(); workBelongsToCluster = this.belongsToCluster.clone(); } for (int ClusterId = 0; ClusterId < NumberOfCluster; ClusterId++) { if (workClusterSize[ClusterId] > 0) { Matrix mh = new Matrix(CovariancematrixPerCluster[ClusterId].getCovMat()); if ( == METHOD_COV_REDUCTION && mh.det() == 0) { CovariancematrixPerCluster[ClusterId].addMinimum(); mh = new Matrix(CovariancematrixPerCluster[ClusterId].getCovMat()); } else if ( == METHOD_COV_REGULARIZE) { Matrix mS = new Matrix(S); mS = mS.times(this.regularizedLambda / this.points.length); mh = mh.times((1.0 - this.regularizedLambda)); mh =; } // This shouldn't happen ... if (mh.det() == 0) { CovariancematrixPerCluster[ClusterId].addMinimum(); mh = new Matrix(CovariancematrixPerCluster[ClusterId].getCovMat()); } mh = mh.inverse(); for (int PointId = 0; PointId < points.length; PointId++) { if (workBelongsToCluster[PointId] == ClusterId) { int sum = 0; for (int i : remove[ClusterId]) sum += i; double[] point = new double[points[PointId].length - sum]; int count = 0; for (int ind = 0; ind < remove[ClusterId].length; ind++) { if (remove[ClusterId][ind] == 1) count++; int newid = ind - count; if (newid < 0) continue; point[newid] = this.points[PointId][newid]; } double mahaDist; if ( == 0) mahaDist = mahalanobisDistance(point, mh); else mahaDist = mahalanobisDistance(this.points[PointId], mh); result[PointId] = mahaDist / DistanceLimit; // remove association for minimum covariance // determinant if (rem != this.removeRuns && mahaDist > DistanceLimitPerCluster[ClusterId]) { workBelongsToCluster[PointId] = NumberOfCluster; workClusterSize[ClusterId]--; } } } } } } return result; } private boolean hasZeroVariance(double[][] data, int[] indexArray) { boolean ret = false; for (int j = 0; j < data[0].length; j++) { double first = data[indexArray[0]][j]; ret = true; for (int i = 1; i < indexArray.length; i++) { if (data[indexArray[i]][j] != first) { ret = false; break; } } if (ret) break; } return ret; } private HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>> getInit10(double[][] data, int[] indexArray, int h, int n, int p) { class Worker extends Thread { private double[][] data; private int[] indexArray; private int h; private int n; private int p; private int runs; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private int id; private HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>> map = new HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>>(); public HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>> getMap() { return; } public Worker(double[][] data, int[] indexArray, int h, int n, int p, int runs, int id) { = data; this.indexArray = indexArray; this.h = h; this.n = n; this.p = p; this.runs = runs; = id; } public void run() { boolean zero = hasZeroVariance(data, indexArray); // repeat (say) 500 times: for (int run = 0; run < this.runs; run++) { LinkedList<double[]> list = new LinkedList<double[]>(); boolean[] taken = new boolean[n]; int count = 0; // Draw a random (p + 1)-subset J, and then compute To // := ave(J) and So := cov(J). while (count < (p + 1)) { for (int index : generator.nextIntSetWithRange(0, n, (p + 1))) { if (!taken[index]) { list.push(data[indexArray[index]]); taken[index] = true; count++; } } } CovarianceMatrix ret = new CovarianceMatrix(list, 1); Matrix mat = new Matrix(ret.getCovMat()); if (zero) { ret.addMinimum(); mat = new Matrix(ret.getCovMat()); } // If det(S_0) = 0, then extend J by adding another // random observation, and continue adding observations // until det(S_0) > 0. while (mat.det() == 0) { int index; do { index = generator.nextInt(n); } while (taken[index]); taken[index] = true; boolean b = true; for (boolean t : taken) b &= t; list.push(data[indexArray[index]]); ret = new CovarianceMatrix(list, 1); if (b) { //all Points are taken ret.addMinimum(); } mat = new Matrix(ret.getCovMat()); } list = null; // carry out two C-steps for (int rep = 0; rep < 2; rep++) { ret = Cstep(ret, data, indexArray, h); } map = getSorted(map, ret, 10); } } } Worker[] wa = new Worker[this.numberOfThreads]; int runs = (int) (this.initIteration / this.numberOfThreads); for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfThreads; i++) { Worker w = new Worker(data, indexArray, h, n, p, runs, i); w.start(); wa[i] = w; } for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfThreads; i++) { try { wa[i].join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>> map = new HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfThreads; i++) { for (Double k : wa[i].getMap().keySet()) { for (CovarianceMatrix mat : wa[i].getMap().get(k)) map = getSorted(map, mat, 10); } wa[i] = null; } wa = null; return map; } private HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>> getSorted( HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>> map, CovarianceMatrix ret, int count) { Matrix mh = new Matrix(ret.getCovMat()); double det = mh.det(); if (map.containsKey(det)) { LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix> temp = map.get(det); temp.push(ret); map.put(det, temp); } else { LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix> temp = new LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>(); temp.push(ret); map.put(det, temp); } if (map.keySet().size() > count) { ArrayList<Double> sortedList = new ArrayList<Double>(); sortedList.addAll(map.keySet()); Collections.sort(sortedList); map.remove(sortedList.get(sortedList.size() - 1)); sortedList = null; } return map; } private HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>> fast(double[][] data, int h, int n, int p) { class StepWorker extends Thread { private int id; private HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>>> map2; private double[][] data; private int[] indexArray; private int h_sub; private HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>> retMap; private int anz; public StepWorker(int anz, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>>> map, int id, double[][] data, int[] indexArray, int h_sub) { = id; this.map2 = map; = data; this.indexArray = indexArray; this.h_sub = h_sub; = anz; this.retMap = new HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>>(); } public HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>> getMap() { return this.retMap; } public void run() { for (int id = ( * anz); id <= (( * anz) + anz); id++) { if (map2.containsKey(id)) { HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>> map = map2.get(id); for (double d : map.keySet()) { LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix> l = map.get(d); for (CovarianceMatrix c : l) { CovarianceMatrix ret = c; for (int rep = 0; rep < 2; rep++) ret = Cstep(ret, data, indexArray, h_sub); retMap = getSorted(retMap, ret, 10); } } } } } } // construct up to five disjoint random subsets of size nsub according // to Section 3.3 (say, five subsets of size nsub = 300); double anz_subset = this.numberOfSubsets; double anz_points = Math.floor(data.length / anz_subset); boolean[] taken = new boolean[data.length]; int merge_id = 0; // keep the 10 best results (Tsub, Ssub); HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>>> map2 = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>>>(); for (int i = 0; i < anz_subset; i++) { int dim = (int) anz_points; int[] indexArray = new int[dim]; // create sub-dataset for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { int index; do { index = generator.nextInt(n); } while (taken[index]); taken[index] = true; indexArray[j] = index; } double h_sub = Math.ceil((dim * (h / (n * 1.0)))); HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>> map = getInit10(data, indexArray, (int) h_sub, dim, p); if (!map2.containsKey(merge_id)) map2.put(merge_id, map); else { HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>> hilf = map2.get(merge_id); for (double k : map.keySet()) { if (!hilf.containsKey(k)) hilf.put(k, map.get(k)); else { LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix> h1 = hilf.get(k); h1.addAll(map.get(k)); hilf.put(k, h1); } } map2.put(merge_id, hilf); } if ((i % 5) == 0 && i != 0) { merge_id++; } } // pool the subsets, yielding the merged set (say, of size nmerged = // 1,500); anz_subset = Math.floor(data.length / 1500.0); if (anz_subset <= 0) anz_subset = 1; anz_points = Math.floor(data.length / anz_subset); taken = new boolean[data.length]; double h_sub = Math.ceil((anz_points * (h / (n * 1.0)))); int dim = (int) anz_points; int[] indexArray = new int[dim]; for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { int index; do { index = generator.nextInt(n); } while (taken[index]); taken[index] = true; indexArray[j] = index; } int anz = map2.keySet().size() % this.numberOfThreads; StepWorker[] wa = new StepWorker[this.numberOfThreads]; for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfThreads; i++) { wa[i] = new StepWorker(anz, map2, i, data, indexArray, (int) h_sub); wa[i].start(); } for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfThreads; i++) { try { wa[i].join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } map2 = null; HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>> map3 = new HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfThreads; i++) { for (Double k : wa[i].getMap().keySet()) { for (CovarianceMatrix mat : wa[i].getMap().get(k)) map3 = getSorted(map3, mat, 10); } } // in the full dataset, repeat for the m_full best results: HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>> map4 = new HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>>(); indexArray = new int[data.length]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { indexArray[i] = i; } for (double d : map3.keySet()) { LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix> l = map3.get(d); for (CovarianceMatrix c : l) { map4 = getSorted(map4, convergence(data, indexArray, c, h), 10); } } map3 = null; return map4; } private CovarianceMatrix convergence(double[][] data, int[] indexArray, CovarianceMatrix pre, int h) { Matrix pre_mat; double pre_det; Matrix post_mat; double post_det; boolean loop = true; pre_mat = new Matrix(pre.getCovMat()); pre_det = pre_mat.det(); do { CovarianceMatrix post = Cstep(pre, data, indexArray, h); post_mat = new Matrix(post.getCovMat()); post_det = post_mat.det(); // Repeating C-steps yields an iteration // process. If det(S_2) = 0 or det(S_2) = // det(S_1), we stop; if (post_det >= pre_det || post_det == 0) { loop = false; } else { pre = post; pre_mat = post_mat; pre_det = post_det; } } while (loop); return pre; } private CovarianceMatrix fastMDC(double[][] data, int h) { CovarianceMatrix ret = null; int n = data.length; // If n is small (say, n <= 600) int small = this.fastMCDPoints; int p = data[0].length; int low = (n + p + 1) / 2; // The default h is [(n + p + 1)/2], but the user may choose any integer // h with [(n + p + 1)/2] <= h <= n if (h < low || h > n) { h = low; } // If h = n, then the MCn location estimate T is the average of the // whole dataset, and the MCn scatter estimate S is its covariance // matrix. Report these and stop. if (h == n) { ret = new CovarianceMatrix(data, this.numberOfThreads); } else { // If p = 1 (univariate data), compute the MCn esti-mate (T, S) by // the exact algorithm of Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987, pp. 171-172) in // O(n log n) time; then stop. // if (p == 1) { // ret = new CovarianceMatrix(data, 1); //} //else { if (n <= small) { int[] indexArray = new int[data.length]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { indexArray[i] = i; } HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>> map = getInit10(data, indexArray, h, n, p); HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>> map2 = new HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>>(); // for the 10 results with lowest det(S_3) for (LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix> covlist : map.values()) { for (CovarianceMatrix covmat : covlist) { CovarianceMatrix pre = convergence(data, indexArray, covmat, h); Matrix pre_mat = new Matrix(pre.getCovMat()); double pre_det = pre_mat.det(); if (map2.containsKey(pre_det)) { LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix> hilf = map2.get(pre_det); hilf.push(pre); map2.put(pre_det, hilf); } else { LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix> hilf = new LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>(); hilf.push(pre); map2.put(pre_det, hilf); } } } // report the solution (T, S) with lowest det(S) ArrayList<Double> sortedList = new ArrayList<Double>(); sortedList.addAll(map2.keySet()); Collections.sort(sortedList); ret = map2.get(sortedList.get(0)).getFirst(); } else { HashMap<Double, LinkedList<CovarianceMatrix>> map = fast(data, h, n, p); ArrayList<Double> sortedList = new ArrayList<Double>(); sortedList.addAll(map.keySet()); Collections.sort(sortedList); ret = map.get(sortedList.get(0)).getFirst(); } } } return ret; } public CovarianceMatrix Cstep(CovarianceMatrix covMat, double[][] data, int[] indexArray, int h) { HashMap<Double, LinkedList<Integer>> map = new HashMap<Double, LinkedList<Integer>>(); double[][] newMat = new double[h][]; Matrix mh = new Matrix(covMat.getCovMat()); if (mh.det() == 0) { covMat.addMinimum(); mh = new Matrix(covMat.getCovMat()); } mh = mh.inverse(); // Compute the distances d_old(i) for i = 1, ... , n. for (int index = 0; index < indexArray.length; index++) { double d = this.mahalanobisDistance(data[indexArray[index]], mh); if (map.containsKey(d)) { LinkedList<Integer> hilf = map.get(d); hilf.push(index); map.put(d, hilf); } else { LinkedList<Integer> hilf = new LinkedList<Integer>(); hilf.push(index); map.put(d, hilf); } } // Sort these distances ArrayList<Double> sortedList = new ArrayList<Double>(); sortedList.addAll(map.keySet()); Collections.sort(sortedList); // take the h smallest int count = 0; Iterator<Double> iter = sortedList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Double key =; for (Integer i : map.get(key)) { newMat[count] = data[indexArray[i]]; count++; if (count >= h) break; } if (count >= h) break; } return new CovarianceMatrix(newMat, this.numberOfThreads); } /** * M dist2. * * @param point * the mu * @param centroids2 * @param sig_inv * the sig_inv * @return the double */ private double mahalanobisDistance(double[] point, Matrix sig_inv) { Matrix deltaxy = new Matrix(point, point.length); return deltaxy.transpose().times(sig_inv).times(deltaxy).get(0, 0); } }