Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2011, Benjamin Adrian <> German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) <> All rights reserved. This file is part of SCOOBIE. SCOOBIE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SCOOBIE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SCOOBIE. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * A standard labeled text corpus contains a line-based sequences of words. Each * word is followed by a set of features. Each feature separated by simple * space. In front of each word is a label that classifies it. Two newlines in * sequence separate sentences. e.g., * * <pre> * LABEL WORD FEATURE FEATURE ... FEATURE * LABEL WORD FEATURE FEATURE ... FEATURE * * LABEL WORD FEATURE FEATURE ... FEATURE * LABEL WORD FEATURE FEATURE ... FEATURE * </pre> * * @author adrian * */ public class LabeledTextCorpus extends TextCorpus { private static final String PREPOSITION = "PRP"; private static final String SUFFIX = "s:"; private static final String COLON = ","; private static final String IN = "i:"; private static final String POST = "p:"; private static final String PRE = "a:"; final static int WORD = 0; final static int POS = 1; final static int PHRASE = 2; final static int LABEL = 3; final static String OUTSIDE_ANY_LABEL = "O"; private static final String NEWLINE = "\n"; private static final String SPACE = " "; private static String CAPS = "[\\p{Lu}]"; private static String ALPHA = "[\\p{Lu}\\p{Ll}]"; private static String PUNT = "[,\\.;:?!()]"; private static String QUOTE = "[\"`']"; // private static String CAPSNUM = "[\\p{Lu}\\p{Nd}]"; // private static String ALPHANUM = "[\\p{Lu}\\p{Ll}\\p{Nd}]"; // private final static Pattern ALLCAPS = Pattern.compile(CAPS + "+"); // private final static Pattern CONTAINSDIGITS = // Pattern.compile(".*[0-9].*"); // private final static Pattern ACRO = Pattern // .compile("[A-Z][A-Z\\.]*\\.[A-Z\\.]*"); // private static Pattern ALPHNUMERIC = Pattern.compile("[A-Za-z0-9]+"); private final static Pattern MIXEDCAPS = Pattern.compile("[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*"); private final static Pattern ALLDIGITS = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+"); private final static Pattern NUMERICAL = Pattern.compile("[-0-9]+[\\.,]+[0-9\\.,]+"); private final static Pattern ROMAN = Pattern.compile("[ivxdlcm]+|[IVXDLCM]+"); private final static Pattern MULTIDOTS = Pattern.compile("\\.\\.+"); private final static Pattern ABBR = Pattern.compile(ALPHA + ALPHA + "+\\."); private final static Pattern LONELYINITIAL = Pattern.compile(CAPS + "\\."); private final static Pattern SINGLECHAR = Pattern.compile(ALPHA); private final static Pattern CAPLETTER = Pattern.compile("[A-Z]"); private final static Pattern PUNC = Pattern.compile(PUNT); private final static Pattern QUOTES = Pattern.compile(QUOTE + ALPHA + "?"); private final static Pattern ENUM = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+[" + PUNT + "a-z]+"); private final static Pattern NUMRANGE = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+-[0-9]+"); private final static Pattern DATE = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+[\\p{Punct}[0-9]+]+"); protected File labelFolder; protected MediaType labelFileMediaType; public LabeledTextCorpus(File labelFolder, MediaType labelFileMediaType, TextCorpus corpus) throws Exception { super(corpus.getCorpus(), corpus.getCorpusFileMediaType(), corpus.corpusMediaType, corpus.language); this.labelFolder = labelFolder; this.labelFileMediaType = labelFileMediaType; } public Reader getGroundTruth(final URI uri) throws Exception { if (labelFileMediaType == MediaType.DIRECTORY) { return new StringReader(FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(uri))); } else if (labelFileMediaType == MediaType.ZIP) { ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(labelFolder); String[] entryName = uri.toURL().getFile().split("/"); ZipEntry entry = zipFile.getEntry(URLDecoder.decode(entryName[entryName.length - 1], "utf-8")); if (entry != null) {"found labels for: " + uri.toString()); } else { throw new Exception("did not found labels for: " + uri.toString()); } return new InputStreamReader(zipFile.getInputStream(entry)); } else { throw new Exception("Unsupported media format for labels: " + labelFileMediaType + ". " + "Please use zip or plain directories instead."); } } /** * This method is a hook for inserting a label extraction from different * label files. */ protected Reader extractLabels(Reader in) throws Exception { return in; } public Reader toFeatureFormat(File out, final int[] ngramsize, final boolean useContext, final boolean useContent, final boolean useRegex, final double typeProportion, final int windowsize, final String... postags) throws Exception { final BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(out)); this.forEach(new DocumentProcedure<String>() { @Override public String process(Reader doc, URI uri) throws Exception { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(doc); List<List<String[]>> sentences = new ArrayList<List<String[]>>(); List<String[]> _sentence = new ArrayList<String[]>(); for (String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine()) { if (line.length() == 0 && !_sentence.isEmpty()) { sentences.add(_sentence); _sentence = new ArrayList<String[]>(); } else { _sentence.add(line.split(" ")); } } for (int sentIndex = 0; sentIndex < sentences.size(); sentIndex++) { List<String[]> sentence = sentences.get(sentIndex); List<Integer> labelIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int wordIndex = 0; wordIndex < sentence.size(); wordIndex++) { String label; if (sentence.get(wordIndex).length > 1) { label = sentence.get(wordIndex)[LABEL]; if (label.equals(OUTSIDE_ANY_LABEL)) { if (!labelIndexes.isEmpty()) { List<String> buffer = extractFeatures(labelIndexes, sentence, ngramsize, useContext, useContent, useRegex, typeProportion, windowsize, postags); boolean cont = true; int nextSentence = sentIndex + 1; while (cont && nextSentence < sentences.size()) { String[] wordFeatures = sentences.get(nextSentence).get(0); if (wordFeatures[POS].startsWith(PREPOSITION)) { // System.out.println("followed coreference"); buffer.addAll(extractFeatures(labelIndexes, sentence, ngramsize, useContext, useContent, useRegex, typeProportion, windowsize, postags)); nextSentence++; } else { cont = false; } } if (!labelIndexes.isEmpty()) { String ann = sentence.get(labelIndexes.get(0))[LABEL]; serializeExample(writer, ann, uri + "_" + sentIndex, buffer); } labelIndexes.clear(); } } else { labelIndexes.add(wordIndex); } } } } return null; } }); writer.close(); return new FileReader(out); } /** * Writes a single example to a corpus file. * * @param corpusWriter * @param exampleLabel * @param exampleName * @param exampleData * @throws IOException */ public static void serializeExample(Writer corpusWriter, String exampleLabel, String exampleName, List<String> exampleData) throws IOException { if (!exampleData.isEmpty()) { corpusWriter.append(exampleName); corpusWriter.append(SPACE); corpusWriter.append(exampleLabel); for (String ft : exampleData) { corpusWriter.append(SPACE); corpusWriter.append(ft); } corpusWriter.append(NEWLINE); } } /** * This method extracts features from sentences that describe the type of a * given phrase. * * @param sentence * @param phrase * @return */ public static List<String> extractFeatures(List<Integer> labelIndexes, List<String[]> sentence, int[] nGramSizes, boolean useContext, boolean useContent, boolean useRegex, double typeProp, int windowsize, String... postags) { final List<String> text = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<String> prefixes = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<String> infixes = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<String> postfixes = new ArrayList<String>(); final Set<String> matchPos = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(postags)); int lower = labelIndexes.get(0); int upper = labelIndexes.get(labelIndexes.size() - 1); for (int wordPosInSen = 0; wordPosInSen < sentence.size(); wordPosInSen++) { String[] word = sentence.get(wordPosInSen); if (wordPosInSen < lower) { if (wordPosInSen - lower > -windowsize) { prefixes.addAll(scanWordContent(typeProp, matchPos, word, useRegex)); } } else if (wordPosInSen >= lower && wordPosInSen <= upper) { infixes.addAll(scanWordSyntax(word, useRegex, true)); } else if (wordPosInSen > upper) { if (wordPosInSen - upper < windowsize) { postfixes.addAll(scanWordContent(typeProp, matchPos, word, useRegex)); } } } if (useContext) { for (int n : nGramSizes) { text.addAll(calculateNgrams(n, prefixes, PRE)); text.addAll(calculateNgrams(n, postfixes, POST)); } } if (useContent) { text.addAll(calculateNgrams(1, infixes, IN)); } return text; } /** * Geerates a confusion matrix * * @param _corpus * @return */ public Reader compare(LabeledTextCorpus _corpus) { return null; } public static Collection<String> scanWordContent(double probUseType, Set<String> matchPos, String[] wordFeatureVector, boolean useRegex) { Collection<String> returnValues = new HashSet<String>(); if (wordFeatureVector.length == 4) { if (wordFeatureVector[LABEL].equals(OUTSIDE_ANY_LABEL)) { if (wordFeatureVector[POS].length() > 1 && matchPos.contains(wordFeatureVector[POS].substring(0, 2))) { returnValues.addAll(scanWordSyntax(wordFeatureVector, useRegex, false)); } else { if (wordFeatureVector[LABEL].length() > 1) { returnValues.addAll(scanWordSyntax(wordFeatureVector, useRegex, false)); } } } else { double d = new Random().nextDouble(); if (d <= probUseType) { returnValues.add(wordFeatureVector[LABEL]); } else { if (wordFeatureVector[LABEL].length() > 1) { returnValues.addAll(scanWordSyntax(wordFeatureVector, useRegex, false)); } } } } return returnValues; } public static List<String> calculateNgrams(int nGramSize, List<String> sequence, String before) { List<String> text = new ArrayList<String>(); int newNOfNGrams = Math.min(sequence.size(), nGramSize); if (newNOfNGrams > 0) { for (int i = newNOfNGrams; i <= sequence.size(); i++) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); List<String> l = sequence.subList(i - newNOfNGrams, i); for (int j = 0; j < l.size(); j++) { b.append(l.get(j)); if (j < l.size() - 1) { b.append(COLON); } } text.add(before + b); } } return text; } public static Collection<String> scanWordSyntax(String[] wordFeatureVector, boolean useRegex, boolean useSuffix) { String token = wordFeatureVector[WORD]; boolean usedRegex = false; Collection<String> tokens = new HashSet<String>(); if (useRegex) { if (MIXEDCAPS.matcher(wordFeatureVector[WORD]).matches()) { token = "MIXEDCAPS"; usedRegex = true; } if (ALLDIGITS.matcher(wordFeatureVector[WORD]).matches()) { token = "ALLDIGITS"; usedRegex = true; } if (NUMERICAL.matcher(wordFeatureVector[WORD]).matches()) { token = "NUMERICAL"; usedRegex = true; } if (DATE.matcher(wordFeatureVector[WORD]).matches()) { token = "DATE"; usedRegex = true; } if (ROMAN.matcher(wordFeatureVector[WORD]).matches()) { token = "ROMAN"; usedRegex = true; } if (MULTIDOTS.matcher(wordFeatureVector[WORD]).matches()) { token = "MULTIDOTS"; usedRegex = true; } if (LONELYINITIAL.matcher(wordFeatureVector[WORD]).matches()) { token = "LONELYINITIAL"; usedRegex = true; } if (ABBR.matcher(wordFeatureVector[WORD]).matches()) { token = "ABBR"; usedRegex = true; } if (SINGLECHAR.matcher(wordFeatureVector[WORD]).matches()) { token = "SINGLECHARALLCAPS"; usedRegex = true; } if (CAPLETTER.matcher(wordFeatureVector[WORD]).matches()) { token = "CAPLETTER"; usedRegex = true; } if (PUNC.matcher(wordFeatureVector[WORD]).matches()) { token = "PUNC"; usedRegex = true; } if (QUOTES.matcher(wordFeatureVector[WORD]).matches()) { token = "QUOTES"; usedRegex = true; } if (ENUM.matcher(wordFeatureVector[WORD]).matches()) { token = "ENUM"; usedRegex = true; } if (NUMRANGE.matcher(wordFeatureVector[WORD]).matches()) { token = "NUMRANGE"; usedRegex = true; } } if (!usedRegex && token.length() > 3 && useSuffix) { tokens.add(SUFFIX + token.substring(token.length() - 3, token.length())); } tokens.add(token); return tokens; } }