Source code

Java tutorial


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 * The DecidR Development Team licenses this file to you under
 * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package de.decidr.ui.view;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

import com.vaadin.service.ApplicationContext;
import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.WebApplicationContext;

import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;

import com.vaadin.terminal.PaintException;
import com.vaadin.terminal.PaintTarget;
import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent;
import com.vaadin.ui.ClientWidget;

import de.decidr.model.XmlTools;
import de.decidr.model.acl.roles.Role;
import de.decidr.model.annotations.Reviewed;
import de.decidr.model.annotations.Reviewed.State;
import de.decidr.model.entities.User;
import de.decidr.model.entities.WorkflowModel;
import de.decidr.model.exceptions.TransactionException;
import de.decidr.model.facades.TenantFacade;
import de.decidr.model.facades.WorkflowModelFacade;
import de.decidr.model.logging.DefaultLogger;
import de.decidr.ui.main.DecidrUI;
import de.decidr.ui.view.client.ui.VWorkflowModelEditor;

 * This class represents the server side component of the modeling tool widget
 * which is integrated into the Vaadin web portal. It is used to communicate
 * with the client side of the modeling tool widget.
 * @author AT
 * @author Jonas Schlaak
 * @author Daniel Huss
@Reviewed(reviewers = { "unknown" }, lastRevision = "0", currentReviewState = State.NeedsReview)
public class WorkflowModelEditorComponent extends AbstractComponent {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -2284244108529453836L;

    private Logger logger = DefaultLogger.getLogger(WorkflowModelEditorComponent.class);

    private Long tenantId = null;
    private Role role = null;
    private TenantFacade tenantFacade = null;
    private WorkflowModelFacade workflowModelFacade = null;
    private Long workflowModelId = null;
    private HashMap<Long, String> userMap = null;
    private String name = "";
    private String description = "";

     * Initializes the server side components which are needed to gain access to
     * the database.
    public WorkflowModelEditorComponent(Long workflowModelId) {
        role = DecidrUI.getCurrent().getCurrentUser();
        tenantId = DecidrUI.getCurrent().getCurrentTenantId();
        tenantFacade = new TenantFacade(role);
        workflowModelFacade = new WorkflowModelFacade(role);
        this.workflowModelId = workflowModelId;

     * Add a property to the current HTTP session.
     * This is used by the WSDLUploadServlet (which is in turn used by the
     * Service Task property window) to authenticate the user.
    private void setSessionAuthenticated() {
        ApplicationContext context = DecidrUI.getCurrent().getContext();
        if (context instanceof WebApplicationContext) {
            Long userId = DecidrUI.getCurrent().getCurrentUser().getActorId();
            ((WebApplicationContext) context).getHttpSession().setAttribute("authenticatedUser", userId);
        } else {
            logger.error("Cannot get HTTP session. Service Task will not work properly");


    public void changeVariables(Object source, Map variables) {
        super.changeVariables(source, variables);
        logger.debug("[Modeling Tool] Trying to store the DWDL...");
        if (variables.containsKey("dwdl")) {
            String dwdl = variables.get("dwdl").toString();
            logger.debug("This is the dwdl:\n" + dwdl);
            try {
                workflowModelFacade.saveWorkflowModel(workflowModelId, name, description, dwdl);
                logger.debug("[Modeling Tool] DWDL stored successfully.");
            } catch (TransactionException e) {
                DecidrUI.getCurrent().addWindow(new TransactionErrorDialogComponent(e));
                logger.debug("[Modeling Tool] DWDL storing failed.");
            DecidrUI.getCurrent().getMainWindow().showNotification("Success", "Workflow Model successfully saved.");
        } else {
            logger.debug("[Modeling Tool] Client variables did not" + " contain a dwdl key.");

     * Converts a user map into an XML string. This has to be done because the
     * Vaadin interface can only transmit simple types.
     * @param userMap
     *            list of tenant users as map
     * @return xml formatted user list
    private String convertUserMapToString(HashMap<Long, String> userMap) {
        Document doc = XmlTools.createDocument();

        Element rootElement = doc.createElement("userlist");

        for (Long userId : userMap.keySet()) {
            Element user = doc.createElement("user");
            user.setAttribute("id", userId.toString());
            user.setAttribute("name", userMap.get(userId));


        Properties outputProperties = new Properties();
        outputProperties.setProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");
        outputProperties.setProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");

        return XmlTools.getXmlString(doc, outputProperties);

    private String getDWDL() {
        try {
            WorkflowModel workflowModel = workflowModelFacade.getWorkflowModel(workflowModelId);
            String dwdl = new String(workflowModel.getDwdl());
            name = workflowModel.getName();
            description = workflowModel.getDescription();
            logger.debug("[Modeling Tool] Retrieving dwdl document was" + " successful");
            logger.debug("This is the dwdl:\n" + dwdl);
            return dwdl;
        } catch (TransactionException e) {
            DecidrUI.getCurrent().addWindow(new TransactionErrorDialogComponent(e));
            logger.debug("[Modeling Tool] Retrieving dwdl document failed");
            return null;

    private String getUsers() {
        userMap = new HashMap<Long, String>();
        try {
            logger.debug("[Modeling Tool] Trying to get " + "the tenant user list...");
            List<User> users = tenantFacade.getUsersOfTenant(tenantId, null);
            for (User user : users) {
                if ((user.getUserProfile() == null) || user.getUserProfile().getUsername().equals("")) {
                     * If the username is empty, we want to display the email
                     * address as username.
                    userMap.put(user.getId(), user.getEmail());
                } else {
                     * username is not empty, but we want to set the username to
                     * a more "fancy" string, for example: John Doe (jdoe42)
                    String username = user.getUserProfile().getUsername();
                    userMap.put(user.getId(), username);
                    "[Modeling Tool] Succeded retrieving " + "tenant user list. No. of users: " + userMap.size());
            String userXMLString = convertUserMapToString(userMap);
            return userXMLString;
        } catch (TransactionException exception) {
            DecidrUI.getCurrent().addWindow(new TransactionErrorDialogComponent(exception));
            logger.debug("[Modeling Tool] Failed retrieving tenant user list.");
            return null;

    public void paintContent(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException {
        target.addVariable(this, "dwdl", getDWDL());
        target.addVariable(this, "users", getUsers());