Java tutorial
/* * The DecidR Development Team licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package de.decidr.model.facades; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import de.decidr.model.DecidrGlobals; import de.decidr.model.acl.permissions.FileDeletePermission; import de.decidr.model.acl.permissions.FilePermission; import de.decidr.model.acl.permissions.FileReadPermission; import de.decidr.model.acl.permissions.FileReplacePermission; import de.decidr.model.acl.roles.BasicRole; import de.decidr.model.acl.roles.SuperAdminRole; import de.decidr.model.acl.roles.TenantAdminRole; import de.decidr.model.acl.roles.UserRole; import de.decidr.model.acl.roles.WorkflowAdminRole; import de.decidr.model.entities.ExecutableWorkflowModelView; import de.decidr.model.entities.Tenant; import de.decidr.model.entities.TenantSummaryView; import de.decidr.model.entities.TenantWithAdminView; import de.decidr.model.entities.User; import de.decidr.model.entities.WorkflowModel; import de.decidr.model.exceptions.TransactionException; import de.decidr.model.filters.Paginator; import de.decidr.model.testing.LowLevelDatabaseTest; /** * Test case for <code>{@link TenantFacade}</code>. Some of the methods can't be * tested easily within the confines of a unit test, as they interact with web * services. These methods will be tested at a later point in time when the most * important test cases are written or during the system test. * * @author Reinhold */ public class TenantFacadeTest extends LowLevelDatabaseTest { private static final String TEST_NAME = "Doofus"; private static final String TEST_DESC = "?"; static TenantFacade adminFacade; static TenantFacade userFacade; static TenantFacade nullFacade; private Long testTenantID; private Long invalidTenantID; private static Long testAdminID; /** * Initialises the facade instances. */ @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws TransactionException { adminFacade = new TenantFacade(new SuperAdminRole(DecidrGlobals.getSettings().getSuperAdmin().getId())); userFacade = new TenantFacade(new BasicRole(0L)); nullFacade = new TenantFacade(null); testAdminID = DecidrGlobals.getSettings().getSuperAdmin().getId(); new UserFacade(new SuperAdminRole(DecidrGlobals.getSettings().getSuperAdmin().getId())) .setDisabledSince(testAdminID, null); try { adminFacade.deleteTenant( ((Tenant) session.createQuery("FROM Tenant WHERE name = '" + TEST_NAME + "'").uniqueResult()) .getId()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // doesn't matter } } @Before public void createDefaultTenant() throws TransactionException { testTenantID = adminFacade.createTenant(TEST_NAME, TEST_DESC, testAdminID); assertNotNull(testTenantID); if (invalidTenantID == null) { long invalidID = Long.MIN_VALUE; for (long l = invalidID; session.createQuery("FROM User WHERE id = :given").setLong("given", l) .uniqueResult() != null; l++) { invalidID = l + 1; } invalidTenantID = invalidID; } assertNotNull(invalidTenantID); } @After public void deleteDefaultTenant() { invalidTenantID = testTenantID; if (testTenantID != null) { try { adminFacade.deleteTenant(testTenantID); } catch (TransactionException e) { // doesn't matter as long as it's gone } } } /** * Test method for {@link TenantFacade#addTenantMember(Long, Long)}. */ @Test public void testAddTenantMember() throws TransactionException { // UserFacade adminUserFacade = new UserFacade(new SuperAdminRole( // DecidrGlobals.getSettings().getSuperAdmin().getId())); UserFacadeTest.deleteTestUsers(); // UserProfile userProfile = new UserProfile(); // userProfile.setUsername("testname"); // Long secondUserID = adminUserFacade.registerUser(UserFacadeTest // .getTestEmail(0), "ads", userProfile); TenantFacade userFacade = new TenantFacade(new TenantAdminRole(testAdminID)); try { nullFacade.addTenantMember(testTenantID, testAdminID); fail("managed to add a tenant member using null facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { adminFacade.addTenantMember(null, testAdminID); fail("managed to add a tenant member using null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to happen } try { adminFacade.addTenantMember(testTenantID, null); fail("managed to add a tenant member using null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to happen } try { adminFacade.addTenantMember(testTenantID, UserFacadeTest.getInvalidUserID()); fail("managed to add a tenant member using invalid user ID"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { adminFacade.addTenantMember(invalidTenantID, testAdminID); fail("managed to add a tenant member using invalid tenant ID"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { userFacade.addTenantMember(null, testAdminID); fail("managed to add a tenant member using null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to happen } try { userFacade.addTenantMember(testTenantID, null); fail("managed to add a tenant member using null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to happen } try { userFacade.addTenantMember(testTenantID, UserFacadeTest.getInvalidUserID()); fail("managed to add a tenant member using invalid user ID"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { userFacade.addTenantMember(invalidTenantID, testAdminID); fail("managed to add a tenant member using invalid tenant ID"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } // adminFacade.addTenantMember(testTenantID, secondUserID); // assertEquals(2, adminFacade.getUsersOfTenant(testTenantID, // null).size()); // adminFacade.addTenantMember(testTenantID, secondUserID); // assertEquals(2, adminFacade.getUsersOfTenant(testTenantID, // null).size()); // // assertEquals(2, adminFacade.getUsersOfTenant(testTenantID, // null).size()); // userFacade.addTenantMember(testTenantID, secondUserID); // assertEquals(2, adminFacade.getUsersOfTenant(testTenantID, // null).size()); // userFacade.addTenantMember(testTenantID, secondUserID); // assertEquals(2, adminFacade.getUsersOfTenant(testTenantID, // null).size()); UserFacadeTest.deleteTestUsers(); } /** * Test method for {@link TenantFacade#getTenantsToApprove(List, Paginator)} * and {@link TenantFacade#approveTenants(List)}. */ @Test public void testApproveTenants() throws TransactionException { List<TenantWithAdminView> tenants = adminFacade.getTenantsToApprove(null, null); assertNotNull(tenants); assertFalse(tenants.isEmpty()); List<Long> tenantIDs = new ArrayList<Long>(tenants.size()); for (TenantWithAdminView tenant : tenants) { assertNotNull(tenant.getId()); assertNotNull(tenant.getName()); tenant.getAdminFirstName(); tenant.getAdminLastName(); assertNotNull(tenant.getAdminId()); tenantIDs.add(tenant.getId()); } try { userFacade.getTenantsToApprove(null, null); fail("managed to get a list of tenants to approve using basic user facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { nullFacade.getTenantsToApprove(null, null); fail("managed to get a list of tenants to approve using null facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { adminFacade.approveTenants(null); fail("managed to approve tenants without specifying them"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to happen } try { userFacade.approveTenants(tenantIDs); fail("managed to approve tenants using basic user facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { nullFacade.approveTenants(tenantIDs); fail("managed to approve tenants using null facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } adminFacade.approveTenants(tenantIDs); adminFacade.approveTenants(tenantIDs); adminFacade.approveTenants(new ArrayList<Long>(1)); assertTrue(adminFacade.getTenantsToApprove(null, null).isEmpty()); } /** * Test method for {@link TenantFacade#setColorScheme(Long, Long, boolean)}, * {@link TenantFacade#setCurrentColorScheme(Long, boolean)} and * {@link TenantFacade#getCurrentColorScheme(Long)}. */ @Test public void testColorScheme() throws TransactionException, IOException { Set<Class<? extends FilePermission>> publicPermissions = new HashSet<Class<? extends FilePermission>>(); publicPermissions.add(FileReadPermission.class); publicPermissions.add(FileDeletePermission.class); publicPermissions.add(FileReplacePermission.class); FileFacade fileFacade = new FileFacade( new SuperAdminRole(DecidrGlobals.getSettings().getSuperAdmin().getId())); Long simpleSize = FileFacadeTest .getInputStreamSize(TenantFacadeTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/test_simple_cs.css")); Long advSize = FileFacadeTest .getInputStreamSize(TenantFacadeTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/test_adv_cs.css")); Long simpleID = fileFacade.createFile(TenantFacadeTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/test_simple_cs.css"), simpleSize, "test_simple_cs.css", "text/plain", false, publicPermissions); Long advancedID = fileFacade.createFile(TenantFacadeTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/test_adv_cs.css"), advSize, "test_adv_cs.css", "text/plain", false, publicPermissions); assertNull(adminFacade.getCurrentColorScheme(testTenantID)); assertNull(userFacade.getCurrentColorScheme(testTenantID)); adminFacade.setCurrentColorScheme(testTenantID, true); adminFacade.setCurrentColorScheme(testTenantID, false); try { adminFacade.getCurrentColorScheme(invalidTenantID); fail("managed getting invalid facade's color scheme"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { userFacade.getCurrentColorScheme(invalidTenantID); fail("managed getting invalid facade's color scheme"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { adminFacade.setCurrentColorScheme(invalidTenantID, true); fail("managed setting invalid facade's color scheme"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { adminFacade.setCurrentColorScheme(invalidTenantID, false); fail("managed setting invalid facade's color scheme"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } adminFacade.setColorScheme(testTenantID, simpleID, false); adminFacade.setColorScheme(testTenantID, advancedID, true); adminFacade.setCurrentColorScheme(testTenantID, true); assertEquals(advSize, (Long) FileFacadeTest.getInputStreamSize(adminFacade.getCurrentColorScheme(testTenantID))); assertTrue( FileFacadeTest.compareInputStreams(TenantFacadeTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/test_adv_cs.css"), adminFacade.getCurrentColorScheme(testTenantID))); assertEquals(advSize, (Long) FileFacadeTest.getInputStreamSize(userFacade.getCurrentColorScheme(testTenantID))); assertTrue( FileFacadeTest.compareInputStreams(TenantFacadeTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/test_adv_cs.css"), userFacade.getCurrentColorScheme(testTenantID))); adminFacade.setCurrentColorScheme(testTenantID, false); assertEquals(simpleSize, (Long) FileFacadeTest.getInputStreamSize(adminFacade.getCurrentColorScheme(testTenantID))); assertTrue(FileFacadeTest.compareInputStreams( TenantFacadeTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/test_simple_cs.css"), adminFacade.getCurrentColorScheme(testTenantID))); assertEquals(simpleSize, (Long) FileFacadeTest.getInputStreamSize(userFacade.getCurrentColorScheme(testTenantID))); assertTrue(FileFacadeTest.compareInputStreams( TenantFacadeTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/test_simple_cs.css"), userFacade.getCurrentColorScheme(testTenantID))); } /** * Test method for {@link TenantFacade#getAllTenants(List, Paginator)}. */ @Test public void testGetAllTenants() throws TransactionException { try { userFacade.getAllTenants(null, null); fail("managed to get a list of all tenants using basic user facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { nullFacade.getAllTenants(null, null); fail("managed to get a list of all tenants using null facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } List<TenantSummaryView> tenants = adminFacade.getAllTenants(null, null); List<TenantSummaryView> compare = adminFacade.getAllTenants(null, null); assertNotNull(tenants); assertFalse(tenants.isEmpty()); assertNotNull(compare); assertFalse(compare.isEmpty()); assertEquals(tenants.size(), compare.size()); try { for (int i = 0; i < tenants.size(); i++) { for (String property : new String[] { "adminFirstName", "id", "adminLastName", "numDeployedWorkflowModels", "numMembers", "numWorkflowInstances", "tenantName", "numWorkflowModels" }) { assertEquals(BeanUtils.getProperty(tenants.get(i), property), BeanUtils.getProperty(compare.get(i), property)); } } } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Test method for {@link TenantFacade#getTenant(String)}. */ @Test public void testGetTenantId() throws TransactionException { String invalidName = TEST_NAME + "invalid"; assertEquals(testTenantID, adminFacade.getTenant(TEST_NAME).getId()); assertEquals(testTenantID, userFacade.getTenant(TEST_NAME).getId()); try { Long id = adminFacade.getTenant(invalidName).getId(); adminFacade.deleteTenant(id); fail("getting invalid tenant ID succeeded"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // indicates the state we want } try { nullFacade.getTenant(TEST_NAME); fail("managed to get tenant ID with null facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { adminFacade.getTenant((String) null); fail("managed to get tenant ID with null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to happen } try { adminFacade.getTenant(""); fail("managed to get tenant ID with empty parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to happen } try { adminFacade.getTenant(invalidName); fail("managed to get tenant ID with invalid parameter"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { userFacade.getTenant((Long) null); fail("managed to get tenant ID with null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to happen } try { userFacade.getTenant(""); fail("managed to get tenant ID with empty parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to happen } try { userFacade.getTenant(invalidName); fail("managed to get tenant ID with invalid parameter"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } } /** * Test method for {@link TenantFacade#getUsersOfTenant(Long, Paginator)}. */ @Test public void testGetUsersOfTenant() throws TransactionException { TenantFacade userFacade = new TenantFacade(new WorkflowAdminRole(testAdminID)); try { nullFacade.getUsersOfTenant(testTenantID, null); fail("managed to get users of tenant using null facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { adminFacade.getUsersOfTenant(null, null); fail("managed to get users of tenant using null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { userFacade.getUsersOfTenant(null, null); fail("managed to get users of tenant using null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to be thrown } assertEquals(1, adminFacade.getUsersOfTenant(testTenantID, null).size()); assertEquals(1, userFacade.getUsersOfTenant(testTenantID, null).size()); User user = adminFacade.getUsersOfTenant(testTenantID, null).get(0); assertNotNull(user.getId()); assertNotNull(user.getEmail()); } /** * Test method for * {@link TenantFacade#getWorkflowInstances(Long, Paginator)}. */ @Test public void testGetWorkflowInstances() throws TransactionException { assertTrue(adminFacade.getWorkflowInstances(testTenantID, null).isEmpty()); try { adminFacade.getWorkflowInstances(invalidTenantID, null); fail("managed to get workflow instances for invalid tenant ID"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { adminFacade.getWorkflowInstances(null, null); fail("managed to get workflow instances with null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to happen } try { nullFacade.getWorkflowInstances(testTenantID, null); fail("managed to get workflow instances with null facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { userFacade.getWorkflowInstances(testTenantID, null); fail("managed to get workflow instances with normal user facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } } /** * Test method for {@link TenantFacade#setLogo(Long, Long)} and * {@link TenantFacade#getLogo(Long)}. */ @Test public void testLogo() throws TransactionException, IOException { TenantFacade userFacade = new TenantFacade(new UserRole(testAdminID)); FileFacade fileFacade = new FileFacade(new SuperAdminRole(testAdminID)); InputStream logoStream = TenantFacadeTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/decidr.jpg"); assertNotNull(logoStream); Set<Class<? extends FilePermission>> publicPermissions = new HashSet<Class<? extends FilePermission>>(); publicPermissions.add(FileReadPermission.class); publicPermissions.add(FileDeletePermission.class); publicPermissions.add(FileReplacePermission.class); Long logoID = fileFacade.createFile(logoStream, FileFacadeTest.getInputStreamSize(TenantFacadeTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/decidr.jpg")), "decidr.jpg", "image/jpeg", false, publicPermissions); Long invalidLogoID = FileFacadeTest.getInvalidFileID(); try { nullFacade.setLogo(testTenantID, logoID); fail("managed to set tenant logo using null facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { nullFacade.getLogo(testTenantID); fail("managed to get tenant logo using null facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { adminFacade.setLogo(null, logoID); fail("managed to set tenant logo using null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { adminFacade.setLogo(invalidTenantID, logoID); fail("managed to set tenant logo using invalid tenant ID"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { adminFacade.setLogo(testTenantID, invalidLogoID); fail("managed to set tenant logo using invalid logo ID"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { adminFacade.getLogo(null); fail("managed to get tenant logo using null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { userFacade.setLogo(null, logoID); fail("managed to set tenant logo using null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { userFacade.setLogo(testTenantID, null); fail("managed to set tenant logo using null parameter"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { userFacade.setLogo(invalidTenantID, logoID); fail("managed to set tenant logo using invalid tenant ID"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { userFacade.setLogo(testTenantID, invalidLogoID); fail("managed to set tenant logo using invalid logo ID"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { userFacade.getLogo(null); fail("managed to get tenant logo using null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to be thrown } assertNull(adminFacade.getLogo(testTenantID)); adminFacade.setLogo(testTenantID, logoID); assertNotNull(adminFacade.getLogo(testTenantID)); long fileSizeBytes = fileFacade.getFileInfo(logoID).getFileSizeBytes(); byte[] streamLogo = new byte[(int) fileSizeBytes]; byte[] tenantLogo = new byte[(int) fileSizeBytes]; assertEquals(fileSizeBytes, TenantFacadeTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/decidr.jpg").read(streamLogo)); assertEquals(fileSizeBytes, adminFacade.getLogo(testTenantID).read(tenantLogo)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(streamLogo, tenantLogo)); assertEquals(fileSizeBytes, userFacade.getLogo(testTenantID).read(tenantLogo)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(streamLogo, tenantLogo)); adminFacade.setLogo(testTenantID, null); assertNull(adminFacade.getLogo(testTenantID)); fileFacade.deleteFile(logoID); } /** * Test method for {@link TenantFacade#setDescription(Long, String)}. */ @Test public void testSetDescription() throws TransactionException { TenantFacade userFacade = new TenantFacade(new TenantAdminRole(testAdminID)); try { nullFacade.setDescription(testTenantID, TEST_DESC + " (testtttttt)"); fail("managed to change description of tenant using null facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { adminFacade.setDescription(null, TEST_DESC + " (testtttttt)"); fail("managed to change description of tenant using null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { adminFacade.setDescription(testTenantID, null); fail("managed to change description of tenant using null parameter"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { adminFacade.setDescription(invalidTenantID, TEST_DESC + " (testtttttt)"); fail("managed to change description of tenant using invalid tenant ID"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { userFacade.setDescription(null, TEST_DESC + " (testtttttt)"); fail("managed to change description of tenant using null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { userFacade.setDescription(testTenantID, null); fail("managed to change description of tenant using null parameter"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { userFacade.setDescription(invalidTenantID, TEST_DESC + " (testtttttt)"); fail("managed to change description of tenant using invalid tenant ID"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } adminFacade.setDescription(testTenantID, TEST_DESC + " (testtttttt)"); userFacade.setDescription(testTenantID, TEST_DESC + " (testtttttt)"); } /** * Test method for {@link TenantFacade#createTenant(String, String, Long)} * and {@link TenantFacade#deleteTenant(Long)}. */ @Test public void testTenant() throws TransactionException { try { nullFacade.createTenant(TEST_NAME + "foo", TEST_DESC, testAdminID); fail("Managed to create tenant using null facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { nullFacade.deleteTenant(testTenantID); fail("Managed to delete tenant using null facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { adminFacade.createTenant(null, TEST_DESC, testAdminID); fail("Managed to create tenant using null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { adminFacade.createTenant(TEST_NAME + "foo", null, testAdminID); fail("Managed to create tenant using null parameter"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { adminFacade.createTenant(TEST_NAME + "foo", TEST_DESC, null); fail("Managed to create tenant using null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { adminFacade.createTenant(TEST_NAME + "foo", TEST_DESC, UserFacadeTest.getInvalidUserID()); fail("Managed to create tenant using invalid user id"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { adminFacade.createTenant(TEST_NAME, TEST_DESC, testAdminID); fail("Managed to create tenant twice"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { userFacade.createTenant(null, TEST_DESC, testAdminID); fail("Managed to create tenant using null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { userFacade.createTenant(TEST_NAME + "foo", null, testAdminID); fail("Managed to create tenant using null parameter"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { userFacade.createTenant(TEST_NAME + "foo", TEST_DESC, null); fail("Managed to create tenant using null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { adminFacade.deleteTenant(null); fail("Managed to delete tenant using null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to be thrown } try { userFacade.deleteTenant(null); fail("Managed to delete tenant using null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to be thrown } Long secondTenantID = adminFacade.createTenant(TEST_NAME + "blah", TEST_DESC, testAdminID); assertNotNull(secondTenantID); adminFacade.deleteTenant(secondTenantID); adminFacade.deleteTenant(secondTenantID); } /** * Test method for {@link TenantFacade#createWorkflowModel(Long, String)}, * {@link TenantFacade#getWorkflowModels(Long, List, Paginator)} and * {@link TenantFacade#importPublishedWorkflowModels(Long, List)}. */ @Test public void testWorkflowModel() throws TransactionException { assertTrue(adminFacade.getWorkflowModels(testTenantID, null, null).isEmpty()); Long wfmID = adminFacade.createWorkflowModel(testTenantID, "testWFM"); assertEquals(1, adminFacade.getWorkflowModels(testTenantID, null, null).size()); ExecutableWorkflowModelView WFM = adminFacade.getWorkflowModels(testTenantID, null, null).get(0); assertEquals("testWFM", WFM.getName()); assertEquals(false, WFM.isPublished()); // The dates must be less than 60s apart to count as equal assertTrue(Math.abs(DecidrGlobals.getTime().getTimeInMillis() - (WFM.getCreationDate()).getTime()) < 60000); ArrayList<Long> myWFM = new ArrayList<Long>(2); myWFM.add(wfmID); new WorkflowModelFacade(new SuperAdminRole(DecidrGlobals.getSettings().getSuperAdmin().getId())) .publishWorkflowModels(myWFM); adminFacade.importPublishedWorkflowModels(testTenantID, myWFM); assertEquals(1, adminFacade.getWorkflowModels(testTenantID, null, null).size()); session.createQuery("delete from WorkflowModel where id = :id").setLong("id", wfmID).executeUpdate(); try { adminFacade.createWorkflowModel(null, "testWFM"); fail("Managed to create workflow model with null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to happen } try { adminFacade.createWorkflowModel(testTenantID, null); fail("Managed to create workflow model with null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to happen } try { adminFacade.createWorkflowModel(invalidTenantID, "testWFM"); fail("Managed to create workflow model with invalid parameter"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { nullFacade.createWorkflowModel(testTenantID, "testWFM"); fail("Managed to create workflow model with null facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { userFacade.createWorkflowModel(testTenantID, "testWFM"); fail("Managed to create workflow model with normal user facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { adminFacade.getWorkflowModels(null, null, null); fail("Managed to get workflow models with null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to happen } try { adminFacade.getWorkflowModels(invalidTenantID, null, null); fail("Managed to get workflow models with invalid parameter"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { nullFacade.getWorkflowModels(testTenantID, null, null); fail("Managed to get workflow models with null facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { userFacade.getWorkflowModels(testTenantID, null, null); fail("Managed to get workflow models with normal user facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { adminFacade.importPublishedWorkflowModels(null, new ArrayList<Long>(1)); fail("Managed to import workflow models with null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to happen } try { adminFacade.importPublishedWorkflowModels(testTenantID, null); fail("Managed to import workflow models with null parameter"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // supposed to happen } try { adminFacade.importPublishedWorkflowModels(invalidTenantID, new ArrayList<Long>(1)); fail("Managed to import workflow models with invalid parameter"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { nullFacade.importPublishedWorkflowModels(testTenantID, new ArrayList<Long>(1)); fail("Managed to import workflow models with null facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } try { userFacade.importPublishedWorkflowModels(testTenantID, new ArrayList<Long>(1)); fail("Managed to import workflow models with normal user facade"); } catch (TransactionException e) { // supposed to happen } } }