Java tutorial
/** * Licensed under the Apache License,Version2.0(the"License");you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,software * distributed under the License is distributed on an"AS IS"BASIS,WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,either express or implied.See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package de.datenhahn.vaadin.componentrenderer.demo; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import de.datenhahn.vaadin.componentrenderer.ComponentCellKeyExtension; import de.datenhahn.vaadin.componentrenderer.ComponentRenderer; import de.datenhahn.vaadin.componentrenderer.DetailsKeysExtension; import de.datenhahn.vaadin.componentrenderer.FocusPreserveExtension; /** * Demonstrates the use of the typed ComponentGrid * * @author Jonas Hahn ( */ public class ClassicGridTab extends VerticalLayout { private static final String GENERATED_FOOD_ICON = "foodIcon"; private static final String GENERATED_RATING = "rating"; private static final String GENERATED_DELETE = "delete"; private static final String GENERATED_DETAILS_ICONS = "detailsIcons"; private FocusPreserveExtension focusPreserveExtension; public ClassicGridTab() { init(); } private void init() { setSizeFull(); setMargin(true); setSpacing(true); addComponent( new Label("Look at the sourcecode to see the difference between the typed ComponentGrid and using" + " the classic grid")); Grid grid = new Grid(); ComponentCellKeyExtension.extend(grid); focusPreserveExtension = FocusPreserveExtension.extend(grid); DetailsKeysExtension.extend(grid); addComponent(ViewComponents.createEnableDisableCheckBox(grid)); grid.setSizeFull(); // Initialize Containers BeanItemContainer<Customer> bc = new BeanItemContainer<>(Customer.class); GeneratedPropertyContainer gpc = new GeneratedPropertyContainer(bc); grid.setContainerDataSource(gpc); // Load the data bc.addAll(CustomerProvider.createDummyData()); // Initialize DetailsGenerator (Caution: the DetailsGenerator is set to null // when grid#setContainerDatasource is called, so make sure you call setDetailsGenerator // after setContainerDatasource grid.setDetailsGenerator(new CustomerDetailsGenerator()); gpc.addGeneratedProperty(Customer.FOOD, new PropertyValueGenerator<Component>() { @Override public Component getValue(Item item, Object itemId, Object propertyId) { return ViewComponents.createClassicFoodSelector(grid, focusPreserveExtension, (Customer) itemId); } @Override public Class<Component> getType() { return Component.class; } // You must override getSortProperties to allow sorting by the values // underlying of the GeneratedValue. The default is that generated // property columns cannot be sorted (see PropertyValueGenerator default implementation) // if the generated column is not shadowing a real data column DO NOT overwrite this method // otherwise an exception is thrown when you sort it because the bean property cannot be found @Override public SortOrder[] getSortProperties(SortOrder order) { return new SortOrder[] { order }; } }); // Don't forget to set the ComponentRenderer AFTER adding the column grid.getColumn(Customer.FOOD).setRenderer(new ComponentRenderer()); gpc.addGeneratedProperty(GENERATED_FOOD_ICON, new PropertyValueGenerator<Component>() { @Override public Component getValue(Item item, Object itemId, Object propertyId) { return ViewComponents.createFoodIcon((Customer) itemId); } @Override public Class<Component> getType() { return Component.class; } // You must override getSortProperties to allow sorting by the values // underlying of the GeneratedValue. The default is that generated // property columns cannot be sorted (see PropertyValueGenerator default implementation) // if the generated column is not shadowing a real data column DO NOT overwrite this method // otherwise an exception is thrown when you sort it because the bean property cannot be found @Override public SortOrder[] getSortProperties(SortOrder order) { return new SortOrder[] { order }; } }); // Don't forget to set the ComponentRenderer AFTER adding the column grid.getColumn(GENERATED_FOOD_ICON).setRenderer(new ComponentRenderer()); gpc.addGeneratedProperty(GENERATED_RATING, new PropertyValueGenerator<Component>() { @Override public Component getValue(Item item, Object itemId, Object propertyId) { return ViewComponents.createRating((Customer) itemId); } @Override public Class<Component> getType() { return Component.class; } }); // Don't forget to set the ComponentRenderer AFTER adding the column grid.getColumn(GENERATED_RATING).setRenderer(new ComponentRenderer()); gpc.addGeneratedProperty(GENERATED_DELETE, new PropertyValueGenerator<Component>() { @Override public Component getValue(Item item, Object itemId, Object propertyId) { return ViewComponents.createClassicDeleteButton(grid, focusPreserveExtension, bc, (Customer) itemId); } @Override public Class<Component> getType() { return Component.class; } }); // Don't forget to set the ComponentRenderer AFTER adding the column grid.getColumn(GENERATED_DELETE).setRenderer(new ComponentRenderer()); gpc.addGeneratedProperty(GENERATED_DETAILS_ICONS, new PropertyValueGenerator<Component>() { @Override public Component getValue(Item item, Object itemId, Object propertyId) { return ViewComponents.createDetailsIcons(grid, (Customer) itemId); } @Override public Class<Component> getType() { return Component.class; } }); // Don't forget to set the ComponentRenderer AFTER adding the column grid.getColumn(GENERATED_DETAILS_ICONS).setRenderer(new ComponentRenderer()); // always display the details column grid.setFrozenColumnCount(1); grid.setColumns(GENERATED_DETAILS_ICONS, Customer.ID, Customer.FIRST_NAME, Customer.LAST_NAME, Customer.FOOD, GENERATED_FOOD_ICON, GENERATED_RATING, GENERATED_DELETE); addComponent(grid); setExpandRatio(grid, 1.0f); } }