Java tutorial
/* * Zettelkasten - nach Luhmann ** Copyright (C) 2001-2014 by Daniel Ldecke ( * * Homepage: * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; * if not, see <>. * * * Dieses Programm ist freie Software. Sie knnen es unter den Bedingungen der GNU * General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation verffentlicht, weitergeben * und/oder modifizieren, entweder gem Version 3 der Lizenz oder (wenn Sie mchten) * jeder spteren Version. * * Die Verffentlichung dieses Programms erfolgt in der Hoffnung, da es Ihnen von Nutzen sein * wird, aber OHNE IRGENDEINE GARANTIE, sogar ohne die implizite Garantie der MARKTREIFE oder * der VERWENDBARKEIT FR EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. Details finden Sie in der * GNU General Public License. * * Sie sollten ein Exemplar der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem Programm * erhalten haben. Falls nicht, siehe <>. */ package de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.tasks.export; import de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.BibTex; import de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.Daten; import de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.TasksData; import de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.util.Constants; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.output.Format; import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter; /** * * @author Luedeke */ public class ExportToXmlTask extends org.jdesktop.application.Task<Object, Void> { /** * Reference to the CDaten object, which contains the XML data of the Zettelkasten * will be passed as parameter in the constructor, see below */ private Daten dataObj; private BibTex bibtexObj; /** * */ private TasksData taskinfo; /** * This variable indicates whether the author- and keyword-file should be exported * as separate files (just like the typical storage-system we use) or whether the * author- and keyword-index-numbers should be replaced with the related string-values, * so the author- and keyword-information are all in one file */ private boolean allinone; /** * This variable stores the parts which should be exported. It's a mix of * ORed constants, see below */ private int exportparts; /** * Indicates wheher the UBB-Fomattags should be removed and the entries should be exported * in plain text, without format-tags. */ private boolean removeformattags; /** * file path to export file */ private File filepath; /** * */ private ArrayList<Object> exportentries; /** * */ private boolean exportOk; /** * */ private boolean exportbibtex; /** * */ private boolean showOkMessage = true; /** * */ private javax.swing.JDialog parentDialog; private javax.swing.JLabel msgLabel; /** * get the strings for file descriptions from the resource map */ private org.jdesktop.application.ResourceMap resourceMap = org.jdesktop.application.Application .getInstance(de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.ZettelkastenApp.class).getContext() .getResourceMap(ExportTask.class); public ExportToXmlTask(org.jdesktop.application.Application app, javax.swing.JDialog parent, javax.swing.JLabel label, TasksData td, Daten d, BibTex bib, File fp, ArrayList<Object> ee, int part, boolean bibtex, boolean allio, boolean rft) { super(app); dataObj = d; bibtexObj = bib; exportbibtex = bibtex; filepath = fp; exportparts = part; exportentries = ee; allinone = allio; removeformattags = rft; exportOk = true; taskinfo = td; parentDialog = parent; msgLabel = label; // the variable "exportentries" stores all entry-numbers of those entries that should be exported. // if this array is null, we assume that *all* entries have to be exported. thus, insert // all entry-numbers here if (null == exportentries) { exportentries = new ArrayList<Object>(); // copy all entry-numbers to array. remember that the entrynumbers range from 1 to site of file. for (int cnt = 0; cnt < dataObj.getCount(Daten.ZKNCOUNT); cnt++) { // only add entries that are not empty if (!dataObj.isEmpty(cnt + 1)) { exportentries.add(cnt + 1); } } } // show status text msgLabel.setText(resourceMap.getString("msg1")); } @Override protected Object doInBackground() { // Your Task's code here. This method runs // on a background thread, so don't reference // the Swing GUI from here. // prevent task from processing when the file path is incorrect // if no file exists, exit task if (null == filepath) { showOkMessage = false; return null; } // check whether file already exists if (filepath.exists()) { // file exists, ask user to overwrite it... int optionDocExists = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, resourceMap.getString("askForOverwriteFileMsg", "", filepath.getName()), resourceMap.getString("askForOverwriteFileTitle"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); // if the user does *not* choose to overwrite, quit... if (optionDocExists != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { // don't show "export was OK" message in main frame showOkMessage = false; return null; } } int contentsize; int counter; // first of all, create a new, empty xml-document Document exportDoc = new Document(new Element("zettelkasten")); // yet everything is ok... exportOk = true; // create a list of all elements from the main xml file try { // get the size of the export data, used for progressbar contentsize = exportentries.size(); // go through all elements of the data file for (counter = 0; counter < exportentries.size(); counter++) { // add the headline to our final export document exportDoc.getRootElement().addContent(exportEntries(counter)); // update progress bar setProgress(counter, 0, contentsize); } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // log error-message Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage()); // show warning message box JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, resourceMap.getString("errorExportMsg"), resourceMap.getString("errorExportTitle"), JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); // and change indicator exportOk = false; } // // now that we've created our xml-document, we can // export it to a file // try { // show status text msgLabel.setText(resourceMap.getString("msg2")); // open the outputstream FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filepath); // create a new XML-outputter with the pretty output format, // so the xml-file looks nicer XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); try { // save the main-export-file out.output(exportDoc, fos); // close the output stream fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // log error-message Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage()); // and change indicator exportOk = false; } // if the user chose to export the keywords and authors as separate // file, do so if (!allinone) { // // first we export the keyword file // // prepare the filepath StringBuilder fp = new StringBuilder(filepath.toString()); // get position of file extension int ext = fp.lastIndexOf("."); // insert an appendix befor the file extenstion fp.insert(ext, "_keywords"); // create a new file File file_keywords = new File(fp.toString()); // open the outputstream fos = new FileOutputStream(file_keywords); // create a new XML-outputter with the pretty output format, // so the xml-file looks nicer out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); try { // save the main-export-file out.output(dataObj.getKeywordData(), fos); // close the output stream fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // log error-message Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage()); // and change indicator exportOk = false; } // // now we export the author file // // prepare the filepath fp = new StringBuilder(filepath.toString()); // get position of file extension ext = fp.lastIndexOf("."); // insert an appendix befor the file extenstion fp.insert(ext, "_authors"); // create a new file File file_authors = new File(fp.toString()); // open the outputstream fos = new FileOutputStream(file_authors); // create a new XML-outputter with the pretty output format, // so the xml-file looks nicer out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); try { // save the main-export-file out.output(dataObj.getAuthorData(), fos); // close the output stream fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // log error-message Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage()); // and change indicator exportOk = false; } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // log error-message Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getLocalizedMessage()); // show warning message JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, resourceMap.getString("errorExportMsg"), resourceMap.getString("errorExportTitle"), JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); // and change indicator exportOk = false; } catch (SecurityException e) { // log error-message Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage()); // show warning message JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, resourceMap.getString("errorNoAccessMsg"), resourceMap.getString("errorNoAccessTitle"), JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); // and change indicator exportOk = false; } // if the user requested a bibtex-export, do this now if (exportbibtex) { // show status text msgLabel.setText(resourceMap.getString("msgBibtextExport")); // write bibtex file ExportTools.writeBibTexFile(dataObj, bibtexObj, exportentries, filepath, resourceMap); } return null; // return your result } @Override protected void succeeded(Object result) { // Runs on the EDT. Update the GUI based on // the result computed by doInBackground(). } @Override protected void finished() { super.finished(); taskinfo.setExportOk(exportOk); taskinfo.setShowExportOkMessage(showOkMessage); // Close Window parentDialog.setVisible(false); parentDialog.dispose(); } /** * * @param counter * @return */ private Element exportEntries(int counter) { try { // retrieve zettelnumber int zettelnummer = Integer.parseInt(exportentries.get(counter).toString()); // get the zettel-element Element zettel = dataObj.retrieveZettel(zettelnummer); // create new zettel-element for our final export file Element el_zettel = new Element(Daten.ELEMENT_ZETTEL); // see whether the bit "EXPORT_TITLE" is set // in the exportparts-variabe. if so, export title if ((exportparts & Constants.EXPORT_TITLE) != 0) { // create new title element Element el = new Element(Daten.ELEMENT_TITLE); // set the text from the data-file el.setText(zettel.getChild(Daten.ELEMENT_TITLE).getText()); // and add it to our final document el_zettel.addContent(el); } // see whether the bit "EXPORT_CONTENT" is set // in the exportparts-variabe. if so, export content if ((exportparts & Constants.EXPORT_CONTENT) != 0) { // create new content element Element el = new Element(Daten.ELEMENT_CONTENT); // set the text from the data-file el.setText((removeformattags) ? dataObj.getCleanZettelContent(zettelnummer) : zettel.getChild(Daten.ELEMENT_CONTENT).getText()); // and add it to our final document el_zettel.addContent(el); } // see whether the bit "EXPORT_AUTHOR" is set // in the exportparts-variabe. if so, export author if ((exportparts & Constants.EXPORT_AUTHOR) != 0) { // create new content element Element el = new Element(Daten.ELEMENT_AUTHORS); // if the user wants all data in one file, get the // author string and replace the index-number with the string value if (allinone) { // first check, whether we have any keywords at all if (zettel.getChild(Daten.ELEMENT_AUTHOR).getText().isEmpty()) { // if not, set empty string el.setText(""); } else { // get the author string String[] aus = zettel.getChild(Daten.ELEMENT_AUTHOR).getText().split(","); // if we have any author, go on if (aus != null && aus.length > 0) { // iterate array for (String a : aus) { // create new child-element Element au = new Element(Daten.ELEMENT_AUTHOR); // set the text from the data-file au.setText(dataObj.getAuthor(Integer.parseInt(a))); // add child-element el.addContent(au); } } else { // else set empty string el.setText(""); } } } else { // set the text from the data-file el.setText(zettel.getChild(Daten.ELEMENT_AUTHOR).getText()); } // and add it to our final document el_zettel.addContent(el); } // see whether the bit "EXPORT_KEYWORDS" is set // in the exportparts-variabe. if so, export keywords if ((exportparts & Constants.EXPORT_KEYWORDS) != 0) { // create new content element Element el = new Element(Daten.ELEMENT_KEYWORD); // if the user wants all data in one file, get the // keyword string and replace the index-number with the string value if (allinone) { // first check, whether we have any keywords at all if (zettel.getChild(Daten.ELEMENT_KEYWORD).getText().isEmpty()) { // if not, set empty string el.setText(""); } else { // get the index numbers. we now have all keyword-index-numbers // as a string array. these numbers reference to the keyword-string-values // in the keyword-xml-file String[] nrs = zettel.getChild(Daten.ELEMENT_KEYWORD).getText().split(","); // if we have any author, go on if (nrs != null && nrs.length > 0) { // iterate the array for (String n : nrs) { // create new child element Element kw = new Element("keyword"); // now get the keyword string from the keyword-xml-file kw.setText(dataObj.getKeyword(Integer.parseInt(n))); // and add this subchild el.addContent(kw); } } else { // else set empty string el.setText(""); } } } else { // set the text from the data-file el.setText(zettel.getChild(Daten.ELEMENT_KEYWORD).getText()); } // and add it to our final document el_zettel.addContent(el); } // see whether the bit "EXPORT_MANLINKS" is set // in the exportparts-variabe. if so, export manual links if ((exportparts & Constants.EXPORT_MANLINKS) != 0) { // create new manlinks element Element el = new Element(Daten.ELEMENT_MANLINKS); // set the text from the data-file el.setText(zettel.getChild(Daten.ELEMENT_MANLINKS).getText()); // and add it to our final document el_zettel.addContent(el); } // see whether the bit "EXPORT_MANLINKS" is set // in the exportparts-variabe. if so, export manual links if ((exportparts & Constants.EXPORT_LUHMANN) != 0) { // create new manlinks element Element el = new Element(Daten.ELEMENT_TRAILS); // set the text from the data-file el.setText(zettel.getChild(Daten.ELEMENT_TRAILS).getText()); // and add it to our final document el_zettel.addContent(el); } // see whether the bit "EXPORT_LINKS" is set // in the exportparts-variabe. if so, export links if ((exportparts & Constants.EXPORT_LINKS) != 0) { // create new link element Element el = new Element(Daten.ELEMENT_ATTACHMENTS); // add the content from the data-file. we cannot use settext here, // because we might have several sub-children // get the list of all sub-children List<Element> l = zettel.getChild(Daten.ELEMENT_ATTACHMENTS).getChildren(); // create an iterator Iterator<Element> i = l.iterator(); // go through loop and add all children while (i.hasNext()) { // create child-element for our parent-element Element el_link = new Element(Daten.ELEMENT_ATTCHILD); // get the child-element from the list Element el_dummy =; // and set the text to our created child element el_link.setText(el_dummy.getText()); // add the child-element to our parent el.addContent(el_link); } // and add it to our final document el_zettel.addContent(el); } // see whether the bit "EXPORT_REMARKS" is set // in the exportparts-variabe. if so, export remarks if ((exportparts & Constants.EXPORT_REMARKS) != 0) { // create new remarks element Element el = new Element(Daten.ELEMENT_REMARKS); // set the text from the data-file el.setText(zettel.getChild(Daten.ELEMENT_REMARKS).getText()); // and add it to our final document el_zettel.addContent(el); } // see whether the bit "EXPORT_TIMESTAMP" is set // in the exportparts-variabe. if so, export timestamp if ((exportparts & Constants.EXPORT_TIMESTAMP) != 0) { // set timestamp for export element dataObj.setTimestamp(el_zettel, dataObj.getTimestampCreated(zettel), dataObj.getTimestampEdited(zettel)); } return el_zettel; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // create new headline element Element headline = new Element("headline"); // add headline-text to it. headline.setText(exportentries.get(counter).toString().substring(2)); return headline; } } }