Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2004 - 2009 Christian Sprajc. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of PowerFolder. * * PowerFolder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation. * * PowerFolder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with PowerFolder. If not, see <>. * * $Id: 4282 2008-06-16 03:25:09Z tot $ */ package de.dal33t.powerfolder.util; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import de.dal33t.powerfolder.ConfigurationEntry; import de.dal33t.powerfolder.Controller; import de.dal33t.powerfolder.disk.FolderSettings; import de.dal33t.powerfolder.message.ConfigurationLoadRequest; /** * Helper class around configuration * * @author Christian Sprajc * @version $Revision$ */ public class ConfigurationLoader { private static final String INITIAL_STARTUP_CONFIG_FILENAME = "initial_startup.config"; public static final String DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME = "Default.config"; public static final String RADIUS_CONFIG_FILENAME = "RADIUS.config"; private static final String DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_URI = "/client_deployment/" + DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME; private static final String PREFERENCES_PREFIX = "pref."; private static final int URL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 10; private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ConfigurationLoader.class.getName()); private ConfigurationLoader() { } public static boolean overwriteConfigEntries(Properties p) { boolean overWrite = Boolean.valueOf(ConfigurationEntry.CONFIG_OVERWRITE_VALUES.getDefaultValue()); String owStr = p.getProperty(ConfigurationEntry.CONFIG_OVERWRITE_VALUES.getConfigKey()); try { overWrite = Boolean.parseBoolean(owStr); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warning("Unable to parse pre-config overwrite value. Problem value: " + owStr + ". Now using: " + overWrite + ". " + e); } return overWrite; } private static boolean dropFolderSettings(Properties p) { boolean drop = Boolean.valueOf(ConfigurationEntry.CONFIG_DROP_FOLDER_SETTINGS.getDefaultValue()); String owStr = p.getProperty(ConfigurationEntry.CONFIG_DROP_FOLDER_SETTINGS.getConfigKey()); try { drop = Boolean.parseBoolean(owStr); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warning("Unable to parse pre-config drop folders settings value. Problem value: " + owStr + ". Now using: " + drop + ". " + e); } return drop; } /** * Processes/Handles a configuration (re-) load request. * * @param controller * @param clr */ public static void processMessage(final Controller controller, ConfigurationLoadRequest clr) { Reject.ifNull(controller, "Controller"); Reject.ifNull(clr, "Message"); try {"Processing message: " + clr); if (StringUtils.isBlank(clr.getConfigURL())) { // Single Key=value option if (clr.isKeyValue()) { boolean hasValue = controller.getConfig().containsKey(clr.getKey()); if (clr.isReplaceExisting() == null || clr.isReplaceExisting() || (!hasValue && !clr.isReplaceExisting())) { if (clr.getValue() == null) { controller.getConfig().remove(clr.getKey()); } else { controller.getConfig().put(clr.getKey(), clr.getValue()); } // Seems to be valid, store. controller.saveConfig(); LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Update configuration " + clr.getKey() + "=" + clr.getValue()); } } } else { Properties preConfig = ConfigurationLoader.loadPreConfiguration(clr.getConfigURL()); if (preConfig != null) { boolean overwrite; if (clr.isReplaceExisting() != null) { overwrite = clr.isReplaceExisting(); } else { overwrite = overwriteConfigEntries(preConfig); } if (dropFolderSettings(preConfig)) { Set<String> entryIds = FolderSettings.loadEntryIds(controller.getConfig()); for (String entryId : entryIds) { FolderSettings.removeEntries(controller.getConfig(), entryId); } } int i = ConfigurationLoader.merge(preConfig, controller.getConfig(), controller.getPreferences(), overwrite); LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Loaded/Merged " + i + " config/prefs entries from: " + clr.getConfigURL()); ConfigurationEntry.CONFIG_URL.setValue(controller, clr.getConfigURL()); // Seems to be valid, store. controller.saveConfig(); } else { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to load config from " + clr.getConfigURL()); } } if (clr.isRestartRequired() && controller.isStarted()) { if (controller.getUptime() < 10000L) { controller.schedule(new Runnable() { public void run() { controller.shutdownAndRequestRestart(); } }, 10000L); } else { controller.shutdownAndRequestRestart(); } } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to reload configuration: " + clr + ". " + e, e); } } /** * #2467: Set server URL via command line option in installer * * @param controller * @return */ public static boolean loadAndMergeFromInstaller(Controller controller) { Path initFile = null; String windir = System.getenv("WINDIR"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(windir)) { Path tempDir = Paths.get(windir).resolve("TEMP"); initFile = tempDir.resolve(INITIAL_STARTUP_CONFIG_FILENAME); } if (initFile == null || Files.notExists(initFile)) { String tempStr = System.getProperty(""); initFile = Paths.get(tempStr).resolve(INITIAL_STARTUP_CONFIG_FILENAME); if (Files.notExists(initFile)) { return false; } } String url = ""; boolean delete = false; try (InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(initFile)) { Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(in); url = props.getProperty(ConfigurationEntry.CONFIG_URL.getConfigKey()); if (StringUtils.isBlank(url)) { String fn = props.getProperty(ConfigurationEntry.INSTALLER_FILENAME.getConfigKey()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fn)) { url = PathUtils.decodeURLFromFilename(fn); } } if (StringUtils.isBlank(url)) { return false; } Properties preConfig = loadPreConfiguration(url); if (preConfig == null) { return false; } int i = merge(preConfig, controller);"Startup " + i + " with server " + url); if (i > 0) { ConfigurationEntry.CONFIG_URL.setValue(controller, url); controller.saveConfig(); } delete = true; return true; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warning("Unable to read configuration " + initFile + " / " + url + ". " + e); } finally { if (delete) { try { Files.delete(initFile); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.fine("Unable to deleted file " + initFile + ". " + ioe); } } } return false; } /** * #2179 Loads the the config URL from the command line interface and merges * it with the controllers config. * * @param controller * @return if a config was successfully loaded */ public static boolean loadAndMergeCLI(Controller controller) { CommandLine cli = controller.getCommandLine(); if (cli == null) { return false; } String configName = cli.getOptionValue("c"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(configName) && (configName.startsWith("http:") || configName.startsWith("https:"))) { return loadAndMergeURL(controller, configName); } return false; } /** * #2179 Loads the the config from the server and merges it with the * controllers config. * * @param controller * @return if a config was successfully loaded */ public static boolean loadAndMergeConfigURL(Controller controller) { return loadAndMergeURL(controller, ConfigurationEntry.CONFIG_URL.getValue(controller)); } /** * #2179 Loads the the config from the URL and merges it with the * controllers config. * * @param controller * @return if a config was successfully loaded */ public static boolean loadAndMergeURL(Controller controller, String configURL) { Reject.ifNull(controller, "Controller is null"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(configURL)) { return false; } String un = controller.getCLIUsername(); char[] pw = Util.toCharArray(controller.getCLIPassword()); try { Properties serverConfig = loadPreConfiguration(configURL, un, pw); boolean overWrite = overwriteConfigEntries(serverConfig); if (dropFolderSettings(serverConfig)) { Set<String> entryIds = FolderSettings.loadEntryIds(controller.getConfig()); for (String entryId : entryIds) { FolderSettings.removeEntries(controller.getConfig(), entryId); } } int i = merge(serverConfig, controller.getConfig(), controller.getPreferences(), overWrite);"Loaded " + i + " profile settings (overwrite? " + overWrite + ") from: " + configURL); if (i > 0) { controller.saveConfig(); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warning("Unable to load config from server: " + configURL + ". " + e); return false; } } /** * Loads a pre-configuration from a server. Automatically adds HTTP:// and * url suffix. * * @param server * @return the loaded config. * @throws IOException */ public static Properties loadPreConfiguration(String server) throws IOException { return loadPreConfiguration(server, null, null); } /** * Loads a pre-configuration from a server. Automatically adds HTTP:// and * url suffix. * * @param server * @return the loaded config. * @throws IOException */ public static Properties loadPreConfiguration(String server, String un, char[] pw) throws IOException { Reject.ifBlank(server, "Server URL is blank"); String finalURL = Util.removeLastSlashFromURI(server.replace("download_client", "")); if (!finalURL.startsWith("http")) { finalURL = "http://" + finalURL; } if (!finalURL.endsWith(".config") && !finalURL.contains(DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_URI)) { finalURL += DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_URI; } return loadPreConfiguration(new URL(finalURL.replace(" ", "%20")), un, pw); } /** * Loads a pre-configuration from the URL * * @param from * the URL to load from * @return the loaded properties WITHOUT those in config. * @throws IOException */ private static Properties loadPreConfiguration(URL from, String un, char[] pw) throws IOException { Reject.ifNull(from, "URL is null"); URLConnection con = from.openConnection(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(un)) { String s = un + ":" + Util.toString(pw); LoginUtil.clear(pw); String base64 = "Basic " + Base64.encodeBytes(s.getBytes("UTF-8")); con.setRequestProperty("Authorization", base64); } con.setConnectTimeout(1000 * URL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS); con.setReadTimeout(1000 * URL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS); con.connect(); InputStream in = con.getInputStream(); try { return loadPreConfiguration(in); } finally { try { in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } /** * Loads the pre configuration from file from the classpath. * * @param filename * the filename to load * @return the loaded properties * @throws IOException */ public static Properties loadPreConfigFromClasspath(String filename) throws IOException { InputStream in = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(filename); if (in == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File '" + filename + "' not found in classpath"); } try { return loadPreConfiguration(in); } finally { try { in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } public static int merge(Properties preConfig, Controller controller) { boolean overWrite = overwriteConfigEntries(preConfig); if (dropFolderSettings(preConfig)) { Set<String> entryIds = FolderSettings.loadEntryIds(controller.getConfig()); for (String entryId : entryIds) { FolderSettings.removeEntries(controller.getConfig(), entryId); } } return merge(preConfig, controller.getConfig(), controller.getPreferences(), overWrite); } /** * Convenient method to combine * {@link #mergeConfigs(Properties, Properties, boolean)} and * {@link #mergePreferences(Properties, Preferences, boolean)} * * @param preConfig * the pre config * @param targetConfig * the config file to set the pre-configuration values into. * @param targetPreferences * the preferences to set the pre-configuration values into. * @param replaceExisting * if existing key/value pairs will be overwritten by pairs of * pre config. * @return the sum of merged entries. */ public static int merge(Properties preConfig, Properties targetConfig, Preferences targetPreferences, boolean replaceExisting) { return mergeConfigs(preConfig, targetConfig, replaceExisting) + mergePreferences(preConfig, targetPreferences, replaceExisting); } /** * Merges the give pre configuration properties into the target config * properties. It can be choosen if existing keys in the target properties * should be replaced or not. * * @param preConfig * the pre config * @param targetConfig * the config file to set the pre-configuration values into. * @param replaceExisting * if existing key/value pairs will be overwritten by pairs of * pre config. * @return the number of merged entries. */ private static int mergeConfigs(Properties preConfig, Properties targetConfig, boolean replaceExisting) { Reject.ifNull(preConfig, "PreConfig is null"); Reject.ifNull(targetConfig, "TargetConfig is null"); int n = 0; for (Object obj : preConfig.keySet()) { String key = (String) obj; String value = preConfig.getProperty(key); if (!targetConfig.containsKey(key) || replaceExisting) { Object oldValue = targetConfig.setProperty(key, value); if (!key.startsWith(PREFERENCES_PREFIX) && !value.equals(oldValue)) { n++; } LOG.finer("Preconfigured " + key + "=" + value); } } if (n > 0) { LOG.fine(n + " default configurations set"); } else { LOG.finer("No additional default configurations set"); } return n; } /** * PUBLIC because of tests. DO NOT USE. Use * {@link #merge(Properties, Properties, Preferences, boolean)} instead. * <p> * Merges the give pre configuration properties into the target preferences. * It can be choosen if existing keys in the target preferences should be * replaced or not. Will only set those values from preConfig where the key * begins with "pref." and cut it off. "" will be set to * "xxx=true" in preferences. * * @param preConfig * the pre config * @param targetPreferences * the preferences to set the pre-configuration values into. * @param replaceExisting * if existing key/value pairs will be overwritten by pairs of * pre config. * @return the number of merged entries. */ public static int mergePreferences(Properties preConfig, Preferences targetPreferences, boolean replaceExisting) { Reject.ifNull(preConfig, "PreConfig is null"); Reject.ifNull(targetPreferences, "TargetPreferences is null"); int n = 0; for (Object obj : preConfig.keySet()) { String key = (String) obj; String value = preConfig.getProperty(key); if (!key.startsWith(PREFERENCES_PREFIX)) { continue; } else { key = key.substring(PREFERENCES_PREFIX.length(), key.length()); } boolean entryMissing = "-XXWEIRED-DEFAULT-VALUE" .equals(targetPreferences.get(key, "-XXWEIRED-DEFAULT-VALUE")); if (entryMissing || replaceExisting) { targetPreferences.put(key, value); n++; LOG.finer("Preconfigured " + key + "=" + value); } } if (n > 0) { LOG.fine(n + " default preferences set"); } else { LOG.finer("No additional default preferences set"); } return n; } /** * Loads a configuration file from the given input stream. * * @param in * the input stream to read the pre-config from * @return the loaded properties. * @throws IOException */ private static Properties loadPreConfiguration(InputStream in) throws IOException { Reject.ifNull(in, "Unable to load Preconfiguration. Input stream is null"); Properties preConfig = new Properties(); preConfig.load(in); return preConfig; } }