Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2015 Maximilian Stark | Dakror <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import de.dakror.villagedefense.settings.Attributes.Attribute; import de.dakror.villagedefense.util.Vector; import de.dakror.villagedefense.util.path.AStar; import de.dakror.villagedefense.util.path.Path; /** * @author Dakror */ public abstract class Creature extends Entity { protected Image image; protected Vector target; protected Entity targetEntity; protected boolean targetByUser; protected boolean frozen; private boolean hostile; /** * 0 = down<br> * 1 = left<br> * 2 = right<br> * 3 = up */ protected int dir; protected int frame; protected Point spawnPoint; public Path path; protected Entity origin; public Creature(int x, int y, String img) { super(x, y, Game.getImage("creature/" + img + ".png").getWidth() / 4, Game.getImage("creature/" + img + ".png").getHeight() / 4); spawnPoint = new Point(x, y); image = Game.getImage("creature/" + img + ".png"); setBump(new Rectangle((int) (width * 0.25f), (int) (height * 0.75f), (int) (width * 0.5f), (int) (height * 0.25f))); frozen = false; dir = 0; frame = 0; } public Entity setOrigin(Entity e) { origin = e; return this; } public Entity getOrigin() { return origin; } @Override public void draw(Graphics2D g) { drawBump(g, false); g.drawImage(image, (int) x, (int) y, (int) x + width, (int) y + height, frame * width, dir * height, frame * width + width, dir * height + height, Game.w); drawBump(g, true); } @Override public void tick(int tick) { if (targetEntity != null && ! { frame = 0; alpha = 1; targetEntity = null; } if (path != null) { if (path.isPathComplete()) path = null; else { if (target == null) { path.setNodeReached(); if (path.isPathComplete()) { path = null; target = null; } else target = path.getNode().clone(); } else if (target.x == -1337) // custom trigger { target = path.getNode().clone(); } } } move(tick); // -- attacks -- // if (targetEntity != null && target == null && (path == null || path.isPathComplete())) { if (hostile) { if ((tick + randomOffset) % attributes.get(Attribute.ATTACK_SPEED) == 0) { if (frame % 2 == 0) targetEntity.dealDamage( (int) (targetEntity instanceof Struct ? attributes.get(Attribute.DAMAGE_STRUCT) : attributes.get(Attribute.DAMAGE_CREATURE)), this); frame++; } } else if (!onArrivalAtEntity(tick)) frame = 0; } if (targetEntity == null && target == null) // killed everything { lookupTargetEntity(); } frame = frame % 4; } public void move(int tick) { if (!frozen && attributes.get(Attribute.SPEED) > 0 && target != null) { Vector dif = getVelocityVector(); if (dif.getLength() > 0) { float angle = Math.round(dif.getAngleOnXAxis()); if (angle <= 135 && angle >= 45) dir = 0; else if (angle <= 45 && angle >= -45) dir = 2; else if (angle <= -45 && angle >= -135) dir = 3; else dir = 1; } if ((tick + randomOffset) % 10 == 0) frame++; setPos(getPos().add(dif)); } } public Vector getVelocityVector() { try { Vector pos = getPos(); Vector dif = target.clone().sub(pos); if (dif.getLength() < attributes.get(Attribute.SPEED)) { target = null; frame = 0; } else dif.setLength(attributes.get(Attribute.SPEED)); return dif; } catch (NullPointerException e) { return new Vector(0, 0); } } public void setTarget(int x, int y, boolean user) { setTarget(new Vector(x, y), user); } public void setTarget(Vector target, boolean user) { targetByUser = user; if (!hostile) { path = AStar.getPath(getTile(),; if (path == null) return; = new Vector(-1337, 0); path.mul(Tile.SIZE); path.translate(0, -bump.y + bump.height); } else = target; } public void setTarget(Entity entity, boolean user) { targetEntity = null; if (frozen || attributes.get(Attribute.SPEED) == 0) return; if (hostile) targetEntity = entity; targetByUser = user; if (entity instanceof Creature) { // TODO: target on creatures // Creature c = (Creature) entity; // if (hostile != c.isHostile()) // { // // } } else if (entity instanceof Struct) { Struct s = (Struct) entity; targetEntity = entity; setTarget(getTargetForStruct(s), user); } } public Vector getTargetForStruct(Struct s) { Vector nearestPoint = null; ArrayList<Vector> points = hostile ? s.getStructPoints().attacks : s.getStructPoints().entries; if (points.size() == 0) points = s.getSurroundingTiles(false); Vector pos = getPos(); for (Vector p : points) { Vector v = p.clone(); v.mul(Tile.SIZE); v.add(s.getPos()); if (nearestPoint == null || v.getDistance(pos) < nearestPoint.getDistance(pos)) nearestPoint = v; } nearestPoint.setLength(nearestPoint.getLength() - attributes.get(Attribute.ATTACK_RANGE)); if (hostile) nearestPoint.y -= height * 0.6f; return nearestPoint; } public Vector getTarget() { return target; } public Vector getTarget2() { return target == null ? getPos() : target; } public void setSpawnPoint(Point point) { spawnPoint = point; } public void setFrozen(boolean frozen) { this.frozen = frozen; } public boolean isFrozen() { return frozen; } public boolean isHostile() { return hostile; } public void setTargetEntity(Entity target) { targetEntity = target; } public Entity getTargetEntity() { return targetEntity; } public void setHostile(boolean hostile) { this.hostile = hostile; lookupTargetEntity(); } public void lookupTargetEntity() { if (!hostile) return; Barricade closestBarricade = null; for (Entity e : { if (e instanceof Barricade) { boolean nearer = (closestBarricade == null) ? true : e.getPos().getDistance(getPos()) < closestBarricade.getPos().getDistance(getPos()); boolean inDirection = (closestBarricade == null) ? true : spawnPoint.x < / 2 ? /* left side */e.getX() > x : /* right side */e.getX() < x; if (closestBarricade == null || (nearer && inDirection)) { closestBarricade = (Barricade) e; } } } if (closestBarricade == null || closestBarricade.getPos().getDistance(getPos()) > setTarget(, false); else setTarget(closestBarricade, false); } @Override public void onDeath() { if (hostile) Game.currentGame.resources.add(resources); dead = true; } @Override public void onSpawn(boolean initial) { } public boolean isTargetByUser() { return targetByUser; } @Override public JSONObject getData() { JSONObject o = new JSONObject(); try { o.put("x", x); o.put("y", y); o.put("spawnX", spawnPoint.x); o.put("spawnY", spawnPoint.y); o.put("targetX", target != null ? target.x : JSONObject.NULL); o.put("targetY", target != null ? target.y : JSONObject.NULL); o.put("targetEntity", targetEntity != null ? targetEntity.getData() : JSONObject.NULL); o.put("origin", origin != null ? origin.getData() : JSONObject.NULL); o.put("class", getClass().getName()); o.put("attributes", attributes.getData()); o.put("resources", resources.getData()); o.put("alpha", alpha); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return o; } protected abstract boolean onArrivalAtEntity(int tick); }