Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of CubeEngine. * CubeEngine is licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3. * * CubeEngine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CubeEngine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CubeEngine. If not, see <>. */ package de.cubeisland.engine.core.webapi; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import de.cubeisland.engine.core.Core; import de.cubeisland.engine.core.logging.LoggingUtil; import de.cubeisland.engine.core.module.Module; import de.cubeisland.engine.core.permission.PermDefault; import de.cubeisland.engine.core.util.StringUtils; import de.cubeisland.engine.core.webapi.exception.ApiStartupException; import de.cubeisland.engine.logscribe.Log; import; import; import io.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import static de.cubeisland.engine.core.contract.Contract.expectNotNull; import static java.util.Locale.ENGLISH; /** * This class represents the API server and provides methods to configure and control it */ public class ApiServer { private final Core core; private final Log log; private final AtomicInteger maxContentLength = new AtomicInteger(1048576); private final AtomicBoolean compress = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final AtomicInteger compressionLevel = new AtomicInteger(9); private final AtomicInteger windowBits = new AtomicInteger(15); private final AtomicInteger memoryLevel = new AtomicInteger(9); private final AtomicReference<InetAddress> bindAddress = new AtomicReference<>(null); private final AtomicInteger port = new AtomicInteger(6561); private final AtomicReference<ServerBootstrap> bootstrap = new AtomicReference<>(null); private final AtomicReference<EventLoopGroup> eventLoopGroup = new AtomicReference<>(null); private final AtomicReference<Channel> channel = new AtomicReference<>(null); private final AtomicInteger maxThreads = new AtomicInteger(2); private final Set<String> disabledRoutes = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); private final AtomicBoolean enableWhitelist = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final Set<InetAddress> whitelist = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); private final AtomicBoolean enableBlacklist = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final Set<InetAddress> blacklist = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); private final AtomicBoolean enableAuthorizedList = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final Set<InetAddress> authorizedList = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); private final ConcurrentMap<String, ApiHandler> handlers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ConcurrentMap<String, Set<WebSocketRequestHandler>> subscriptions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final AtomicInteger maxConnectionCount = new AtomicInteger(1); public ApiServer(Core core) { this.core = core; this.log = core.getLogFactory().getLog(Core.class, "WebAPI"); this.log.addTarget( new AsyncFileTarget(LoggingUtil.getLogFile(core, "WebAPI"), LoggingUtil.getFileFormat(true, true), true, LoggingUtil.getCycler(), core.getTaskManager().getThreadFactory())); this.log.addTarget(new LogProxyTarget(core.getLogFactory().getParent())); try { this.bindAddress.set(InetAddress.getLocalHost()); } catch (UnknownHostException ignored) { this.log.warn("Failed to get the localhost!"); } } public Log getLog() { return this.log; } public void configure(final ApiConfig config) { expectNotNull(config, "The config must not be null!"); try { this.setBindAddress(; } catch (UnknownHostException ignored) { this.log.warn("Failed to resolve the host {}, ignoring the value..."); } this.setPort(; this.setMaxThreads(; this.setMaxConnectionCount(; this.setCompressionEnabled(config.compression.enable); this.setCompressionLevel(config.compression.level); this.setCompressionWindowBits(config.compression.windowBits); this.setCompressionMemoryLevel(config.compression.memoryLevel); this.setWhitelistEnabled(config.whitelist.enable); this.setWhitelist(config.whitelist.ips); this.setBlacklistEnabled(config.blacklist.enable); this.setBlacklist(config.blacklist.ips); this.setAuthorizedListEnabled(config.authorizedList.enable); this.setAuthorizedList(config.authorizedList.ips); } /** * Starts the server * * @return fluent interface */ public ApiServer start() throws ApiStartupException { if (!this.isRunning()) { final ServerBootstrap serverBootstrap = new ServerBootstrap(); try { this.eventLoopGroup.set(new NioEventLoopGroup(this.maxThreads.get(), this.core.getTaskManager().getThreadFactory())); .childHandler(new ApiServerInitializer(this.core, this)) .localAddress(this.bindAddress.get(), this.port.get()); this.bootstrap.set(serverBootstrap);; } catch (Exception e) { this.bootstrap.set(null);; this.eventLoopGroup.getAndSet(null).shutdownGracefully(2, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); throw new ApiStartupException("The API server failed to start!", e); } } return this; } /** * Stops the server * * @return fluent interface */ public ApiServer stop() { if (this.isRunning()) { this.bootstrap.set(null);; this.eventLoopGroup.getAndSet(null).shutdownGracefully(2, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } return this; } /** * Returns whether the server is running or not * * @return true if it is running */ public boolean isRunning() { return ( != null &&; } public ApiHandler getApiHandler(String route) { if (route == null) { return null; } return this.handlers.get(route); } public void registerApiHandlers(final Module owner, final Object holder) { expectNotNull(holder, "The API holder must not be null!"); for (Method method : holder.getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) { Action aAction = method.getAnnotation(Action.class); if (aAction != null) { String route = aAction.value(); if (route.isEmpty()) { route = StringUtils.deCamelCase(method.getName(), "/"); } route = owner.getId() + "/" + route; route = HttpRequestHandler.normalizePath(route); de.cubeisland.engine.core.permission.Permission perm = null; if (aAction.needsAuth()) { perm = owner.getBasePermission().childWildcard("webapi"); if (method.isAnnotationPresent(ApiPermission.class)) { ApiPermission apiPerm = method.getAnnotation(ApiPermission.class); if (apiPerm.value().isEmpty()) { perm = perm.child(route, apiPerm.permDefault()); } else { perm = perm.child(apiPerm.value(), apiPerm.permDefault()); } } else { perm = perm.child(route, PermDefault.DEFAULT); } } LinkedHashMap<String, Class> params = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Class<?>[] types = method.getParameterTypes(); Annotation[][] paramAnnotations = method.getParameterAnnotations(); for (int i = 1; i < types.length; i++) { Class<?> type = types[i]; Value val = null; for (Annotation annotation : paramAnnotations[i]) { if (annotation instanceof Value) { val = (Value) annotation; break; } } if (val == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing Value Annotation for Additional Parameters"); } if (params.put(val.value(), type) != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate value in Value Annotation"); } } RequestMethod reqMethod = RequestMethod.GET; if (method.isAnnotationPresent(de.cubeisland.engine.core.webapi.Method.class)) { reqMethod = method.getAnnotation(de.cubeisland.engine.core.webapi.Method.class).value(); } this.handlers.put(route, new ReflectedApiHandler(owner, route, perm, params, reqMethod, method, holder)); } } } public void unregisterApiHandler(String route) { this.handlers.remove(route); } public void unregisterApiHandlers(Module module) { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, ApiHandler>> iter = this.handlers.entrySet().iterator(); ApiHandler handler; while (iter.hasNext()) { handler =; if (handler.getModule() == module) { iter.remove(); } } } public void unregisterApiHandlers(Object holder) { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, ApiHandler>> iter = this.handlers.entrySet().iterator(); ApiHandler handler; while (iter.hasNext()) { handler =; if (handler instanceof ReflectedApiHandler) { if (((ReflectedApiHandler) handler).getHolder() == holder) { iter.remove(); } } } } public void unregisterApiHandlers() { this.handlers.clear(); } public void setBindAddress(String address) throws UnknownHostException { this.setBindAddress(InetAddress.getByName(address)); } /** * Sets the address the server will bind to on the next start * * @param address the address */ public void setBindAddress(InetAddress address) { expectNotNull(address, "The address must not be null!"); this.bindAddress.set(address); } /** * Returns the address the server is bound/will bind to * * @return the address */ public InetAddress getBindAddress() { return this.bindAddress.get(); } public InetAddress getBoundAddress() { if (this.isRunning()) { return ((InetSocketAddress); } return null; } public void setPort(short port) { this.port.set(port); } /** * Returns the port the server is/will be listening on * * @return the post */ public int getPort() { return this.port.get(); } public short getBoundPort() { if (this.isRunning()) { return (short) ((InetSocketAddress); } return -1; } public void setMaxThreads(int maxThreads) { this.maxThreads.set(maxThreads); } public int getMaxThreads() { return this.maxThreads.get(); } public void setMaxContentLength(int mcl) { this.maxContentLength.set(mcl); } /** * Returns the maximum content length the client may send * * @return the maximum content length */ public int getMaxContentLength() { return this.maxContentLength.get(); } public void setCompressionEnabled(boolean state) { this.compress.set(state); } public boolean isCompressionEnabled() { return this.compress.get(); } public void setCompressionLevel(int level) { this.compressionLevel.set(Math.max(1, Math.min(9, level))); } public int getCompressionLevel() { return this.compressionLevel.get(); } public void setCompressionWindowBits(int bits) { this.windowBits.set(Math.max(9, Math.min(15, bits))); } public int getCompressionMemoryLevel() { return this.memoryLevel.get(); } public void setCompressionMemoryLevel(int level) { this.memoryLevel.set(Math.max(1, Math.min(9, level))); } public int getCompressionWindowBits() { return this.windowBits.get(); } /** * Returns whether whitelisting is enabled * * @return true if enabled */ public boolean isWhitelistEnabled() { return this.enableWhitelist.get(); } /** * Sets the enabled state of the whitelisting * * @param state true to enable, false to disable */ public void setWhitelistEnabled(boolean state) { this.enableWhitelist.set(state); } public void whitelistAddress(InetAddress address) { this.whitelist.add(address); } public void whitelistAddress(InetSocketAddress address) { this.whitelistAddress(address.getAddress()); } public void unWhitelistAddress(InetAddress address) { this.whitelist.remove(address); } public void unWhitelistAddress(InetSocketAddress address) { this.unWhitelistAddress(address.getAddress()); } public void setWhitelist(Set<InetAddress> newWhitelist) { expectNotNull(newWhitelist, "The whitelist must not be null!"); Validate.noNullElements(newWhitelist, "The whitelist must not contain null values!"); this.whitelist.clear(); this.whitelist.addAll(newWhitelist); } /** * Checks whether an InetAddress is whitelisted * * @param ip the IP * @return true if it is */ public boolean isWhitelisted(InetAddress ip) { return !this.enableWhitelist.get() || this.whitelist.contains(ip); } public boolean isAuthorized(InetAddress ip) { return !this.enableAuthorizedList.get() || this.authorizedList.contains(ip); } /** * Checks whether an InetSocketAddress is whitelisted * * @param ip the IP * @return true if it is */ public boolean isWhitelisted(InetSocketAddress ip) { return this.isWhitelisted(ip.getAddress()); } /** * Sets the enabled state of the blacklisting * * @param state true to enable, false to disable */ public void setBlacklistEnabled(boolean state) { this.enableBlacklist.set(state); } public void blacklistAddress(InetAddress address) { this.blacklist.add(address); } public void blacklistAddress(InetSocketAddress address) { this.blacklistAddress(address.getAddress()); } public void unBlacklistAddress(InetAddress address) { this.blacklist.remove(address); } public void unBlacklistAddress(InetSocketAddress address) { this.unBlacklistAddress(address.getAddress()); } public void setBlacklist(Set<InetAddress> newBlacklist) { expectNotNull(newBlacklist, "The blacklist must not be null!"); Validate.noNullElements(newBlacklist, "The blacklist must not contain null values!"); this.blacklist.clear(); this.blacklist.addAll(newBlacklist); } /** * Returns whether blacklisting is enabled * * @return true if it is */ public boolean isBlacklistEnabled() { return this.enableBlacklist.get(); } /** * Checks whether an InetSocketAddress is blacklisted * * @param ip the IP * @return true if it is */ public boolean isBlacklisted(InetSocketAddress ip) { return this.isBlacklisted(ip.getAddress()); } /** * Checks whether an InetAddress is blacklisted * * @param ip the IP * @return true if it is */ public boolean isBlacklisted(InetAddress ip) { return this.enableBlacklist.get() && this.blacklist.contains(ip); } public void setAuthorizedListEnabled(boolean enable) { this.enableAuthorizedList.set(enable); } public void setAuthorizedList(Set<InetAddress> newAuthorizedlist) { expectNotNull(newAuthorizedlist, "The autorizedlist must not be null!"); Validate.noNullElements(newAuthorizedlist, "The autorizedlist must not contain null values!"); this.authorizedList.clear(); this.authorizedList.addAll(newAuthorizedlist); } public boolean isRouteDisabled(String route) { return this.disabledRoutes.contains(route); } public void disableRoute(String route) { this.disabledRoutes.add(route); } public void reenableRoute(String route) { this.disabledRoutes.remove(route); } public void reenableRoutes(String... routes) { for (String route : routes) { this.reenableRoute(route); } } public boolean isAddressAccepted(InetAddress address) { return this.isWhitelisted(address) && !this.isBlacklisted(address); } public void subscribe(String event, WebSocketRequestHandler requestHandler) { expectNotNull(event, "The event name must not be null!"); expectNotNull(requestHandler, "The request handler must not be null!"); event = event.toLowerCase(ENGLISH); Set<WebSocketRequestHandler> subscribedHandlers = this.subscriptions.get(event); if (subscribedHandlers == null) { this.subscriptions.put(event, subscribedHandlers = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>()); } subscribedHandlers.add(requestHandler); } public void unsubscribe(String event, WebSocketRequestHandler requestHandler) { expectNotNull(event, "The event name must not be null!"); expectNotNull(requestHandler, "The request handler must not be null!"); event = event.toLowerCase(ENGLISH); Set<WebSocketRequestHandler> subscribedHandlers = this.subscriptions.get(event); if (subscribedHandlers != null) { subscribedHandlers.remove(requestHandler); if (subscribedHandlers.isEmpty()) { this.subscriptions.remove(event); } } } public void unsubscribe(String event) { expectNotNull(event, "The event name must not be null!"); event = event.toLowerCase(ENGLISH); this.subscriptions.remove(event); } public void unsubscribe(WebSocketRequestHandler handler) { expectNotNull(handler, "The event name must not be null!"); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Set<WebSocketRequestHandler>>> iter = this.subscriptions.entrySet().iterator(); Set<WebSocketRequestHandler> handlers; while (iter.hasNext()) { handlers =; handlers.remove(handler); if (handlers.isEmpty()) { iter.remove(); } } } public void fireEvent(String event, ObjectNode data) { expectNotNull(event, "The event name must not be null!"); event = event.toLowerCase(ENGLISH); Set<WebSocketRequestHandler> subscribedHandlers = this.subscriptions.get(event); if (subscribedHandlers != null) { for (WebSocketRequestHandler handler : subscribedHandlers) { handler.handleEvent(event, data); } } } public void setMaxConnectionCount(int maxConnectionCount) { this.maxConnectionCount.set(maxConnectionCount); } public int getMaxConnectionCount() { return maxConnectionCount.get(); } }