Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This file is part of the Corporate Semantic Web Project at Freie Universitaet Berlin.
 * This work has been partially supported by the ``InnoProfile-Corporate Semantic Web" project funded by the German Federal
 * Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the BMBF Innovation Initiative for the New German Laender - Entrepreneurial Regions.
 * Freie Universitaet Berlin
 * Copyright (c) 2007-2013
 * Institut fuer Informatik
 * Working Group Corporate Semantic Web
 * Koenigin-Luise-Strasse 24-26
 * 14195 Berlin
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA or see <>
package de.csw.expertfinder.expertise;

import static de.csw.expertfinder.config.Config.Key.CREDIBILITY_BASE;
import static de.csw.expertfinder.config.Config.Key.EXPERTISE_WEIGHT_SECTION_1_CONTRIBUTION;
import static de.csw.expertfinder.config.Config.Key.EXPERTISE_WEIGHT_SECTION_2_CONTRIBUTION;
import static de.csw.expertfinder.config.Config.Key.EXPERTISE_WEIGHT_SECTION_3_CONTRIBUTION;
import static de.csw.expertfinder.config.Config.Key.EXPERTISE_WEIGHT_SECTION_4_CONTRIBUTION;
import static de.csw.expertfinder.config.Config.Key.EXPERTISE_WEIGHT_SECTION_5_CONTRIBUTION;
import static de.csw.expertfinder.config.Config.Key.EXPERTISE_WEIGHT_SECTION_6_CONTRIBUTION;

import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.hibernate.Hibernate;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.SQLQuery;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModelSpec;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Literal;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator;

import de.csw.expertfinder.config.Config;
import de.csw.expertfinder.config.Config.Key;
import de.csw.expertfinder.document.Author;
import de.csw.expertfinder.document.Concept;
import de.csw.expertfinder.document.Document;
import de.csw.expertfinder.ontology.OntologyIndex;
import de.csw.expertfinder.persistence.PersistenceStoreFacade;
import de.csw.expertfinder.test.util.StopWatch;
import de.csw.expertfinder.util.Pair;

 * @author ralph
public class ExpertiseModel {

    private static final int POS_DOCUMENT_ID = 0;
    private static final int POS_SECTION_ID = 1;
    private static final int POS_SECTION_LEVEL = 2;
    private static final int POS_REVISION_CREATED = 3;
    private static final int POS_REVISION_DELETED = 4;
    private static final int POS_DELETOR = 5;
    private static final int POS_SECTION_SIMILARITY = 6;

    private static final int POS_SINGLE_DOCUMENT_ID = 0;
    private static final int POS_SINGLE_CONTRIB_REVISION_CREATED = 1;
    private static final int POS_SINGLE_CONTRIB_REVISION_DELETED = 2;
    private static final int POS_SINGLE_DELETOR = 3;

    private static ExpertiseModel instance;

    private PersistenceStoreFacade persistenceStore;

    private double credibilityGrowthBase;
    private double minSimilarity;

    private double[] sectionContributionWeights;

     * Gets the single instance of this class.
     * @return
    public static ExpertiseModel get() {
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new ExpertiseModel();
        return instance;

    private ExpertiseModel() {
        persistenceStore = PersistenceStoreFacade.get();
        credibilityGrowthBase = Config.getDoubleAppProperty(CREDIBILITY_BASE);
        minSimilarity = Config.getDoubleAppProperty(Key.ONTOLOGY_MIN_TOPIC_SIMILARITY);

        sectionContributionWeights = new double[6];
        sectionContributionWeights[0] = Config.getDoubleAppProperty(EXPERTISE_WEIGHT_SECTION_1_CONTRIBUTION);
        sectionContributionWeights[1] = Config.getDoubleAppProperty(EXPERTISE_WEIGHT_SECTION_2_CONTRIBUTION);
        sectionContributionWeights[2] = Config.getDoubleAppProperty(EXPERTISE_WEIGHT_SECTION_3_CONTRIBUTION);
        sectionContributionWeights[3] = Config.getDoubleAppProperty(EXPERTISE_WEIGHT_SECTION_4_CONTRIBUTION);
        sectionContributionWeights[4] = Config.getDoubleAppProperty(EXPERTISE_WEIGHT_SECTION_5_CONTRIBUTION);
        sectionContributionWeights[5] = Config.getDoubleAppProperty(EXPERTISE_WEIGHT_SECTION_6_CONTRIBUTION);

     * Calculates the given author's credibility or reputation wrt. the topic
     * represented by the given concept, based on the longevity on his/her
     * contributions to that topic, not including similar topics.
     * @param author
     *            the author
     * @param concept
     *            a concept representing a topic
     * @return the author's credibility wrt. to the given topic.
    public double getCredibility(String authorName, String topicName) {
        OntClass topicClass = OntologyIndex.get().getOntClass(topicName);
        if (topicClass == null) {
            return 0d;

        Concept topic = persistenceStore.getConcept(topicClass.getURI());
        Author author = persistenceStore.getAuthor(authorName);

        if (author == null || topic == null) {
            return 0d;

        return getCredibility(author, topic);


     * Calculates the given author's credibility or reputation wrt. the topic
     * represented by the given concept, based on the longevity on his/her
     * contributions to that topic, not including similar topics.
     * @param author
     *            the author
     * @param concept
     *            a concept representing a topic
     * @return the author's credibility wrt. to the given topic.
    public double getCredibility(Author author, Concept concept) {

        // get all contributions of the author to sections associated with the given concept      

        AuthorCredibility authorCredibility = persistenceStore.getAuthorCredibility(author, concept);

        if (authorCredibility == null) {
            authorCredibility = new AuthorCredibility(author, concept);
        } else {
            Double credibility = authorCredibility.getCredibility();
            if (credibility != null) {
                return credibility;

        List<Object[]> sections = persistenceStore.getContributionsToSectionsWithConceptForAuthor(concept, author);

        double numerator = 0d;
        double denumenator = 0;

        // adding words to a section during one revision
        long sectionId = -1L;
        int sectionLevel = -1;

        long documentId = -1L;

        long latestRevision = -1L;

        for (Object[] contribution : sections) {
            long newDocumentId = (Long) contribution[POS_DOCUMENT_ID];
            if (newDocumentId != documentId) {
                // new document
                documentId = newDocumentId;
                latestRevision = persistenceStore.getLatestPersistedRevision(documentId).getCount();

            long newSectionId = (Long) contribution[POS_SECTION_ID];
            if (newSectionId != sectionId) {
                // new section
                sectionId = newSectionId;
                sectionLevel = (Integer) contribution[POS_SECTION_LEVEL];

            double sectionConceptSimilarity = (Double) contribution[POS_SECTION_SIMILARITY];
            double sectionContributionWeight = sectionContributionWeights[sectionLevel - 1]
                    * sectionConceptSimilarity;

            long revisionCreated = (Long) contribution[POS_REVISION_CREATED];
            Long revisionDeleted = (Long) contribution[POS_REVISION_DELETED];
            if (revisionDeleted == null) {
                // contribution has not been deleted
                numerator += (1 - Math.pow(credibilityGrowthBase, -(latestRevision + 1 - revisionCreated)))
                        * sectionContributionWeight;
                denumenator += sectionContributionWeight;
            } else {
                // contribution has been deleted
                long deletorId = (Long) contribution[POS_DELETOR];
                if (deletorId != author.getId()) {
                    // Only if the contribution was deleted by a different author, the contribution is counted.
                    // If the deletor is the actual author of the contribution, it is just not taken into account
                    numerator += (1 - Math.pow(credibilityGrowthBase, -(revisionDeleted + 1 - revisionCreated)))
                            * sectionContributionWeight;
                    denumenator += sectionContributionWeight;

        // now the actual contributions (=words matching the concept)

        List<Object[]> words = persistenceStore.getContributionForConcept(concept, author);

        documentId = -1L;
        latestRevision = -1L;

        for (Object[] contribution : words) {
            long newDocumentId = (Long) contribution[POS_SINGLE_DOCUMENT_ID];
            if (newDocumentId != documentId) {
                // new document
                documentId = newDocumentId;
                latestRevision = persistenceStore.getLatestPersistedRevision(documentId).getCount();

            long revisionCreated = (Long) contribution[POS_SINGLE_CONTRIB_REVISION_CREATED];
            Long revisionDeleted = (Long) contribution[POS_SINGLE_CONTRIB_REVISION_DELETED];
            if (revisionDeleted == null) {
                // contribution has not been deleted
                numerator += (1 - Math.pow(credibilityGrowthBase, -(latestRevision + 1 - revisionCreated)));
                denumenator += 1;
            } else {
                // contribution has been deleted
                long deletorId = (Long) contribution[POS_SINGLE_DELETOR];
                if (deletorId != author.getId()) {
                    // Only if the contribution was deleted by a different author, the contribution is counted.
                    // If the deletor is the actual author of the contribution, it is just not taken into account
                    // TODO: this is stupid, because contributions deleted by s.o. else increase the credibility score while
                    // those deleted by the creator himself don't. 
                    // Recap of the facts.
                    // 1. Deletion of content can mean that content is either junk or outdated.
                    // 1a. If content is junk, then it gets deleted soon with high probability (by someone else).
                    //     -> Even if we count junk, then the credibility score for this bit will remain low (because it's deleted very soon).
                    // 1b. If content is outdated, then it's still worth taking it into account for the time it was present.
                    //     => Content deleted by s.o. else should be taken into account.
                    // 2. Deletion of content by the creator can actually mean the same (either junk or outdated).
                    // 2a. If the creator himself decides to withdraw his contribution, then his reason for this is "harder".
                    //     If he thinks he has written junk, then he will delete it very soon.
                    //     If he thinks his contributions are outdated, then it is improbable that he will delete them.
                    // 2b. The only reason why an author may delete his contribution after a long time is that he corrects/replaces content.
                    // => We can never be absolutely sure why someone deletes s.o. else's content or his own. We should always count content
                    // during its lifetime, regardless of whether the deletor is someone else or not.

                    // => we put the following two lines...
                    //               numerator += (1 - Math.pow(credibilityGrowthBase, -(revisionDeleted + 1 - revisionCreated)));
                    //               denumenator += 1;

                // ... down here!
                numerator += (1 - Math.pow(credibilityGrowthBase, -(revisionDeleted + 1 - revisionCreated)));
                denumenator += 1;


        double credibility;

        if (denumenator == 0d) {
            // obviously no contribution to this topic at all
            credibility = 0d;
        } else {
            credibility = numerator / denumenator;

        authorCredibility.setCredibilityItemCount((long) denumenator);;

        return credibility;

    public double getExpertiseScore(String authorName, String topicName) {
        OntClass topicClass = OntologyIndex.get().getOntClass(topicName);
        if (topicClass == null) {
            return 0d;

        Concept topic = persistenceStore.getConcept(topicClass.getURI());
        Author author = persistenceStore.getAuthor(authorName);

        if (author == null || topic == null) {
            return 0d;

        return getExpertiseScore(author, topic);

    public double getExpertiseScore(Author author, Concept topic) {
        AuthorCredibility authorCredibility = persistenceStore.getAuthorCredibility(author, topic);
        if (authorCredibility == null)
            return 0d;
        return authorCredibility.getExpertiseAll();

     * Returns the given author's consolidated expertise score for the given
     * topic and similar topics, based on the similarity metric and the
     * similarity threshold value specified in the application's configuration
     * file.
     * @param author
     * @param topic
     * @return
    public void calculateExpertiseScore(String authorName, String topicName) {
        OntClass topicClass = OntologyIndex.get().getOntClass(topicName);
        if (topicClass == null) {

        Concept topic = persistenceStore.getConcept(topicClass.getURI());
        Author author = persistenceStore.getAuthor(authorName);

        if (author == null || topic == null) {

        calculateExpertiseScore(author, topic);


     * Returns the given author's consolidated expertise score for the given
     * topic and similar topics, weighted by the author's credibility wtr. the
     * given topic, based on the similarity metric and the similarity threshold
     * value specified in the application's configuration file.
     * @param author
     * @param topic
     * @return
    public void calculateExpertiseScore(Author author, Concept topic) {

        AuthorCredibility authorCredibility = persistenceStore.getAuthorCredibility(author, topic);

        // my expertise for this topic
        Double myExpertise = authorCredibility.getExpertise();
        if (myExpertise == 0d) {
            // we can stop here, because if my expertise is 0, I won't add anything to related topics either (I would add 0, which has no effect)

        Long myExpertiseItemCount = authorCredibility.getExpertiseItemCount();

        // my credibility for this topic
        Double myCredibility = authorCredibility.getCredibility();
        Long myCredibilityItemCount = authorCredibility.getCredibilityItemCount();

        // gets similar topics and (including the given one) and their similarity values
        List<Pair<Concept, Double>> similarConcepts = persistenceStore.getMostSimilarConcepts(topic, minSimilarity);
        for (Pair<Concept, Double> similarConceptSimPair : similarConcepts) {
            Concept similarConcept = similarConceptSimPair.getKey();
            if (similarConcept.equals(topic)) {
                // we already have our expertise value. Continue

            Double similarity = similarConceptSimPair.getValue();

            AuthorCredibility similarConceptAuthorCredibility = persistenceStore.getAuthorCredibility(author,

            // add this credibility (weighted by similarity) to similar concept credibility (average)
            Double similarConceptCredibility = similarConceptAuthorCredibility.getCredibilityAll();
            Long similarConceptCredibilityItemCount = similarConceptAuthorCredibility.getCredibilityItemCountAll();
            if (similarConceptCredibility == null) {
                similarConceptCredibility = similarConceptAuthorCredibility.getCredibility();
                similarConceptCredibilityItemCount = similarConceptAuthorCredibility.getCredibilityItemCount();

            Long newCredibilityItemCount = similarConceptCredibilityItemCount + myCredibilityItemCount;
            Double denomitator = (double) similarConceptCredibilityItemCount
                    + ((double) myCredibilityItemCount * similarity);
            Double newCredibility = (similarConceptCredibility + (myCredibility * similarity)) / denomitator;


            // add this expertise (weighted by similarity) to similar concept expertise (sum)
            Double similarConceptExpertise = similarConceptAuthorCredibility.getExpertiseAll();
            Long similarConceptExpertiseItemCount = similarConceptAuthorCredibility.getExpertiseItemCountAll();
            if (similarConceptExpertise == null) {
                similarConceptExpertise = similarConceptAuthorCredibility.getExpertise();
                similarConceptExpertiseItemCount = similarConceptAuthorCredibility.getExpertiseItemCount();

            Long newExpertiseItemCount = similarConceptExpertiseItemCount + myExpertiseItemCount;
            Double newExpertise = similarConceptExpertise + (myExpertise * similarity);






     * Adds the given expertise value for the given author and the given topic to the store.
     * If no expertise item exists for the given author-topic combination, a new one is
     * created automatically.
    private AuthorCredibility addExpertiseScore(Author author, Concept topic, double expertiseValue,
            long itemCount) {
        AuthorCredibility expertise = persistenceStore.getAuthorCredibility(author, topic);
        if (expertise == null) {
            expertise = new AuthorCredibility(author, topic);

        Double oldExpertiseValue = expertise.getExpertise();
        if (oldExpertiseValue == null) {
            oldExpertiseValue = expertise.getCredibility();
            if (oldExpertiseValue == null) {
                oldExpertiseValue = 0d;
        Double newExpertiseValue = oldExpertiseValue + expertiseValue;

        long oldItemCount = expertise.getExpertiseItemCount();
        long newItemCount = oldItemCount + itemCount;

        return expertise;

     * Adds the given credibility value for the given author and the given topic to the store.
     * If no credibility item exists for the given author-topic combination, a new one is
     * created automatically.
    private AuthorCredibility addCredibilityScore(Author author, Concept topic, double credibilityValue,
            long itemCount) {
        AuthorCredibility credibility = persistenceStore.getAuthorCredibility(author, topic);
        if (credibility == null) {
            credibility = new AuthorCredibility(author, topic);

        Double oldCredibilityValue = credibility.getCredibilityAll();
        if (oldCredibilityValue == null) {
            oldCredibilityValue = credibility.getCredibility();
            if (oldCredibilityValue == null) {
                oldCredibilityValue = 0d;
        Double newCredibilityValue = oldCredibilityValue + credibilityValue;


        long oldItemCount = credibility.getCredibilityItemCount();
        long newItemCount = oldItemCount + itemCount;

        return credibility;

     * Returns the given author's expertise score for the topic specified by the
     * given ontological concept without taking into account similar topics.
     * @param author
     * @param topic
     * @return
    public double getRawExpertiseScore(Author author, Concept topic) {

        AuthorCredibility authorCredibility = persistenceStore.getAuthorCredibility(author, topic);

        Double expertise = 0d;

        List<Object[]> sections = persistenceStore.getContributionsToSectionsWithConceptForAuthor(topic, author);

        // adding words to a section during one revision
        long sectionId = -1L;
        int sectionLevel = -1;

        for (Object[] contribution : sections) {
            long newSectionId = (Long) contribution[POS_SECTION_ID];
            if (newSectionId != sectionId) {
                // new section
                sectionId = newSectionId;
                sectionLevel = (Integer) contribution[POS_SECTION_LEVEL];


            double sectionConceptSimilarity = (Double) contribution[POS_SECTION_SIMILARITY];

            expertise += sectionConceptSimilarity * sectionContributionWeights[sectionLevel - 1];

        // now the actual contributions (=words matching the concept)

        List<Object[]> words = persistenceStore.getContributionForConcept(topic, author);
        for (Object[] contribution : words) {
            expertise += 1d;

        authorCredibility.setExpertiseItemCount((long) (sections.size() + words.size()));


        return expertise;


     * Returns all names of authors who contributed to the given topic.
     * @param topicName the name of the topic
     * @return a list containing all names of authors who contributed to the given topic.
    public Set<String> getAuthorsForTopic(String topicName) {

        Set<String> result = new TreeSet<String>();

        OntClass clazz = OntologyIndex.get().getOntClass(topicName);
        if (clazz == null) {
            return Collections.EMPTY_SET;

        String topicURI = clazz.getURI();


        Concept topic = persistenceStore.getConcept(topicURI);

        List<AuthorContribution> contributions = persistenceStore.getCachedAuthorContributions(topic);


        if (!contributions.isEmpty()) {
            for (AuthorContribution authorContribution : contributions) {
                String authorName = authorContribution.getAuthor().getName();
            return result;

        List<Author> directAuthors = persistenceStore.getAuthorsWhoContributedToTopic(topic);
        List<Author> indirectAuthors = persistenceStore.getAuthorsWhoIndirectlyContributedToTopic(topic);

        for (Author author : directAuthors) {

        for (Author author : indirectAuthors) {

        return result;

     * Returns all topic names the given author has contributed to.
     * @param authorName the author's name
     * @return a list containing all topic names the given author has contributed to.
    public Set<String> getTopicsForAuthor(String authorName) {

        Set<String> result = new TreeSet<String>();

        OntModel model = OntologyIndex.get().getModel();


        Author author = persistenceStore.getAuthor(authorName);
        List<AuthorContribution> contributions = persistenceStore.getCachedAuthorContributions(author);


        if (!contributions.isEmpty()) {
            for (AuthorContribution authorContribution : contributions) {
                String uri = authorContribution.getConcept().getUri();
                OntClass clazz = model.getOntClass(uri);
                ExtendedIterator iter = clazz.listLabels(Config.getAppProperty(Config.Key.LANGUAGE));
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    String label = ((Literal);
            return result;

        if (author == null) {
            return Collections.EMPTY_SET;

        List<Concept> directContributions = persistenceStore.getContributedTopics(author);
        List<Concept> indirectContributions = persistenceStore.getIndirectContributedTopics(author);

        for (Concept topic : directContributions) {
            OntClass clazz = model.getOntClass(topic.getUri());
            ExtendedIterator iter = clazz.listLabels(Config.getAppProperty(Config.Key.LANGUAGE));
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                String label = ((Literal);

        for (Concept topic : indirectContributions) {
            OntClass clazz = model.getOntClass(topic.getUri());
            ExtendedIterator iter = clazz.listLabels(Config.getAppProperty(Config.Key.LANGUAGE));
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                String label = ((Literal);

        return result;

     * Returns the TF/IDF weighting for the given word in the given document.
     * Does no word normalization in terms of lemmatization or stemming! If
     * normalization is needed, it has to be done on the word before calling
     * this method.
     * @param document
     *            the document
     * @param word
     *            the word (lemma or stem)
     * @return the TF/IDF
    public double getTFIDFWeight(Document document, String word) {
        return getTFIDFWeight(document.getId(), word);

     * Returns the TF/IDF weighting for the given word in the given document.
     * Does no word normalization in terms of lemmatization or stemming! If
     * normalization is needed, it has to be done on the word before calling
     * this method.
     * @param documentId
     *            the id of the document
     * @param word
     *            the word (lemma or stem)
     * @return the TF/IDF
    public double getTFIDFWeight(Long documentId, String word) {

        SQLQuery q = persistenceStore
                .createSQLQuery("select count(*) as count from ( " + "select word from word w,  revision r "
                        + "where w.id_revision_created = " + "and w.id_revision_deleted is null "
                        + "and r.id_document = :documentId " + "and word = :word) words");

        q.setLong("documentId", documentId).setString("word", word);
        q.addScalar("count", Hibernate.INTEGER);

        int wordDocumentFreq = (Integer) q.uniqueResult();

        q = persistenceStore.createSQLQuery("select count(*) as count from ( "
                + "select word from word w,  revision r " + "where w.id_revision_created = "
                + "and w.id_revision_deleted is null " + "and r.id_document = :documentId) words");

        q.setLong("documentId", documentId);
        q.addScalar("count", Hibernate.INTEGER);

        int allDocumentFreq = (Integer) q.uniqueResult();

        q = persistenceStore.createSQLQuery("select count(*) as count from document");
        q.addScalar("count", Hibernate.INTEGER);

        int documentCount = (Integer) q.uniqueResult();

        q = persistenceStore.createSQLQuery(
                "select count(*) as count from ( " + "   select distinct from document d, revision rc, word w "
                        + "   where w.word=:word " + "   and w.id_revision_created = "
                        + "   and w.id_revision_deleted is null " + "   and rc.id_document = word");

        q.setString("word", word);
        q.addScalar("count", Hibernate.INTEGER);

        int wordCorpusFreq = (Integer) q.uniqueResult();


        double tf = (double) wordDocumentFreq / (double) allDocumentFreq;
        double idf = Math.log((double) documentCount / (double) wordCorpusFreq);

        return tf * idf;

    private void calcSim() {

        OntologyIndex oi = OntologyIndex.get();
        OntModel model = oi.getModel();

        Query query = persistenceStore.createHQLQuery("from Concept");
        List<Concept> concepts1 = (List<Concept>) query.list();

        Query query1 = persistenceStore.createHQLQuery("from Concept");
        List<Concept> concepts2 = (List<Concept>) query1.list();

        for (Concept co1 : concepts1) {
            OntClass c1 = model.getOntClass(co1.getUri());
            for (Concept co2 : concepts2) {
                OntClass c2 = model.getOntClass(co2.getUri());
