Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2004-2009 Tobias Gierke <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package de.codesourcery.planning.demo; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import de.codesourcery.planning.IResource; import de.codesourcery.planning.Duration; import de.codesourcery.planning.IFactory; import de.codesourcery.planning.IFactorySlot; import de.codesourcery.planning.IJob; import de.codesourcery.planning.IJobTemplate; import de.codesourcery.planning.IProductionJob; import de.codesourcery.planning.IProductionLocation; import de.codesourcery.planning.IResourceFactory; import de.codesourcery.planning.IResourceManager; import de.codesourcery.planning.IResourceType; import de.codesourcery.planning.ISlotType; import de.codesourcery.planning.IJobTemplate.JobMode; import de.codesourcery.planning.impl.ResourceAmount; import de.codesourcery.planning.impl.SimpleFactory; import de.codesourcery.planning.impl.SimpleJob; import de.codesourcery.planning.impl.SimpleJobTemplate; import de.codesourcery.planning.impl.SimpleProductionSlot; import de.codesourcery.planning.impl.SimpleResource; import de.codesourcery.planning.impl.SimpleResourceManager; import de.codesourcery.simulation.ProductionSimulator; import de.codesourcery.simulation.SimpleSimulationListener; import de.codesourcery.simulation.SimulationClock; public class SimulationDemo { private static final DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); private static final IProductionLocation LOCATION1 = new IProductionLocation() { @Override public String toString() { return "Location #1"; } }; private static final class MyJob extends SimpleJob implements IProductionJob { private final Collection<ResourceAmount> consumed; private final Collection<ResourceAmount> produced; public MyJob(String name, IJobTemplate jobTemplate, Duration duration, Collection<ResourceAmount> consumed, Collection<ResourceAmount> produced) { super(name, jobTemplate, duration); if (produced == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("produced cannot be NULL"); } if (consumed == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("consumed cannot be NULL"); } this.consumed = consumed; this.produced = produced; setStatus(JobStatus.NOT_STARTED); } @Override public void addProducedResources(IFactorySlot slot, IResourceManager manager) { for (ResourceAmount resource : produced) { final IResource res = manager.getResource(resource.getResourceType(), slot.getOutputLocation()); res.incrementAmount(resource.getAmount()); } } @Override public void consumeRequiredResources(IFactorySlot slot, IResourceManager manager) { for (ResourceAmount resource : consumed) { final IResource res = manager.getResource(resource.getResourceType(), slot.getInputLocation()); res.decrementAmount(resource.getAmount()); } } } private static <T> List<T> toList(T... data) { final List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(); for (T o : data) { result.add(o); } return result; } private static List<IFactory> createFactories() throws ParseException { // setup factory with dummy data final List<IFactory> result = new ArrayList<IFactory>(); final SimpleJobTemplate template = new SimpleJobTemplate(1, JobMode.AUTOMATIC) { }; final ISlotType type = new ISlotType() { @Override public boolean accepts(IJobTemplate t) { return t instanceof SimpleJobTemplate; } }; final SimpleFactory factory1 = new SimpleFactory("Factory no. 1"); final SimpleFactory factory2 = new SimpleFactory("Factory no. 2"); result.add(factory1); result.add(factory2); final SimpleProductionSlot slot1 = new SimpleProductionSlot("Slot no. 1", type, LOCATION1); final SimpleProductionSlot slot2 = new SimpleProductionSlot("Slot no. 2 with a long name", type, LOCATION1); final SimpleProductionSlot slot3 = new SimpleProductionSlot("Slot no. 3", type, LOCATION1); factory1.addSlot(slot1); factory1.addSlot(slot2); factory2.addSlot(slot3); final Date diagramStartDate = dateFormat.parse("2009-01-01 00:00:00"); final IResourceType type1 = new SampleResourceType("Tritanium"); final IResourceType type2 = new SampleResourceType("Hammerhead I"); final IResourceType type3 = new SampleResourceType("Hammerhead I BPC"); final IResourceType type4 = new SampleResourceType("Hammerhead II BPC"); final IResourceType type5 = new SampleResourceType("Hammerhead II"); // add jobs final SimpleJob job1 = new MyJob("Produce HammerHead I", template, Duration.days(3), toList(new ResourceAmount(type1, 1), new ResourceAmount(type3, 0)), toList(new ResourceAmount(type2, 1))); job1.setStartDate(diagramStartDate); slot1.add(job1); final SimpleJob job2 = new MyJob("Produce Hammerhead II BPC", template, Duration.days(3).plus(Duration.hours(12)), toList(new ResourceAmount(type3, 1)), toList(new ResourceAmount(type4, 1))); job2.setStartDate(Duration.oneDay().addTo(diagramStartDate)); slot2.add(job2); final SimpleJob job3 = new MyJob("Produce Hammerhead II", template, Duration.days(3), toList(new ResourceAmount(type4, 1), new ResourceAmount(type2, 1)), toList(new ResourceAmount(type5, 1))); job3.setStartDate(Duration.oneSecond().addTo(job2.getEndDate())); job3.addDependentJob(job1); job3.addDependentJob(job2); slot3.add(job3); return result; } private static final class MyResourceManager extends SimpleResourceManager { private Date now = new Date(); @Override public IResourceManager snapshot() { MyResourceManager result = new MyResourceManager(); = new Date(now.getTime()); cloneInstance(result); return result; } @Override public Date getTimestamp() { return now; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException { final Date simulationStartDate = dateFormat.parse("2008-01-01 00:00:00"); final IResourceFactory resourceFactory = new IResourceFactory() { @Override public IResource createResource(IResourceType type, IProductionLocation location) { return new SimpleResource(type, location, 0.0d); } @Override public Date getTimestamp() { return simulationStartDate; } @Override public IResource cloneResource(IResource resource) { synchronized (resource) { return new SimpleResource((SimpleResource) resource); } } }; final IResourceManager resourceManager = new MyResourceManager(); resourceManager.setResourceFactory(resourceFactory); final List<IFactory> factories = createFactories(); final ProductionSimulator simulator = new ProductionSimulator(factories); final SimpleSimulationListener callback = new SimpleSimulationListener(simulationStartDate, resourceManager) { @Override public void clockAdvanced(SimulationClock clock) { super.clockAdvanced(clock); System.out.println("\n===== Simulation time: " + clock.getTime() + " ===="); printResources(factories, getResourceManagerSnapshot()); } @Override public void beforeJobStart(IFactorySlot slot, IJob job, SimulationClock clock) { System.out.println("# Starting job " + job + " at " + clock.getTime()); super.beforeJobStart(slot, job, clock); } }; simulator.runSimulation(simulationStartDate, callback); System.out.println("\n\n========================================="); System.out.println("Simulation end: " + simulator.getSimulationEndTime()); printResources(factories, callback.getResourceManagerSnapshot()); } private static void printResources(List<IFactory> factories, IResourceManager manager) { final Set<IProductionLocation> locations = new HashSet<IProductionLocation>(); for (IFactory f : factories) { for (IFactorySlot slot : f.getSlots()) { locations.add(slot.getInputLocation()); locations.add(slot.getOutputLocation()); } } for (IProductionLocation location : locations) { final List<IResource> r = new ArrayList<IResource>(manager.getResourcesAt(location)); // Collections.sort( r , new Comparator<IResource>() { // // @Override // public int compare(IResource o1, IResource o2) // { // return o1.getType().compareTo( o2.getType() ); // } // } ); System.out.println("\nResources at " + location + ":\n\n"); for (IResource resource : r) { System.out.println(StringUtils.rightPad(resource.getType().toString(), 25) + " " + StringUtils.leftPad("" + resource.getAmount(), 15)); } } } }