Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2004-2009 Tobias Gierke <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package de.codesourcery.eve.skills.ui.components.impl; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.Window; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JRadioButton; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.JTextField; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.datamodel.Blueprint; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.datamodel.CharacterID; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.datamodel.Decryptor; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.datamodel.ICharacter; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.datamodel.IStaticDataModel; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.datamodel.ManufacturingJobRequest; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.datamodel.Prerequisite; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.datamodel.RequiredMaterial; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.datamodel.Requirements; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.datamodel.SlotAttributes; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.datamodel.TrainedSkill; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.db.dao.IStaticDataModelProvider; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.db.datamodel.Activity; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.db.datamodel.Skill; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.production.BlueprintWithAttributes; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.production.IBlueprintLibrary; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.production.InventionChanceCalculator; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.ui.components.AbstractComponent; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.ui.components.ComponentWrapper; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.ui.components.ICharacterSelectionProviderAware; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.ui.components.IDoubleClickSelectionListener; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.ui.components.ISelectionListener; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.ui.components.ISelectionProvider; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.ui.components.impl.planning.CreateProductionTemplateComponent; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.ui.frames.WindowManager; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.ui.frames.WindowManager.IWindowProvider; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.ui.utils.ImprovedSplitPane; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.ui.utils.PopupMenuBuilder; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.util.AmountHelper; import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.utils.DateHelper; import de.codesourcery.utils.StringTablePrinter; import de.codesourcery.utils.StringTablePrinter.Padding; public class BlueprintBrowserComponent extends AbstractComponent implements ICharacterSelectionProviderAware, ActionListener, IDoubleClickSelectionListener<Blueprint> { public static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(BlueprintBrowserComponent.class); private final BlueprintChooserComponent blueprintChooser = new BlueprintChooserComponent(); private final JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(50, 70); @Resource(name = "datamodel-provider") private IStaticDataModelProvider dataModelProvider; @Resource(name = "blueprint-library") private IBlueprintLibrary blueprintLibrary; private JRadioButton posButton = new JRadioButton("POS"); private JRadioButton npcStationButton = new JRadioButton("NPC station", true); private JTextField selectedME = new JTextField("0"); private JTextField selectedPE = new JTextField("0"); private JTextField quantity = new JTextField("1"); private PopupMenuBuilder popupMenuBuilder = new PopupMenuBuilder(); private ISelectionProvider<ICharacter> charProvider; private ISelectionListener<ICharacter> selectionListener = new ISelectionListener<ICharacter>() { @Override public void selectionChanged(ICharacter selected) { characterSelected(selected); } }; protected void characterSelected(ICharacter character) { refresh(); } @Override protected void onAttachHook(IComponentCallback callback) { blueprintChooser.setPopupMenuBuilder(popupMenuBuilder); blueprintChooser.onAttach(callback); blueprintChooser.addSelectionListener(this); charProvider.addSelectionListener(this.selectionListener); if (isInitialized()) { refresh(); } } protected int getRequestedRuns() { return getRequestedQuantity() / getCurrentlySelectedBlueprint().getPortionSize(); } protected int getRequestedQuantity() { return Integer.parseInt(this.quantity.getText()); } @Override protected void onDetachHook() { blueprintChooser.removeSelectionListener(this); blueprintChooser.onDetach(); blueprintChooser.removePopupMenuBuilder(); if (charProvider != null) { charProvider.removeSelectionListener(this.selectionListener); } } @Override protected void disposeHook() { blueprintChooser.dispose(); } @Override protected JPanel createPanel() { popupMenuBuilder.addItem("Create production plan...", new AbstractAction() { @Override public boolean isEnabled() { return blueprintChooser.getCurrentlySelectedBlueprint() != null; } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final Blueprint blueprint = blueprintChooser.getCurrentlySelectedBlueprint(); if (blueprint != null) { doubleClicked(blueprint); } } }); // add text fields final JPanel textFields = new JPanel(); textFields.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); selectedME.setColumns(5); selectedPE.setColumns(5); quantity.setColumns(6); selectedME.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.RIGHT); selectedPE.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.RIGHT); quantity.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.RIGHT); selectedME.addActionListener(this); selectedPE.addActionListener(this); quantity.addActionListener(this); textFields.add(new JLabel("ME"), constraints(0, 0).resizeBoth().end()); textFields.add(selectedME, constraints(1, 0).weightX(0.1).anchorWest().end()); textFields.add(new JLabel("PE"), constraints(0, 1).resizeBoth().end()); textFields.add(selectedPE, constraints(1, 1).weightX(0.1).anchorWest().end()); textFields.add(new JLabel("Quantity"), constraints(0, 2).resizeBoth().end()); textFields.add(quantity, constraints(1, 2).weightX(0.1).anchorWest().end()); // add combobox with cost calculators // add POS / NPC station buttons + label JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); final ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); group.add(posButton); group.add(npcStationButton); posButton.addActionListener(this); npcStationButton.addActionListener(this); buttonPanel.add(posButton); buttonPanel.add(npcStationButton); textFields.add(new JLabel("Location"), constraints(0, 3).noResizing().end()); textFields.add(buttonPanel, constraints(1, 3).useRemainingWidth().end()); // add text area textArea.setEditable(false); textArea.setLineWrap(true); textArea.setWrapStyleWord(true); setMonospacedFont(textArea); final JPanel rightPanel = new JPanel(); rightPanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); rightPanel.add(textFields, constraints(0, 0).noResizing().end()); rightPanel.add(new JScrollPane(textArea), constraints(0, 1).useRemainingSpace().end()); final ImprovedSplitPane splitPane = new ImprovedSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, this.blueprintChooser.createPanel(), rightPanel); splitPane.setDividerLocation(0.4); final JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); panel.add(splitPane, constraints(0, 0).resizeBoth().end()); return panel; } protected void refresh() { final Blueprint bp = getCurrentlySelectedBlueprint(); if (bp != null) { displayBlueprint(toBlueprintWithAttributes(bp)); } } private BlueprintWithAttributes toBlueprintWithAttributes(final Blueprint bp) { final BlueprintWithAttributes existing = getBestBlueprintFromLibrary(bp); if (existing != null) { return existing; } int me = bp.getTechLevel() > 1 ? -4 : 0; int pe = bp.getTechLevel() > 1 ? -4 : 0; final CharacterID charId = getCurrentlySelectedCharacter().getCharacterId(); return new BlueprintWithAttributes(charId, bp.getType().getBlueprintType().getId(), me, pe, false) { @Override public Blueprint getBlueprint() { return bp; } }; } private Blueprint getCurrentlySelectedBlueprint() { if (blueprintChooser != null) { return blueprintChooser.getCurrentlySelectedBlueprint(); } return null; } protected void displayBlueprint(final BlueprintWithAttributes bpWithAttrs) { if (getCurrentlySelectedCharacter() == null) { textArea.setText("No character selected."); return; } final Blueprint bp = bpWithAttrs.getBlueprint(); final StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); final InventionChanceCalculator calculator = new InventionChanceCalculator( this.dataModelProvider.getStaticDataModel()); appendLine(text, "Blueprint name", bp.getName()); appendLine(text, "Produces", bp.getProductType().getName()); appendLine(text); appendLine(text, "Tech level", "" + bp.getTechLevel()); appendLine(text, "Units per run: ", "" + bp.getPortionSize()); appendLine(text); if (calculator.canBeUsedForInvention(bp)) { text.append("T2 variations:\n\n"); final List<Blueprint> tech2Blueprints = dataModelProvider.getStaticDataModel().getTech2Variations(bp); for (Iterator<Blueprint> it = tech2Blueprints.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { text.append("\n"); if (!it.hasNext()) { text.append("\n"); } } } text.append("\n---------------- Your skills ---------------\n\n"); appendLine(text, "Industry skill", "" + getIndustrySkillLevel()); appendLine(text, "Production efficiency skill", "" + getProductionEfficiencySkillLevel()); appendLine(text, "Research skill", "" + getResearchSkillLevel()); appendLine(text, "Metallurgy skill", "" + getMetallurgySkillLevel()); text.append("\n---------------- BPO data ---------------\n\n"); appendLine(text, "BPO ME", "" + getBPOMaterialEfficiency()); appendLine(text, "BPO PE", "" + getBPOProductionEfficiency()); appendLine(text, "BPO Waste factor", "" + bp.getWasteFactor()); appendLine(text, "BPO Productivity modifier", "" + bp.getProductivityModifier()); text.append("\n"); appendLine(text, "Base price", AmountHelper.formatISKAmount(bp.getBasePrice()) + " ISK"); text.append("\n"); appendLine(text, "Copy time", calcCopyTime(bp)); text.append("\n---------------- Production times---------------\n\n"); appendLine(text, "Production time (base)", "" + calcProductionTime(bp, 0)); appendLine(text, "Production time", "" + calcProductionTime(bp, getBPOProductionEfficiency())); text.append("\n---------------- Research times---------------\n\n"); String researchDuration; if (bp.getTechLevel() > 1) { researchDuration = "<Blueprint copy, cannot research>"; } else if (bpWithAttrs.getMeLevel() != getBPOMaterialEfficiency()) { researchDuration = "" + calcMEResearchTime(bp, bpWithAttrs.getMeLevel(), getBPOMaterialEfficiency()); } else { researchDuration = "<no research necessary>"; } appendLine(text, "ME research lvl " + bpWithAttrs.getMeLevel() + " => " + getBPOMaterialEfficiency(), "" + researchDuration); if (bp.getTechLevel() > 1) { researchDuration = "<Blueprint copy, cannot research>"; } else if (bpWithAttrs.getPeLevel() != getBPOProductionEfficiency()) { researchDuration = "" + calcMEResearchTime(bp, bpWithAttrs.getPeLevel(), getBPOProductionEfficiency()); } else { researchDuration = "<no research necessary>"; } appendLine(text, "PE research lvl " + bpWithAttrs.getPeLevel() + " => " + getBPOProductionEfficiency(), "" + researchDuration); renderRequirements(Activity.MANUFACTURING, bp, text); if (calculator.canBeUsedForInvention(bp)) { renderRequirements(Activity.INVENTION, bp, text); appendLine(text, "Base invention chance", "" + (bp.getBaseInventionChance() * 100.0f) + " %"); List<Skill> dcSkills = new ArrayList<Skill>(); String error = ""; try { dcSkills = calculator.getInventionDatacoreSkills(bp); } catch (Exception e) { error = "Failed to determine invention skills for " + bp.getName() + " (ID " + bp.getType().getBlueprintType().getId() + ") - error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error("displayBlueprint(): Failed to determine invention skills for " + bp.getName() + " (ID " + bp.getType().getBlueprintType().getId() + ")", e); } if (!dcSkills.isEmpty()) { final Skill skill1 = dcSkills.get(0); final Skill skill2 = dcSkills.get(1); appendLine(text, "Datacore skill (" + skill1.getName() + " )", getSkillLevel(skill1) + " (you)"); appendLine(text, "Datacore skill (" + skill2.getName() + " )", getSkillLevel(skill2) + " (you)"); final Skill racialSkill = calculator.getRacialSkill(bp); appendLine(text, "Racial skill ( " + racialSkill.getName() + ") ", getSkillLevel(racialSkill) + " (you)"); final float inventionChance = calculator.calculateInventionChance(bp, getCurrentlySelectedCharacter(), 0, // TODO: item meta-level => make configurable Decryptor.NONE // TODO: Let user choose decryptor to use ); final DecimalFormat DF = new DecimalFormat("##0.000"); appendLine(text, "Your invention chance (no decryptors/no meta-items)", "" + DF.format(100.0f * inventionChance) + " %"); } else { text.append("\nYour invention chance: <internal error: " + error + ">"); } } else if (bp.getTechLevel() == 1) { text.append("\nInvention: No T2 blueprint(s) found"); } textArea.setText(text.toString()); textArea.setCaretPosition(0); } protected int getSkillLevel(Skill s) { return getCurrentlySelectedCharacter().getSkillLevel(s).getLevel(); } private void renderRequirements(final Activity activity, final Blueprint bp, final StringBuilder text) { final Requirements reqs = bp.getRequirementsFor(activity); text.append("\n---------------- Materials [ " + activity.getName() + " ] ---------------\n\n"); final List<RequiredMaterial> sortedMats = new ArrayList<>(reqs.getRequiredMaterials()); Collections.sort(sortedMats, new Comparator<RequiredMaterial>() { @Override public int compare(RequiredMaterial o1, RequiredMaterial o2) { if (o1.isSubjectToManufacturingWaste() && !o2.isSubjectToManufacturingWaste()) { return -1; } if (!o1.isSubjectToManufacturingWaste() && o2.isSubjectToManufacturingWaste()) { return 1; } return o1.getType().getName().compareTo(o2.getType().getName()); } }); final StringTablePrinter tablePrinter = new StringTablePrinter("Item", "Initial", "You", "Waste %", "dmg % / run"); final DecimalFormat FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("##0.00"); for (RequiredMaterial mat : sortedMats) { final float initial = mat.getQuantity() * getRequestedRuns(); final float you = calcRequiredMaterial(bp, mat); float waste = 100.0f * (you / initial) - 100.0f; if (waste < 0.0f) { waste = 0.0f; } final String sInitial = Float.toString(initial); final String sWaste = FORMAT.format(waste); final String sYou = Float.toString(you); if (activity == Activity.MANUFACTURING) { String sDmg = ""; if (mat.getDamagePerJob() != 1.0d && mat.getDamagePerJob() > 0.0d) { sDmg = Double.toString(mat.getDamagePerJob() * 100.0); } String wasteString = ""; if (mat.isSubjectToStationWaste()) { wasteString += "(1)"; } if (mat.isSubjectToSkillWaste()) { wasteString += "(2)"; } if (mat.isSubjectToBPMWaste()) { wasteString += "(3)"; } if (!"".equals(wasteString)) { tablePrinter.add(mat.getType().getName() + " " + wasteString, sInitial, sYou, sWaste, sDmg); } else { tablePrinter.add(mat.getType().getName(), sInitial, sYou, sWaste, sDmg); } } else { tablePrinter.add(mat.getType().getName(), sInitial, "--", "--", "--"); } } tablePrinter.setPaddingForAllColumns(Padding.LEFT).padRight(0); text.append(tablePrinter.toString()); if (activity == Activity.MANUFACTURING) { text.append("\n(1) Material is subject to station waste."); text.append("\n(2) Material is subject to character PE level waste."); text.append("\n(3) Material is subject to blueprint ME level waste.\n"); } final List<Prerequisite> requiredSkills = reqs.getRequiredSkills(); text.append("\n---------------- Skills [ " + activity.getName() + " ] ---------------\n\n"); for (Prerequisite r : requiredSkills) { final String hasSkill = meetsRequirement(r); appendLine(text, r.getSkill().getName(), "" + r.getRequiredLevel() + hasSkill); } } private ManufacturingJobRequest createManufacturingJobRequest(Blueprint blueprint, ICharacter character, int bpoME, int bpoPE, int numberOfRuns, SlotAttributes slot) { final ManufacturingJobRequest job = new ManufacturingJobRequest(blueprint); job.setCharacter(character); job.setMaterialEfficiency(bpoME); job.setProductionEfficiency(bpoPE); job.setQuantity(getRequestedQuantity()); job.setSlotAttributes(slot); return job; } private int getMetallurgySkillLevel() { final ICharacter c = getCurrentlySelectedCharacter(); if (c == null) { return 0; } final Skill metallury = Skill.getMetallurgySkill(getDataModel().getSkillTree()); if (!c.hasSkill(metallury)) { return 0; } return c.getSkillLevel(metallury).getLevel(); } private int getScienceSkillLevel() { final ICharacter c = getCurrentlySelectedCharacter(); if (c == null) { return 0; } final Skill science = Skill.getScienceSkill(getDataModel().getSkillTree()); if (!c.hasSkill(science)) { return 0; } return c.getSkillLevel(science).getLevel(); } private int getResearchSkillLevel() { final ICharacter c = getCurrentlySelectedCharacter(); if (c == null) { return 0; } final Skill research = Skill.getResearchSkill(getDataModel().getSkillTree()); if (!c.hasSkill(research)) { return 0; } return c.getSkillLevel(research).getLevel(); } private int getIndustrySkillLevel() { final ICharacter c = getCurrentlySelectedCharacter(); if (c == null) { return 0; } final Skill industry = Skill.getIndustrySkill(getDataModel().getSkillTree()); if (!c.hasSkill(industry)) { return 0; } return c.getSkillLevel(industry).getLevel(); } private String calcProductionTime(Blueprint bp, int PE) { long time = getRequestedQuantity() * bp.calculateProductionTime(PE, getIndustrySkillLevel(), 1.0f, // implant modifier, getSlotLocation()); return DateHelper.durationToString(time * 1000); } private String calcCopyTime(Blueprint bp) { /* Copy Time ={Blueprint Base Copy Time} * ( 1 - (0.05 * {Science Skill Level} ) * {Copy Slot Modifier} * {Implant Modifier} */ // TODO: Implant modifier is not honored here final long time = bp.calculateCopyTime(getScienceSkillLevel(), getSlotLocation(), 1.0f); return DateHelper.durationToString(time * 1000); } private String calcMEResearchTime(Blueprint bp, int fromME, int toME) { if (fromME > toME) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("fromME must be <= toME"); } // TODO: Implant modifier is not honored here (always set to 1.0f) !!! final long time1 = bp.calculateMEResearchTime(getMetallurgySkillLevel(), getSlotLocation(), 1.0f) * fromME; final long time2 = bp.calculateMEResearchTime(getMetallurgySkillLevel(), getSlotLocation(), 1.0f) * toME; final long delta = time2 - time1; return DateHelper.durationToString(delta * 1000); } private String calcPEResearchTime(Blueprint bp, int fromPE, int toPE) { if (fromPE > toPE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("fromPE must be <= toPE"); } // TODO: Implant modifier is not honored here (always set to 1.0f) !!! final long time1 = bp.calculatePEResearchTime(getMetallurgySkillLevel(), getSlotLocation(), 1.0f) * fromPE; final long time2 = bp.calculatePEResearchTime(getMetallurgySkillLevel(), getSlotLocation(), 1.0f) * toPE; final long delta = time2 - time1; return DateHelper.durationToString(delta * 1000); } protected SlotAttributes getSlotLocation() { if (posButton.isSelected()) { return SlotAttributes.HIGHSEC_POS; } return SlotAttributes.HIGHSEC_NPC_STATION; } private String meetsRequirement(Prerequisite skillRequirement) { String result = " <no character selected>"; final ICharacter currentChar = getCurrentlySelectedCharacter(); if (currentChar == null) { return result; } if (!currentChar.hasSkill(skillRequirement.getSkill())) { return " [ NOT TRAINED ]"; } final TrainedSkill trained = currentChar.getSkillLevel(skillRequirement.getSkill()); if (trained.getLevel() < skillRequirement.getRequiredLevel()) { return " [ current level: " + trained.getLevel() + " ]"; } return ""; } protected static void appendLine(StringBuilder builder) { builder.append("\n"); } protected static void appendSeparator(StringBuilder builder) { builder.append("--------------------------\n"); } protected static void appendLine(StringBuilder builder, String col1, String col2) { appendLine(builder, 25, col1, col2); } protected static void appendLine(StringBuilder builder, int len, String col1, String col2) { builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad(col1, len, ' ')).append(" : ").append(col2).append("\n"); } protected IStaticDataModel getDataModel() { return this.dataModelProvider.getStaticDataModel(); } public void setSelectionProvider(ISelectionProvider<ICharacter> selectionProvider) { this.charProvider = selectionProvider; this.blueprintChooser.setCharacterProvider(selectionProvider); } protected ICharacter getCurrentlySelectedCharacter() { if (this.charProvider == null) { return null; } return charProvider.getSelectedItem(); } private int getProductionEfficiencySkillLevel() { final ICharacter character = getCurrentlySelectedCharacter(); if (character == null) { return 0; } final Skill PE = Skill.getProductionEfficiencySkill(getDataModel().getSkillTree()); if (!character.hasSkill(PE)) { return 0; } return character.getCurrentLevel(PE); } private float calcRequiredMaterial(Blueprint bp, RequiredMaterial material) { final ManufacturingJobRequest jobRequest = createManufacturingJobRequest(bp, getCurrentlySelectedCharacter(), getBPOMaterialEfficiency(), getBPOProductionEfficiency(), getRequestedQuantity(), getSlotLocation()); final Skill peSkill = Skill .getProductionEfficiencySkill(dataModelProvider.getStaticDataModel().getSkillTree()); return material.calcRequiredMaterial(jobRequest, peSkill, false); } private int getBPOMaterialEfficiency() { return getInteger(selectedME); } private int getBPOProductionEfficiency() { return getInteger(selectedPE); } private int getInteger(JTextField tf) { final String val = tf.getText(); try { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(val)) { return Integer.parseInt(val.trim()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return 0; } protected static boolean isNumeric(String s) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(s)) { return false; } try { Integer.parseInt(s); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final Object src = e.getSource(); if (src == quantity) { final String q = quantity.getText(); if (!isNumeric(q) || Integer.parseInt(q) < 1) { quantity.setText("1"); } // adjust quantity so that numberOfRuns = ( quantity / blueprint.portionSize) is an even number final double currentQuantity = Integer.parseInt(q); final int portionSize = getCurrentlySelectedBlueprint().getPortionSize(); final int adjustedQuantity = (int) (Math.ceil(currentQuantity / portionSize) * portionSize); if (adjustedQuantity != currentQuantity) { quantity.setText(Integer.toString(adjustedQuantity)); } refresh(); } else if (src == selectedME) { final String me = selectedME.getText(); if (!isNumeric(me)) { selectedME.setText("0"); } refresh(); } else if (src == selectedPE) { final String pe = selectedPE.getText(); if (!isNumeric(pe)) { selectedPE.setText("0"); } refresh(); } else if (src == posButton || src == npcStationButton) { refresh(); } } private BlueprintWithAttributes getBestBlueprintFromLibrary(Blueprint bp) { final ICharacter character = getCurrentlySelectedCharacter(); if (character == null) { return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<BlueprintWithAttributes> existingBlueprints = (List<BlueprintWithAttributes>) blueprintLibrary .getBlueprints(character, bp); if (existingBlueprints.isEmpty()) { return null; } BlueprintWithAttributes best = null; for (BlueprintWithAttributes blueprint : existingBlueprints) { if (best == null || blueprint.getMeLevel() > best.getMeLevel()) { best = blueprint; } } return best; } @Override public void selectionChanged(Blueprint bp) { if (bp != null) { quantity.setText("" + bp.getPortionSize()); final BlueprintWithAttributes existing = getBestBlueprintFromLibrary(bp); final int me; final int pe; if (existing == null) { me = bp.getTechLevel() == 2 ? -4 : 0; pe = bp.getTechLevel() == 2 ? -4 : 0; } else { me = existing.getMeLevel(); pe = existing.getPeLevel(); } selectedME.setText(Integer.toString(me)); selectedPE.setText(Integer.toString(pe)); displayBlueprint(toBlueprintWithAttributes(bp)); } } @Override public void doubleClicked(Blueprint data) { final ICharacter c = getCurrentlySelectedCharacter(); if (c == null) { return; } final String WINDOW_KEY = "productionplan_template_editor"; final CreateProductionTemplateComponent comp = new CreateProductionTemplateComponent(); final ManufacturingJobRequest job = createManufacturingJobRequest(data, c, getBPOMaterialEfficiency(), getBPOProductionEfficiency(), getRequestedQuantity(), getSlotLocation()); comp.setManufacturingJobRequest(job); WindowManager.getInstance().getWindow(WINDOW_KEY, new IWindowProvider() { @Override public Window createWindow() { return ComponentWrapper.wrapComponent("Create production plan template", comp); } }).setVisible(true); } }