Java tutorial
/*************************************************** * * cismet GmbH, Saarbruecken, Germany * * ... and it just works. * ****************************************************/ /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package de.cismet.cids.custom.utils.berechtigungspruefung; import Sirius.server.middleware.impls.domainserver.DomainServerImpl; import Sirius.server.middleware.interfaces.domainserver.MetaService; import Sirius.server.middleware.types.MetaClass; import Sirius.server.middleware.types.MetaObject; import Sirius.server.newuser.User; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import de.cismet.cids.custom.utils.berechtigungspruefung.baulastbescheinigung.BerechtigungspruefungBescheinigungDownloadInfo; import de.cismet.cids.custom.utils.berechtigungspruefung.katasterauszug.BerechtigungspruefungAlkisDownloadInfo; import de.cismet.cids.custom.utils.berechtigungspruefung.katasterauszug.BerechtigungspruefungAlkisEinzelnachweisDownloadInfo; import de.cismet.cids.custom.utils.berechtigungspruefung.katasterauszug.BerechtigungspruefungAlkisKarteDownloadInfo; import de.cismet.cids.dynamics.CidsBean; import de.cismet.cids.server.messages.CidsServerMessageManagerImpl; import de.cismet.connectioncontext.ConnectionContext; import de.cismet.connectioncontext.ConnectionContextStore; /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @author jruiz * @version $Revision$, $Date$ */ public class BerechtigungspruefungHandler implements ConnectionContextStore { //~ Static fields/initializers --------------------------------------------- private static final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); private static final transient org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG = org.apache.log4j.Logger .getLogger(BerechtigungspruefungHandler.class); //~ Instance fields -------------------------------------------------------- private MetaService metaService; private ConnectionContext connectionContext = ConnectionContext.createDummy(); //~ Constructors ----------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new BerechtigungspruefungHandler object. */ private BerechtigungspruefungHandler() { } //~ Methods ---------------------------------------------------------------- /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public static BerechtigungspruefungHandler getInstance() { return LazyInitialiser.INSTANCE; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param user DOCUMENT ME! */ public void deleteOldDateianhangFiles(final User user) { final File directory = new File(BerechtigungspruefungProperties.getInstance().getAnhangAbsPath()); final Date thresholdDate = getThresholdAnhangDate(); // look for all anhang files for (final File file : directory.listFiles()) { if (file.isFile()) { try { final String fileName = file.getName(); final BasicFileAttributes attr = Files.readAttributes(file.toPath(), BasicFileAttributes.class); final Date creationDate = new Date(attr.creationTime().toMillis()); // file older then threshold date (1 month) ? if (creationDate.before(thresholdDate)) { final CidsBean anfrageBean = loadAnfrageBean(user, fileName); // assuring, that the file corresponds to an existing bean This prevents accidental deletion of // non-anhang files (i.e. if AnhangAbsPath was set to a path that contains also other files) if (anfrageBean != null) { final Timestamp anfrageTs = (Timestamp) anfrageBean.getProperty("anfrage_timestamp"); // timestamp filed in the bean agrees with the file creation date ? if (anfrageTs.before(thresholdDate)) {"deleting old Anhang file: " + file.getName() + " (date: " + creationDate.toString() + ")"); // now we can delete (hopefully) file.delete(); } } } } catch (final IOException ex) { LOG.warn("could not delete Anhang file: " + file.getName(), ex); } } } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param user DOCUMENT ME! */ public void sendMessagesForAllOpenAnfragen(final User user) { final Collection<CidsBean> allOpenPruefungen = loadOpenAnfrageBeans(user); sendAnfrageMessages(allOpenPruefungen); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param userKey DOCUMENT ME! * @param user DOCUMENT ME! */ public void sendMessagesForAllOpenFreigaben(final String userKey, final User user) { final Collection<CidsBean> allOpenDownloads = loadOpenFreigabeBeans(userKey, user); sendFreigabeMessage(userKey, allOpenDownloads); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param schluessel DOCUMENT ME! * @param user DOCUMENT ME! */ public void sendProcessingMessage(final String schluessel, final User user) { CidsServerMessageManagerImpl.getInstance().publishMessage( BerechtigungspruefungProperties.getInstance().getCsmBearbeitung(), schluessel, true, getConnectionContext()); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param user DOCUMENT ME! */ public void sendMessagesForAllOpenFreigaben(final User user) { final Collection<CidsBean> allOpenDownloads = loadOpenFreigabeBeans(user); if (allOpenDownloads != null) { final Map<String, Collection> dm = new HashMap<String, Collection>(); for (final CidsBean openDownload : allOpenDownloads) { final String userKey = (String) openDownload.getProperty("benutzer"); if (userKey != null) { if (!dm.containsKey(userKey)) { dm.put(userKey, new ArrayList<CidsBean>()); } dm.get(userKey).add(openDownload); } } for (final String userKey : dm.keySet()) { sendFreigabeMessage(userKey, dm.get(userKey)); } } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param metaService DOCUMENT ME! */ public void setMetaService(final MetaService metaService) { this.metaService = metaService; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param anfrageBeans schluessel openPruefung DOCUMENT ME! */ private void sendAnfrageMessages(final Collection<CidsBean> anfrageBeans) { final Collection<String> schluesselList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (anfrageBeans != null) { for (final CidsBean anfrageBean : anfrageBeans) { schluesselList.add((String) anfrageBean.getProperty("schluessel")); } } CidsServerMessageManagerImpl.getInstance().publishMessage( BerechtigungspruefungProperties.getInstance().getCsmAnfrage(), schluesselList, true, getConnectionContext()); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param userKey DOCUMENT ME! * @param pruefungBeans DOCUMENT ME! */ public void sendFreigabeMessage(final String userKey, final Collection<CidsBean> pruefungBeans) { if (pruefungBeans != null) { try { final List<String> schluesselList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final CidsBean pruefungBean : pruefungBeans) { schluesselList.add((String) pruefungBean.getProperty("schluessel")); } if (!schluesselList.isEmpty()) { // an den Pruefer CidsServerMessageManagerImpl.getInstance().publishMessage( BerechtigungspruefungProperties.getInstance().getCsmBearbeitung(), schluesselList, true, getConnectionContext()); // an den Anfragenden CidsServerMessageManagerImpl.getInstance().publishMessage( BerechtigungspruefungProperties.getInstance().getCsmFreigabe(), schluesselList, false, new HashSet(Arrays.asList(userKey)), true, getConnectionContext()); } } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error("error while producing or sending message", ex); } } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param user DOCUMENT ME! * @param schluessel DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws Exception DOCUMENT ME! */ public void closeAnfrage(final User user, final String schluessel) throws Exception { final CidsBean pruefungBean = loadAnfrageBean(user, schluessel); pruefungBean.setProperty("abholung_timestamp", new Timestamp(new Date().getTime())); pruefungBean.setProperty("abgeholt", true); DomainServerImpl.getServerInstance().updateMetaObject(user, pruefungBean.getMetaObject(), getConnectionContext()); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param user DOCUMENT ME! * @param downloadInfo DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public String createNewSchluessel(final User user, final BerechtigungspruefungDownloadInfo downloadInfo) { synchronized (this) { final String type; if (BerechtigungspruefungBescheinigungDownloadInfo.PRODUKT_TYP.equals(downloadInfo.getProduktTyp())) { type = "BlaB"; } else if (BerechtigungspruefungAlkisDownloadInfo.PRODUKT_TYP.equals(downloadInfo.getProduktTyp())) { type = "LB"; } else { type = "?"; } final int year = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR); final CidsBean lastAnfrageBean = loadLastAnfrageBeanByTypeAndYear(user, type, year); final String lastAnfrageSchluessel = (lastAnfrageBean != null) ? (String) lastAnfrageBean.getProperty("schluessel") : null; final int lastNumber; if (lastAnfrageSchluessel != null) { final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^" + type + "-" + year + "-(\\d{5})$"); final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(lastAnfrageSchluessel); if (matcher.matches()) { final String group =; lastNumber = (group != null) ? Integer.parseInt(group) : 0; } else { lastNumber = 0; } } else { lastNumber = 0; } final int newNumber = lastNumber + 1; final NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(); format.setMinimumIntegerDigits(5); format.setGroupingUsed(false); final String newAnfrageSchluessel = type + "-" + Integer.toString(year) + "-" + format.format(newNumber); return newAnfrageSchluessel; } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param user DOCUMENT ME! * @param schluessel DOCUMENT ME! * @param downloadInfo produktbezeichnung DOCUMENT ME! * @param berechtigungsgrund DOCUMENT ME! * @param begruendung DOCUMENT ME! * @param dateiname DOCUMENT ME! * @param data DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws Exception DOCUMENT ME! */ public void addNewAnfrage(final User user, final String schluessel, final BerechtigungspruefungDownloadInfo downloadInfo, final String berechtigungsgrund, final String begruendung, final String dateiname, final byte[] data) throws Exception { final String userKey = (String) user.getKey(); if ((data != null) && (dateiname != null)) { final File file = new File( BerechtigungspruefungProperties.getInstance().getAnhangAbsPath() + "/" + schluessel); try { FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(file, data); } catch (final IOException ex) { throw new Exception("Datei konnte nicht geschrieben werden.", ex); } } final CidsBean newPruefungBean = CidsBean.createNewCidsBeanFromTableName("WUNDA_BLAU", "berechtigungspruefung", getConnectionContext()); newPruefungBean.setProperty("dateiname", dateiname); newPruefungBean.setProperty("schluessel", schluessel); newPruefungBean.setProperty("anfrage_timestamp", new Timestamp(new Date().getTime())); newPruefungBean.setProperty("berechtigungsgrund", berechtigungsgrund); newPruefungBean.setProperty("begruendung", begruendung); newPruefungBean.setProperty("benutzer", userKey); newPruefungBean.setProperty("abgeholt", false); newPruefungBean.setProperty("pruefstatus", null); newPruefungBean.setProperty("produkttyp", downloadInfo.getProduktTyp()); newPruefungBean.setProperty("downloadinfo_json", new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(downloadInfo)); DomainServerImpl.getServerInstance().insertMetaObject(user, newPruefungBean.getMetaObject(), getConnectionContext()); sendAnfrageMessages(Arrays.asList(newPruefungBean)); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param user DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public List<CidsBean> loadOpenAnfrageBeans(final User user) { final MetaObject[] mos; try { final List<CidsBean> beans = new ArrayList<CidsBean>(); final MetaClass mcBerechtigungspruefung = CidsBean.getMetaClassFromTableName("WUNDA_BLAU", "berechtigungspruefung", getConnectionContext()); final String pruefungQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getID() + ", " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + "." + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getPrimaryKey() + " " + "FROM " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + " " + "WHERE " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + ".pruefstatus IS NULL;"; mos = metaService.getMetaObject(user, pruefungQuery, getConnectionContext()); if ((mos != null) && (mos.length > 0)) { for (final MetaObject mo : mos) { beans.add(mo.getBean()); } } return beans; } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error("error while loading openPruefung beans", ex); } return null; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param userKey DOCUMENT ME! * @param user DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public List<CidsBean> loadOpenFreigabeBeans(final String userKey, final User user) { final MetaObject[] mos; try { final List<CidsBean> beans = new ArrayList<CidsBean>(); final MetaClass mcBerechtigungspruefung = CidsBean.getMetaClassFromTableName("WUNDA_BLAU", "berechtigungspruefung", getConnectionContext()); final String pruefungQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getID() + ", " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + "." + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getPrimaryKey() + " " + "FROM " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + " " + "WHERE benutzer ILIKE '" + userKey + "' " + "AND " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + ".pruefstatus IS NOT NULL " + "AND (" + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + ".abgeholt IS NULL " + "OR " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + ".abgeholt IS FALSE);"; mos = metaService.getMetaObject(user, pruefungQuery, getConnectionContext()); if ((mos != null) && (mos.length > 0)) { for (final MetaObject mo : mos) { beans.add(mo.getBean()); } } return beans; } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error("error while loading openDownload beans", ex); } return null; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param user DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public List<CidsBean> loadOpenFreigabeBeans(final User user) { final MetaObject[] mos; try { final List<CidsBean> beans = new ArrayList<CidsBean>(); final MetaClass mcBerechtigungspruefung = CidsBean.getMetaClassFromTableName("WUNDA_BLAU", "berechtigungspruefung", getConnectionContext()); final String pruefungQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getID() + ", " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + "." + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getPrimaryKey() + " " + "FROM " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + " " + "WHERE " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + ".pruefstatus IS NOT NULL " + "AND (" + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + ".abgeholt IS NULL " + "OR " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + ".abgeholt IS FALSE);"; mos = metaService.getMetaObject(user, pruefungQuery, getConnectionContext()); if ((mos != null) && (mos.length > 0)) { for (final MetaObject mo : mos) { beans.add(mo.getBean()); } } return beans; } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error("error while loading openDownload beans", ex); } return null; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param user DOCUMENT ME! * @param schluessel DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public CidsBean loadAnfrageBean(final User user, final String schluessel) { try { final MetaClass mcBerechtigungspruefung = CidsBean.getMetaClassFromTableName("WUNDA_BLAU", "berechtigungspruefung", getConnectionContext()); final String pruefungQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getID() + ", " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + "." + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getPrimaryKey() + " " + "FROM " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + " " + "WHERE " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + ".schluessel LIKE '" + schluessel + "' " + "LIMIT 1;"; final MetaObject[] mos = metaService.getMetaObject(user, pruefungQuery, getConnectionContext()); if ((mos != null) && (mos.length > 0)) { return mos[0].getBean(); } } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error("error while loading pruefung bean", ex); } return null; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param user DOCUMENT ME! * @param id DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public CidsBean loadBillingBean(final User user, final Integer id) { try { final MetaClass mcBillingBilling = CidsBean.getMetaClassFromTableName("WUNDA_BLAU", "billing_billing", getConnectionContext()); final MetaObject mo = metaService.getMetaObject(user, id, mcBillingBilling.getID(), getConnectionContext()); return mo.getBean(); } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error("error while loading billing_billing bean", ex); } return null; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param user DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public CidsBean loadBillingStornogrundBean(final User user) { try { final MetaClass mcBillingStornogrund = CidsBean.getMetaClassFromTableName("WUNDA_BLAU", "billing_stornogrund", getConnectionContext()); final MetaObject mo = metaService.getMetaObject(user, BerechtigungspruefungProperties.getInstance().getBillingStornogrundId(), mcBillingStornogrund.getID(), getConnectionContext()); return mo.getBean(); } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error("error while loading billing_billing bean", ex); } return null; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param user DOCUMENT ME! * @param type DOCUMENT ME! * @param year DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public CidsBean loadLastAnfrageBeanByTypeAndYear(final User user, final String type, final int year) { try { final MetaClass mcBerechtigungspruefung = CidsBean.getMetaClassFromTableName("WUNDA_BLAU", "berechtigungspruefung", getConnectionContext()); final String tester = "^" + type + "-" + Integer.toString(year) + "-\\\\d{5}$"; final String pruefungQuery = "SELECT " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getID() + ", " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + "." + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getPrimaryKey() + " " + "FROM " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + " " + "WHERE " + mcBerechtigungspruefung.getTableName() + ".schluessel ~ E'" + tester + "' " + "ORDER BY schluessel DESC " + "LIMIT 1;"; final MetaObject[] mos = metaService.getMetaObject(user, pruefungQuery, getConnectionContext()); if ((mos != null) && (mos.length > 0)) { return mos[0].getBean(); } } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error("error while loading pruefung bean", ex); } return null; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param downloadinfoJson DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws Exception DOCUMENT ME! */ public static BerechtigungspruefungDownloadInfo extractDownloadInfo(final String downloadinfoJson) throws Exception { final BerechtigungspruefungDownloadInfo berechtigungspruefungDownloadInfo = (BerechtigungspruefungDownloadInfo) MAPPER .readValue(downloadinfoJson, BerechtigungspruefungDownloadInfo.class); if (BerechtigungspruefungBescheinigungDownloadInfo.PRODUKT_TYP .equals(berechtigungspruefungDownloadInfo.getProduktTyp())) { return MAPPER.readValue(downloadinfoJson, BerechtigungspruefungBescheinigungDownloadInfo.class); } else if (BerechtigungspruefungAlkisDownloadInfo.PRODUKT_TYP .equals(berechtigungspruefungDownloadInfo.getProduktTyp())) { final BerechtigungspruefungAlkisDownloadInfo alkisDownloadInfo = MAPPER.readValue(downloadinfoJson, BerechtigungspruefungAlkisDownloadInfo.class); // if (BerechtigungspruefungAlkisDownloadInfo.AlkisObjektTyp.FLURSTUECKE.equals(alkisDownloadInfo.getAlkisObjectTyp())) { if (BerechtigungspruefungAlkisDownloadInfo.AlkisDownloadTyp.EINZELNACHWEIS .equals(alkisDownloadInfo.getAlkisDownloadTyp())) { return MAPPER.readValue(downloadinfoJson, BerechtigungspruefungAlkisEinzelnachweisDownloadInfo.class); } else if (BerechtigungspruefungAlkisDownloadInfo.AlkisDownloadTyp.KARTE .equals(alkisDownloadInfo.getAlkisDownloadTyp())) { return MAPPER.readValue(downloadinfoJson, BerechtigungspruefungAlkisKarteDownloadInfo.class); } // } else if (BerechtigungspruefungAlkisDownloadInfo.AlkisObjektTyp.BUCHUNGSBLAETTER.equals(alkisDownloadInfo.getAlkisObjectTyp())) { // // } } else if (BerechtigungspruefungAlkisEinzelnachweisDownloadInfo.PRODUKT_TYP .equals(berechtigungspruefungDownloadInfo.getProduktTyp())) { return MAPPER.readValue(downloadinfoJson, BerechtigungspruefungAlkisEinzelnachweisDownloadInfo.class); } throw new Exception("unbekannter Download-Typ"); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public static Date getThresholdAnhangDate() { final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1); final Date threshold = new Date(calendar.getTimeInMillis()); return threshold; } @Override public ConnectionContext getConnectionContext() { return connectionContext; } @Override public void initWithConnectionContext(final ConnectionContext connectionContext) { this.connectionContext = connectionContext; } //~ Inner Classes ---------------------------------------------------------- /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @version $Revision$, $Date$ */ private static final class LazyInitialiser { //~ Static fields/initializers ----------------------------------------- private static final BerechtigungspruefungHandler INSTANCE = new BerechtigungspruefungHandler(); //~ Constructors ------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new LazyInitialiser object. */ private LazyInitialiser() { } } }