Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2015 Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Contributors: * Department Biological Safety - BfR *******************************************************************************/ package de.bund.bfr.knime.pmm.common; import java.util.List; import org.jdom2.Element; import de.bund.bfr.knime.pmm.common.generictablemodel.KnimeTuple; import de.bund.bfr.knime.pmm.common.math.MathUtilities; import de.bund.bfr.knime.pmm.common.pmmtablemodel.AttributeUtilities; import de.bund.bfr.knime.pmm.common.pmmtablemodel.TimeSeriesSchema; public class PmmTimeSeries extends KnimeTuple implements PmmXmlElementConvertable { public static final String ELEMENT_TIMESERIES = "TimeSeries"; //private static final String ELEMENT_TSTUPLE = "TimeSeriesTuple"; private static final String ELEMENT_TSXML = "TimeSeriesXml"; private static final String ELEMENT_MDINFO = "MdInfoXml"; private static final String ELEMENT_LITMD = "LiteraturMD"; private String warningMsg = null; private double mr; public PmmTimeSeries() throws PmmException { super(new TimeSeriesSchema()); PmmXmlDoc mdInfo = new PmmXmlDoc(); mdInfo.add(new MdInfoXml(null, null, null, null, null)); setCondId(MathUtilities.getRandomNegativeInt()); setMatrixId(MathUtilities.getRandomNegativeInt()); setAgentId(MathUtilities.getRandomNegativeInt()); setMdInfo(mdInfo); } public PmmTimeSeries(final int condId) throws PmmException { this(); setCondId(condId); } public PmmTimeSeries(String combaseId) throws PmmException { this(); setCombaseId(combaseId); } public PmmTimeSeries(int condId, String combaseId) throws PmmException { this(condId); setCombaseId(combaseId); } public PmmTimeSeries(KnimeTuple tuple) throws PmmException { super(tuple.getSchema()); for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { setCell(i, tuple.getCell(i)); } } public PmmTimeSeries(Element xmlElement) { super(new TimeSeriesSchema()); try { if (xmlElement.getAttributeValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_CONDID) != null) setCondId(Integer.parseInt(xmlElement.getAttributeValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_CONDID))); if (xmlElement.getAttributeValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_COMBASEID) != null) setCombaseId(xmlElement.getAttributeValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_COMBASEID)); if (xmlElement.getAttributeValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MATRIX) != null) setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MATRIX, new PmmXmlDoc(xmlElement.getAttributeValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MATRIX))); if (xmlElement.getAttributeValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_AGENT) != null) setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_AGENT, new PmmXmlDoc(xmlElement.getAttributeValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_AGENT))); if (xmlElement.getAttributeValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MISC) != null) setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MISC, new PmmXmlDoc(xmlElement.getAttributeValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MISC))); for (Element el : xmlElement.getChildren()) { if (el.getName().equals(ELEMENT_TSXML)) { if (el.getText() != null) { PmmXmlDoc timeSeriesXmlDoc = new PmmXmlDoc(el.getText()); this.setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_TIMESERIES, timeSeriesXmlDoc); } } else if (el.getName().equals(ELEMENT_MDINFO)) { if (el.getText() != null) { PmmXmlDoc mdInfoXmlDoc = new PmmXmlDoc(el.getText()); this.setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MDINFO, mdInfoXmlDoc); } } else if (el.getName().equals(ELEMENT_LITMD)) { if (el.getText() != null) { PmmXmlDoc litMdDoc = new PmmXmlDoc(el.getText()); this.setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_LITMD, litMdDoc); } } } if (xmlElement.getAttributeValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_DBUUID) != null) setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_DBUUID, xmlElement.getAttributeValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_DBUUID)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public Element toXmlElement() { Element ret = new Element(ELEMENT_TIMESERIES); try { if (getCondId() != null) { ret.setAttribute(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_CONDID, getCondId() + ""); } if (getCombaseId() != null) { if (!getCombaseId().isEmpty()) { ret.setAttribute(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_COMBASEID, getCombaseId()); } } if (hasMatrix()) { ret.setAttribute(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MATRIX, getMatrix().toXmlString()); } if (hasAgent()) { ret.setAttribute(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_AGENT, getAgent().toXmlString()); } if (hasMisc()) { ret.setAttribute(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MISC, getMisc().toXmlString()); } Element element = new Element(ELEMENT_TSXML); PmmXmlDoc timeSeriesXmlDoc = this.getPmmXml(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_TIMESERIES); element.addContent(timeSeriesXmlDoc.toXmlString()); ret.addContent(element); element = new Element(ELEMENT_MDINFO); PmmXmlDoc mdInfoXmlDoc = this.getPmmXml(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MDINFO); element.addContent(mdInfoXmlDoc.toXmlString()); ret.addContent(element); element = new Element(ELEMENT_LITMD); PmmXmlDoc litMdDoc = this.getPmmXml(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_LITMD); element.addContent(litMdDoc.toXmlString()); ret.addContent(element); ret.setAttribute(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_DBUUID, XmlHelper.getNonNull(getString(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_DBUUID))); } catch (PmmException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return ret; } public void add(String name, Double t, String tUnit, Double n, String nUnit) throws PmmException { TimeSeriesXml tsx = new TimeSeriesXml(name, t, tUnit, n, nUnit, null, null); PmmXmlDoc timeSeriesXmlDoc = this.getPmmXml(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_TIMESERIES); timeSeriesXmlDoc.add(tsx); this.setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_TIMESERIES, timeSeriesXmlDoc); setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_TIMESERIES, timeSeriesXmlDoc); } public void add(Double t, String tUnit, Double n, String nUnit) throws PmmException { add("t" + System.currentTimeMillis(), t, tUnit, n, nUnit); } public void add(String t, String tUnit, String n, String nUnit) { try { add(Double.valueOf(t), tUnit, Double.valueOf(n), nUnit); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void setLiterature(PmmXmlDoc li) throws PmmException { setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_LITMD, li); } public void setMisc(PmmXmlDoc misc) throws PmmException { setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MISC, misc); } public boolean isEmpty() throws PmmException { return isNull(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_TIMESERIES); // TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_TIME } public String getDbuuid() throws PmmException { return getString(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_DBUUID); } public Integer getCondId() throws PmmException { return getInt(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_CONDID); } public String getCombaseId() throws PmmException { return getString(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_COMBASEID); } public String getAgentName() throws PmmException { return (String) getAgentAttribute(false, true, false); } public String getMatrixName() throws PmmException { return (String) getMatrixAttribute(false, true, false); } private Object getMatrixAttribute(boolean id, boolean name, boolean detail) throws PmmException { PmmXmlDoc matrixXmlDoc = getMatrix(); if (matrixXmlDoc == null) matrixXmlDoc = new PmmXmlDoc(); MatrixXml mx = null; for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : matrixXmlDoc.getElementSet()) { if (el instanceof MatrixXml) { mx = (MatrixXml) el; if (id) return mx.getId(); if (name) return mx.getName(); if (detail) return mx.getDetail(); break; } } return null; } private Object getAgentAttribute(boolean id, boolean name, boolean detail) throws PmmException { PmmXmlDoc agentXmlDoc = getAgent(); if (agentXmlDoc == null) agentXmlDoc = new PmmXmlDoc(); AgentXml ax = null; for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : agentXmlDoc.getElementSet()) { if (el instanceof AgentXml) { ax = (AgentXml) el; if (id) return ax.getId(); if (name) return ax.getName(); if (detail) return ax.getDetail(); break; } } return null; } public Double getMiscValue(String attribute, Double defaultValue) throws PmmException { PmmXmlDoc miscXmlDoc = getMisc(); if (miscXmlDoc != null) { MiscXml mx = null; for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : miscXmlDoc.getElementSet()) { if (el instanceof MiscXml) { mx = (MiscXml) el; if (mx.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(attribute)) { return mx.getValue(); } } } } return defaultValue; } private String getMiscUnit(String attribute, String defaultValue) throws PmmException { PmmXmlDoc miscXmlDoc = getMisc(); if (miscXmlDoc != null) { MiscXml mx = null; for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : miscXmlDoc.getElementSet()) { if (el instanceof MiscXml) { mx = (MiscXml) el; if (mx.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(attribute)) { return mx.getUnit(); } } } } return defaultValue; } public Double getTemperature() throws PmmException { return getMiscValue(AttributeUtilities.ATT_TEMPERATURE, Double.NaN); // return Double.NaN; // getDouble( TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_TEMPERATURE ) } public String getTemperatureUnit() throws PmmException { return getMiscUnit(AttributeUtilities.ATT_TEMPERATURE, "C"); // return Double.NaN; // getDouble( TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_TEMPERATURE ) } public Double getPh() throws PmmException { return getMiscValue(AttributeUtilities.ATT_PH, Double.NaN);// return Double.NaN; // getDouble( TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_PH ) } public Double getWaterActivity() throws PmmException { return getMiscValue(AttributeUtilities.ATT_AW, Double.NaN);// return Double.NaN; getDouble( TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_WATERACTIVITY ) } public PmmXmlDoc getMisc() throws PmmException { return getPmmXml(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MISC); } public PmmXmlDoc getMatrix() throws PmmException { return getPmmXml(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MATRIX); } public PmmXmlDoc getAgent() throws PmmException { return getPmmXml(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_AGENT); } public PmmXmlDoc getLiterature() throws PmmException { return getPmmXml(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_LITMD); } public PmmXmlDoc getMdInfo() { PmmXmlDoc mdInfoXmlDoc = null; try { mdInfoXmlDoc = this.getPmmXml(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MDINFO); } catch (PmmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return mdInfoXmlDoc; } public PmmXmlDoc getTimeSeries() { PmmXmlDoc timeSeriesXmlDoc = null; try { timeSeriesXmlDoc = this.getPmmXml(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_TIMESERIES); } catch (PmmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return timeSeriesXmlDoc; } public Integer getAgentId() throws PmmException { return (Integer) getAgentAttribute(true, false, false); } public Integer getMatrixId() throws PmmException { return (Integer) getMatrixAttribute(true, false, false); } public String getAgentDetail() throws PmmException { return (String) getAgentAttribute(false, false, true); } public String getMatrixDetail() throws PmmException { return (String) getMatrixAttribute(false, false, true); } public String getComment() throws PmmException { PmmXmlDoc mdInfoXmlDoc = getMdInfo(); if (mdInfoXmlDoc != null) { MdInfoXml mdix = null; for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : mdInfoXmlDoc.getElementSet()) { if (el instanceof MdInfoXml) { mdix = (MdInfoXml) el; return mdix.getComment(); } } } return null;//getString( TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_COMMENT ); } public Integer getQualityScore() throws PmmException { PmmXmlDoc mdInfoXmlDoc = getMdInfo(); if (mdInfoXmlDoc != null) { MdInfoXml mdix = null; for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : mdInfoXmlDoc.getElementSet()) { if (el instanceof MdInfoXml) { mdix = (MdInfoXml) el; return mdix.getQualityScore(); } } } return null;//getString( TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_COMMENT ); } public Boolean getChecked() throws PmmException { PmmXmlDoc mdInfoXmlDoc = getMdInfo(); if (mdInfoXmlDoc != null) { MdInfoXml mdix = null; for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : mdInfoXmlDoc.getElementSet()) { if (el instanceof MdInfoXml) { mdix = (MdInfoXml) el; return mdix.getChecked(); } } } return null;//getString( TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_COMMENT ); } public String getWarning() { return warningMsg; } public void setWarning(String warningMsg) { this.warningMsg = warningMsg; } public Double getMaximumRate() { return mr; } public boolean hasCombaseId() throws PmmException { return !isNull(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_COMBASEID); } public boolean hasValue(String attribute, boolean defaultValue) throws PmmException { PmmXmlDoc miscXmlDoc = getMisc(); if (miscXmlDoc != null) { MiscXml mx = null; for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : miscXmlDoc.getElementSet()) { if (el instanceof MiscXml) { mx = (MiscXml) el; if (mx.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(attribute)) { return true; } } } } return defaultValue; } public boolean hasTemperature() throws PmmException { return hasValue(AttributeUtilities.ATT_TEMPERATURE, false); // !isNull( TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_TEMPERATURE ) } public boolean hasPh() throws PmmException { return hasValue(AttributeUtilities.ATT_PH, false); // !isNull( TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_PH ) } public boolean hasWaterActivity() throws PmmException { return hasValue(AttributeUtilities.ATT_AW, false); // !isNull( TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_WATERACTIVITY ) } public boolean hasMisc() throws PmmException { return !isNull(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MISC); } public boolean hasMatrix() throws PmmException { return !isNull(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MATRIX); } public boolean hasAgent() throws PmmException { return !isNull(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_AGENT); } /* public void setCondId( final Integer condId ) throws PmmException { if (condId != null) { PmmXmlDoc mdInfoXmlDoc = getMdInfo(); if (mdInfoXmlDoc == null) mdInfoXmlDoc = new PmmXmlDoc(); MdInfoXml mdix = null; for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : mdInfoXmlDoc.getElementSet()) { if (el instanceof MdInfoXml) { mdix = (MdInfoXml) el; mdix.setID(condId); break; } } if (mdix != null) { mdInfoXmlDoc = new PmmXmlDoc(); mdInfoXmlDoc.add(mdix); setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MDINFO, mdInfoXmlDoc); } } } public Integer getCondId() throws PmmException { PmmXmlDoc mdInfoXmlDoc = getMdInfo(); if (mdInfoXmlDoc != null) { MdInfoXml mdix = null; for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : mdInfoXmlDoc.getElementSet()) { if (el instanceof MdInfoXml) { mdix = (MdInfoXml) el; return mdix.getID(); } } } return null;//getString( TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_COMMENT ); } */ public void setCondId(final int condId) throws PmmException { setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_CONDID, condId); } public void setCombaseId(final String combaseId) throws PmmException { setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_COMBASEID, combaseId); } private void setAgentAttribute(Integer id, String name, String detail, String dbuuid) throws PmmException { PmmXmlDoc agentXmlDoc = getAgent(); if (agentXmlDoc == null) agentXmlDoc = new PmmXmlDoc(); AgentXml ax = null; for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : agentXmlDoc.getElementSet()) { if (el instanceof AgentXml) { ax = (AgentXml) el; if (id != null) ax.setId(id); if (name != null) ax.setName(name); if (detail != null) ax.setDetail(detail); if (dbuuid != null) ax.setDbuuid(dbuuid); break; } } if (ax == null) ax = new AgentXml(id, name, detail); agentXmlDoc = new PmmXmlDoc(); agentXmlDoc.add(ax); setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_AGENT, agentXmlDoc); } private void setMatrixAttribute(Integer id, String name, String detail, String dbuuid) throws PmmException { PmmXmlDoc matrixXmlDoc = getMatrix(); if (matrixXmlDoc == null) matrixXmlDoc = new PmmXmlDoc(); MatrixXml mx = null; for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : matrixXmlDoc.getElementSet()) { if (el instanceof MatrixXml) { mx = (MatrixXml) el; if (id != null) mx.setId(id); if (name != null) mx.setName(name); if (detail != null) mx.setDetail(detail); if (dbuuid != null) mx.setDbuuid(dbuuid); break; } } if (mx == null) mx = new MatrixXml(id, name, detail); matrixXmlDoc = new PmmXmlDoc(); matrixXmlDoc.add(mx); setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MATRIX, matrixXmlDoc); } public void setAgentName(final String agentName) throws PmmException { setAgentAttribute(null, agentName, null, null); } public void setMatrixName(final String matrixName) throws PmmException { setMatrixAttribute(null, matrixName, null, null); } public void setAgentDetail(final String agentDetail) throws PmmException { setAgentAttribute(null, null, agentDetail, null); } public void setMatrixDetail(final String matrixDetail) throws PmmException { setMatrixAttribute(null, null, matrixDetail, null); } public void setAgentId(final Integer agentId) throws PmmException { setAgentAttribute(agentId, null, null, null); } public void setMatrixId(final Integer matrixId) throws PmmException { setMatrixAttribute(matrixId, null, null, null); } public void setMatrix(final int matrixId, final String matrixName, final String matrixDetail, String dbuuid) throws PmmException { setMatrixAttribute(matrixId, matrixName, matrixDetail, dbuuid); } public void setAgent(final int agentId, final String agentName, final String agentDetail, String dbuuid) throws PmmException { setAgentAttribute(agentId, agentName, agentDetail, dbuuid); } public void addMisc(int attrID, String attribute, String description, Double value, List<String> categories, String unit) throws PmmException { PmmXmlDoc miscXmlDoc = getMisc(); if (miscXmlDoc == null) miscXmlDoc = new PmmXmlDoc(); MiscXml mx = null; boolean paramFound = false; for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : miscXmlDoc.getElementSet()) { if (el instanceof MiscXml) { mx = (MiscXml) el; if (mx.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(attribute)) { paramFound = true; break; } } } if (paramFound) miscXmlDoc.remove(mx); if (value != null && !value.isInfinite() && !value.isNaN()) { mx = new MiscXml(attrID, attribute, description, value, categories, unit); miscXmlDoc.add(mx); } setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MISC, miscXmlDoc); } public void addMiscs(final PmmXmlDoc misc) throws PmmException { PmmXmlDoc miscXmlDoc = getMisc(); if (miscXmlDoc == null) { setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MISC, misc); } else { MiscXml mx = null; for (PmmXmlElementConvertable add1 : misc.getElementSet()) { if (add1 instanceof MiscXml) { MiscXml mx2Add = (MiscXml) add1; boolean paramFound = false; for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : miscXmlDoc.getElementSet()) { if (el instanceof MiscXml) { mx = (MiscXml) el; if (mx.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(mx2Add.getName())) { paramFound = true; break; } } } if (paramFound) miscXmlDoc.remove(mx); miscXmlDoc.add(add1); } } setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MISC, miscXmlDoc); } } public void setMdInfo(final PmmXmlDoc MdInfo) throws PmmException { setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_MDINFO, MdInfo); } public void setMdData(final PmmXmlDoc MdData) throws PmmException { setValue(TimeSeriesSchema.ATT_TIMESERIES, MdData); } public void setMaximumRate(final double mr) { = mr; } }