Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Arne Schwabe
 * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt

package de.blinkt.openvpn.core;

import android.text.TextUtils;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Vector;

import de.blinkt.openvpn.VpnProfile;

//! Openvpn Config FIle Parser, probably not 100% accurate but close enough

// And remember, this is valid :)
// --<foo>
// bar
// </foo>
public class ConfigParser {

    public static final String CONVERTED_PROFILE = "converted Profile";
    private HashMap<String, Vector<Vector<String>>> options = new HashMap<String, Vector<Vector<String>>>();
    private HashMap<String, Vector<String>> meta = new HashMap<String, Vector<String>>();
    private String auth_user_pass_file;

    public void parseConfig(Reader reader) throws IOException, ConfigParseError {

        HashMap<String, String> optionAliases = new HashMap<>();
        optionAliases.put("server-poll-timeout", "timeout-connect");

        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(reader);

        int lineno = 0;
        try {
            while (true) {
                String line = br.readLine();
                if (line == null)

                if (lineno == 1) {
                    if ((line.startsWith("PK\003\004") || (line.startsWith("PK\007\008")))) {
                        throw new ConfigParseError(
                                "Input looks like a ZIP Archive. Import is only possible for OpenVPN config files (.ovpn/.conf)");
                    if (line.startsWith("\uFEFF")) {
                        line = line.substring(1);

                // Check for OpenVPN Access Server Meta information
                if (line.startsWith("# OVPN_ACCESS_SERVER_")) {
                    Vector<String> metaarg = parsemeta(line);
                    meta.put(metaarg.get(0), metaarg);
                Vector<String> args = parseline(line);

                if (args.size() == 0)

                if (args.get(0).startsWith("--"))
                    args.set(0, args.get(0).substring(2));

                checkinlinefile(args, br);

                String optionname = args.get(0);
                if (optionAliases.get(optionname) != null)
                    optionname = optionAliases.get(optionname);

                if (!options.containsKey(optionname)) {
                    options.put(optionname, new Vector<Vector<String>>());
        } catch (OutOfMemoryError memoryError) {
            throw new ConfigParseError("File too large to parse: " + memoryError.getLocalizedMessage());

    private Vector<String> parsemeta(String line) {
        String meta = line.split("#\\sOVPN_ACCESS_SERVER_", 2)[1];
        String[] parts = meta.split("=", 2);
        Vector<String> rval = new Vector<String>();
        Collections.addAll(rval, parts);
        return rval;


    private void checkinlinefile(Vector<String> args, BufferedReader br) throws IOException, ConfigParseError {
        String arg0 = args.get(0).trim();
        // CHeck for <foo>
        if (arg0.startsWith("<") && arg0.endsWith(">")) {
            String argname = arg0.substring(1, arg0.length() - 1);
            String inlinefile = VpnProfile.INLINE_TAG;

            String endtag = String.format("</%s>", argname);
            do {
                String line = br.readLine();
                if (line == null) {
                    throw new ConfigParseError(
                            String.format("No endtag </%s> for starttag <%s> found", argname, argname));
                if (line.trim().equals(endtag))
                else {
                    inlinefile += line;
                    inlinefile += "\n";
            } while (true);

            if (inlinefile.endsWith("\n"))
                inlinefile = inlinefile.substring(0, inlinefile.length() - 1);



    public String getAuthUserPassFile() {
        return auth_user_pass_file;

    enum linestate {
        initial, readin_single_quote, reading_quoted, reading_unquoted, done

    private boolean space(char c) {
        // I really hope nobody is using zero bytes inside his/her config file
        // to sperate parameter but here we go:
        return Character.isWhitespace(c) || c == '\0';


    public static class ConfigParseError extends Exception {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -60L;

        public ConfigParseError(String msg) {

    // adapted openvpn's parse function to java
    private Vector<String> parseline(String line) throws ConfigParseError {
        Vector<String> parameters = new Vector<String>();

        if (line.length() == 0)
            return parameters;

        linestate state = linestate.initial;
        boolean backslash = false;
        char out = 0;

        int pos = 0;
        String currentarg = "";

        do {
            // Emulate the c parsing ...
            char in;
            if (pos < line.length())
                in = line.charAt(pos);
                in = '\0';

            if (!backslash && in == '\\' && state != linestate.readin_single_quote) {
                backslash = true;
            } else {
                if (state == linestate.initial) {
                    if (!space(in)) {
                        if (in == ';' || in == '#') /* comment */
                        if (!backslash && in == '\"')
                            state = linestate.reading_quoted;
                        else if (!backslash && in == '\'')
                            state = linestate.readin_single_quote;
                        else {
                            out = in;
                            state = linestate.reading_unquoted;
                } else if (state == linestate.reading_unquoted) {
                    if (!backslash && space(in))
                        state = linestate.done;
                        out = in;
                } else if (state == linestate.reading_quoted) {
                    if (!backslash && in == '\"')
                        state = linestate.done;
                        out = in;
                } else if (state == linestate.readin_single_quote) {
                    if (in == '\'')
                        state = linestate.done;
                        out = in;

                if (state == linestate.done) {
                    /* ASSERT (parm_len > 0); */
                    state = linestate.initial;
                    currentarg = "";
                    out = 0;

                if (backslash && out != 0) {
                    if (!(out == '\\' || out == '\"' || space(out))) {
                        throw new ConfigParseError("Options warning: Bad backslash ('\\') usage");
                backslash = false;

            /* store parameter character */
            if (out != 0) {
                currentarg += out;
        } while (pos++ < line.length());

        return parameters;

    final String[] unsupportedOptions = { "config", "tls-server"


    // Ignore all scripts
    // in most cases these won't work and user who wish to execute scripts will
    // figure out themselves
    final String[] ignoreOptions = { "tls-client", "askpass", "auth-nocache", "up", "down", "route-up", "ipchange",
            "route-up", "route-pre-down", "auth-user-pass-verify", "block-outside-dns", "dhcp-release",
            "dhcp-renew", "dh", "group", "ip-win32", "management-hold", "management", "management-client",
            "management-query-remote", "management-query-passwords", "management-query-proxy",
            "management-external-key", "management-forget-disconnect", "management-signal", "management-log-cache",
            "management-up-down", "management-client-user", "management-client-group", "pause-exit", "plugin",
            "machine-readable-output", "persist-key", "push", "register-dns", "route-delay", "route-gateway",
            "route-metric", "route-method", "status", "script-security", "show-net-up", "suppress-timestamps",
            "tmp-dir", "tun-ipv6", "topology", "user", "win-sys", };

    final String[][] ignoreOptionsWithArg = { { "setenv", "IV_GUI_VER" }, { "setenv", "IV_OPENVPN_GUI_VERSION" },
            { "engine", "dynamic" }, { "setenv", "CLIENT_CERT" } };

    final String[] connectionOptions = { "local", "remote", "float", "port", "connect-retry", "connect-timeout",
            "connect-retry-max", "link-mtu", "tun-mtu", "tun-mtu-extra", "fragment", "mtu-disc", "local-port",
            "remote-port", "bind", "nobind", "proto", "http-proxy", "http-proxy-retry", "http-proxy-timeout",
            "http-proxy-option", "socks-proxy", "socks-proxy-retry", "explicit-exit-notify", "mssfix" };

    // This method is far too long
    public VpnProfile convertProfile() throws ConfigParseError, IOException {
        boolean noauthtypeset = true;
        VpnProfile np = new VpnProfile(CONVERTED_PROFILE);
        // Pull, client, tls-client

        if (options.containsKey("client") || options.containsKey("pull")) {
            np.mUsePull = true;

        Vector<String> secret = getOption("secret", 1, 2);
        if (secret != null) {
            np.mAuthenticationType = VpnProfile.TYPE_STATICKEYS;
            noauthtypeset = false;
            np.mUseTLSAuth = true;
            np.mTLSAuthFilename = secret.get(1);
            if (secret.size() == 3)
                np.mTLSAuthDirection = secret.get(2);


        Vector<Vector<String>> routes = getAllOption("route", 1, 4);
        if (routes != null) {
            String routeopt = "";
            String routeExcluded = "";
            for (Vector<String> route : routes) {
                String netmask = "";
                String gateway = "vpn_gateway";

                if (route.size() >= 3)
                    netmask = route.get(2);
                if (route.size() >= 4)
                    gateway = route.get(3);

                String net = route.get(1);
                try {
                    CIDRIP cidr = new CIDRIP(net, netmask);
                    if (gateway.equals("net_gateway"))
                        routeExcluded += cidr.toString() + " ";
                        routeopt += cidr.toString() + " ";
                } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioob) {
                    throw new ConfigParseError("Could not parse netmask of route " + netmask);
                } catch (NumberFormatException ne) {

                    throw new ConfigParseError("Could not parse netmask of route " + netmask);

            np.mCustomRoutes = routeopt;
            np.mExcludedRoutes = routeExcluded;

        Vector<Vector<String>> routesV6 = getAllOption("route-ipv6", 1, 4);
        if (routesV6 != null) {
            String customIPv6Routes = "";
            for (Vector<String> route : routesV6) {
                customIPv6Routes += route.get(1) + " ";

            np.mCustomRoutesv6 = customIPv6Routes;

        Vector<String> routeNoPull = getOption("route-nopull", 1, 1);
        if (routeNoPull != null)
            np.mRoutenopull = true;

        // Also recognize tls-auth [inline] direction ...
        Vector<Vector<String>> tlsauthoptions = getAllOption("tls-auth", 1, 2);
        if (tlsauthoptions != null) {
            for (Vector<String> tlsauth : tlsauthoptions) {
                if (tlsauth != null) {
                    if (!tlsauth.get(1).equals("[inline]")) {
                        np.mTLSAuthFilename = tlsauth.get(1);
                        np.mUseTLSAuth = true;
                    if (tlsauth.size() == 3)
                        np.mTLSAuthDirection = tlsauth.get(2);

        Vector<String> direction = getOption("key-direction", 1, 1);
        if (direction != null)
            np.mTLSAuthDirection = direction.get(1);

        Vector<Vector<String>> defgw = getAllOption("redirect-gateway", 0, 5);
        if (defgw != null) {
            np.mUseDefaultRoute = true;
            checkRedirectParameters(np, defgw);

        Vector<Vector<String>> redirectPrivate = getAllOption("redirect-private", 0, 5);
        if (redirectPrivate != null) {
            checkRedirectParameters(np, redirectPrivate);
        Vector<String> dev = getOption("dev", 1, 1);
        Vector<String> devtype = getOption("dev-type", 1, 1);

        if ((devtype != null && devtype.get(1).equals("tun")) || (dev != null && dev.get(1).startsWith("tun"))
                || (devtype == null && dev == null)) {
            //everything okay
        } else {
            throw new ConfigParseError("Sorry. Only tun mode is supported. See the FAQ for more detail");

        Vector<String> mssfix = getOption("mssfix", 0, 1);

        if (mssfix != null) {
            if (mssfix.size() >= 2) {
                try {
                    np.mMssFix = Integer.parseInt(mssfix.get(1));
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    throw new ConfigParseError("Argument to --mssfix has to be an integer");
            } else {
                np.mMssFix = 1450; // OpenVPN default size

        Vector<String> mode = getOption("mode", 1, 1);
        if (mode != null) {
            if (!mode.get(1).equals("p2p"))
                throw new ConfigParseError("Invalid mode for --mode specified, need p2p");

        Vector<Vector<String>> dhcpoptions = getAllOption("dhcp-option", 2, 2);
        if (dhcpoptions != null) {
            for (Vector<String> dhcpoption : dhcpoptions) {
                String type = dhcpoption.get(1);
                String arg = dhcpoption.get(2);
                if (type.equals("DOMAIN")) {
                    np.mSearchDomain = dhcpoption.get(2);
                } else if (type.equals("DNS")) {
                    np.mOverrideDNS = true;
                    if (np.mDNS1.equals(VpnProfile.DEFAULT_DNS1))
                        np.mDNS1 = arg;
                        np.mDNS2 = arg;

        Vector<String> ifconfig = getOption("ifconfig", 2, 2);
        if (ifconfig != null) {
            try {
                CIDRIP cidr = new CIDRIP(ifconfig.get(1), ifconfig.get(2));
                np.mIPv4Address = cidr.toString();
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                throw new ConfigParseError("Could not pase ifconfig IP address: " + nfe.getLocalizedMessage());


        if (getOption("remote-random-hostname", 0, 0) != null)
            np.mUseRandomHostname = true;

        if (getOption("float", 0, 0) != null)
            np.mUseFloat = true;

        if (getOption("comp-lzo", 0, 1) != null)
            np.mUseLzo = true;

        Vector<String> cipher = getOption("cipher", 1, 1);
        if (cipher != null)
            np.mCipher = cipher.get(1);

        Vector<String> auth = getOption("auth", 1, 1);
        if (auth != null)
            np.mAuth = auth.get(1);

        Vector<String> ca = getOption("ca", 1, 1);
        if (ca != null) {
            np.mCaFilename = ca.get(1);

        Vector<String> cert = getOption("cert", 1, 1);
        if (cert != null) {
            np.mClientCertFilename = cert.get(1);
            np.mAuthenticationType = VpnProfile.TYPE_CERTIFICATES;
            noauthtypeset = false;
        Vector<String> key = getOption("key", 1, 1);
        if (key != null)
            np.mClientKeyFilename = key.get(1);

        Vector<String> pkcs12 = getOption("pkcs12", 1, 1);
        if (pkcs12 != null) {
            np.mPKCS12Filename = pkcs12.get(1);
            np.mAuthenticationType = VpnProfile.TYPE_KEYSTORE;
            noauthtypeset = false;

        Vector<String> cryptoapicert = getOption("cryptoapicert", 1, 1);
        if (cryptoapicert != null) {
            np.mAuthenticationType = VpnProfile.TYPE_KEYSTORE;
            noauthtypeset = false;

        Vector<String> compatnames = getOption("compat-names", 1, 2);
        Vector<String> nonameremapping = getOption("no-name-remapping", 1, 1);
        Vector<String> tlsremote = getOption("tls-remote", 1, 1);
        if (tlsremote != null) {
            np.mRemoteCN = tlsremote.get(1);
            np.mCheckRemoteCN = true;
            np.mX509AuthType = VpnProfile.X509_VERIFY_TLSREMOTE;

            if ((compatnames != null && compatnames.size() > 2) || (nonameremapping != null))
                np.mX509AuthType = VpnProfile.X509_VERIFY_TLSREMOTE_COMPAT_NOREMAPPING;

        Vector<String> verifyx509name = getOption("verify-x509-name", 1, 2);
        if (verifyx509name != null) {
            np.mRemoteCN = verifyx509name.get(1);
            np.mCheckRemoteCN = true;
            if (verifyx509name.size() > 2) {
                if (verifyx509name.get(2).equals("name"))
                    np.mX509AuthType = VpnProfile.X509_VERIFY_TLSREMOTE_RDN;
                else if (verifyx509name.get(2).equals("subject"))
                    np.mX509AuthType = VpnProfile.X509_VERIFY_TLSREMOTE_DN;
                else if (verifyx509name.get(2).equals("name-prefix"))
                    np.mX509AuthType = VpnProfile.X509_VERIFY_TLSREMOTE_RDN_PREFIX;
                    throw new ConfigParseError("Unknown parameter to verify-x509-name: " + verifyx509name.get(2));
            } else {
                np.mX509AuthType = VpnProfile.X509_VERIFY_TLSREMOTE_DN;


        Vector<String> x509usernamefield = getOption("x509-username-field", 1, 1);
        if (x509usernamefield != null) {
            np.mx509UsernameField = x509usernamefield.get(1);

        Vector<String> verb = getOption("verb", 1, 1);
        if (verb != null) {
            np.mVerb = verb.get(1);

        if (getOption("nobind", 0, 0) != null)
            np.mNobind = true;

        if (getOption("persist-tun", 0, 0) != null)
            np.mPersistTun = true;

        if (getOption("push-peer-info", 0, 0) != null)
            np.mPushPeerInfo = true;

        Vector<String> connectretry = getOption("connect-retry", 1, 2);
        if (connectretry != null) {
            np.mConnectRetry = connectretry.get(1);
            if (connectretry.size() > 2)
                np.mConnectRetryMaxTime = connectretry.get(2);

        Vector<String> connectretrymax = getOption("connect-retry-max", 1, 1);
        if (connectretrymax != null)
            np.mConnectRetryMax = connectretrymax.get(1);

        Vector<Vector<String>> remotetls = getAllOption("remote-cert-tls", 1, 1);
        if (remotetls != null)
            if (remotetls.get(0).get(1).equals("server"))
                np.mExpectTLSCert = true;
                options.put("remotetls", remotetls);

        Vector<String> authuser = getOption("auth-user-pass", 0, 1);

        if (authuser != null) {
            if (noauthtypeset) {
                np.mAuthenticationType = VpnProfile.TYPE_USERPASS;
            } else if (np.mAuthenticationType == VpnProfile.TYPE_CERTIFICATES) {
                np.mAuthenticationType = VpnProfile.TYPE_USERPASS_CERTIFICATES;
            } else if (np.mAuthenticationType == VpnProfile.TYPE_KEYSTORE) {
                np.mAuthenticationType = VpnProfile.TYPE_USERPASS_KEYSTORE;
            if (authuser.size() > 1) {
                if (!authuser.get(1).startsWith(VpnProfile.INLINE_TAG))
                    auth_user_pass_file = authuser.get(1);
                np.mUsername = null;
                useEmbbedUserAuth(np, authuser.get(1));

        Vector<String> crlfile = getOption("crl-verify", 1, 2);
        if (crlfile != null) {
            // If the 'dir' parameter is present just add it as custom option ..
            if (crlfile.size() == 3 && crlfile.get(2).equals("dir"))
                np.mCustomConfigOptions += TextUtils.join(" ", crlfile) + "\n";
                // Save the filename for the config converter to add later
                np.mCrlFilename = crlfile.get(1);


        Pair<Connection, Connection[]> conns = parseConnectionOptions(null);
        np.mConnections = conns.second;

        Vector<Vector<String>> connectionBlocks = getAllOption("connection", 1, 1);

        if (np.mConnections.length > 0 && connectionBlocks != null) {
            throw new ConfigParseError("Using a <connection> block and --remote is not allowed.");

        if (connectionBlocks != null) {
            np.mConnections = new Connection[connectionBlocks.size()];

            int connIndex = 0;
            for (Vector<String> conn : connectionBlocks) {
                Pair<Connection, Connection[]> connectionBlockConnection = parseConnection(conn.get(1),

                if (connectionBlockConnection.second.length != 1)
                    throw new ConfigParseError("A <connection> block must have exactly one remote");
                np.mConnections[connIndex] = connectionBlockConnection.second[0];
        if (getOption("remote-random", 0, 0) != null)
            np.mRemoteRandom = true;

        Vector<String> protoforce = getOption("proto-force", 1, 1);
        if (protoforce != null) {
            boolean disableUDP;
            String protoToDisable = protoforce.get(1);
            if (protoToDisable.equals("udp"))
                disableUDP = true;
            else if (protoToDisable.equals("tcp"))
                disableUDP = false;
                throw new ConfigParseError(String.format("Unknown protocol %s in proto-force", protoToDisable));

            for (Connection conn : np.mConnections)
                if (conn.mUseUdp == disableUDP)
                    conn.mEnabled = false;

        // Parse OpenVPN Access Server extra
        Vector<String> friendlyname = meta.get("FRIENDLY_NAME");
        if (friendlyname != null && friendlyname.size() > 1)
            np.mName = friendlyname.get(1);

        Vector<String> ocusername = meta.get("USERNAME");
        if (ocusername != null && ocusername.size() > 1)
            np.mUsername = ocusername.get(1);


        return np;

    private Pair<Connection, Connection[]> parseConnection(String connection, Connection defaultValues)
            throws IOException, ConfigParseError {
        // Parse a connection Block as a new configuration file

        ConfigParser connectionParser = new ConfigParser();
        StringReader reader = new StringReader(connection.substring(VpnProfile.INLINE_TAG.length()));

        Pair<Connection, Connection[]> conn = connectionParser.parseConnectionOptions(defaultValues);

        return conn;

    private Pair<Connection, Connection[]> parseConnectionOptions(Connection connDefault) throws ConfigParseError {
        Connection conn;
        if (connDefault != null)
            try {
                conn = connDefault.clone();
            } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
                return null;
            conn = new Connection();

        Vector<String> port = getOption("port", 1, 1);
        if (port != null) {
            conn.mServerPort = port.get(1);

        Vector<String> rport = getOption("rport", 1, 1);
        if (rport != null) {
            conn.mServerPort = rport.get(1);

        Vector<String> proto = getOption("proto", 1, 1);
        if (proto != null) {
            conn.mUseUdp = isUdpProto(proto.get(1));

        Vector<String> connectTimeout = getOption("connect-timeout", 1, 1);
        if (connectTimeout != null) {
            try {
                conn.mConnectTimeout = Integer.parseInt(connectTimeout.get(1));
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                throw new ConfigParseError(
                        String.format("Argument to connect-timeout (%s) must to be an integer: %s",
                                connectTimeout.get(1), nfe.getLocalizedMessage()));


        // Parse remote config
        Vector<Vector<String>> remotes = getAllOption("remote", 1, 3);

        // Assume that we need custom options if connectionDefault are set
        if (connDefault != null) {
            for (Vector<Vector<String>> option : options.values()) {

                conn.mCustomConfiguration += getOptionStrings(option);

            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(conn.mCustomConfiguration))
                conn.mUseCustomConfig = true;
        // Make remotes empty to simplify code
        if (remotes == null)
            remotes = new Vector<Vector<String>>();

        Connection[] connections = new Connection[remotes.size()];

        int i = 0;
        for (Vector<String> remote : remotes) {
            try {
                connections[i] = conn.clone();
            } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            switch (remote.size()) {
            case 4:
                connections[i].mUseUdp = isUdpProto(remote.get(3));
            case 3:
                connections[i].mServerPort = remote.get(2);
            case 2:
                connections[i].mServerName = remote.get(1);
        return Pair.create(conn, connections);


    private void checkRedirectParameters(VpnProfile np, Vector<Vector<String>> defgw) {
        for (Vector<String> redirect : defgw)
            for (int i = 1; i < redirect.size(); i++) {
                if (redirect.get(i).equals("block-local"))
                    np.mAllowLocalLAN = false;
                else if (redirect.get(i).equals("unblock-local"))
                    np.mAllowLocalLAN = true;

    private boolean isUdpProto(String proto) throws ConfigParseError {
        boolean isudp;
        if (proto.equals("udp") || proto.equals("udp6"))
            isudp = true;
        else if (proto.equals("tcp-client") || proto.equals("tcp") || proto.equals("tcp6")
                || proto.endsWith("tcp6-client"))
            isudp = false;
            throw new ConfigParseError("Unsupported option to --proto " + proto);
        return isudp;

    static public void useEmbbedUserAuth(VpnProfile np, String inlinedata) {
        String data = VpnProfile.getEmbeddedContent(inlinedata);
        String[] parts = data.split("\n");
        if (parts.length >= 2) {
            np.mUsername = parts[0];
            np.mPassword = parts[1];

    private void checkIgnoreAndInvalidOptions(VpnProfile np) throws ConfigParseError {
        for (String option : unsupportedOptions)
            if (options.containsKey(option))
                throw new ConfigParseError(
                        String.format("Unsupported Option %s encountered in config file. Aborting", option));

        for (String option : ignoreOptions)
            // removing an item which is not in the map is no error

        if (options.size() > 0) {
            np.mCustomConfigOptions = "# These options found in the config file do not map to config settings:\n"
                    + np.mCustomConfigOptions;

            for (Vector<Vector<String>> option : options.values()) {

                np.mCustomConfigOptions += getOptionStrings(option);

            np.mUseCustomConfig = true;


    boolean ignoreThisOption(Vector<String> option) {
        for (String[] ignoreOption : ignoreOptionsWithArg) {

            if (option.size() < ignoreOption.length)

            boolean ignore = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < ignoreOption.length; i++) {
                if (!ignoreOption[i].equals(option.get(i)))
                    ignore = false;
            if (ignore)
                return true;

        return false;

    //! Generate options for custom options
    private String getOptionStrings(Vector<Vector<String>> option) {
        String custom = "";
        for (Vector<String> optionsline : option) {
            if (!ignoreThisOption(optionsline)) {
                // Check if option had been inlined and inline again
                if (optionsline.size() == 2 && ("extra-certs".equals(optionsline.get(0))
                        || "http-proxy-user-pass".equals(optionsline.get(0)))) {
                    custom += VpnProfile.insertFileData(optionsline.get(0), optionsline.get(1));
                } else {
                    for (String arg : optionsline)
                        custom += VpnProfile.openVpnEscape(arg) + " ";
                    custom += "\n";
        return custom;

    private void fixup(VpnProfile np) {
        if (np.mRemoteCN.equals(np.mServerName)) {
            np.mRemoteCN = "";

    private Vector<String> getOption(String option, int minarg, int maxarg) throws ConfigParseError {
        Vector<Vector<String>> alloptions = getAllOption(option, minarg, maxarg);
        if (alloptions == null)
            return null;
            return alloptions.lastElement();

    private Vector<Vector<String>> getAllOption(String option, int minarg, int maxarg) throws ConfigParseError {
        Vector<Vector<String>> args = options.get(option);
        if (args == null)
            return null;

        for (Vector<String> optionline : args)

            if (optionline.size() < (minarg + 1) || optionline.size() > maxarg + 1) {
                String err = String.format(Locale.getDefault(),
                        "Option %s has %d parameters, expected between %d and %d", option, optionline.size() - 1,
                        minarg, maxarg);
                throw new ConfigParseError(err);
        return args;
