Java tutorial
/* * #%L * Ridge Detection plugin for ImageJ * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Thorsten Wagner (ImageJ java plugin), 1996-1998 Carsten Steger (original C code), 1999 R. Balasubramanian (detect lines code to incorporate within GRASP) * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ package de.biomedical_imaging.ij.steger; import java.awt.AWTEvent; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.TextField; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.Prefs; import ij.gui.DialogListener; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.gui.Overlay; import ij.gui.PointRoi; import ij.gui.PolygonRoi; import ij.gui.Roi; import ij.gui.TextRoi; import ij.measure.ResultsTable; import ij.plugin.filter.ExtendedPlugInFilter; import ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilterRunner; import ij.plugin.frame.RoiManager; import ij.process.FloatPolygon; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; public class Lines_ implements ExtendedPlugInFilter, DialogListener { final static double lineWidthDefault = 3.5; double lineWidth = lineWidthDefault; final static double contrastHighDefault = 230; double contrastHigh = contrastHighDefault; final static double contrastLowDefault = 87; double contrastLow = contrastLowDefault; final static double sigmaDefault = 1.51; double sigma = sigmaDefault; final static double lowerThreshDefault = 3.06; double lowerThresh = lowerThreshDefault; final static double upperThreshDefault = 7.99; double upperThresh = upperThreshDefault; final static boolean isDarkLineDefault = false; boolean isDarkLine = isDarkLineDefault; final static boolean doCorrectPositionDefault = false; boolean doCorrectPosition = doCorrectPositionDefault; final static boolean doEstimateWidthDefault = false; boolean doEstimateWidth = doEstimateWidthDefault; final static boolean doExtendLineDefault = true; boolean doExtendLine = doExtendLineDefault; final static boolean showJunctionPointsDefault = false; boolean showJunctionPoints = showJunctionPointsDefault; final static boolean displayResultsDefault = true; boolean displayResults = displayResultsDefault; final static boolean addToRoiManagerDefault = true; boolean addToRoiManager = addToRoiManagerDefault; OverlapOption overlapOption = OverlapOption.NONE; final static boolean showIDsDefault = false; boolean showIDs = showIDsDefault; final static boolean verboseDefault = false; boolean verbose = verboseDefault; boolean isPreview = false; boolean contrastOrLineWidthChangedOnce = false; boolean doStack = false; private Options usedOptions = null; private static Lines_ instance = null; /** For each frame an ArrayList with the lines of a single frame **/// ArrayList<Lines> result; /** For each frame an ArrayList with the junctions of a single frame **/ ArrayList<Junctions> resultJunction; ImagePlus imp; public Lines_() { instance = this; } /** * Access the results from an external plugin * @return */ public static Lines_ getInstance() { return instance; } @Override public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) { if (arg.equals("final")) { sortLists(); //assignLinesToJunctions(); displayContours(); if (displayResults) { createResultsTable(true); } if (addToRoiManager) { addToRoiManager(); } return DONE; } //Check if the apache commons lang library is available try { Class.forName("org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableLong"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException exception) { IJ.error("Please install apache-commons-lang 3", "It seems that the apache-commons-lang 3 library is not installed on your system. \n " + "Download the jar file under and copy it to plugins/jars"); return DONE; } // Abort macro if no image is open if (imp == null) { IJ.error("No image open"); return DONE; } /* * Because the optional parameters are easier to determine when the image has an non-inverted LUT, * images with inverted LUT are reset. */ if (imp.isInvertedLut()) { IJ.showMessage("LUT reset", "The LUT of your image is inverted and will now reset for better parameter selection");, "Invert LUT", ""); } Line.resetCounter(); this.imp = imp; result = new ArrayList<Lines>(); resultJunction = new ArrayList<Junctions>(); readSettings(); return DOES_8G + DOES_STACKS + FINAL_PROCESSING + PARALLELIZE_STACKS; } private void sortLists() { Collections.sort(result, new Comparator<Lines>() { @Override public int compare(Lines o1, Lines o2) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (o1.getFrame() < o2.getFrame()) return -1; if (o1.getFrame() > o2.getFrame()) return 1; return 0; } }); Collections.sort(resultJunction, new Comparator<Junctions>() { @Override public int compare(Junctions o1, Junctions o2) { if (o1.getFrame() < o2.getFrame()) return -1; if (o1.getFrame() > o2.getFrame()) return 1; return 0; } }); } @Override public int showDialog(ImagePlus imp, String command, PlugInFilterRunner pfr) { GenericDialogPlus gd = new GenericDialogPlus("Ridge Detection"); gd.addMessage("Optional_parameters:"); gd.addNumericField("Line_width", lineWidth, 1); gd.addNumericField("High_Contrast", contrastHigh, 0); gd.addNumericField("Low_Contrast", contrastLow, 0); gd.addMessage("Mandatory_parameters:"); gd.addNumericField("Sigma", sigma, 2); gd.addNumericField("Lower_Threshold", lowerThresh, 2); gd.addNumericField("Upper_Threshold", upperThresh, 2); gd.addCheckbox("Darkline", isDarkLine); gd.addCheckbox("Correct_position", doCorrectPosition); gd.addCheckbox("Estimate_width", doEstimateWidth); gd.addCheckbox("Extend_line", doExtendLine); gd.addCheckbox("Show_junction_points", showJunctionPoints); gd.addCheckbox("Show_IDs", showIDs); gd.addCheckbox("Verbose mode", verbose); gd.addCheckbox("DisplayResults", displayResults); gd.addCheckbox("Add_to_Manager", addToRoiManager); final String[] overlap = new String[OverlapOption.values().length]; for (int i = 0; i < overlap.length; i++) { overlap[i] = OverlapOption.values()[i].name(); } gd.addChoice("Method_for_overlap_resolution", overlap,; gd.addHelp(""); gd.addDialogListener(this); gd.addPreviewCheckbox(pfr); gd.addButton("Reset settings to default", new ResetToDefaultListener(gd)); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) { imp.setOverlay(null); return DONE; } else { isPreview = false; } lineWidth = gd.getNextNumber(); contrastHigh = gd.getNextNumber(); contrastLow = gd.getNextNumber(); sigma = gd.getNextNumber(); lowerThresh = gd.getNextNumber(); upperThresh = gd.getNextNumber(); isDarkLine = gd.getNextBoolean(); doCorrectPosition = gd.getNextBoolean(); doEstimateWidth = gd.getNextBoolean(); doExtendLine = gd.getNextBoolean(); showJunctionPoints = gd.getNextBoolean(); showIDs = gd.getNextBoolean(); verbose = gd.getNextBoolean(); displayResults = gd.getNextBoolean(); addToRoiManager = gd.getNextBoolean(); overlapOption = OverlapOption.valueOf(gd.getNextChoice()); saveSettings(); result = new ArrayList<Lines>(); resultJunction = new ArrayList<Junctions>(); int labels = IJ.setupDialog(imp, DOES_8G + FINAL_PROCESSING + PARALLELIZE_STACKS); doStack = (labels != DOES_8G + FINAL_PROCESSING + PARALLELIZE_STACKS); return labels; } private void readSettings() { lineWidth = Prefs.get("RidgeDetection.lineWidth", lineWidthDefault); contrastHigh = Prefs.get("RidgeDetection.contrastHigh", contrastHighDefault); contrastLow = Prefs.get("RidgeDetection.contrastLow", contrastLowDefault); sigma = Prefs.get("RidgeDetection.sigma", sigmaDefault); lowerThresh = Prefs.get("RidgeDetection.lowerThresh", lowerThreshDefault); upperThresh = Prefs.get("RidgeDetection.upperThresh", upperThreshDefault); isDarkLine = Prefs.get("RidgeDetection.isDarkLine", isDarkLineDefault); doCorrectPosition = Prefs.get("RidgeDetection.doCorrectPosition", doCorrectPositionDefault); doEstimateWidth = Prefs.get("RidgeDetection.doEstimateWidth", doEstimateWidthDefault); doExtendLine = Prefs.get("RidgeDetection.doExtendLine", doExtendLineDefault); showJunctionPoints = Prefs.get("RidgeDetection.showJunctionPoints", showJunctionPointsDefault); showIDs = Prefs.get("RidgeDetection.showIDs", showIDsDefault); verbose = Prefs.get("RidgeDetection.verbose", verboseDefault); displayResults = Prefs.get("RidgeDetection.displayResults", displayResultsDefault); addToRoiManager = Prefs.get("RidgeDetection.addToRoiManager", addToRoiManagerDefault); String overlapOptionString = Prefs.get("RidgeDetection.overlapOption",; overlapOption = OverlapOption.valueOf(overlapOptionString); } private void saveSettings() { Prefs.set("RidgeDetection.lineWidth", lineWidth); Prefs.set("RidgeDetection.contrastHigh", contrastHigh); Prefs.set("RidgeDetection.contrastLow", contrastLow); Prefs.set("RidgeDetection.sigma", sigma); Prefs.set("RidgeDetection.lowerThresh", lowerThresh); Prefs.set("RidgeDetection.upperThresh", upperThresh); Prefs.set("RidgeDetection.isDarkLine", isDarkLine); Prefs.set("RidgeDetection.doCorrectPosition", doCorrectPosition); Prefs.set("RidgeDetection.doEstimateWidth", doEstimateWidth); Prefs.set("RidgeDetection.doExtendLine", doExtendLine); Prefs.set("RidgeDetection.showJunctionPoints", showJunctionPoints); Prefs.set("RidgeDetection.showIDs", showIDs); Prefs.set("RidgeDetection.verbose", verbose); Prefs.set("RidgeDetection.displayResults", displayResults); Prefs.set("RidgeDetection.addToRoiManager", addToRoiManager); Prefs.set("RidgeDetection.overlapOption",; } public void addToRoiManager() { RoiManager rm = RoiManager.getInstance(); if (rm == null) { rm = new RoiManager(); } for (Lines contours : result) { for (Line c : contours) { float[] x = c.getXCoordinates(); for (int j = 0; j < x.length; j++) { x[j] = (float) (x[j] + 0.5); } float[] y = c.getYCoordinates(); for (int j = 0; j < y.length; j++) { y[j] = (float) (y[j] + 0.5); } FloatPolygon p = new FloatPolygon(x, y, c.getNumber()); Roi r = new PolygonRoi(p, Roi.FREELINE); r.setPosition(c.getFrame()); r.setName("C" + c.getID()); rm.addRoi(r); } } for (Junctions junctions : resultJunction) { for (Junction j : junctions) { PointRoi pr = new PointRoi(j.x + 0.5, j.y + 0.5); pr.setName("JP-C" + j.getLine1().getID() + "-C" + j.getLine2().getID()); pr.setPosition(j.getLine1().getFrame()); rm.addRoi(pr); } } rm.setVisible(true); rm.runCommand("UseNames", "true"); } private void createResultsTable(boolean showJunctions) { ResultsTable rt = new ResultsTable(); rt.setPrecision(3); for (Lines contours : result) { for (Line c : contours) { for (int i = 0; i < c.num; i++) { rt.incrementCounter(); rt.addValue("Frame", IJ.d2s(contours.getFrame(), 0)); rt.addValue("Contour ID", IJ.d2s(c.getID(), 0)); rt.addValue("Pos.", IJ.d2s(i + 1, 0)); rt.addValue("X", IJ.d2s(c.col[i], 1)); rt.addValue("Y", IJ.d2s(c.row[i], 1)); rt.addValue("Length", IJ.d2s(c.estimateLength(), 1)); if (doCorrectPosition && doEstimateWidth) { rt.addValue("Contrast", Math.abs(c.intensity[i])); rt.addValue("Asymmetry", Math.abs(c.asymmetry[i])); } if (doEstimateWidth) { rt.addValue("Line width", IJ.d2s(c.width_l[i] + c.width_r[i], 1)); rt.addValue("Angle of normal", IJ.d2s(c.angle[i], 2)); } rt.addValue("Class", c.getContourClass().toString().substring(5)); } } }"Contours"); if (showJunctions) { ResultsTable rt2 = new ResultsTable(); rt2.setPrecision(0); for (Junctions junctions : resultJunction) { for (Junction j : junctions) { rt2.incrementCounter(); rt2.addValue("Frame", junctions.getFrame()); rt2.addValue("Contour ID 1", j.getLine1().getID());//c.get( j.cont1) rt2.addValue("Contour ID 2", j.getLine2().getID()); rt2.addValue("X", IJ.d2s(j.x, 1)); rt2.addValue("Y", IJ.d2s(j.y, 1)); } }"Junctions"); } } private void displayContours() { imp.setOverlay(null); Overlay ovpoly = new Overlay(); double px, py, nx, ny, px_r = 0, py_r = 0, px_l = 0, py_l = 0; double last_w_r, last_w_l; // Print contour and boundary for (int k = 0; k < result.size(); k++) { for (int i = 0; i < result.get(k).size(); i++) { FloatPolygon polyMitte = new FloatPolygon(); FloatPolygon polyR = new FloatPolygon(); FloatPolygon polyL = new FloatPolygon(); Line cont = result.get(k).get(i); int num_points = cont.num; last_w_r = 0; last_w_l = 0; for (int j = 0; j < num_points; j++) { px = cont.col[j]; py = cont.row[j]; nx = Math.sin(cont.angle[j]); ny = Math.cos(cont.angle[j]); if (doEstimateWidth) { px_r = px + cont.width_r[j] * nx; py_r = py + cont.width_r[j] * ny; px_l = px - cont.width_l[j] * nx; py_l = py - cont.width_l[j] * ny; } polyMitte.addPoint((px + 0.5), (py + 0.5)); if (doEstimateWidth) { if (last_w_r > 0 && cont.width_r[j] > 0) { polyR.addPoint((px_r + 0.5), (py_r + 0.5)); } if (last_w_l > 0 && cont.width_l[j] > 0) { polyL.addPoint((px_l + 0.5), (py_l + 0.5)); } } if (doEstimateWidth) { last_w_r = cont.width_r[j]; last_w_l = cont.width_l[j]; } } PolygonRoi polyRoiMitte = new PolygonRoi(polyMitte, Roi.POLYLINE); polyRoiMitte.setStrokeColor(; int position = result.get(k).getFrame(); if (!doStack || isPreview) { position = imp.getCurrentSlice(); } polyRoiMitte.setPosition(position); ovpoly.add(polyRoiMitte); if (doEstimateWidth) { if (polyL.npoints > 1) { PolygonRoi polyRoiRand1 = new PolygonRoi(polyL, Roi.POLYLINE); polyRoiRand1.setStrokeColor(; position = result.get(k).getFrame(); if (!doStack || isPreview) { position = imp.getCurrentSlice(); } polyRoiRand1.setPosition(position); ovpoly.add(polyRoiRand1); PolygonRoi polyRoiRand2 = new PolygonRoi(polyR, Roi.POLYLINE); polyRoiRand2.setStrokeColor(; polyRoiRand2.setPosition(position); ovpoly.add(polyRoiRand2); } } //Show IDs if (showIDs) {/* int posx = polyMitte.xpoints[0]; int posy = polyMitte.ypoints[0]; if(cont.cont_class == contour_class.cont_start_junc){ posx = polyMitte.xpoints[polyMitte.npoints-1]; posy = polyMitte.ypoints[polyMitte.npoints-1]; } */ int posx = (int) polyMitte.xpoints[polyMitte.npoints / 2]; int posy = (int) polyMitte.ypoints[polyMitte.npoints / 2]; TextRoi tr = new TextRoi(posx, posy, "" + cont.getID()); tr.setCurrentFont(new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.PLAIN, 9)); tr.setIgnoreClipRect(true); tr.setStrokeColor(; tr.setPosition(resultJunction.get(k).getFrame()); ovpoly.add(tr); } } } if (showJunctionPoints) { // Print junctions for (int k = 0; k < resultJunction.size(); k++) { FloatPolygon pointpoly = new FloatPolygon(); for (int i = 0; i < resultJunction.get(k).size(); i++) { pointpoly.addPoint(resultJunction.get(k).get(i).x + 0.5, resultJunction.get(k).get(i).y + 0.5); } PointRoi pointroi = new PointRoi(pointpoly); pointroi.setShowLabels(false); int position = resultJunction.get(k).getFrame(); if (!doStack || isPreview) { position = imp.getCurrentSlice(); } pointroi.setPosition(position); ovpoly.add(pointroi); } } if (ovpoly.size() > 0) { imp.setOverlay(ovpoly); } } @Override public void setNPasses(int nPasses) { IJ.showProgress(nPasses, imp.getNSlices()); } @Override public boolean dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog gd, AWTEvent e) { imp.setOverlay(null); boolean lwChanged = false; boolean contHighChanged = false; boolean contLowChanged = false; boolean darklineChanged = false; double lwCand = gd.getNextNumber(); double diff = Math.abs(lwCand - lineWidth); if (diff > 0.0001) { lineWidth = lwCand; lwChanged = true; } double conCand = gd.getNextNumber(); diff = Math.abs(conCand - contrastHigh); if (diff > 0.0001) { contrastHigh = conCand; contHighChanged = true; } conCand = gd.getNextNumber(); diff = Math.abs(conCand - contrastLow); if (diff > 0.0001) { contrastLow = conCand; contLowChanged = true; } boolean darklineCand = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (darklineCand != isDarkLine) { isDarkLine = darklineCand; darklineChanged = true; } doCorrectPosition = gd.getNextBoolean(); doEstimateWidth = gd.getNextBoolean(); doExtendLine = gd.getNextBoolean(); showJunctionPoints = gd.getNextBoolean(); showIDs = gd.getNextBoolean(); verbose = gd.getNextBoolean(); displayResults = gd.getNextBoolean(); addToRoiManager = gd.getNextBoolean(); overlapOption = OverlapOption.valueOf(gd.getNextChoice()); if (lwChanged || contHighChanged || contLowChanged) { contrastOrLineWidthChangedOnce = true; } if (lwChanged || contHighChanged || contLowChanged || (darklineChanged && contrastOrLineWidthChangedOnce)) { double estimatedSigma = lineWidth / (2 * Math.sqrt(3)) + 0.5; TextField textSigma = (TextField) gd.getNumericFields().get(3); textSigma.setText("" + IJ.d2s(estimatedSigma, 2)); textSigma.setEditable(true); double clow = contrastLow; if (isDarkLine) { clow = 255 - contrastHigh; } double estimatedLowerThresh = Math.floor(Math.abs(-2 * clow * (lineWidth / 2.0) / (Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * estimatedSigma * estimatedSigma * estimatedSigma) * Math.exp(-((lineWidth / 2.0) * (lineWidth / 2.0)) / (2 * estimatedSigma * estimatedSigma)))); TextField textLowThresh = (TextField) gd.getNumericFields().get(4); textLowThresh.setText("" + IJ.d2s(estimatedLowerThresh * 0.17, 2)); textLowThresh.setEditable(true); double chigh = contrastHigh; if (isDarkLine) { chigh = 255 - contrastLow; } double estimatedUpperThresh = Math.floor(Math.abs(-2 * chigh * (lineWidth / 2.0) / (Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * estimatedSigma * estimatedSigma * estimatedSigma) * Math.exp(-((lineWidth / 2.0) * (lineWidth / 2.0)) / (2 * estimatedSigma * estimatedSigma)))); TextField textUppThresh = (TextField) gd.getNumericFields().get(5); textUppThresh.setText("" + IJ.d2s(estimatedUpperThresh * 0.17, 2)); textUppThresh.setEditable(true); } sigma = gd.getNextNumber(); lowerThresh = gd.getNextNumber(); upperThresh = gd.getNextNumber(); if (lowerThresh >= upperThresh || sigma < 0.4 || Double.isNaN(sigma + lowerThresh + upperThresh)) { return false; } isPreview = gd.isPreviewActive(); return true; } @Override public void run(ImageProcessor ip) { if (isPreview) { Line.resetCounter(); result = new ArrayList<Lines>(); resultJunction = new ArrayList<Junctions>(); } LineDetector detect = new LineDetector(); detect.bechatty = verbose; result.add(detect.detectLines(ip, sigma, upperThresh, lowerThresh, isDarkLine, doCorrectPosition, doEstimateWidth, doExtendLine, overlapOption)); usedOptions = detect.getUsedParamters(); resultJunction.add(detect.getJunctions()); if (isPreview) { displayContours(); Line.resetCounter(); result = new ArrayList<Lines>(); resultJunction = new ArrayList<Junctions>(); } } /** * Return the detected lines * @return ArrayList of lines for each frame. */ public ArrayList<Lines> getDetectedLines() { return result; } /** * Return the detected junctions * @return ArrayList of junctions for each frame. */ public ArrayList<Junctions> getDetectedJunctions() { return resultJunction; } /** * Returns the parameter which were used for the analysis * @return The used parameters */ public Options getParameters() { return usedOptions; } }