Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012. betterFORM Project - * Licensed under the terms of BSD License */ package de.betterform.connector; import de.betterform.xml.dom.DOMUtil; import de.betterform.xml.xforms.XFormsProcessor; import de.betterform.xml.xforms.exception.XFormsException; import de.betterform.xml.xforms.model.Model; import de.betterform.xml.xforms.model.submission.Submission; import de.betterform.xml.xpath.impl.saxon.XPathCache; import de.betterform.xml.xpath.impl.saxon.XPathUtil; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * @author Joern Turner */ public class ModelSubmissionHandler extends AbstractConnector implements SubmissionHandler { private static Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(ModelSubmissionHandler.class); /** * Purpose:<br/> * The ModelSubmissionHandler can be used to exchange data between XForms models. It is capable of replacing data * in a certain instance of the receiver model.<br/><br/> * * Syntax: model:[Model ID]#instance('[Instance ID]')/[XPath]<br/><br/> * * Caveats:<br/> * - Model and Instance IDs must be known to allow explicit addressing<br/> * - the form author has to make sure that no ID collisions take place<br/> * - the XPath must be explicitly given even if the the target Node is the root Node of the instance * * * @param submission the submission issuing the request. * @param instance the instance data to be serialized and submitted. * @return * @throws de.betterform.xml.xforms.exception.XFormsException * if any error occurred during submission. */ public Map submit(Submission submission, Node instance) throws XFormsException { try { String replaceMode = submission.getReplace(); if (!(replaceMode.equals("none") || replaceMode.equals("instance"))) { throw new XFormsException( "ModelSubmissionHandler only supports 'none' or 'instance' as replace mode"); } String submissionMethod = submission.getMethod(); String resourceAttr = getURI(); String resourceModelId = null; String instanceId = null; String xpath = null; try { int devider = resourceAttr.indexOf("#"); resourceModelId = resourceAttr.substring(resourceAttr.indexOf(":") + 1, devider); int instanceIdStart = resourceAttr.indexOf("(") + 1; int instanceIdEnd = resourceAttr.indexOf(")"); instanceId = resourceAttr.substring(instanceIdStart + 1, instanceIdEnd - 1); if (resourceAttr.indexOf("/") != -1) { xpath = resourceAttr.substring(resourceAttr.indexOf("/")); } else { throw new XFormsException( "Syntax error: xpath mustn't be null. You've to provide at least the path to the rootnode."); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new XFormsException("Syntax error in expression: " + resourceAttr); } Model providerModel; Model receiverModel; if (submissionMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("get")) { providerModel = submission.getContainerObject().getModel(resourceModelId); receiverModel = submission.getModel(); Node targetNode = XPathUtil.getAsNode(XPathCache.getInstance().evaluate( providerModel.getInstance(instanceId).getRootContext().getNodeset(), 1, xpath, providerModel.getPrefixMapping(), providerModel.getXPathFunctionContext()), 1); if (targetNode == null) { throw new XFormsException("targetNode for xpath: " + xpath + " not found"); } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("targetNode to replace............"); DOMUtil.prettyPrintDOM(targetNode); } Document result = DOMUtil.newDocument(true, false); result.appendChild(result.importNode(targetNode.cloneNode(true), true)); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("result Instance after insertion ............"); DOMUtil.prettyPrintDOM(result); } Map response = new HashMap(1); response.put(XFormsProcessor.SUBMISSION_RESPONSE_DOCUMENT, result); return response; } else if (submissionMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("post")) { providerModel = submission.getModel(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Instance Data to post............"); DOMUtil.prettyPrintDOM(instance); } receiverModel = submission.getContainerObject().getModel(resourceModelId); Node targetNode = XPathUtil.getAsNode(XPathCache.getInstance().evaluate( receiverModel.getInstance(instanceId).getRootContext().getNodeset(), 1, xpath, receiverModel.getPrefixMapping(), receiverModel.getXPathFunctionContext()), 1); if (targetNode == null) { throw new XFormsException("targetNode for xpath: " + xpath + " not found"); } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("targetNode to replace............"); DOMUtil.prettyPrintDOM(targetNode); } //todo:review - this can be an Eleement if ref was used on submission!!! if (instance instanceof Document) { Document toImport = (Document) instance; targetNode.getParentNode().replaceChild( targetNode.getOwnerDocument().importNode(toImport.getDocumentElement(), true), targetNode); } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("result Instance after insertion ............"); DOMUtil.prettyPrintDOM(receiverModel.getDefaultInstance().getInstanceDocument()); } } else { throw new XFormsException("Submission method '" + submissionMethod + "' not supported"); } receiverModel.rebuild(); receiverModel.recalculate(); receiverModel.revalidate(); receiverModel.refresh(); return new HashMap(1); } catch (Exception e) { throw new XFormsException(e); } } }