Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012. betterFORM Project - * Licensed under the terms of BSD License */ package de.betterform.agent.web.flux; import de.betterform.agent.web.WebProcessor; import de.betterform.agent.web.WebUtil; import de.betterform.agent.web.event.DefaultUIEventImpl; import de.betterform.agent.web.event.EventQueue; import de.betterform.agent.web.event.UIEvent; import de.betterform.agent.web.upload.UploadInfo; import de.betterform.xml.dom.DOMUtil; import; import; import; import de.betterform.xml.xforms.XFormsProcessorImpl; import de.betterform.xml.xforms.exception.XFormsException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.directwebremoting.WebContextFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import java.util.*; /** * AJAX Facade class to hide the full functionality from the web-client and to * avoid overloaded methods which are not recommended by DWR. * * @author Joern Turner * @version $Id: 2875 2007-09-28 09:43:30Z lars $ */ public class FluxFacade { //this is a custom event to activate a trigger in XForms. public static final String FLUX_ACTIVATE_EVENT = "flux-action-event"; private static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(FluxFacade.class); private HttpSession session; private HttpServletRequest request; private HttpServletResponse response; /** * grabs the actual web from the session. */ public FluxFacade() { session = WebContextFactory.get().getSession(true); request = WebContextFactory.get().getHttpServletRequest(); response = WebContextFactory.get().getHttpServletResponse(); } /** * todo: implement XForms init via Ajax call * * @return update info to initially setup the browser page * @throws FluxException when everything goes wrong */ public List<XMLEvent> init(String sessionKey) throws FluxException { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("FluxProcessor init called on Facade"); } FluxProcessor processor = FluxUtil.getProcessor(sessionKey, request, response, session); return processor.getEventQueue().getEventList(); } //todo: should be named 'dispatchActivateEvent' public List<XMLEvent> dispatchEvent(String id, String sessionKey) throws XFormsException { FluxProcessor processor = null; try { processor = FluxUtil.getProcessor(sessionKey, request, response, session); processor.dispatchEvent(id); return processor.getEventQueue().getEventList(); } catch (FluxException e) { return this.renderErrorMessage(e.getMessage()); } } private List<XMLEvent> renderErrorMessage(String message) { LOGGER.warn("betterFORM Error Message: " + message); XMLEvent errorEvent = new XercesXMLEventFactory().createXMLEvent(BetterFormEventNames.RENDER_MESSAGE); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(1); params.put("message", message); errorEvent.initXMLEvent(BetterFormEventNames.RENDER_MESSAGE, true, false, params); ArrayList<XMLEvent> list = new ArrayList<XMLEvent>(); list.add(errorEvent); return list; } public List<XMLEvent> dispatchEventType(String id, String eventType, String sessionKey) throws XFormsException { return dispatchEventTypeWithContext(id, eventType, sessionKey, Collections.EMPTY_MAP); } public List<XMLEvent> dispatchEventTypeWithContext(String id, String eventType, String sessionKey, String contextInfo) throws XFormsException { Map params; if (contextInfo != null) { params = new HashMap(1); params.put("context-info", contextInfo); } else { params = Collections.EMPTY_MAP; } return dispatchEventTypeWithContext(id, eventType, sessionKey, params); } public List<XMLEvent> dispatchEventTypeWithContext(String id, String eventType, String sessionKey, Map contextInfo) throws XFormsException { FluxProcessor processor = null; try { processor = FluxUtil.getProcessor(sessionKey, request, response, session); processor.getEventQueue().flush(); } catch (FluxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { if (contextInfo != null && (!contextInfo.isEmpty())) { assert processor != null : "Processor is null - you likely have no valid session."; processor.dispatch(id, eventType, contextInfo, true, false); } else { assert processor != null : "Processor is null - you likely have no valid session."; processor.dispatch(id, eventType); } } catch (XFormsException e) { return this.renderErrorMessage(e.getMessage()); } return processor.getEventQueue().getEventList(); } public List<XMLEvent> dispatchEventTypeWithContext(String id, String eventType, String sessionKey, Object[] contextInfo) throws XFormsException { Map params; if (contextInfo != null) { params = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < contextInfo.length; i++) { params.put("param" + i, contextInfo[i]); } } else { params = Collections.EMPTY_MAP; } return dispatchEventTypeWithContext(id, eventType, sessionKey, params); } public List setUIControlValue(String id, String value, String sessionKey) throws XFormsException { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("FluxFProcessor: " + this.toString()); } UIEvent event = new DefaultUIEventImpl(); event.initEvent("SETVALUE", id, value); List results = null; try { results = handleUIEvent(event, sessionKey); } catch (FluxException e) { return this.renderErrorMessage(e.getMessage()); } return results; } /** * executes a trigger * * @param id the id of the trigger to execute * @param sessionKey the sessionKey identifying the user session * @return the list of events that may result through this action * @throws FluxException raises exception if problem during processing * occurs */ /* public List fireAction(String id, String sessionKey) throws FluxException { UIEvent uiActivateEvent = new DefaultUIEventImpl(); uiActivateEvent.initEvent(FLUX_ACTIVATE_EVENT, id, null); return handleUIEvent(uiActivateEvent, sessionKey); } */ /** * sets the value of a control in the processor. * * @param id the id of the control in the host document * @param value the new value * @param sessionKey the sessionKey identifying the user session * @return the list of events that may result through this action * @throws FluxException raises exception if problem during processing * occurs */ public List setXFormsValue(String id, String value, String sessionKey) throws FluxException { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("FluxFacade instance: " + this.toString()); } UIEvent event = new DefaultUIEventImpl(); event.initEvent("SETVALUE", id, value); return handleUIEvent(event, sessionKey); } /* public Element getNodeset(String id, String sessionKey) throws FluxException { try { XFormsProcessor processor = FluxUtil.getProcessor(sessionKey); XFormsElement element = processor.lookup(id); if (element instanceof BindingElement){ return ((BindingElement)element). } } catch (FluxException e) { throw new FluxException(e); } }*/ public org.w3c.dom.Element getXFormsDOM(String sessionKey) throws FluxException { try { Element resultElem = ((Document) FluxUtil.getProcessor(sessionKey, request, response, session) .getXForms()).getDocumentElement(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { DOMUtil.prettyPrintDOM(resultElem); } return resultElem; } catch (XFormsException e) { throw new FluxException(e); } } public List setRepeatIndex(String id, String position, String sessionKey) throws FluxException { UIEvent event = new DefaultUIEventImpl(); event.initEvent("SETINDEX", id, position); return handleUIEvent(event, sessionKey); } /** * fetches the progress of a running upload. * * @param id id of the upload control in use * @param filename filename for uploaded data * @param sessionKey the sessionKey identifying the user session * @return a array containing two elements for evaluation in browser. First * param is the upload control id and second will be the current progress of * the upload. */ public List<XMLEvent> fetchProgress(String id, String filename, String sessionKey) { String progress; UploadInfo uploadInfo; if (session != null && session.getAttribute(WebProcessor.ADAPTER_PREFIX + sessionKey + "-uploadInfo") != null) { uploadInfo = (UploadInfo) session .getAttribute(WebProcessor.ADAPTER_PREFIX + sessionKey + "-uploadInfo"); if (uploadInfo.isInProgress()) { double p = uploadInfo.getBytesRead() / uploadInfo.getTotalSize(); progress = p + ""; float total = uploadInfo.getTotalSize(); float read = uploadInfo.getBytesRead(); int iProgress = (int) Math.ceil((read / total) * 100); if (iProgress < 100) { progress = Integer.toString(iProgress); } else { uploadInfo.setStatus("completed"); progress = "100"; } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Bytes total: " + uploadInfo.getTotalSize()); LOGGER.debug("Bytes read: " + uploadInfo.getBytesRead()); LOGGER.debug("elapsed time: " + uploadInfo.getElapsedTime()); LOGGER.debug("status: " + uploadInfo.getStatus()); LOGGER.debug("Percent completed: " + Math.ceil((read / total) * 100)); } } else { progress = "100"; } } else { //if session info is not found for some reason return 100 for safety which allows to exit //javascript polling of progress info progress = "100"; } // XFormsSessionManager manager = (XFormsSessionManager) session.getAttribute(XFormsSessionManager.XFORMS_SESSION_MANAGER); // XFormsSession xFormsSession = manager.getWebProcessor(sessionKey); WebProcessor webProcessor = WebUtil.getWebProcessor(sessionKey, request, response, session); if (webProcessor == null) { return this.renderErrorMessage("ERROR: session " + sessionKey + " does not exist"); } EventQueue eventQueue = null; if (webProcessor != null) { FluxProcessor processor = (FluxProcessor) webProcessor; eventQueue = processor.getEventQueue(); XMLEvent progressEvent = eventQueue.add("upload-progress-event", id, "upload"); eventQueue.addProperty(progressEvent, "progress", progress); List<XMLEvent> origEvents = eventQueue.getEventList(); List<XMLEvent> eventList = new ArrayList<XMLEvent>(); for (XMLEvent xmlEvent : origEvents) { eventList.add(xmlEvent); } eventQueue.flush(); return eventList; //eventQueue.flush(); } else { eventQueue = new EventQueue(); XMLEvent progressEvent = eventQueue.add("upload-progress-event", id, "upload"); eventQueue.addProperty(progressEvent, "progress", progress); return eventQueue.getEventList(); } } /** * Note user typing activity (not value change), which extends session * lifetime. * * @param sessionKey the sessionKey identifying the user session */ /* public void keepAlive(String sessionKey) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("FluxFacade keepAlive: " + sessionKey); } XFormsSessionManager manager = (XFormsSessionManager) session.getAttribute(XFormsSessionManager.XFORMS_SESSION_MANAGER); XFormsSession xFormsSession = manager.getWebProcessor(sessionKey); xFormsSession.updateLRU(); } */ public List setLocale(String locale, String sessionKey) throws FluxException { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("switching locale to '" + locale + "' for Session:'" + sessionKey + "'"); } /* XFormsSessionManager manager = (XFormsSessionManager) session.getAttribute(XFormsSessionManager.XFORMS_SESSION_MANAGER); XFormsSession xFormsSession = manager.getWebProcessor(sessionKey); */ WebProcessor webProcessor = WebUtil.getWebProcessor(sessionKey, request, response, session); if (webProcessor == null) { XMLEvent errorEvent = new XercesXMLEventFactory().createXMLEvent(BetterFormEventNames.RENDER_MESSAGE); Map params = new HashMap(1); params.put("message", "ERROR: FluxFacade.setLocale(): session " + sessionKey + " does not exist"); errorEvent.initXMLEvent(BetterFormEventNames.RENDER_MESSAGE, true, false, params); ArrayList<XMLEvent> list = new ArrayList(); list.add(errorEvent); return list; } Locale betterformlocale = new Locale(locale); webProcessor.setContextParam(XFormsProcessorImpl.BETTERFORM_LOCALE, betterformlocale); UIEvent event = new DefaultUIEventImpl(); event.initEvent("SETLOCALE", "locale", locale); return handleUIEvent(event, sessionKey); } /** * Note page unload, which rapidly ages session. * * @param sessionKey the sessionKey identifying the user session */ public void close(String sessionKey) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("FluxFacade close: " + sessionKey); } try { // don't use getWebProcessor to avoid needless error WebProcessor webProcessor = WebUtil.getWebProcessor(sessionKey, request, response, session); if (webProcessor == null) { return; } webProcessor.shutdown(); } catch (XFormsException e) { LOGGER.warn("FluxFacade close: " + sessionKey, e); } finally { WebUtil.removeSession(sessionKey); } } private List handleUIEvent(UIEvent uiEvent, String sessionKey) throws FluxException { FluxProcessor processor = FluxUtil.getProcessor(sessionKey, request, response, session); if (processor != null) { try { processor.handleUIEvent(uiEvent); } catch (XFormsException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); } } else { //session expired or cookie got lost throw new FluxException("Sorry your session expired. Press Reload to start over."); } EventQueue eventQueue = processor.getEventQueue(); List eventlog = eventQueue.getEventList(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Object ID: " + this); LOGGER.debug("EventLog: " + eventlog.toString()); LOGGER.debug("FluxProcessor: " + processor); } return eventlog; } /* make this available through Facade for those that know what they are doing */ public static org.w3c.dom.Element getInstanceDocument(String modelId, String instanceId, String sessionKey) { return FluxModel.getInstanceDocument(modelId, instanceId, sessionKey); } } // end of class