Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2005-2006 Daniel Calvio Snchez
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * See the COPYING file for more details.

package de.berlios.jedi.presentation.editor;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;

import de.berlios.jedi.common.config.ConfigurationFactory;
import de.berlios.jedi.common.entity.jisp.JispAuthor;
import de.berlios.jedi.common.entity.jisp.JispFile;
import de.berlios.jedi.common.entity.jisp.JispIcon;
import de.berlios.jedi.common.entity.jisp.JispMetadata;
import de.berlios.jedi.common.entity.jisp.JispObject;
import de.berlios.jedi.common.entity.jisp.JispPackage;
import de.berlios.jedi.common.entity.jisp.JispPackagesList;
import de.berlios.jedi.common.jisp.JispUtil;
import de.berlios.jedi.common.jisp.exception.JispIncompletePackageException;
import de.berlios.jedi.logic.editor.EditorLogicService;
import de.berlios.jedi.presentation.ActionWithErrorSupport;
import de.berlios.jedi.presentation.Keys;

 * <p>
 * Sends the Jisp File for the Jisp Package being created in response's output
 * stream.<br>
 * Response content type is set to "application/vnd.jisp" and header
 * Content-disposition to "attachment; filename=\"package.jisp\""
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Package metadata is set in a predefined way (the user can't specify any
 * field):
 * <ul>
 * <li> name: JEDI package </li>
 * <li> version: 1.0 </li>
 * <li> description: name, version and home (if any) of the JispPackages used in
 * the package, and the default description got from the configuration </li>
 * <li> creation: date when the JispPackage is being downloaded </li>
 * <li> authors: those of the JispPackages used in the package </li>
 * <li> home: got from the configuration </li>
 * </ul>
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * If something went wrong, a forward to ADD_STATUS_FORWARD_NAME Key is made and
 * the NEXT_FORWARD_NAME Key is set to the error forward name.
 * </p>
public class DownloadPackageAction extends ActionWithErrorSupport {

     * Handle server requests.
     * @param mapping
     *            The ActionMapping used to select this instance.
     * @param form
     *            The optional ActionForm bean for this request (if any).
     * @param request
     *            The HTTP request we are processing.
     * @param response
     *            The HTTP response we are creating.
    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) {

        JispPackagesList jispPackagesList = (JispPackagesList) request.getSession()
        JispPackage jispPackage = (JispPackage) request.getSession().getAttribute(EditorKeys.JISP_PACKAGE);

        setJispMetadata(jispPackage, jispPackagesList);

        JispFile jispFile = null;
        try {
            jispFile = new EditorLogicService().getJispFileFromJispPackage(jispPackage);
        } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
            LogFactory.getLog(DownloadPackageAction.class).fatal("UTF-8 encoding not supported!!!", e);

            return errorForward(mapping, request, new ActionMessage("utf8NotSupported"), "utf8NotSupported",
        } catch (JispIncompletePackageException e) {
            LogFactory.getLog(DownloadPackageAction.class).error("Incomplete JispPackage", e);

            return errorForward(mapping, request, new ActionMessage("incompleteJispPackage", e.getMessage()),
                    "incompleteJispPackage", Keys.ADD_STATUS_FORWARD_NAME);

        // Filename should be equal to the name of the root directory of the
        // jisp file
                "attachment; filename=\"" + JispUtil.getDefaultRootDirectoryName(jispPackage) + ".jisp\"");

        ServletOutputStream out = null;
        try {
            out = response.getOutputStream();
        } catch (IOException e) {
                    .error("IOException when writing the JispFile to the " + "ServlerOutputStream", e);

            return errorForward(mapping, request, new ActionMessage("failedJispFileWriteToOutputStream"),
                    "failedJispFileWriteToOutputStream", Keys.ADD_STATUS_FORWARD_NAME);
        } finally {
            if (out != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {

        return null;

     * Sets the Jisp Metadata for the Jisp Package being downloaded.<br>
     * Package metadata is set in a predefined way (the user can't specify any
     * field):
     * <ul>
     * <li> name: JEDI package </li>
     * <li> version: 1.0 </li>
     * <li> description: name, version and home (if any) of the JispPackages
     * used in the package, and the default description got from the
     * configuration </li>
     * <li> creation: date when the JispPackage is being downloaded </li>
     * <li> authors: those of the JispPackages used in the package </li>
     * <li> home: got from the configuration </li>
     * </ul>
     * @param jispPackage
     *            The JispPackage to set its JispMetadata.
     * @param jispPackagesList
    private void setJispMetadata(JispPackage jispPackage, JispPackagesList jispPackagesList) {
        Map jispPackagesMap = new Hashtable();
        JispUtil.indexJispPackagesByDefaultRootDirectoryName(jispPackagesMap, jispPackagesList);
        List usedJispPackagesList = getUsedJispPackagesFromMap(jispPackagesMap, jispPackage);

        JispMetadata jispMetadata = getJispMetadata(jispPackage);

        jispMetadata.setName("JEDI package");
        jispMetadata.setCreation(new Date());

        setDescription(jispMetadata, usedJispPackagesList.iterator());
        setJispAuthors(jispMetadata, usedJispPackagesList.iterator());

     * Returns the JispMetadata from a JispPackage.<br>
     * If the JispPackage doesn't have any JispMetadata, a new one is created,
     * added to the JispPackage and returned.
     * @param jispPackage
     *            The JispPackage to get the JispMetadata from.
     * @return The JispMetadata from the JispPackage.
    private JispMetadata getJispMetadata(JispPackage jispPackage) {
        JispMetadata jispMetadata = jispPackage.getJispMetadata();

        if (jispMetadata == null) {
            jispMetadata = new JispMetadata();

        return jispMetadata;

     * Returns a list containing only the JispPackages from the JispPackagesMap
     * used in the JispPackage.<br>
     * All the JispObjects of the JispPackage are checked to add the JispPackage
     * they come from. To get the JispPackage used for a JispObject, the
     * JispPackage saved using the root directory of the JispObject as a key is
     * get from the map.
     * @param jispPackagesMap
     *            The Map where all the JispPackages are saved.
     * @param jispPackage
     *            The JispPackage to get the JispPackages used in it.
     * @return A list containing only the JispPackages used in the JispPackage.
    private List getUsedJispPackagesFromMap(Map jispPackagesMap, JispPackage jispPackage) {
        List usedJispPackagesList = new ArrayList();

        Iterator jispIconsIterator = jispPackage.jispIconsIterator();
        while (jispIconsIterator.hasNext()) {
            JispIcon jispIcon = (JispIcon);

            Iterator jispObjectsIterator = jispIcon.jispObjectsIterator();
            while (jispObjectsIterator.hasNext()) {
                JispObject jispObject = (JispObject);
                String jispObjectName = jispObject.getName();
                String rootDirectory = jispObjectName.substring(0, jispObjectName.indexOf("/"));

                if (!usedJispPackagesList.contains(jispPackagesMap.get(rootDirectory))) {

        return usedJispPackagesList;

     * Sets the information of the JispPackages in the JispPackagesIterator to
     * the JispMetadata.<br>
     * The information for every package is the name, version and homepage (if
     * any). After adding the information of all the packages, the default
     * description get from the configuration is added.
     * @param jispMetadata
     *            The JispMetadata to add the description to.
     * @param jispPackagesIterator
     *            The iterator with the JispPackages which information add.
    private void setDescription(JispMetadata jispMetadata, Iterator jispPackagesIterator) {
        StringBuffer description = new StringBuffer();

        description.append("Created using J.E.D.I. from those packages:\n");

        while (jispPackagesIterator.hasNext()) {
            JispMetadata jispMetadataToAdd = ((JispPackage);

            description.append(" " + jispMetadataToAdd.getVersion());
            String home = jispMetadataToAdd.getHome();
            if (home != null && !home.equals("")) {
                description.append(", Homepage: " + home);

        description.append("\n" + ConfigurationFactory.getConfiguration().getString("editor.metadata.description"));


     * Sets the JispAuthors of the JispPackages in the JispPackagesIterator to
     * the JispMetadata.<br>
     * The JispAuthors added are a clone of the JispAuthors in the JispPackages.
     * The name of the JispAuthors is the name of the JispAuthor plus the name
     * of the JispPackage they belong to.
     * @param jispMetadata
     *            The JispMetadata to add the JispAuthors to.
     * @param jispPackagesIterator
     *            The iterator with the JispPackages which JispAuthors add.
    private void setJispAuthors(JispMetadata jispMetadata, Iterator jispPackagesIterator) {

        JispAuthor jispAuthorJedi = new JispAuthor();

        while (jispPackagesIterator.hasNext()) {
            JispMetadata jispMetadataToAdd = ((JispPackage);

            addJispAuthorsFromJispMetadata(jispMetadata, jispMetadataToAdd);

     * Adds the JispAuthors from JispMetadataToAdd to the JispMetadata.<br>
     * The added JispAuthor are a clone of the ones contained in
     * JispMetadataToAdd. The name of the JispAuthors added is the name of the
     * JispAuthor plus the name of the JispPackage they belong to.
     * @param jispMetadata
     *            The JispMetadata to add the JispAuthors to.
     * @param jispMetadataToAdd
     *            The JispMetadata to add the JispAuthors from.
    private void addJispAuthorsFromJispMetadata(JispMetadata jispMetadata, JispMetadata jispMetadataToAdd) {
        Iterator jispAuthorsIterator = jispMetadataToAdd.jispAuthorsIterator();
        while (jispAuthorsIterator.hasNext()) {
            JispAuthor jispAuthorToAdd = (JispAuthor) ((JispAuthor);

            jispAuthorToAdd.setName(jispAuthorToAdd.getName() + " - " + jispMetadataToAdd.getName());

            if (!jispMetadata.containsJispAuthor(jispAuthorToAdd)) {