Java tutorial
/* * DownloadClient Geodateninfrastruktur Bayern * * (c) 2016 GSt. GDI-BY ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * @author Jochen Saalfeld ( */ public class CatalogService { private static final String CSW_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String GMD_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String OWS_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String SRV_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String GCO_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String CSW_QUERY_FILEPATH = "csw_searchQuery.xml"; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CatalogService.class.getName()); private URL catalogURL; private String userName; private static final int MIN_SEARCHLENGTH = 2; private String password; private String providerName; private NamespaceContext context; private URL getRecordsURL; private static final String GMD_IDENTIFICATION_INFO = "gmd:identificationInfo"; private static final String SRV_SV_SERVICE_IDENTIFICATION = "/srv:SV_ServiceIdentification"; private static final String GCO_CHARACTER_STRING = "/gco:CharacterString"; private static final String GMD_LINKAGE = "/gmd:linkage"; private static final String GMD_URL = "/gmd:URL"; private static final String SV_OPERATION_METADATA = "srv:SV_OperationMetadata"; /** * Constructor. * * @param url String URL * @param userName Username * @param password Password * @throws URISyntaxException if URL is wrong * @throws IOException if something in IO is wrong */ public CatalogService(String url, String userName, String password) throws URISyntaxException, IOException { this(new URL(url), userName, password); } /** * Constructor. * * @param url Stirng URL * @throws URISyntaxException if URL is wrong * @throws IOException if something in IO is wrong */ public CatalogService(String url) throws URISyntaxException, IOException { this(url, null, null); } /** * Constructor. * * @param url URL * @throws URISyntaxException if URL is wrong * @throws IOException if something in IO is wrong */ public CatalogService(URL url) throws URISyntaxException, IOException { this(url, null, null); } /** * Constructor. * * @param url URL * @param userName Username * @param password Password * @throws URISyntaxException if URL is wrong * @throws IOException if something in IO is wrong */ public CatalogService(URL url, String userName, String password) throws URISyntaxException, IOException { this.catalogURL = url; this.userName = userName; this.password = password; this.context = new NamespaceContextMap("csw", CSW_NAMESPACE, "gmd", GMD_NAMESPACE, "ows", OWS_NAMESPACE, "srv", SRV_NAMESPACE, "gco", GCO_NAMESPACE); Document xml = XML.getDocument(this.catalogURL, this.userName, this.password); if (xml != null) { String getProviderExpr = "//ows:ServiceIdentification/ows:Title"; Node providerNameNode = (Node) XML.xpath(xml, getProviderExpr, XPathConstants.NODE, context); this.providerName = providerNameNode.getTextContent(); String getRecordsURLExpr = "//ows:OperationsMetadata" + "/ows:Operation[@name='GetRecords']" + "/ows:DCP" + "/ows:HTTP" + "/ows:Post"; NodeList rL = (NodeList) XML.xpath(xml, getRecordsURLExpr, XPathConstants.NODESET, context); for (int i = 0; i < rL.getLength(); i++) { Node gruNode = rL.item(i); String getRecordsValueStr = (String) XML.xpath(gruNode, "ows:Constraint/ows:Value/text()", XPathConstants.STRING, this.context); if (getRecordsValueStr == null || getRecordsValueStr.isEmpty() || getRecordsValueStr.equals("XML")) { String getRecordsURLStr = (String) XML.xpath(gruNode, "@*[name()='xlink:href']", XPathConstants.STRING, this.context); this.getRecordsURL = null; this.getRecordsURL = new URL(getRecordsURLStr); break; } } } } /** * gets the Name of the service Provider. * * @return Name of the service Provider */ public String getProviderName() { return this.providerName; } /** * retrieves a Map of ServiceNames and URLs for a Filter-Word. * * @param filter the Word to filter to * @return Map of Service Names and URLs * @throws URISyntaxException if URL is wrong * @throws IOException if something in IO is wrong */ public List<Service> getServicesByFilter(String filter) throws URISyntaxException, IOException { List<Service> services = new ArrayList<>(); if (filter.length() > MIN_SEARCHLENGTH && this.getRecordsURL != null) { String search = loadXMLFilter(filter); Document xml = XML.getDocument(this.getRecordsURL, this.userName, this.password, search, true); Node exceptionNode = (Node) XML.xpath(xml, "//ows:ExceptionReport", XPathConstants.NODE, this.context); if (exceptionNode != null) { String exceptionCode = (String) XML.xpath(xml, "//ows:ExceptionReport/ows:Exception/@exceptionCode", XPathConstants.STRING, this.context); String exceptionlocator = (String) XML.xpath(xml, "//ows:ExceptionReport/ows:Exception/@locator", XPathConstants.STRING, this.context); String exceptiontext = (String) XML.xpath(xml, "//ows:ExceptionReport/ows:Exception/ows:ExceptionText", XPathConstants.STRING, this.context); String excpetion = "An Excpetion was thrown by the CSW: \n"; excpetion += "\texceptionCode: " + exceptionCode + "\n"; excpetion += "\tlocator: " + exceptionlocator + "\n"; excpetion += "\texceptiontext: " + exceptiontext + "\n"; LOG.error(excpetion, xml); return services; } String nodeListOfServicesExpr = "//csw:SearchResults//gmd:MD_Metadata"; NodeList servicesNL = (NodeList) XML.xpath(xml, nodeListOfServicesExpr, XPathConstants.NODESET, this.context); services = parseServices(servicesNL); } return services; } private String makeCapabiltiesURL(String url, String type) { if (url.endsWith("?") && type.toUpperCase().contains("WFS")) { return url + "service=wfs" + "&acceptversions=" + getVersionOfType(type) + "&request=GetCapabilities"; } if (!url.toUpperCase().contains("GETCAPABILITIES") && type.toUpperCase().contains("WFS")) { return url + "?service=wfs" + "&acceptversions=" + getVersionOfType(type) + "&request=GetCapabilities"; } return url; } private String getVersionOfType(String type) { String versionNumber = type.substring(type.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1); if ("2.0".equals(versionNumber)) { versionNumber = "2.0.0"; } else if ("1.0".equals(versionNumber)) { versionNumber = "1.0.0"; } else if ("1.1".equals(versionNumber)) { versionNumber = "1.1.0"; } return versionNumber; } /** * parses the services. * @param servicesNL node list of service entries * @return list of services * @throws MalformedURLException if url is wrong */ public List<Service> parseServices(NodeList servicesNL) throws MalformedURLException { List<Service> services = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < servicesNL.getLength(); i++) { Node serviceN = servicesNL.item(i); String nameExpr = GMD_IDENTIFICATION_INFO + SRV_SV_SERVICE_IDENTIFICATION + "/gmd:citation" + "/gmd:CI_Citation" + "/gmd:title" + GCO_CHARACTER_STRING; String serviceName = (String) XML.xpath(serviceN, nameExpr, XPathConstants.STRING, context); String restrictionExpr = GMD_IDENTIFICATION_INFO + SRV_SV_SERVICE_IDENTIFICATION + "/gmd:resourceConstraints" + "/gmd:MD_SecurityConstraints" + "/gmd:classification" + "/gmd:MD_ClassificationCode"; String restriction = (String) XML.xpath(serviceN, restrictionExpr, XPathConstants.STRING, context); boolean restricted = false; if ("restricted".equals(restriction)) { restricted = true; } String serviceTypeVersionExpr = GMD_IDENTIFICATION_INFO + SRV_SV_SERVICE_IDENTIFICATION + "/srv:serviceTypeVersion" + GCO_CHARACTER_STRING; String serviceTypeVersion = (String) XML.xpath(serviceN, serviceTypeVersionExpr, XPathConstants.STRING, context); String serviceURL = getServiceURL(serviceN); if (serviceTypeVersion.isEmpty()) { serviceTypeVersion = "ATOM"; } if (!serviceName.isEmpty() && serviceURL != null) { serviceURL = makeCapabiltiesURL(serviceURL, serviceTypeVersion); Service service = new Service(new URL(serviceURL), serviceName, restricted, ServiceType.guess(serviceTypeVersion)); services.add(service); } } return services; } private String getServiceURL(Node serviceNode) { String onLineExpr = "gmd:distributionInfo" + "/gmd:MD_Distribution" + "/gmd:transferOptions" + "/gmd:MD_DigitalTransferOptions" + "/gmd:onLine"; NodeList onlineNL = (NodeList) XML.xpath(serviceNode, onLineExpr, XPathConstants.NODESET, context); for (int j = 0; j < onlineNL.getLength(); j++) { Node onlineN = onlineNL.item(j); String urlExpr = "gmd:CI_OnlineResource" + GMD_LINKAGE + GMD_URL; String onLineserviceURL = (String) XML.xpath(onlineN, urlExpr, XPathConstants.STRING, context); String applicationprofileExpr = "gmd:CI_OnlineResource" + "/gmd:applicationProfile" + GCO_CHARACTER_STRING; String applicationProfile = (String) XML.xpath(onlineN, applicationprofileExpr, XPathConstants.STRING, context); applicationProfile = applicationProfile.toLowerCase(); if (applicationProfile.equals("wfs-url") || applicationProfile.equals("feed-url") || applicationProfile.equals("dienste-url") || applicationProfile.equals("download")) { return onLineserviceURL; } } String operationMetaDataExpr = GMD_IDENTIFICATION_INFO + SRV_SV_SERVICE_IDENTIFICATION + "/srv:containsOperations"; NodeList operationsMetadataNL = (NodeList) XML.xpath(serviceNode, operationMetaDataExpr, XPathConstants.NODESET, context); Node firstNode = null; for (int j = 0; j < operationsMetadataNL.getLength(); j++) { Node operationMetadataNode = operationsMetadataNL.item(j); if (j == 0) { firstNode = operationMetadataNode; } String operationsNameExpr = SV_OPERATION_METADATA + "/srv:operationName" + GCO_CHARACTER_STRING; String applicationProfile = (String) XML.xpath(operationMetadataNode, operationsNameExpr, XPathConstants.STRING, context); if (applicationProfile.equalsIgnoreCase("getcapabilities")) { String operationsURLExpr = SV_OPERATION_METADATA + "/srv:connectPoint" + "/gmd:CI_OnlineResource" + GMD_LINKAGE + GMD_URL; String operationsURL = (String) XML.xpath(operationMetadataNode, operationsURLExpr, XPathConstants.STRING, context); if (!operationsURL.isEmpty()) { return operationsURL; } } } if (firstNode != null) { String operationsURLExpr = SV_OPERATION_METADATA + "/srv:connectPoint" + "/gmd:CI_OnlineResource" + GMD_LINKAGE + GMD_URL; return (String) XML.xpath(firstNode, operationsURLExpr, XPathConstants.STRING, context); } return null; } private String loadXMLFilter(String search) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); try { InputStream stream = Misc.getResource(CSW_QUERY_FILEPATH); IOUtils.copy(stream, writer, "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } String xmlStr = writer.toString(); return xmlStr.replace("{SUCHBEGRIFF}", search); } /** * returns the catalog url. * @return the url of the catalog */ public URL getUrl() { return this.catalogURL; } }